It really bugs me the rightwing thinks Americans are "exceptional"

I have no idea what that means.
Of course not. You are exceptionally stupid.

When I joined this forum I was personally attacked, almost without exception, by people identifying themselves as liberals. It's difficult to tell you people apart.
Let's see.... You're called stupid by Liberals AND Conservatives.... Let's examine that.

Could it be that, I don't know.... You're stupid?

Welcome to the site, Liminal. Just because I've never seen you before now.

Ernie's not exactly Chair of the Welcome Wagon. It definitely gets better.

He's not very bright either. Do you think that's likely to improve as well?
As Reagan said, "Well, the trouble with our liberal friends is not that they are ignorant, but that they know so much that isn’t so."

You want to claim to be superior to those that disagree with you. If it boosts your fragile ego, go right ahead.
"It really bugs me the rightwing thinks Americans are "exceptional"."

Of course it does... but what bugs you isn't that Americans think that we're exceptional.

What bugs you is that we: the Americans, ARE EXCEPTIONAL.

Given your pedestrian means, that makes perfect sense.

Nature endowed us our rights on the authority of nature itself, which means that we are entitled to exercise our natural rights without requiring your permission.

Meaning that Nature intended for our exceptionalism: to bug you, which is to say the manifestation of EVIL.

So... well, you see how it is.
God you're pretentious. Why does that put us above other global citizens? That is my point.
See I think you are really confused! This never put us above other global citizens. Just different. Exceptional.
Exceptional i.e. as the dictionary defines: unusually good : much better than average... but NOT above other global citizens!
Limited thinking people think that and I guarantee those of us exceptional thinkers have more humility to think we are better then others!
Most of us exceptional people are very very cognizant that we definitely have a an country that LET's us use our exceptionalism and not try to thwart it or put us in to boxes.
Of course not. You are exceptionally stupid.

When I joined this forum I was personally attacked, almost without exception, by people identifying themselves as liberals. It's difficult to tell you people apart.
Let's see.... You're called stupid by Liberals AND Conservatives.... Let's examine that.

Could it be that, I don't know.... You're stupid?

Welcome to the site, Liminal. Just because I've never seen you before now.

Ernie's not exactly Chair of the Welcome Wagon. It definitely gets better.

He's not very bright either. Do you think that's likely to improve as well?
As Reagan said, "Well, the trouble with our liberal friends is not that they are ignorant, but that they know so much that isn’t so."

You want to claim to be superior to those that disagree with you. If it boosts your fragile ego, go right ahead.

As Ronald Reagan said, "There you go again...."
It's because of our Exceptionalism that we became such a strong nation and was able to help rebuild Europe after WWII.
That is not being better than anybody else. That is helping others.
Is it just me or do some liberals seem ungrateful to have been born in our great nation?
Is it just me or do some liberals seem ungrateful to have been born in our great nation?

No it's not just you.
Not just ungrateful but they seem to be ashamed as well of America's greatness.

That's just weird, obviously they were not born hating America I wonder where things went horribly wrong.

The far left professors in our Universities (who started in the early 70's) then spread to our media, that think the Government knows what's best for us than we the people do.
The media now controls the majority's thinking.
OP-Maybe once, but at the moment, after 30 years of Reaganism, it's ugly American bs. Dems to the rescue again...see sig.
Is it just me or do some liberals seem ungrateful to have been born in our great nation?

No it's not just you.
Not just ungrateful but they seem to be ashamed as well of America's greatness.

If the founders of this nation could see what it's turned into they would be ashamed.

They sure would be.
Not only ashamed but angry that they put their money and lives on the line, to fight for the very same thing that we have now.
Don't get me wrong, love Americans and America of course, but we've been get cheated and ruined for a while now.
Well it doesn't help that both of you are calling each other dog poop eaters with a debate either. :)

Pogo would never eat dog poop!

He'd eat Obama's poop to show his loyalty.

But not dog poop - Okay maybe Bo's poop (Obama's dog that he named after his own initials.)
The above more widely known as "Liberalism", which doesn't limit the philosophy to one place.

Yes... Liberalism, in the Classic Sense.

Meaning in the sense that "Liberal" refers to one who advocates for the Liberty of the Individual, on the basis that the individual; created by God, is by virtue of that endowment of their life, authorized by God to pursue the fulfillment of that life, bound only by the individual responsibility to not exercise their rights in such a way that restricts the means of another to exercise their own rights; where each individual is endowed with the same rights; providing that all men are created equal, through their equitable divine endowment.

Today, the antithesis of that, is 'The Liberal'; which is to say the advocate of collective liberty, provided by the strength of centralized human power, which lifts all individuals of their responsibilities... relegating all who are subjected to such; thus all 'Subjects', to equality in their status, wherein they are all equally subject to the shifting whimsy of said governance... and in the inevitable squaller intrinsic to such.

That thesis rests entirely and exclusively within Relativism and bears absolutely no kinship with America, standing as noted above, as the very antithesis and is entirely hostile to America and the principles that define it.

See how that works?

Again reader, for an American to defeat a Leftist in debate, all one need do is to recognize the two fundamental principles that assure such:

First: Find a Leftist.

Second: Get them to speak.

Pogo said that not me.
Something got messed up when you posted. :)

Good eye, Peach.
He was prolly caught up in his cutting out of the apparently-inconvenient rest of the post -- which was this:

The problem is AE has been used in different ways for different agendas. Communists used it; sociological historians used it; Manifest Destiy freaks used it; and sadly while your definition above applied two-plus centuries ago, the latter hubristic angle seems to be the prevailing wind among those who employ the term today -- which as you and I both noted, leads to a kind of etymological magnetic pole reversal where the power-upsetters became the power-hungry.

That's always the pitfall of using a neutral ("exceptional") word for a specific purpose --- you can technically plug in any purpose that suits the agenda at the time. To me, "Manifest Destiny" is a more specific synonym.
Maybe amateur self-styled editors should just leave posts alone.
"It really bugs me the rightwing thinks Americans are "exceptional"."

Of course it does... but what bugs you isn't that Americans think that we're exceptional.

What bugs you is that we: the Americans, ARE EXCEPTIONAL.

Given your pedestrian means, that makes perfect sense.

Nature endowed us our rights on the authority of nature itself, which means that we are entitled to exercise our natural rights without requiring your permission.

Meaning that Nature intended for our exceptionalism: to bug you, which is to say the manifestation of EVIL.

So... well, you see how it is.
God you're pretentious. Why does that put us above other global citizens? That is my point.

It doesn't put 'us' above anyone.

You're a Leftist and as such, you're incapable of being an American.

And Americans are not 'above' anyone... being exceptional doesn't place one above another, except where the issue is 'getting things DONE. Because Americans are authorized BY GOD... (who it should be noted IS axiomatically ABOVE everyone) to GET IT DONE, as long as "IT" does not injure the means of another to exercise their own rights.

Now, this has now been explained to you, every way it can be explained and my guess is that you're simply not capable of understanding it. YOU no doubt feel that because you can't understand it, that 'it' doesn't exist. We need to try and understand, that such is simply not the case.


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