It just dawned on me? God didnt create sin

Sin was created when God said "Do this and don't do that". He made it a rigged system when he created beings that often find "sins" to be pleasurable. The creation story has it right in there where he baited Adam and Eve with the fruit of a tree and then created a serpent to tempt them. It was a set-up from the beginning.
Sin was created when God said "Do this and don't do that". He made it a rigged system when he created beings that often find "sins" to be pleasurable. The creation story has it right in there where he baited Adam and Eve with the fruit of a tree and then created a serpent to tempt them. It was a set-up from the beginning.
Ah yes, but God gave some of US intelligence that we are supposed to use, instead of acting like animals (like a liberal) and seeking pleasures unnaturally. That is where God gave US a choice, follow Lucifer or follow the 10 Commandments. Do you follow Lucifer?

Saul Alinsky's Rules for Radicals
Opening page - Dedication
“Lest we forget at least an over-the-shoulder acknowledgment to the very first radical: from all our legends, mythology, and history... the first radical known to man who rebelled against the establishment and did it so effectively that he at least won his own kingdom — Lucifer.”
Why else do you see liberals constantly attacking the morals of good men who want to keep the Commandments out where people can see them?
Nor was Eve the first, it was Lucifer an angel who did the first sin in heaven, when he brought other fallen angels with him
God made the rules

How is bringing angels a sin? God did much worse things than Lucifer ever did. God killed innocent children, puppies and kittens. God killed the first born of Egypt.

What did Lucifer ever do that is comparable?
Sin was created when God said "Do this and don't do that". He made it a rigged system when he created beings that often find "sins" to be pleasurable. The creation story has it right in there where he baited Adam and Eve with the fruit of a tree and then created a serpent to tempt them. It was a set-up from the beginning.
Ah yes, but God gave some of US intelligence that we are supposed to use, instead of acting like animals (like a liberal) and seeking pleasures unnaturally. That is where God gave US a choice, follow Lucifer or follow the 10 Commandments. Do you follow Lucifer?
Yo know there were no 10 commandments for Adam and Eve, don't you?
Sin was created when God said "Do this and don't do that". He made it a rigged system when he created beings that often find "sins" to be pleasurable. The creation story has it right in there where he baited Adam and Eve with the fruit of a tree and then created a serpent to tempt them. It was a set-up from the beginning.
Ah yes, but God gave some of US intelligence that we are supposed to use, instead of acting like animals (like a liberal) and seeking pleasures unnaturally. That is where God gave US a choice, follow Lucifer or follow the 10 Commandments. Do you follow Lucifer?
Yo know there were no 10 commandments for Adam and Eve, don't you?
They had only one.
Nor was Eve the first, it was Lucifer an angel who did the first sin in heaven, when he brought other fallen angels with him
Nor was Eve the first, it was Lucifer an angel who did the first sin in heaven, when he brought other fallen angels with him
Sin was created when God said "Do this and don't do that". He made it a rigged system when he created beings that often find "sins" to be pleasurable. The creation story has it right in there where he baited Adam and Eve with the fruit of a tree and then created a serpent to tempt them. It was a set-up from the beginning.
Ah yes, but God gave some of US intelligence that we are supposed to use, instead of acting like animals (like a liberal) and seeking pleasures unnaturally. That is where God gave US a choice, follow Lucifer or follow the 10 Commandments. Do you follow Lucifer?

Saul Alinsky's Rules for Radicals
Opening page - Dedication
“Lest we forget at least an over-the-shoulder acknowledgment to the very first radical: from all our legends, mythology, and history... the first radical known to man who rebelled against the establishment and did it so effectively that he at least won his own kingdom — Lucifer.”
Why else do you see liberals constantly attacking the morals of good men who want to keep the Commandments out where people can see them?
Too bad being a judgemental jackass is not a sin, oh wait, it is. See you in Hell.
Nor was Eve the first, it was Lucifer an angel who did the first sin in heaven, when he brought other fallen angels with him
God made the rules

How is bringing angels a sin? God did much worse things than Lucifer ever did. God killed innocent children, puppies and kittens. God killed the first born of Egypt.

What did Lucifer ever do that is comparable?

Think he brought the fallin angeles with him to Hade.

Then he inticed Eve to sin. He killed Job's family.

Btw what the heck was Noah's wifes name?
Sin was created when God said "Do this and don't do that". He made it a rigged system when he created beings that often find "sins" to be pleasurable. The creation story has it right in there where he baited Adam and Eve with the fruit of a tree and then created a serpent to tempt them. It was a set-up from the beginning.
Ah yes, but God gave some of US intelligence that we are supposed to use, instead of acting like animals (like a liberal) and seeking pleasures unnaturally. That is where God gave US a choice, follow Lucifer or follow the 10 Commandments. Do you follow Lucifer?
Yo know there were no 10 commandments for Adam and Eve, don't you?

Janes 4:17 it also goes for the non believers
Nor was Eve the first, it was Lucifer an angel who did the first sin in heaven, when he brought other fallen angels with him
God created man and man sins, thus God created sin

Lucifer was an angel, they are not human and are below us. Besides what are we? Jeremiah 1:5 God knew us before he created us in the flesh
You know, a lot of people have funny ideas about original sin and what it was.

Sorry, but in the Hebrew (the original language of the OT), it says that God had tasked Lucifer with tempting Adam and Eve. Lucifer did his job, only he did it a little too well, because Eve took the apple, gave it to Adam, and both had a bite. God shows back up and notices they are different. He then asks them about the apple, and why they did it, and Adam blames Eve, Eve blames the serpent, and neither of them take responsibility for their actions.

The original sin was not taking responsibility for ones own actions and trying to blame someone else. If Adam had said he was curious and that is why he took a bite, then apologized and took responsibility for his actions, as well as Eve, I'm pretty sure the world would have turned out a whole lot different.

As far as the 10 Commandments? Those are there to ensure the survival of the human race.
Nor was Eve the first, it was Lucifer an angel who did the first sin in heaven, when he brought other fallen angels with him
God made the rules

How is bringing angels a sin? God did much worse things than Lucifer ever did. God killed innocent children, puppies and kittens. God killed the first born of Egypt.

What did Lucifer ever do that is comparable?

Think he brought the fallin angeles with him to Hade.

Then he inticed Eve to sin. He killed Job's family.

Btw what the heck was Noah's wifes name?
What is so bad about tempting Eve to commit the horrible sin of eating forbidden (oh the horror)

Vs God flooding the earth and killing innocent people and animals?
Nor was Eve the first, it was Lucifer an angel who did the first sin in heaven, when he brought other fallen angels with him
God created man and man sins, thus God created sin

Lucifer was an angel, they are not human and are below us. Besides what are we? Jeremiah 1:5 God knew us before he created us in the flesh
We are Gods children.....................Which means we will create life as he did

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