It looks like suspicions were true about the Covenent Trans School Shooter, and why their Manifest was hidden

Mr. Friscus

Diamond Member
Dec 28, 2020
Transgender killer Audrey Hale wrote about her 'imaginary penis' and how she would 'kill' to get puberty blockers in the weeks before her horrific attack on the Covenant School in Nashville last year.

Hale wrote about anger toward her parents, how she hated her conservative Christian upbringing, and how she had suffered because hormone blockers were not available when she was as a child.

Leftists and media wanted this Manifesto buried, as it gave the reasons for the shooting. They wanted it hidden to protect the ideal of transgenderism as an entirely 100% pure, and all who claim it are complete peaceful victims, completely sound of mind.

No, this was a confused, depressed, raging individual who decided to commit an act of terror against Christians and Conservatives, among other things.

Sounds like a hate crime by modern leftist standards. Leftists and media routinely blame the race, the political ideology, etc. for those who even mention such reasons when some male, supposed right-wing, white kid commits such an act. Their manifestos are known and front page news by the days end.

This one took a year to even get part of, and was routinely stone-walled and hidden from the public. Meanwhile, I doubt all the alphabet media and entertainment media like "The View" will accuse Transgenderism of causing this sort of violence, as they do with conservatism or being white.
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Democrats believe there are 47 genders, work hard to let men who think they're women play women's sports.

Yeah, they're nucking futs and taking us down with them.
They just hold different standards for different groups. They suppress negative anecdotes from supposed victim groups while pasting the worst anecdotes over everyone in the groups they seem to oppose or hold disdain for.

In one case the anecdote means nothing to the victim group x. on the other it means there’s a problem with everyone who is x.
Transgender killer Audrey Hale wrote about her 'imaginary penis' and how she would 'kill' to get puberty blockers in the weeks before her horrific attack on the Covenant School in Nashville last year.

Hale wrote about anger toward her parents, how she hated her conservative Christian upbringing, and how she had suffered because hormone blockers were not available when she was as a child.

Leftists and media wanted this Manifesto buried, as it gave the reasons for the shooting. They wanted it hidden to protect the ideal of transgenderism as an entirely 100% pure, and all who claim it are complete peaceful victims, completely sound of mind.

No, this was a confused, depressed, raging individual who decided to commit an act of terror against Christians and Conservatives, among other things.

Sounds like a hate crime by modern leftist standards. Leftists and media routinely blame the race, the political ideology, etc. for those who even mention such reasons when some male, supposed right-wing, white kid commits such an act. Their manifestos are known and front page news by the days end.

This one took a year to even get part of, and was routinely stone-walled and hidden from the public. Meanwhile, I doubt all the alphabet media and entertainment media like "The View" will accuse Transgenderism of causing this sort of violence, as they do with conservatism or being white.
You have one example after all these years?
Transgender killer Audrey Hale wrote about her 'imaginary penis' and how she would 'kill' to get puberty blockers in the weeks before her horrific attack on the Covenant School in Nashville last year.

Hale wrote about anger toward her parents, how she hated her conservative Christian upbringing, and how she had suffered because hormone blockers were not available when she was as a child.

Leftists and media wanted this Manifesto buried, as it gave the reasons for the shooting. They wanted it hidden to protect the ideal of transgenderism as an entirely 100% pure, and all who claim it are complete peaceful victims, completely sound of mind.

No, this was a confused, depressed, raging individual who decided to commit an act of terror against Christians and Conservatives, among other things.

Sounds like a hate crime by modern leftist standards. Leftists and media routinely blame the race, the political ideology, etc. for those who even mention such reasons when some male, supposed right-wing, white kid commits such an act. Their manifestos are known and front page news by the days end.

This one took a year to even get part of, and was routinely stone-walled and hidden from the public. Meanwhile, I doubt all the alphabet media and entertainment media like "The View" will accuse Transgenderism of causing this sort of violence, as they do with conservatism or being white.
Nah. The real reason the "manifesto" was not released was because she is white. You know how the Tennesee authorities love their white folks!

They released other white shooter manifestos very quickly. Nothing to do with skin color here. Pathetic attempt
LOL So, Tennessee a solid red state is protecting its trans community? A right-wing solid Christian do-gooders state is so scared of ruffling feathers of the trans group that they would go out of their way to protect the trans. Yeah and I have a bridge that you can buy.

But, yeah I admit it is far fetched that they are protecting the whites but hey, if you retards can make stuff up, why can’t I?
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Transgender killer Audrey Hale wrote about her 'imaginary penis' and how she would 'kill' to get puberty blockers in the weeks before her horrific attack on the Covenant School in Nashville last year.

Hale wrote about anger toward her parents, how she hated her conservative Christian upbringing, and how she had suffered because hormone blockers were not available when she was as a child.

Leftists and media wanted this Manifesto buried, as it gave the reasons for the shooting. They wanted it hidden to protect the ideal of transgenderism as an entirely 100% pure, and all who claim it are complete peaceful victims, completely sound of mind.

No, this was a confused, depressed, raging individual who decided to commit an act of terror against Christians and Conservatives, among other things.

Sounds like a hate crime by modern leftist standards. Leftists and media routinely blame the race, the political ideology, etc. for those who even mention such reasons when some male, supposed right-wing, white kid commits such an act. Their manifestos are known and front page news by the days end.

This one took a year to even get part of, and was routinely stone-walled and hidden from the public. Meanwhile, I doubt all the alphabet media and entertainment media like "The View" will accuse Transgenderism of causing this sort of violence, as they do with conservatism or being white.

We knew this, yet it's tragic.

Not much hubbub about Pride Month this year, thank God. Maybe we're finally moving past this particular Moral Panic
LOL So, Tennessee a solid red state is protecting its trans community?
You do know that city police departments and governments often have nothing to do with the state government.

Very blue cities can be in red states.

I can’t believe I have to even explain this
Don’t forget the Muslim that shot up the Gay nightclub in Orlando. The point being is that the media suppresses incidents that run counter to their agenda.
I know a young woman, friend of a friend, who was actually there when all that happened. She noted on FB that there were 2 men with guns. She was unharmed, but the next day her FB post had been removed.

The Pulse was another staged event, inside job.
I know a young woman, friend of a friend, who was actually there when all that happened. She noted on FB that there were 2 men with guns. She was unharmed, but the next day her FB post had been removed.

The Pulse was another staged event, inside job.
There was another shooting down in Texas I recall like 5-7 years ago that the shooter was not much mentioned.

You can line up all the major school/public shootings and observe the difference in how the shooter and their race/political Leanings are proclaimed or ignored.. and it will 100% line up with the left suppressing “victim class” shooters while condemning white, supposed conservative tied shooters, holding all whites and conservatives accountable
Step one for all transgenders is they are unsound in the mind

Why leftists should not be allowed to breed. They produce the moral and intellectual weakness that allows children to be convinced that they were born in the wrong body.


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