It is not getting better

By how much it harms people. People benefit from having a climate which is the same as the climate that human civilization evolved with. I know tree huggers don't care much about humans, but we do.

Why do deniers think "What's the ideal temperature?" is some sort of difficult gotcha question? It's not. It's a very easy question to answer

The ice core data clearly shows the agricultural revolution, and the massive expansion of civilization at that time, was experiencing temperatures 4ºC higher than the 20th Century average ... currently we're only 1ºC over this average, and we're not expected to go any higher than 2.5ºC over this average in the next 300 years ... maybe read the IPCC report, AR5, 1WG, Fig 12-5 and associated text ... and worse ... human population DOUBLED as temperatures increased this one lousy degree ... did you try to be this wrong? ...

So what is the ideal temperature? ... if it's an easy answer than fucking answer it ... to the nearest whole degree ... and show your math, you also didn't answer how we're quantifying this `idealness` factor ... and you're not quantifying this "harmfulness" factor either ...

Would Russell Wallace say doubling the population was caused by harmful effects? ... I say no, but we only have Charles Darwin's word of that ...


If you want a philosophical discussion, start a threat over in the Philosophy forum ... I'm a carpenter, I take the murdered and butchered remains of trees and assemble them into ridiculous and embarrassing shapes ... for human comfort ... and I enjoy the sap-splattering work ... I love cats too, we should exchange recipes ... yeah, my philosophy is "Fuck you and the horse you rode in on" --- Fitzchivalry Farseer ...
The ideal temperature is anything warmer than the threshold for extensive continental glaciation in the northern hemisphere.

What is that threshold? ... in ºC ...

You do remember that "tipping points" have complicated thermodynamics ... are you sure your math is right? ...
By how much it harms people. People benefit from having a climate which is the same as the climate that human civilization evolved with. I know tree huggers don't care much about humans, but we do.

Why do deniers think "What's the ideal temperature?" is some sort of difficult gotcha question? It's not. It's a very easy question to answer

People benefit from having a climate which is the same as the climate that human civilization evolved with.

And what climate was that? When was that?
What is that threshold? ... in ºC ...

You do remember that "tipping points" have complicated thermodynamics ... are you sure your math is right? ...
~2C less than current. No math required. You can read it off of the oxygen isotope curve.
~2C less than current. No math required. You can read it off of the oxygen isotope curve.

Laws of Thermodynamics don't apply here ... I'm afraid you're mistaken ... we've seen 2ºC less than current ... that's only 1ºC less than 20th century average ... whatever you're reading doesn't represent reality ...

O-18 doesn't demonstrate any tipping points ... just equilibrium ... that's how isotope ratios work ...
Laws of Thermodynamics don't apply here ... I'm afraid you're mistaken ... we've seen 2ºC less than current ... that's only 1ºC less than 20th century average ... whatever you're reading doesn't represent reality ...

O-18 doesn't demonstrate any tipping points ... just equilibrium ... that's how isotope ratios work ...
The oxygen isotope curve is the earth's temperature record proxy. The temperature threshold for extensive continental glaciation of each pole can be easily read from it.


Englander 420kyr CO2-T-SL rev.jpg
The oxygen isotope curve is the earth's temperature record proxy. The temperature threshold for extensive continental glaciation of each pole can be easily read from it.

View attachment 740135

View attachment 740137

You have cause and effect backwards ... and you're only including kinetic energy in the environment ... how are you accounting for latent energy? ... did you forget that freezing occurs without a change in temperature? ...

First, temperature falls ... THEN O-18 levels go up and glaciers advance ... the question is what causes temperatures to change ...

Well, the answer is continental drift over these 10 million year intervals in your chart ... not the ice ...
You have cause and effect backwards ... and you're only including kinetic energy in the environment ... how are you accounting for latent energy? ... did you forget that freezing occurs without a change in temperature? ...

First, temperature falls ... THEN O-18 levels go up and glaciers advance ... the question is what causes temperatures to change ...

Well, the answer is continental drift over these 10 million year intervals in your chart ... not the ice ...
Extensive continental glaciation is a function of land mass distribution, thermal isolation of polar regions, orbital forcing and temperature. The oxygen isotope curve shows the threshold temperature where orbital forcing triggers glacial cycles.

So please stop with your gobbledygook about latent energy. The threshold for glaciation for our planet’s current landmass configuration can literally be read from the oxygen isotope curve.
And Frank here is faking quotes.

He knows he's faking quotes. It's been pointed out to him before.

Like I said, deniers _always_ lie.

And Frank here is faking quotes.

He knows he's faking quotes. It's been pointed out to him before.

Like I said, deniers _always_ lie.

Frank is quoting the words right out of Ottmar's mouth. And here are the rest of the assholes that have you believing you need to give all your money to the UN.

IN THEIR OWN WORDS. Including why our country is being destroyed:
A remark from Maurice Strong, who organized the first U.N. Earth Climate Summit (1992) in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil revealed the real goal: “We may get to the point where the only way of saving the world will be for industrialized civilization to collapse.”

That's us.

And here is them:
“The threat of environmental crisis will be the international disaster key to unlock the New World Order.”

It's not Frank that's lying to you, mamooth...
This warming is exactly what we need and we should also be blowing up ice fields to encourage them to float south and melt .

We will reduce ocean pollution by dilution .

We need more water and it is there in huge ice cubes waiting for us to liberate it.
Also ,
" Smash an iceberg a day ,
to keep warm at work and play "

Am trying to patent this so keep your thieving hands away from my goldmine .

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