It really bugs me the rightwing thinks Americans are "exceptional"

The above more widely known as "Liberalism", which doesn't limit the philosophy to one place.

Yes... Liberalism, in the Classic Sense. Meaning in the sense that "Liberal" refers to one who advocates for the Liberty of the Individual, on the basis that the individual; created by God, is by virtue of that endowment of their life, authorized by God to pursue the fulfillment of that life, bound only be the individual responsibility to not exercise their rights, in such a way that restricts the means of another to exercise their own rights; where each individual is endowed with the same rights; providing that all men are created equal, through their equitable divine endowment.

Today, the antithesis of that, is 'The Liberal'; which is to say the advocate of collective liberty, provided by the strength of centralized human power, which lifts all individuals of their responsibilities... which inevitably lifts from the individual the correlating rights, effectively subjugating the individual (enslaving) the individual to the ever shifting whimsy of the said governance.

That thesis rests entirely and exclusively within Relativism and bears absolutely no kinship with America, standing as noted above, as the very antithesis and is entirely hostile to America and the principles that define it.

See how that works?

Again reader, for an American to defeat a Leftist in debate, all one need to is to recognize the two fundamental principles that assure such:

First: Find a Leftist.

Second: Get them to speak.

Poor Where_R_My_Brain_Cells. Wants to participate and all he can come up with is ad hom, shouting in bold fonts and repasting the same thing over and over hoping it will stick to the wall. Oh yeah, and Danth's Law (countdown in 5... 4... 3...)

Doesn't even know the difference between Liberal and leftist. Poor guy. :sad:

You really shouldn't try to use words that don't exist because your credibility is really diminished!
There is no such word as "ad hom" which your little red line would help you in showing what an idiot you are
which IS an ad hominem, means responding to arguments by attacking a person's character.
Anybody who doesn't think America is exceptional is just stupid or ignoring reality.
Of course America is exceptional.
And when we have a President that doesn't think so - and removes American global leadership - you create imbalance and opportunities for others to fill that leadership.
And they have very different ideas what to do with it.
The above more widely known as "Liberalism", which doesn't limit the philosophy to one place.

Yes... Liberalism, in the Classic Sense. Meaning in the sense that "Liberal" refers to one who advocates for the Liberty of the Individual, on the basis that the individual; created by God, is by virtue of that endowment of their life, authorized by God to pursue the fulfillment of that life, bound only be the individual responsibility to not exercise their rights, in such a way that restricts the means of another to exercise their own rights; where each individual is endowed with the same rights; providing that all men are created equal, through their equitable divine endowment.

Today, the antithesis of that, is 'The Liberal'; which is to say the advocate of collective liberty, provided by the strength of centralized human power, which lifts all individuals of their responsibilities... which inevitably lifts from the individual the correlating rights, effectively subjugating the individual (enslaving) the individual to the ever shifting whimsy of the said governance.

That thesis rests entirely and exclusively within Relativism and bears absolutely no kinship with America, standing as noted above, as the very antithesis and is entirely hostile to America and the principles that define it.

See how that works?

Again reader, for an American to defeat a Leftist in debate, all one need to is to recognize the two fundamental principles that assure such:

First: Find a Leftist.

Second: Get them to speak.

Poor Where_R_My_Brain_Cells. Wants to participate and all he can come up with is ad hom, shouting in bold fonts and repasting the same thing over and over hoping it will stick to the wall. Oh yeah, and Danth's Law (countdown in 5... 4... 3...)

Doesn't even know the difference between Liberal and leftist. Poor guy. :sad:

You really shouldn't try to use words that don't exist because your credibility is really diminished!
There is no such word as "ad hom" which your little red line would help you in showing what an idiot you are
which IS an ad hominem, means responding to arguments by attacking a person's character.

Left Hand Toilet Man goes Latin!! Ay caramba! Babalu!

Leave this to the adults, LHTM. There must be a Presidential latrine thread that needs bumpin'.

Oh wait, sorry -- that's bumping for the slow reader.
The above more widely known as "Liberalism", which doesn't limit the philosophy to one place.

Yes... Liberalism, in the Classic Sense. Meaning in the sense that "Liberal" refers to one who advocates for the Liberty of the Individual, on the basis that the individual; created by God, is by virtue of that endowment of their life, authorized by God to pursue the fulfillment of that life, bound only be the individual responsibility to not exercise their rights, in such a way that restricts the means of another to exercise their own rights; where each individual is endowed with the same rights; providing that all men are created equal, through their equitable divine endowment.

Today, the antithesis of that, is 'The Liberal'; which is to say the advocate of collective liberty, provided by the strength of centralized human power, which lifts all individuals of their responsibilities... which inevitably lifts from the individual the correlating rights, effectively subjugating the individual (enslaving) the individual to the ever shifting whimsy of the said governance.

That thesis rests entirely and exclusively within Relativism and bears absolutely no kinship with America, standing as noted above, as the very antithesis and is entirely hostile to America and the principles that define it.

See how that works?

Again reader, for an American to defeat a Leftist in debate, all one need to is to recognize the two fundamental principles that assure such:

First: Find a Leftist.

Second: Get them to speak.

Poor Where_R_My_Brain_Cells. Wants to participate and all he can come up with is ad hom, shouting in bold fonts and repasting the same thing over and over hoping it will stick to the wall. Oh yeah, and Danth's Law (countdown in 5... 4... 3...)

Doesn't even know the difference between Liberal and leftist. Poor guy. :sad:

Ahhh... Now isn't that PRECIOUS?

A concession, without presenting so much as a contest!

The Reader should recognize that is the milestone that they will have realized, when such happens to you.

The demon can't face you, because it knows that it cannot manifest itself in the light you represent, therefore it relegates itself to the impotence of tossing feckless little pebbles from the shadow.

Now you're probably saying to yourself: "I bet that feels good!"


You can rest assured: it does.

But, you can do it too.

The Key to defeating a Leftist in Debate is to first: CHOOSE to BE an American. This is wholly distinct from simply sliding down a birth canal on US Soil. All that buys one is that one is a US Citizen. No great point of pride in that. "I was born on THIS DIRT!" WOO HOO! So what?

To BE an American is a choice. The Choice to recognize, respect, defend and adhere TO the principles that DEFINE: America.

Then, once you've done everything necessary to get there... to defeat a Leftist in debate, requires only the adherence to two fundamental elements:

1- Find a Leftist.


2- Get them to speak.

And there it is, as predicted. Danth's Law took 12 minutes. Can't say it's his best time but at least we got the bonus ad hom.

Again that's ad hom.
ad hom
ad hom
ad infin.
The above more widely known as "Liberalism", which doesn't limit the philosophy to one place.

Yes... Liberalism, in the Classic Sense. Meaning in the sense that "Liberal" refers to one who advocates for the Liberty of the Individual, on the basis that the individual; created by God, is by virtue of that endowment of their life, authorized by God to pursue the fulfillment of that life, bound only be the individual responsibility to not exercise their rights, in such a way that restricts the means of another to exercise their own rights; where each individual is endowed with the same rights; providing that all men are created equal, through their equitable divine endowment.

Today, the antithesis of that, is 'The Liberal'; which is to say the advocate of collective liberty, provided by the strength of centralized human power, which lifts all individuals of their responsibilities... which inevitably lifts from the individual the correlating rights, effectively subjugating the individual (enslaving) the individual to the ever shifting whimsy of the said governance.

That thesis rests entirely and exclusively within Relativism and bears absolutely no kinship with America, standing as noted above, as the very antithesis and is entirely hostile to America and the principles that define it.

See how that works?

Again reader, for an American to defeat a Leftist in debate, all one need to is to recognize the two fundamental principles that assure such:

First: Find a Leftist.

Second: Get them to speak.

Poor Where_R_My_Brain_Cells. Wants to participate and all he can come up with is ad hom, shouting in bold fonts and repasting the same thing over and over hoping it will stick to the wall. Oh yeah, and Danth's Law (countdown in 5... 4... 3...)

Doesn't even know the difference between Liberal and leftist. Poor guy. :sad:

You really shouldn't try to use words that don't exist because your credibility is really diminished!
There is no such word as "ad hom" which your little red line would help you in showing what an idiot you are
which IS an ad hominem, means responding to arguments by attacking a person's character.

Left Hand Toilet Man goes Latin!! Ay caramba! Babalu!

Leave this to the adults, LHTM. There must be a Presidential latrine thread that needs bumpin'.

Oh wait, sorry -- that's bumping for the slow reader.

Do you suffer from CCS... constant coprophagia syndrome?
But of course that makes sense for someone with shit for brains!
It's probably for a self-loathing liberal earthworm to believe itself to be unexceptional but projecting that belief onto other Americans? Worthy of being trod underfoot, that little worm.

See what I mean about elitist hubris, Peach?
That's my inference of what the term means contemporarily-- and the Henrys and Where_R_My_Keyses keep confirming it.

Not so vague after all. :thup:

So you're projecting the responsibility for YOUR INFERENCE, onto someone else?

Let me ask you, Are you a Muslim?

Because the only theory that I know which formally rejects "Cause and Effect" is Al-Ghazali,,,

(The Reader should recognize that reference as the purveyor of the rationalization which denies 'Cause and Effect'... it is the principle used in separating all responsibility of Islam for their murder of massive numbers of Christians, Jews, Hindus, Buddhists... etc. And which is the foundation of what we know today as "Left-think", OKA: Relativism... and is what provides the consistent denial by the Left for any responsibility on the part of the Palestinians for their chronic attacks in Israel. If you've ever wondered why we can watch Palestinians launch tens of thousands of Missiles into Israel, send hundreds of Bomb-laiden Palestinians into Israel, to murder school children, Brides and Grooms, innocent people of every stripe as they ride a bus to work or school and then BLAME THE ISRAELIS FOR THE ACTION THAT THEY TAKE DEFENDING THEMSELVES FROM SUCH... that is the addled drivel which still echoes through humanity, which was deposited by the 11th century douchebag known as: Al-Ghazali. Check it out... you probably won't believe what you find, but it happened.)
The above more widely known as "Liberalism", which doesn't limit the philosophy to one place.

Yes... Liberalism, in the Classic Sense. Meaning in the sense that "Liberal" refers to one who advocates for the Liberty of the Individual, on the basis that the individual; created by God, is by virtue of that endowment of their life, authorized by God to pursue the fulfillment of that life, bound only be the individual responsibility to not exercise their rights, in such a way that restricts the means of another to exercise their own rights; where each individual is endowed with the same rights; providing that all men are created equal, through their equitable divine endowment.

Today, the antithesis of that, is 'The Liberal'; which is to say the advocate of collective liberty, provided by the strength of centralized human power, which lifts all individuals of their responsibilities... which inevitably lifts from the individual the correlating rights, effectively subjugating the individual (enslaving) the individual to the ever shifting whimsy of the said governance.

That thesis rests entirely and exclusively within Relativism and bears absolutely no kinship with America, standing as noted above, as the very antithesis and is entirely hostile to America and the principles that define it.

See how that works?

Again reader, for an American to defeat a Leftist in debate, all one need to is to recognize the two fundamental principles that assure such:

First: Find a Leftist.

Second: Get them to speak.

Poor Where_R_My_Brain_Cells. Wants to participate and all he can come up with is ad hom, shouting in bold fonts and repasting the same thing over and over hoping it will stick to the wall. Oh yeah, and Danth's Law (countdown in 5... 4... 3...)

Doesn't even know the difference between Liberal and leftist. Poor guy. :sad:

Ahhh... Now isn't that PRECIOUS?

A concession, without presenting so much as a contest!

The Reader should recognize that is the milestone that they will have realized, when such happens to you.

The demon can't face you, because it knows that it cannot manifest itself in the light you represent, therefore it relegates itself to the impotence of tossing feckless little pebbles from the shadow.

Now you're probably saying to yourself: "I bet that feels good!"


You can rest assured: it does.

But, you can do it too.

The Key to defeating a Leftist in Debate is to first: CHOOSE to BE an American. This is wholly distinct from simply sliding down a birth canal on US Soil. All that buys one is that one is a US Citizen. No great point of pride in that. "I was born on THIS DIRT!" WOO HOO! So what?

To BE an American is a choice. The Choice to recognize, respect, defend and adhere TO the principles that DEFINE: America.

Then, once you've done everything necessary to get there... to defeat a Leftist in debate, requires only the adherence to two fundamental elements:

1- Find a Leftist.


2- Get them to speak.

And there it is, as predicted. Danth's Law took 12 minutes. Can't say it's his best time but at least we got the bonus ad hom.

Again that's ad hom.
ad hom
ad hom
ad infin.

Makes sense only in the bizzaro world of Pogo that there is such a phrase as "ad hom" oh wait I get it ! It is ebonics for ad hominem!
[ an extremely unexceptional people who don't deserve the freedoms they've inherited.

Speak for yourself, douche.

Proof positive of American exceptionalism right here.

Sadly so. Around this place there are obviously two tiers -- those who delve into reasoned rumination and those that troll for the purpose of seeing their name on the internets. We have the latter active right now, like a rainstorm. Best to just wait it out.

Oh lemme introduce you to Left Hand Toilet Man, the font of wisdom who actually started a thread around which hand O'bama wipes his ass with on the toilet. Really, no shit.

As I said ... two tiers.

I'll check back later when the mud subsides.
And there it is, as predicted. Danth's Law took 12 minutes. Can't say it's his best time but at least we got the bonus ad hom. Again that's ad hom. ad hom ad hom ad infin.


(The reader should recognize "Danth's Law", OKA: "Parker's Law", "Joseph's Law" and The CLAMDO Axiom; Law of the: Chronic Loser Advanced as a Means to Deny the Obvious"; which holds that 'If someone recognizes that they have defeated an opponent, they really didn't.' is the last desperate bastion of the chronic loser.

The first known use of the principle is thought to be in the 11th century, when Turkish Muslims celebrated their Victory over the Crusaders, demanding that the spirits of the dead were gathered around Allah preparing to return to smite the kafir. It turned out that it was the Crusaders who were gathering to slaughter the Muslims... but ya must give points for unbridled optimism!)
Last edited:
[ an extremely unexceptional people who don't deserve the freedoms they've inherited.

Speak for yourself, douche.

Proof positive of American exceptionalism right here.

Sadly so. Around this place there are obviously two tiers -- those who delve into reasoned rumination and those that troll for the purpose of seeing their name on the internets. We have the latter active right now, like a rainstorm. Best to just wait it out.

Oh lemme introduce you to Left Hand Toilet Man, the font of wisdom who actually started a thread around which hand O'bama wipes his ass with on the toilet. Really, no shit.

As I said ... two tiers.

I'll check back later when the mud subsides.

Perhaps this forum should design a two tier system, one where people who are somewhat less evolved have to wait in line to post behind people with brains.
[ an extremely unexceptional people who don't deserve the freedoms they've inherited.

Speak for yourself, douche.

Proof positive of American exceptionalism right here.

Sadly so. Around this place there are obviously two tiers -- those who delve into reasoned rumination and those that troll for the purpose of seeing their name on the internets. We have the latter active right now, like a rainstorm. Best to just wait it out.

Oh lemme introduce you to Left Hand Toilet Man, the font of wisdom who actually started a thread around which hand O'bama wipes his ass with on the toilet. Really, no shit.

As I said ... two tiers.

I'll check back later when the mud subsides.

Perhaps this forum should design a two tier system, one where people who are somewhat less evolved have to wait in line to post behind people with brains.

Well we do have something like that on a voluntary basis -- the Ignore function. When you see someone that consistently posts no content (cf. Unkotare earlier today) you can zap them into invisibility on a case-by-case basis.

I haven't done that with these two because -- well I have to admit, the mindfuck moment of a thread positing a theory of which hand the POTUS wipes his ass with is just so damn entertaining in its elemental bizarritude that I kinda watch the sky hoping to see another one.
[ an extremely unexceptional people who don't deserve the freedoms they've inherited.

Speak for yourself, douche.

Proof positive of American exceptionalism right here.

Sadly so. Around this place there are obviously two tiers -- those who delve into reasoned rumination and those that troll for the purpose of seeing their name on the internets. We have the latter active right now, like a rainstorm. Best to just wait it out.

Oh lemme introduce you to Left Hand Toilet Man, the font of wisdom who actually started a thread around which hand O'bama wipes his ass with on the toilet. Really, no shit.

As I said ... two tiers.

I'll check back later when the mud subsides.

Perhaps this forum should design a two tier system, one where people who are somewhat less evolved have to wait in line to post behind people with brains.

You sure you want to wait?
[ an extremely unexceptional people who don't deserve the freedoms they've inherited.

Speak for yourself, douche.

Proof positive of American exceptionalism right here.

Sadly so. Around this place there are obviously two tiers -- those who delve into reasoned rumination and those that troll for the purpose of seeing their name on the internets. We have the latter active right now, like a rainstorm. Best to just wait it out.

Oh lemme introduce you to Left Hand Toilet Man, the font of wisdom who actually started a thread around which hand O'bama wipes his ass with on the toilet. Really, no shit.

As I said ... two tiers.

I'll check back later when the mud subsides.

Perhaps this forum should design a two tier system, one where people who are somewhat less evolved have to wait in line to post behind people with brains.

Oh! It's already done.

There's the "FIRE HOT" Zone... wherein, it must be noted POGO is KING! There's also the "WATER WET!" Zone... which the last I heard was totally owed by .. I want to say Skylar... but someone called 'Toro' was comin' on strong, so I could be wrong there.
[ an extremely unexceptional people who don't deserve the freedoms they've inherited.

Speak for yourself, douche.

Proof positive of American exceptionalism right here.

Sadly so. Around this place there are obviously two tiers -- those who delve into reasoned rumination and those that troll for the purpose of seeing their name on the internets. We have the latter active right now, like a rainstorm. Best to just wait it out.

Oh lemme introduce you to Left Hand Toilet Man, the font of wisdom who actually started a thread around which hand O'bama wipes his ass with on the toilet. Really, no shit.

As I said ... two tiers.

I'll check back later when the mud subsides.

Perhaps this forum should design a two tier system, one where people who are somewhat less evolved have to wait in line to post behind people with brains.

Well we do have something like that on a voluntary basis -- the Ignore function. When you see someone that consistently posts no content (cf. Unkotare earlier today) you can zap them into invisibility on a case-by-case basis.

I haven't done that with these two because -- well I have to admit, the mindfuck moment of a thread positing a theory of which hand the POTUS wipes his ass with is just so damn entertaining in its elemental bizarritude that I kinda watch the sky hoping to see another one.

These people aren't even worth the effort to use the ignore function.
[ an extremely unexceptional people who don't deserve the freedoms they've inherited.

Speak for yourself, douche.

Proof positive of American exceptionalism right here.

Sadly so. Around this place there are obviously two tiers -- those who delve into reasoned rumination and those that troll for the purpose of seeing their name on the internets. We have the latter active right now, like a rainstorm. Best to just wait it out.

Oh lemme introduce you to Left Hand Toilet Man, the font of wisdom who actually started a thread around which hand O'bama wipes his ass with on the toilet. Really, no shit.

As I said ... two tiers.

I'll check back later when the mud subsides.
Your fascination with defecation is totally revealing of the content of your head! I bet you still play with the contents of your diaper as you have such a fixation on crap!
"It really bugs me the rightwing thinks Americans are "exceptional"."

Of course it does... but what bugs you isn't that Americans think that we're exceptional.

What bugs you is that we: the Americans, ARE EXCEPTIONAL.

Given your pedestrian means, that makes perfect sense.

Nature endowed us our rights on the authority of nature itself, which means that we are entitled to exercise our natural rights without requiring your permission.

Meaning that Nature intended for our exceptionalism: to bug you, which is to say the manifestation of EVIL.

So... well, you see how it is.

God you're pretentious. Why does that put us above other global citizens? That is my point.

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