It really bugs me the rightwing thinks Americans are "exceptional"

All I ask is that you leave my country, the sooner the better. This isn't the place for you, and it was never meant to be.
Paints his toenails doesn't want Conservative to leave, at least not with their money. Who the hell does he think pays for all the shit his kind give away for votes?

We should all do a walkout like the illegals do, see some industry really shut down. Oh wait we better not, that is exactly who would get our jobs.
We can hire people to dig ditches and fight our wars eh?
Obama doesn't give a damn about the blacks, either. He just uses them for 'theater' whenever he needs some. They think he's 'one of them' but he isn't.

His roots are closer to the Arabs who captured and sold Africans than to any American black decendants of Africans.

The left wingers all around the world and especially in this country are complete disasters. I swear I am noit exaggerating when I say I would not piss on them if they were on fire. They deserve all of the ridicule they get from me, and I wish nothing but bad things on all of them.

No exceptions.
When I compare other countries to us, like anything else we have certain strengths and weaknesses. We could learn a lesson from many countries when it comes to education and how they do it, but we have too much blind pride to change it. Take a lesson from Finland, they know how to educate. I also notice the lack of litter and the cleanliness. Here there are tons of garbage along our roads, highways, etc. Our cities are filthy and dirty. We also have certain things that are better here. If that touches a nerve, get over it. The first step to becoming great is noticing all your faults.
When I compare other countries to us, like anything else we have certain strengths and weaknesses. We could learn a lesson from many countries when it comes to education and how they do it, but we have too much blind pride to change it. Take a lesson from Finland, they know how to educate. I also notice the lack of litter and the cleanliness. Here there are tons of garbage along our roads, highways, etc. Our cities are filthy and dirty. We also have certain things that are better here. If that touches a nerve, get over it. The first step to becoming great is noticing all your faults.

What are the faults in those socialist countries? So long as we are noticing faults.

There is no such thing as a utopia. Besides, if we actually raised academic standards, a certain group would cry racism when they get left behind. Don't believe me?

This dates back to the Gratz vs Bollinger case that went to the supreme court.


The University of Michigan used a 150-point scale to rank applicants, with 100 points needed to guarantee admission. The University gave underrepresented ethnic groups, including African-Americans, Hispanics, and Native Americans, an automatic 20-point bonus towards their score, while a perfect SAT score was worth 12 points.[2]

The petitioners, Jennifer Gratz and Patrick Hamacher, both white residents of Michigan, applied for admission to the University of Michigan's College of Literature, Science, and the Arts (LSA). Gratz applied for admission in the fall of 1995 and Hamacher in the fall of 1997. Both were subsequently denied admission to the university. Gratz and Hamacher were contacted by the Center for Individual Rights, which filed a lawsuit on their behalf in October 1997. The case was filed in the United States District Court for the Eastern District of Michigan against the University of Michigan, the LSA, James Duderstadt, and Lee Bollinger. Duderstadt was president of the university while Gratz's application was under consideration, and Bollinger while Hamacher's was under consideration. Their class-action lawsuit alleged "violations and threatened violations of the rights of the plaintiffs and the class they represent to equal protection of the laws under the Fourteenth Amendment... and for racial discrimination."

Like Grutter, the case was heard in District Court, appealed to the Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals, and asked to be heard before the Supreme Court.


Yes, a certain minority group led by the Al Sharpton types argued that that minority group should be accepted based on color of skin, even if they tested lower.

The point is many of those European countries do not have the mass diversity and politically correct politicians making decisions.

That, is the main problem in this country. Too many of these damn politicians (including republicans) make all of their decisions based on political expediency regardless of whether or not it is good for the country or not.

That, is the problem.
Many times. And this country is my country, not yours. You don't belong here.

Only people of your political leanings belong here right?

All I ask is that you leave my country, the sooner the better. This isn't the place for you, and it was never meant to be.

It's you progressive assholes that want to change everything about this country. Why don't you leave for a fucking commie country, you would already have it your way. Your attitude proves you are a commie too, you want everyone who doesn't share your views to leave. That is as un American as it gets.
Un-American is not being Liberal in a Liberal Nation founded by Liberals using Liberalism. If you don't like it then get the fuck out, it wasn't founded for your kind.

Then you should get rid of the Big Government Liberals and vote in the classical Liberals who were for freedom from big government.
Many times. And this country is my country, not yours. You don't belong here.

Only people of your political leanings belong here right?

All I ask is that you leave my country, the sooner the better. This isn't the place for you, and it was never meant to be.

It's you progressive assholes that want to change everything about this country. Why don't you leave for a fucking commie country, you would already have it your way. Your attitude proves you are a commie too, you want everyone who doesn't share your views to leave. That is as un American as it gets.
Un-American is not being Liberal in a Liberal Nation founded by Liberals using Liberalism. If you don't like it then get the fuck out, it wasn't founded for your kind.

Then you should get rid of the Big Government Liberals and vote in the classical Liberals who were for freedom from big government.
We don't have a big government, you just think that it is. Do we have the government you used to have when you lived in a tiny cabin you built yourself and got your water from a stream? Nope, but we no longer live that way either. Times change, change with them, they did.
Paints his toenails doesn't want Conservative to leave, at least not with their money. Who the hell does he think pays for all the shit his kind give away for votes?
We need you like a hole in the head. Take your God, and your Guns, and Go. You aren't wanted.

Nice to know you are against the original Liberators of Big Government our founders.
You really do hate the Constitution don't you?
Many times. And this country is my country, not yours. You don't belong here.

Only people of your political leanings belong here right?

All I ask is that you leave my country, the sooner the better. This isn't the place for you, and it was never meant to be.

It's you progressive assholes that want to change everything about this country. Why don't you leave for a fucking commie country, you would already have it your way. Your attitude proves you are a commie too, you want everyone who doesn't share your views to leave. That is as un American as it gets.
Un-American is not being Liberal in a Liberal Nation founded by Liberals using Liberalism. If you don't like it then get the fuck out, it wasn't founded for your kind.

Then you should get rid of the Big Government Liberals and vote in the classical Liberals who were for freedom from big government.
We don't have a big government, you just think that it is. Do we have the government you used to have when you lived in a tiny cabin you built yourself and got your water from a stream? Nope, but we no longer live that way either. Times change, change with them, they did.

It's huge and has too many duplicate and triple programs that is unnecessary, because of that it has become unmanageable.
Even President Obama has said this.
Paints his toenails doesn't want Conservative to leave, at least not with their money. Who the hell does he think pays for all the shit his kind give away for votes?
We need you like a hole in the head. Take your God, and your Guns, and Go. You aren't wanted.

Nice to know you are against the original Liberators of Big Government our founders.
You really do hate the Constitution don't you?
My people wrote the Constitution and Founded this Liberal Nation. You are free to leave, I'll help you pack.
Many times. And this country is my country, not yours. You don't belong here.

Only people of your political leanings belong here right?

All I ask is that you leave my country, the sooner the better. This isn't the place for you, and it was never meant to be.

It's you progressive assholes that want to change everything about this country. Why don't you leave for a fucking commie country, you would already have it your way. Your attitude proves you are a commie too, you want everyone who doesn't share your views to leave. That is as un American as it gets.
Un-American is not being Liberal in a Liberal Nation founded by Liberals using Liberalism. If you don't like it then get the fuck out, it wasn't founded for your kind.

Then you should get rid of the Big Government Liberals and vote in the classical Liberals who were for freedom from big government.
We don't have a big government, you just think that it is. Do we have the government you used to have when you lived in a tiny cabin you built yourself and got your water from a stream? Nope, but we no longer live that way either. Times change, change with them, they did.

It's huge and has too many duplicate and triple programs that is unnecessary, because of that it has become unmanageable.
Even President Obama has said this.
It has waste, like all human creations, but it is hardly huge.
No actually America had to become strong before liberalism started to destroy it.

Liberalism created America; that's the fact.

OK, OK, that's not quite accurate, I know. It's intentionally colloquialized. Lemme fix it so it's technically correct:
Liberalism created the United States of America. The rest of the two continents, their mileage may vary.
The founding fathers were against high taxes and a nanny state. Liberalism cannot exist without the two.
Liberalism is what this nation is founded upon. If you don't like it then get the fuck out.

Liberals at anytime, never tell someone to get the fuck out.
Well they didn't exactly invite the British to stay now did they? Sometimes you need a Second Amendment solution, isn't that what you people say?

Correct. We The People stand behind The Second Amendment. The British invaded US and tried to impose their laws on US. We The People have no interest in foreigners, British, and otherwise, imposing their laws and their will on US.
Many times. And this country is my country, not yours. You don't belong here.

Only people of your political leanings belong here right?

All I ask is that you leave my country, the sooner the better. This isn't the place for you, and it was never meant to be.

It's you progressive assholes that want to change everything about this country. Why don't you leave for a fucking commie country, you would already have it your way. Your attitude proves you are a commie too, you want everyone who doesn't share your views to leave. That is as un American as it gets.
Un-American is not being Liberal in a Liberal Nation founded by Liberals using Liberalism. If you don't like it then get the fuck out, it wasn't founded for your kind.

Then you should get rid of the Big Government Liberals and vote in the classical Liberals who were for freedom from big government.
We don't have a big government, you just think that it is. Do we have the government you used to have when you lived in a tiny cabin you built yourself and got your water from a stream? Nope, but we no longer live that way either. Times change, change with them, they did.

You are right....the sad point is people like you are very ignorant about what the Federal government is spending OUR tax money on.
You ok with the following expenditures that have NOTHING to do with the common defense of the country?

- spend $2.6 million to make sure prostitutes in China drink less on the job.
- $1.44 million in federal funds estimating the size of the population and examining the “social milieu” of male prostitutes in Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam.
- The Interior Department spent nearly $100,000 to install an outhouse on an Alaskan trail, which includes a single toilet with no internal plumbing.
- Study to find out if couples are happier when the woman calms down after argument: $335,525. “Marriages that were the happiest were the ones in which the wives were able to calm down quickly during marital conflict,” found a study of 81 couples funded by the National Institutes of Health.
- Booze and crystal for the State Department: $5.4 million.The State Department went on a bender the week before the government shutdown, purchasing $5 million of “exquisite”crystal glassware to presumably drink the $400,000 in booze they purchased in 2013.
- Seven-figure stack of rocks at the London Embassy: $1 million. The American Embassy in London will be receiving a granite sculpture from an artist “whose work resembles stacked piles of paving stones,” according to the Daily Mail.
Screen Shot 2015-02-03 at 7.56.11 AM.png

YEA our administration needs another pile of rocks as they need more rocks in their heads!
Paints his toenails doesn't want Conservative to leave, at least not with their money. Who the hell does he think pays for all the shit his kind give away for votes?
We need you like a hole in the head. Take your God, and your Guns, and Go. You aren't wanted.

Nice to know you are against the original Liberators of Big Government our founders.
You really do hate the Constitution don't you?
My people wrote the Constitution and Founded this Liberal Nation. You are free to leave, I'll help you pack.

Our Founders wrote it for every American and the Constitution Limits our Federal Government. It's called Freedom.
You want a monster of a big government that takes our freedoms from us you should leave and live in Europe.
They have their Socialist programs that control the masses. If you like being controlled like that then that's where you belong.
Many times. And this country is my country, not yours. You don't belong here.

Only people of your political leanings belong here right?

All I ask is that you leave my country, the sooner the better. This isn't the place for you, and it was never meant to be.

It's you progressive assholes that want to change everything about this country. Why don't you leave for a fucking commie country, you would already have it your way. Your attitude proves you are a commie too, you want everyone who doesn't share your views to leave. That is as un American as it gets.
Un-American is not being Liberal in a Liberal Nation founded by Liberals using Liberalism. If you don't like it then get the fuck out, it wasn't founded for your kind.

Then you should get rid of the Big Government Liberals and vote in the classical Liberals who were for freedom from big government.
We don't have a big government, you just think that it is. Do we have the government you used to have when you lived in a tiny cabin you built yourself and got your water from a stream? Nope, but we no longer live that way either. Times change, change with them, they did.

You are right....the sad point is people like you are very ignorant about what the Federal government is spending OUR tax money on.
You ok with the following expenditures that have NOTHING to do with the common defense of the country?

- spend $2.6 million to make sure prostitutes in China drink less on the job.
- $1.44 million in federal funds estimating the size of the population and examining the “social milieu” of male prostitutes in Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam.
- The Interior Department spent nearly $100,000 to install an outhouse on an Alaskan trail, which includes a single toilet with no internal plumbing.
- Study to find out if couples are happier when the woman calms down after argument: $335,525. “Marriages that were the happiest were the ones in which the wives were able to calm down quickly during marital conflict,” found a study of 81 couples funded by the National Institutes of Health.
- Booze and crystal for the State Department: $5.4 million.The State Department went on a bender the week before the government shutdown, purchasing $5 million of “exquisite”crystal glassware to presumably drink the $400,000 in booze they purchased in 2013.
- Seven-figure stack of rocks at the London Embassy: $1 million. The American Embassy in London will be receiving a granite sculpture from an artist “whose work resembles stacked piles of paving stones,” according to the Daily Mail.
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YEA our administration needs another pile of rocks as they need more rocks in their heads!
Real money in the US starts in Billions. Millions don't even count.

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