"It is terrorism" Pope Francis calls Israeli killing of civilians in Gaza

Ancient lion

Thank your creator
Nov 22, 2010
The whole world is witnessing US-supported Israeli terrorists' war crimes.

he killing of civilians in Gaza, devastated by weeks of Israeli attacks, amounts to “terrorism,” Pope Francis said on Sunday.

“Some would say, ‘It is war. It is terrorism.’ Yes, it is war. It is terrorism,” Francis said at his weekly blessing at St. Peter's Square, speaking after reports emerged of Israeli snipers killing two Christian women in Gaza’s sole Catholic church.

Deploring "grave and painful news" from Gaza, including airstrikes on "unarmed civilians," he told Sunday mass worshipers: "Let us not forget our brothers suffering from wars in Ukraine, Palestine, Israel and other conflict regions. May Christmas' approach strengthen ways leading to peace."


The Zionists have lost their ever loving minds now. Making an enemy of the Church in Rome and one billion Catholics? wtf?

There is no way a Catholic Church is sheltering Hamas or a, "rocket launcher." This is the height of insane propaganda on the part of the IDF. :rolleyes:

Two women killed in Israeli attack on Holy Family parish in Gaza​


Holy Family Catholic church in Gaza

Heavy bombing in the area​

"Three other people were also wounded inside the church compound during the night attacks, while solar panels and water tanks, which are indispensable for the survival of the community, were destroyed.

The ongoing attack was reportedly justified by Israelis who claimed the presence of a rocket launcher in the parish. Despite the Patriarchate's intervention, the operation has not been halted. Israeli soldiers reportedly fired towards the parish compound and the civilians sheltering in the building.

Senseless tragedy​

The Latin Patriarchate of Jerusalem concluded expressing closeness and condolences to the families "affected by this senseless tragedy."

The Zionists have lost their ever loving minds now. Making an enemy of the Church in Rome and one billion Catholics? wtf?

There is no way a Catholic Church is sheltering Hamas or a, "rocket launcher." This is the height of insane propaganda on the part of the IDF. :rolleyes:

Two women killed in Israeli attack on Holy Family parish in Gaza​


Holy Family Catholic church in Gaza

Heavy bombing in the area​

"Three other people were also wounded inside the church compound during the night attacks, while solar panels and water tanks, which are indispensable for the survival of the community, were destroyed.

The ongoing attack was reportedly justified by Israelis who claimed the presence of a rocket launcher in the parish. Despite the Patriarchate's intervention, the operation has not been halted. Israeli soldiers reportedly fired towards the parish compound and the civilians sheltering in the building.

Senseless tragedy​

The Latin Patriarchate of Jerusalem concluded expressing closeness and condolences to the families "affected by this senseless tragedy."
There is ongoing assault against Catholics in Jerusalem. Israeli Children are taught to humiliate them in the streets. A Rabbi asked Christians to worship Jews. Bishops were asked to hide the cross..etc
There is ongoing assault against Catholics in Jerusalem. Israeli Children are taught to humiliate them in the streets. A Rabbi asked Christians to worship Jews. Bishops were asked to hide the cross..etc
Do you have any links for your despicable propaganda?

It flies in the face of what is reported in the press.
Israel is faced with the ultimate dilemma. Destroy Hamas and save their country or bring home 100 prisoners and lose their country. For my money, killing the baby killers is the right way to go. MAGA
There is ongoing assault against Catholics in Jerusalem. Israeli Children are taught to humiliate them in the streets. A Rabbi asked Christians to worship Jews. Bishops were asked to hide the cross..etc
they are more tolerant of evangelicals, aren't they?
Israel had the right to defend itself, but had to cross the line into genocide

That was a choice, not some ultimatum forced on them

They've worn out the world's patience hiding it behind racism aimed at them , and eventually will prove themselves no better than that which they seek destroyed

At that point, America will have a choice , with a heavy influence of zionists who've infiltrated our media & political system

The Zuck being no less than one.....

The Zionists have lost their ever loving minds now. Making an enemy of the Church in Rome and one billion Catholics? wtf?

There is no way a Catholic Church is sheltering Hamas or a, "rocket launcher." This is the height of insane propaganda on the part of the IDF. :rolleyes:

Two women killed in Israeli attack on Holy Family parish in Gaza​


Holy Family Catholic church in Gaza

Heavy bombing in the area​

"Three other people were also wounded inside the church compound during the night attacks, while solar panels and water tanks, which are indispensable for the survival of the community, were destroyed.

The ongoing attack was reportedly justified by Israelis who claimed the presence of a rocket launcher in the parish. Despite the Patriarchate's intervention, the operation has not been halted. Israeli soldiers reportedly fired towards the parish compound and the civilians sheltering in the building.

Senseless tragedy​

The Latin Patriarchate of Jerusalem concluded expressing closeness and condolences to the families "affected by this senseless tragedy."

There is no way a Catholic Church is sheltering Hamas or a, "rocket launcher."

Exactly! It's ridiculous!
Hamas wouldn't push a few nuns around; Muslim terrorists always respect other religions.
Israel had the right to defend itself, but had to cross the line into genocide

That was a choice, not some ultimatum forced on them

They've worn out the world's patience hiding it behind racism aimed at them , and eventually will prove themselves no better than that which they seek destroyed

At that point, America will have a choice , with a heavy influence of zionists who've infiltrated our media & political system

The Zuck being no less than one.....

What's the "line into genocide"?

Any specifics?
There is no way a Catholic Church is sheltering Hamas or a, "rocket launcher."

Exactly! It's ridiculous!
Hamas wouldn't push a few nuns around; Muslim terrorists always respect other religions.
I can see you don't know bupkiss about Catholic nuns, or in fact, the Catholic faith.

Yes, it is ridiculous. Positively.

Nuns would never be pushed around in such a way. They would choose their own death, rather than risk the death of others.
I can see you don't know bupkiss about Catholic nuns, or in fact, the Catholic faith.

Yes, it is ridiculous. Positively.

Nuns would never be pushed around in such a way. They would choose their own death, rather than risk the death of others.

Right. No Catholic has ever been pushed around by Muslims, ever.
If 100 Hamas members tried to push their way into a church, a single nun could stop them.
Israel is faced with the ultimate dilemma. Destroy Hamas and save their country or bring home 100 prisoners and lose their country. For my money, killing the baby killers is the right way to go. MAGA.
True, but Israel cannot use, "destroying Hamas," for every building destroyed, and every person it kills at this point.

Without positive proof? This narrative is going to going to get old, real quick.

These deaths were not cause by "dumb bombs," They were caused by snipers, and on the ground forces. This is no different than the My Lai massacre.

From the link;

Shot in cold blood​

"The victims are Nahida and her daughter Samar who were shot and killed as they walked to the Sister's Convent. "One was killed as she tried to carry the other to safety," the statement said.

Seven more people were reportedly also shot and wounded as they tried to protect those inside the church compound. The Patriarchate's statement noted, "No warning was given, no notification was provided. They were shot in cold blood inside the premises of the Parish, where there are no belligerents."
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Right. No Catholic has ever been pushed around by Muslims, ever.
If 100 Hamas members tried to push their way into a church, a single nun could stop them.
I'm am not going to sit here and argue with you.
Even if your narrative were true, which there is no evidence that it is. . . then the IDF is fucking evil for blaming and killing the victims.
And you are a piece of shit for defending the IDF.

You are living in denial and cognitive dissonance at this point.

I read the article. The folks they massacred were not Hamas.

This was clearly a war Crime. Go pound sand.


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I'm am not going to sit here and argue with you.
Even if your narrative were true, which there is no evidence that it is. . . then the IDF is fucking evil for blaming and killing the victims.
And you are a piece of shit for defending the IDF.

You are living in denial and cognitive dissonance at this point.

I read the article. The folks they massacred were not Hamas.

This was clearly a war Crime. Go pound sand.

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View attachment 876654

I'm am not going to sit here an argue with you.

Thank goodness. Because you sounded really silly.

Even if your narrative were true, which there is no evidence that it is.

No evidence that Muslims have pushed Catholics and Christians around?

then the IDF is fucking evil for blaming and killing the victims.

How do you know Hamas didn't kill them?
I'm am not going to sit here an argue with you.

Thank goodness. Because you sounded really silly.

Even if your narrative were true, which there is no evidence that it is.

No evidence that Muslims have pushed Catholics and Christians around?

then the IDF is fucking evil for blaming and killing the victims.

How do you know Hamas didn't kill them?
Wow. I used to once think you had integrity.

Now you are in full denial mode, and you are just throwing shit against the wall Todd.
. . . don't hurt your knees while you are down there for the Zion.

Wow. I used to once think you had integrity.

Now you are in full denial mode, and you are just throwing shit against the wall Todd.
. . . don't hurt your knees while you are down there for the Zion.

I would never deny that Muslims have killed many Christians over the years.
At this point, it's obvious who the media is siding with. That's why I'm leery of any tearjerking stories that attempt to illicit sympathy for Palestinians. The word genocide is being thrown around much like the word insurrection has been. It loses its effect after a while. But there is one thing for certain. Hamas massacred babies, women and other innocents while taking others hostage and hiding behind them. Hamas needs to die.
At this point, it's obvious who the media is siding with. That's why I'm leery of any tearjerking stories that attempt to illicit sympathy for Palestinians. The word genocide is being thrown around much like the word insurrection has been. It loses its effect after a while. ...
Agreed. It is impossible to have conversations when the language is tainted with the assumption of Israeli (read: Jewish) evil. With that as the starting place, the onus is on the Israeli (Jew) to de-toxify the language before any individual event, like this one, can be discussed. And, of course, the assumption of evil can never truly be dismantled. Because, well, it always comes back to, "but it's a genocide".

The information we have about this particular event is that Hamas was operating out of, or very near, the church, with RPGs targeting IDF soldiers.

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