It looks as if the American People will finally get their crumbling infrastructure repaired and renewed!

And he did. He worked out a viable deal in Afghanistan last year. Too bad you tied him up so long with empty investigations and impeachments.

In a pig's eye. 75% of what the Infra Bill calls for is nothing but pork spending for the Left's personal pet projects.
Yea…that’s what Republicans always say to justify doing…. Nothing
Now that the Republicans know that the Democrat filth will lose the House and Senate next year because of President Potatohead's fuck ups in Afghanistan then they will be less likely to compromise in the Senate.

That is the one good thing about McConnell.
What infrastructure bill did McCain sabatoge?

The Health Care Infrastructure bill, most specifically. President Trump proposed getting rid of the Obamacare Atrocity in favor tremendous healthcare at unbelievable savings.

The savings could have been used to repair our bridges and roads.
The Health Care Infrastructure bill, most specifically. President Trump proposed getting rid of the Obamacare Atrocity in favor tremendous healthcare at unbelievable savings.

The savings could have been used to repair our bridges and roads.
Now you claim healthcare is infrastructure? Well then you’re on board with the next bill.

Oh and destroying the ACA is not building infrastructure
View attachment 530502
"We have a great plan and we are going to rebuild our infrastructure.
By the way, her [Hillary Clinton] numbers [$275 billion] is a fraction of what we’re talking about,
we need much more money than that to rebuild our infrastructure.
Well I would say at least double her numbers and you’re going to

really need more than that. We have bridges that are falling down!"
Trump, August 2, 2016

Americans finally have a President who can achieve what the former guy only blew gas about:

As Congress debates, most Americans back Biden's trillion-dollar spending bills

The ambitious and expensive Democratic spending bills being debated on Capitol Hill have a big advantage: Most Americans support them.
The $1 trillion infrastructure bill was backed by 63% of Americans in a new USA TODAY/Suffolk University Poll. And the $3.5 trillion budget plan, the most significant expansion of the social safety net since LBJ's Great Society, was endorsed by 52%.
The infrastructure bill, which has passed the Senate and is scheduled to be voted on by the House late next month, was forged across partisan lines and is backed by 36% of Republicans as well as nearly all Democrats. The massive budget reconciliation measure, which so far has drawn only Democratic votes, was supported by 9 of 10 Democrats, 1 in 5 Republicans and close to half of independents.
Yeah Trump wanted out of Afghanistan, he never wanting us in. He didn't want to arm the taliban and leave our people behind like pedo Joe and his Ho have done though.

It looks as if the American People will finally get their crumbling infrastructure repaired and renewed!​


The fact that anybody actually believes this shit should be remarkable.
LMAO the Dem drones are so naïve. It's just another Dem slush fund barely 10% is for "infrastructure" and half of that will get siphoned off into Dem coffers so NO our infrastructure will not be repaired. :itsok:

I'm sure the infrastructure bill will provide the American people results as remarkable as Sleepy Joes withdraw from Afghanistan.




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"We have a great plan and we are going to rebuild our infrastructure.
By the way, her [Hillary Clinton] numbers [$275 billion] is a fraction of what we’re talking about,
we need much more money than that to rebuild our infrastructure.
Well I would say at least double her numbers and you’re going to

really need more than that. We have bridges that are falling down!"
Trump, August 2, 2016

Americans finally have a President who can achieve what the former guy only blew gas about:

As Congress debates, most Americans back Biden's trillion-dollar spending bills

The ambitious and expensive Democratic spending bills being debated on Capitol Hill have a big advantage: Most Americans support them.
The $1 trillion infrastructure bill was backed by 63% of Americans in a new USA TODAY/Suffolk University Poll. And the $3.5 trillion budget plan, the most significant expansion of the social safety net since LBJ's Great Society, was endorsed by 52%.
The infrastructure bill, which has passed the Senate and is scheduled to be voted on by the House late next month, was forged across partisan lines and is backed by 36% of Republicans as well as nearly all Democrats. The massive budget reconciliation measure, which so far has drawn only Democratic votes, was supported by 9 of 10 Democrats, 1 in 5 Republicans and close to half of independents.
/——-/ Don’t be so naive and gullible. Infrastructure was supposed to be fixed under Obozo and his shovel ready jobs.
Remember how Pelosi held up infrastructure plans for 4 years while she tried and failed at impeaching president Trump every waking day between 2016 and 2020?
Pelosi and her band of Dem assholes blocked common sense legislation just to spitefully deny Trump a win. And by that I mean Pelosi refused to accept the will of the American people who voted Trump POTUS. When a Dem wins Dems proclaim the people have spoken and the GOP needs to work with Dems. When a Rep wins Dems deny the legitimacy of the election ignoring the will of the people.
He did?


And yet he never got that GOP Congress to approve a DIME in four years
Which 4 years did he have the GOP controlling the House (which is where spending starts)? Name them.
Trump wants credit for doing nothing?!?! :rolleyes-41:

Credit for NOTHING?
Trump didn't arm the taliban, but Joe and his HO gave them billions $$$$$ in military equipment that they will use to murder, torture, and rape...Yes I give TRUMP CREDIT for giving the taliban NOTHING.
Which bills came to a vote?

Which bills were ever proposed?
You said, "And yet he never got that GOP Congress to approve a DIME in four years". I'd like to know what 4 years he had a GOP Congress to work with. I know it would mess with your Orange Man Bad narrative, but try, really try.

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