It really bugs me the rightwing thinks Americans are "exceptional"

Paints his toenails doesn't want Conservative to leave, at least not with their money. Who the hell does he think pays for all the shit his kind give away for votes?
We need you like a hole in the head. Take your God, and your Guns, and Go. You aren't wanted.

Nice to know you are against the original Liberators of Big Government our founders.
You really do hate the Constitution don't you?
My people wrote the Constitution and Founded this Liberal Nation. You are free to leave, I'll help you pack.

Our Founders wrote it for every American and the Constitution Limits our Federal Government. It's called Freedom.
You want a monster of a big government that takes our freedoms from us you should leave and live in Europe.
They have their Socialist programs that control the masses. If you like being controlled like that then that's where you belong.
Every American, then how come most of them couldn't vote? The Founders were Liberal Elites. The pitchforks were never supposed to have any power. And your freedoms, we granted those to you.

Keep your Sunday School American history and Socialism to yourself.
Paints his toenails doesn't want Conservative to leave, at least not with their money. Who the hell does he think pays for all the shit his kind give away for votes?
We need you like a hole in the head. Take your God, and your Guns, and Go. You aren't wanted.

Nice to know you are against the original Liberators of Big Government our founders.
You really do hate the Constitution don't you?
My people wrote the Constitution and Founded this Liberal Nation. You are free to leave, I'll help you pack.

Our Founders wrote it for every American and the Constitution Limits our Federal Government. It's called Freedom.
You want a monster of a big government that takes our freedoms from us you should leave and live in Europe.
They have their Socialist programs that control the masses. If you like being controlled like that then that's where you belong.
Every American, then how come most of them couldn't vote? The Founders were Liberal Elites. The pitchforks were never supposed to have any power. And your freedoms, we granted those to you.

Keep your Sunday School American history and Socialism to yourself.

I see that you are lacking sorely in our American History.
You should read up on it before you make uneducated statements like that.
Obama doesn't give a damn about the blacks, either. He just uses them for 'theater' whenever he needs some. They think he's 'one of them' but he isn't.

His roots are closer to the Arabs who captured and sold Africans than to any American black decendants of Africans.

The left wingers all around the world and especially in this country are complete disasters. I swear I am noit exaggerating when I say I would not piss on them if they were on fire. They deserve all of the ridicule they get from me, and I wish nothing but bad things on all of them.

No exceptions.
How exactly did you find this forum again. :eusa_eh: Please exit the same way you got her bright boi :bye1: You've been a partisan mouth-breathing, hack since your arrival here Theowl32

As to the OP, many of the eXtreme rw'ers here which = the majority of them since their party has swung waaay right in the past decade, hate higher education, think poor people are evil and deserve their lot, and vote pretty much based on race to the detriment of their own economic well-being. :eusa_clap:
Only people of your political leanings belong here right?

It's you progressive assholes that want to change everything about this country. Why don't you leave for a fucking commie country, you would already have it your way. Your attitude proves you are a commie too, you want everyone who doesn't share your views to leave. That is as un American as it gets.
Un-American is not being Liberal in a Liberal Nation founded by Liberals using Liberalism. If you don't like it then get the fuck out, it wasn't founded for your kind.

Then you should get rid of the Big Government Liberals and vote in the classical Liberals who were for freedom from big government.
We don't have a big government, you just think that it is. Do we have the government you used to have when you lived in a tiny cabin you built yourself and got your water from a stream? Nope, but we no longer live that way either. Times change, change with them, they did.

You are right....the sad point is people like you are very ignorant about what the Federal government is spending OUR tax money on.
You ok with the following expenditures that have NOTHING to do with the common defense of the country?

- spend $2.6 million to make sure prostitutes in China drink less on the job.
- $1.44 million in federal funds estimating the size of the population and examining the “social milieu” of male prostitutes in Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam.
- The Interior Department spent nearly $100,000 to install an outhouse on an Alaskan trail, which includes a single toilet with no internal plumbing.
- Study to find out if couples are happier when the woman calms down after argument: $335,525. “Marriages that were the happiest were the ones in which the wives were able to calm down quickly during marital conflict,” found a study of 81 couples funded by the National Institutes of Health.
- Booze and crystal for the State Department: $5.4 million.The State Department went on a bender the week before the government shutdown, purchasing $5 million of “exquisite”crystal glassware to presumably drink the $400,000 in booze they purchased in 2013.
- Seven-figure stack of rocks at the London Embassy: $1 million. The American Embassy in London will be receiving a granite sculpture from an artist “whose work resembles stacked piles of paving stones,” according to the Daily Mail.
View attachment 36457
YEA our administration needs another pile of rocks as they need more rocks in their heads!
Real money in the US starts in Billions. Millions don't even count.

That speaks volumes doesn't it about poverty! We obviously don't have then a poverty level according to your observation.
For example, the poverty level for 2014 was set at $23,850 (total yearly income) for a family of four.
Hmmm... when I was growing up in a family of SIX my Dad's gross yearly income was $12,000. So rather then thinking we were "poor"
my Dad had gardens that provided A lot of fresh food. We raised chickens, had Lapin A La Cocotte and again never thought of ourselves
as poor! We mowed lawns, shoveled snow, but never thought we were poor.
Un-American is not being Liberal in a Liberal Nation founded by Liberals using Liberalism. If you don't like it then get the fuck out, it wasn't founded for your kind.

Then you should get rid of the Big Government Liberals and vote in the classical Liberals who were for freedom from big government.
We don't have a big government, you just think that it is. Do we have the government you used to have when you lived in a tiny cabin you built yourself and got your water from a stream? Nope, but we no longer live that way either. Times change, change with them, they did.

You are right....the sad point is people like you are very ignorant about what the Federal government is spending OUR tax money on.
You ok with the following expenditures that have NOTHING to do with the common defense of the country?

- spend $2.6 million to make sure prostitutes in China drink less on the job.
- $1.44 million in federal funds estimating the size of the population and examining the “social milieu” of male prostitutes in Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam.
- The Interior Department spent nearly $100,000 to install an outhouse on an Alaskan trail, which includes a single toilet with no internal plumbing.
- Study to find out if couples are happier when the woman calms down after argument: $335,525. “Marriages that were the happiest were the ones in which the wives were able to calm down quickly during marital conflict,” found a study of 81 couples funded by the National Institutes of Health.
- Booze and crystal for the State Department: $5.4 million.The State Department went on a bender the week before the government shutdown, purchasing $5 million of “exquisite”crystal glassware to presumably drink the $400,000 in booze they purchased in 2013.
- Seven-figure stack of rocks at the London Embassy: $1 million. The American Embassy in London will be receiving a granite sculpture from an artist “whose work resembles stacked piles of paving stones,” according to the Daily Mail.
View attachment 36457
YEA our administration needs another pile of rocks as they need more rocks in their heads!
Real money in the US starts in Billions. Millions don't even count.

That speaks volumes doesn't it about poverty! We obviously don't have then a poverty level according to your observation.
For example, the poverty level for 2014 was set at $23,850 (total yearly income) for a family of four.
Hmmm... when I was growing up in a family of SIX my Dad's gross yearly income was $12,000. So rather then thinking we were "poor"
my Dad had gardens that provided A lot of fresh food. We raised chickens, had Lapin A La Cocotte and again never thought of ourselves
as poor! We mowed lawns, shoveled snow, but never thought we were poor.
anectdotal evidence much? Also do you know what "real" as opposed to "nominal" dollars are or CPI for that matter? Never mind.
Obama doesn't give a damn about the blacks, either. He just uses them for 'theater' whenever he needs some. They think he's 'one of them' but he isn't.

His roots are closer to the Arabs who captured and sold Africans than to any American black decendants of Africans.

The left wingers all around the world and especially in this country are complete disasters. I swear I am noit exaggerating when I say I would not piss on them if they were on fire. They deserve all of the ridicule they get from me, and I wish nothing but bad things on all of them.

No exceptions.
How exactly did you find this forum again. :eusa_eh: Please exit the same way you got her bright boi :bye1: You've been a partisan mouth-breathing, hack since your arrival here Theowl32

As to the OP, many of the eXtreme rw'ers here which = the majority of them since their party has swung waaay right in the past decade, hate higher education, think poor people are evil and deserve their lot, and vote pretty much based on race to the detriment of their own economic well-being. :eusa_clap:

The Left has you well bamboozled.
None of that is true.
You should do some research rather than listening to left's talking points.
Ask yourself this -
Who is the party that is trying and succeeding to get the ghetto kids into College?
It isn't the Democrats that's for sure.
Then you should get rid of the Big Government Liberals and vote in the classical Liberals who were for freedom from big government.
We don't have a big government, you just think that it is. Do we have the government you used to have when you lived in a tiny cabin you built yourself and got your water from a stream? Nope, but we no longer live that way either. Times change, change with them, they did.

You are right....the sad point is people like you are very ignorant about what the Federal government is spending OUR tax money on.
You ok with the following expenditures that have NOTHING to do with the common defense of the country?

- spend $2.6 million to make sure prostitutes in China drink less on the job.
- $1.44 million in federal funds estimating the size of the population and examining the “social milieu” of male prostitutes in Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam.
- The Interior Department spent nearly $100,000 to install an outhouse on an Alaskan trail, which includes a single toilet with no internal plumbing.
- Study to find out if couples are happier when the woman calms down after argument: $335,525. “Marriages that were the happiest were the ones in which the wives were able to calm down quickly during marital conflict,” found a study of 81 couples funded by the National Institutes of Health.
- Booze and crystal for the State Department: $5.4 million.The State Department went on a bender the week before the government shutdown, purchasing $5 million of “exquisite”crystal glassware to presumably drink the $400,000 in booze they purchased in 2013.
- Seven-figure stack of rocks at the London Embassy: $1 million. The American Embassy in London will be receiving a granite sculpture from an artist “whose work resembles stacked piles of paving stones,” according to the Daily Mail.
View attachment 36457
YEA our administration needs another pile of rocks as they need more rocks in their heads!
Real money in the US starts in Billions. Millions don't even count.

That speaks volumes doesn't it about poverty! We obviously don't have then a poverty level according to your observation.
For example, the poverty level for 2014 was set at $23,850 (total yearly income) for a family of four.
Hmmm... when I was growing up in a family of SIX my Dad's gross yearly income was $12,000. So rather then thinking we were "poor"
my Dad had gardens that provided A lot of fresh food. We raised chickens, had Lapin A La Cocotte and again never thought of ourselves
as poor! We mowed lawns, shoveled snow, but never thought we were poor.
anectdotal evidence much? Also do you know what "real" as opposed to "nominal" dollars are or CPI for that matter? Never mind.

You accuse me of "Anecdotal (not anectdotal!!! pay attention to the little red dotted line really helps!!!) evidence"?

Oh my god ! People like you bought in as Gruber said because of your "Stupidity of American Voter" to these "anecdotal evidence" to
help the "Anecdotal in Chief" pass the biggest destructive force known as "obamacare!"

How about this FALSE!!! "anecdotal evidence"?
Gross Exaggeration: PRESIDENT OBAMA: "Partly because it’s not treated as effectively as it could be. Right now if we paid a family if a family care physician works with his or her patient to help them lose weight, modify diet, monitors whether they are taking their medications in a timely fashion, they might get reimbursed a pittance.
But if that same doctor Ends up getting their foot amputated, that’s $30,000, $40,000, $50,000. Immediately the surgeon is reimbursed.

Totally proven to be a totally bald faced ANECDOTAL LIE!!

More important though YOU MISSED the whole POINT of my "anecdotal evidence"!
MY family worked odd jobs, mowing lawns, shoveling snow...AS A FAMILY!! We worked in gardens "AS A FAMILY"!!!
CPI meant nothing to us because WE WORKED to survive not depend on "poverty level public assistance"!

But like most people so absolutely lazy and dependent on the government from womb to tomb you haven't the faintest idea how to plant
potatoes. How to raise tomatoes. Hell I'm surprised with your "new age enlightenment" you missed the "ecologically friendly " environment OUR FAMILY practiced!
Can today's project bound family do the same? NO because there isn't a "family" there is a mother that has babies to get more welfare.
We have young males standing on street corners rather then taking the jobs in the local stores, etc.
What is missing is the "FAMILY"! Which is what we had and is the difference but obviously that point went way over your head!
As was expected, my point went right over your head. I used economic terms so I knew i was taking a chance in wondering if you had the ability to understand what i was saying to you. NEXT!!!
UOTE="Dot Com, post: 10676400, member: 28132"]As was expected, my point went right over your head. I used economic terms so I knew i was taking a chance in wondering if you had the ability to understand what i was saying to you. NEXT!!![/QUOTE]
Oh boy your points were cliches!
The CPI doesn't count what MY FAMILY supplied! OUR FAMILY expended energy growing our food rather then spending money BUYING food so the CPI means nothing in that context!
MY FAMILY was too busy raising food to do rock climbing, or skitching, or any activities that cause injuries like the below and as a result our health services expenses were nominal i.e. we don't do stupid stunts as we were too busy raising food, earning money to realize we were too poor!
Again my points go way over people like you because you are so prone to let other people take care of you that having the moral superiority that people like me have over people like you because when it all comes down to some real nitty gritty facts... do you know how to raise food in case your local supermarket is gone? Can you work with your hands? Don't think so and that makes you less valuable in the long run then people like me that were raised KNOWING what hard work can do to help survive! Fortunately you won't be around based on your ignorant comments!
The below is from a "rock climber" who was wasting energy on NON survival skill activities..

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walls of anecdotal text :blahblah: & pictures don't help your zany argument Skippy :eusa_hand:
ZANY argument that due to our wasteful destructive use of our "spare time" we are costing our society trillions in not only direct costs but in future
abilities to be independent and responsible citizens.
NONE of these "insurance claims" occurred when I was a kid because I was too busy working as a family in raising food!

Skateboarding Injury Facts
Of those children treated in U.S. emergency departments because of their skateboard-related injuries:
The three most commonly injured body regions are the wrist, ankle and face.
Broken bones, sprains, scrapes and bruises are the most common injuries.
Injury Research and Policy Skateboarding Research Nationwide Children s Hospital Columbus Ohio

111,000 kids "TREATED" in hospitals and who pays the bills? Mostly insurance companies. What do the companies do? Raise the premiums!

"Faux rock-climbing"... again so much more time available to do stupid risky activities!
As more gyms along American highways offer faux rock-climbing experiences to would-be adventurers, more climbing injuries are turning up in American emergency rooms, researchers say.
The most common injuries are fractures, sprains, and strains that occur in the lower extremities -- particularly the foot and ankle -- according to Dr. Lara McKenzie, of the Center for Research Injury and Policy at Nationwide Children's Hospital in Columbus, Ohio.
She and colleagues reported their findings online in the American Journal of Preventive Medicine.
Most of the injuries were caused by falls, McKenzie said, indicating that patients, who are typically restrained by a harness or who go bouldering (meaning to climb a little ways without a harness) land feet-first when they miss a climbing hold.
Although rock climbing was once regarded as an extreme sport, that perception is changing.
"There are a lot of people who are participating in rock climbing, and it's evolved from an extreme sport reserved for adrenaline junkies, to people who … are doing it recreationally," she observed.
In fact, indoor climbing facilities are becoming more common, and climbing walls are nearly ubiquitous on college campuses. About 9 million people go rock climbing every year, she said, even though the sport carries an inherent risk of falls and stress-related injuries.
To track changes in the number of injuries from the sport, the researchers conducted a retrospective analysis using data from the National Electronic Injury Surveillance System (NEISS) for all ages from 1990 through 2007.
They found that 40,282 patients were treated in emergency departments for climbing-related injuries over the 18-year period. That amounts to 2,237 injuries annually – but the total increased by 63 percent over the study period.
Rock Climbing Climbing Wall Injuries Going Up - ABC News

None of the above "Accidents" i.e. CLAIMS were ever filed in the 50s when I was growing up because
MOST of us were members of families that were taking care of each other and if our mothers and fathers ever heard of such stupidity we'd be told in no uncertain terms how f...king stupid we were!
The sun was inching toward the trees of Fossil Park and residents were readying for their Super Bowl parties late Sunday when a 15-year-old boy on a skateboard grabbed onto the back of a car for a tow.
The teen's friend, also 15, with a learner's permit but no license, drove along Atwood Avenue N in his mother's Mercedes sedan. At some point, the boy on the skateboard, Austin Demauro, a freshman at Northeast High School, let go. He had already successfully completed the dangerous maneuver — known in skateboarding circles as "skitching" — at least once that day, using the force of the car to gain speed. Julio Moisa was driving.

Randolph said Demauro enjoyed go-carting and mudding at his father's property. He was always active, even as a little kid.America's Best Dance Crew on MTV sparked his interest in dance, and he performed ballet, hip-hop and jazz from age 8 to 13. In 8th grade, he gave it up and took on a new hobby: skateboarding.
St. Petersburg teen killed in skateboarding accident Tampa Bay Times

Any comment about what this kid ...typical American skateboarding, teenager... did to help his family? Part time job? Working in the garden. Mowing lawns.
NOPE... because we don't want them to have ANY responsible safe environment!
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walls of anecdotal text :blahblah: & pictures don't help your zany argument Skippy :eusa_hand:

Until we start paying down our 18 Trillion dollar debt, instead of just the deficit, we all are going to have to be growing our own gardens and making our own cloths.
Will you be able to do that Dot?
Many times. And this country is my country, not yours. You don't belong here.

Only people of your political leanings belong here right?

All I ask is that you leave my country, the sooner the better. This isn't the place for you, and it was never meant to be.

It's you progressive assholes that want to change everything about this country. Why don't you leave for a fucking commie country, you would already have it your way. Your attitude proves you are a commie too, you want everyone who doesn't share your views to leave. That is as un American as it gets.
Un-American is not being Liberal in a Liberal Nation founded by Liberals using Liberalism. If you don't like it then get the fuck out, it wasn't founded for your kind.
Just how do you equate a group of Capitalists who wanted smaller government and an end to unfair taxes with what passes as Liberal in 2015?
I don't deny the fact that exceptional people built this nation. That is without question. I'm proud of that. However, this idea that Americans of today are more exceptional than other people in this world is such non sense. Stupid, entitled, materialistic, and arrogant is what Americans are.

My god, just look at the Tea Party. There are foreigners who admire America, but when they look at the Tea Party, they just scoff or laugh. Tea baggers, in terms of intelligence, are much stupider than the average person the world over. They are also selfish, arrogant and racist. I mean this is the movement who bitches about government spending but also insists on ridiculous tax cuts. How can you respect people who don't understand the concept of revenue?

And yes, I do think there are some great Americans living today. I just don't think being American has anything to do with it.

In terms of citizens, America is not at all superior to the rest of the world. Let's stop pretending that it is.

American Exceptionalism is just another generic catch phrase that can mean whatever you want.
I don't deny the fact that exceptional people built this nation. That is without question. I'm proud of that. However, this idea that Americans of today are more exceptional than other people in this world is such non sense. Stupid, entitled, materialistic, and arrogant is what Americans are.

My god, just look at the Tea Party. There are foreigners who admire America, but when they look at the Tea Party, they just scoff or laugh. Tea baggers, in terms of intelligence, are much stupider than the average person the world over. They are also selfish, arrogant and racist. I mean this is the movement who bitches about government spending but also insists on ridiculous tax cuts. How can you respect people who don't understand the concept of revenue?

And yes, I do think there are some great Americans living today. I just don't think being American has anything to do with it.

In terms of citizens, America is not at all superior to the rest of the world. Let's stop pretending that it is.

You mean European wards of the nanny state scoff at people who think government should spend less, tax less, be smaller, more efficient and that individual rights are superior to the Borg Collective.....of course they would scoff....they don't provide for their own defense so they get to waste as much money as they like on out of control welfare benefits for people who refuse to work, and for a more than substandard healthcare system....

Let them scoff......
I don't deny the fact that exceptional people built this nation. That is without question. I'm proud of that. However, this idea that Americans of today are more exceptional than other people in this world is such non sense. Stupid, entitled, materialistic, and arrogant is what Americans are.

My god, just look at the Tea Party. There are foreigners who admire America, but when they look at the Tea Party, they just scoff or laugh. Tea baggers, in terms of intelligence, are much stupider than the average person the world over. They are also selfish, arrogant and racist. I mean this is the movement who bitches about government spending but also insists on ridiculous tax cuts. How can you respect people who don't understand the concept of revenue?

And yes, I do think there are some great Americans living today. I just don't think being American has anything to do with it.

In terms of citizens, America is not at all superior to the rest of the world. Let's stop pretending that it is.

You mean European wards of the nanny state scoff at people who think government should spend less, tax less, be smaller, more efficient and that individual rights are superior to the Borg Collective.....of course they would scoff....they don't provide for their own defense so they get to waste as much money as they like on out of control welfare benefits for people who refuse to work, and for a more than substandard healthcare system....

Let them scoff......

You realize that Tea Party members are actually more intelligent and politically aware than the nanny state wards in our country......
Many times. And this country is my country, not yours. You don't belong here.

Only people of your political leanings belong here right?

All I ask is that you leave my country, the sooner the better. This isn't the place for you, and it was never meant to be.

It's you progressive assholes that want to change everything about this country. Why don't you leave for a fucking commie country, you would already have it your way. Your attitude proves you are a commie too, you want everyone who doesn't share your views to leave. That is as un American as it gets.
Un-American is not being Liberal in a Liberal Nation founded by Liberals using Liberalism. If you don't like it then get the fuck out, it wasn't founded for your kind.
Just how do you equate a group of Capitalists who wanted smaller government and an end to unfair taxes with what passes as Liberal in 2015?

"Wanted smaller government"?

Yer startin' ta scare me Ernie. You're not usually one of the Revisionista Gullibles. It goes without saying that a ragtag bunch of idealistic planters on a new and wild frontier an ocean away from its source is going to have a smaller government than the centuries-old global empire builder it broke away from. It could hardly have gone any other way.

Sheesh, I just flashed back to the time Butttsoiler came all over these pages trying to tell us the distinction between Liberal and Conservative could be measured by the "size" of government. Presumably anything over/under a size 6¾... :cuckoo:

At the risk of stating the obvious, "Liberal" and "Conservative" have jack squat to do with how big the gummint is -- they have to do with how it works. Sorry if that sounds patronizing but somebody's gotta play Barney Fife to these malleable mythoi and nip 'em in the bud.

"Smaller government".... SMH

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