It really bugs me the rightwing thinks Americans are "exceptional"


What is the specific tangible reason it matters if America is "exceptional" or not?

In what way, precisely, does this status manifest?


American Exceptionalism is about when we became a new Nation that developed a uniquely American ideology, "Americanism", based on liberty, egalitarianism, individualism, republicanism, democracy and laissez-faire.
So when does this status matter? Does it mean that rules don't apply to us? That we get to invade any country that we don't like? That we can force everyone else to be like us? That we don't need to know the secret handshake?

What's the point of all this?


What is the specific tangible reason it matters if America is "exceptional" or not?

In what way, precisely, does this status manifest?


American Exceptionalism is about when we became a new Nation that developed a uniquely American ideology, "Americanism", based on liberty, egalitarianism, individualism, republicanism, democracy and laissez-faire.

The above more widely known as "Liberalism", which doesn't limit the philosophy to one place.

The problem is AE has been used in different ways for different agendas. Communists used it; sociological historians used it; Manifest Destiy freaks used it; and sadly while your definition above applied two-plus centuries ago, the latter hubristic angle seems to be the prevailing wind among those who employ the term today -- which as you and I both noted, leads to a kind of etymological magnetic pole reversal where the power-upsetters became the power-hungry.

That's always the pitfall of using a neutral ("exceptional") word for a specific purpose --- you can technically plug in any purpose that suits the agenda at the time. To me, "Manifest Destiny" is a more specific synonym because it pins down the dynamic.

What is the specific tangible reason it matters if America is "exceptional" or not?

In what way, precisely, does this status manifest?


American Exceptionalism is about when we became a new Nation that developed a uniquely American ideology, "Americanism", based on liberty, egalitarianism, individualism, republicanism, democracy and laissez-faire.

Sounds even more meaningless when you put it that way.

What was all the other Governments when we became a new Nation?
All of the other Governments controlled their people.
We are becoming that again and it needs to change.
Our government is not suppose to control us. We the People are suppose to control our Government.

What is the specific tangible reason it matters if America is "exceptional" or not?

In what way, precisely, does this status manifest?


American Exceptionalism is about when we became a new Nation that developed a uniquely American ideology, "Americanism", based on liberty, egalitarianism, individualism, republicanism, democracy and laissez-faire.

The above more widely known as "Liberalism", which doesn't limit the philosophy to one place.

The problem is AE has been used in different ways for different agendas. Communists used it; sociological historians used it; Manifest Destiy freaks used it; and sadly while your definition above applied two-plus centuries ago, the latter hubristic angle seems to be the prevailing wind among those who employ the term today -- which as you and I both noted, leads to a kind of etymological magnetic pole reversal where the power-upsetters became the power-hungry.

That's always the pitfall of using a neutral ("exceptional") word for a specific purpose --- you can technically plug in any purpose that suits the agenda at the time. To me, "Manifest Destiny" is a more specific synonym.

No the above is known as the age of enlightenment. Where the Creator gave us rights over men's laws.
"It really bugs me the rightwing thinks Americans are "exceptional"."

Of course it does... but what bugs you isn't that Americans think that we're exceptional.

What bugs you is that we: the Americans, ARE EXCEPTIONAL.

Given your pedestrian means, that makes perfect sense.

Nature endowed us our rights on the authority of nature itself, which means that we are entitled to exercise our natural rights without requiring your permission.

Meaning that Nature intended for our exceptionalism: to bug you, which is to say the manifestation of EVIL.

So... well, you see how it is.


What is the specific tangible reason it matters if America is "exceptional" or not?

In what way, precisely, does this status manifest?


American Exceptionalism is about when we became a new Nation that developed a uniquely American ideology, "Americanism", based on liberty, egalitarianism, individualism, republicanism, democracy and laissez-faire.

The above more widely known as "Liberalism", which doesn't limit the philosophy to one place.

The problem is AE has been used in different ways for different agendas. Communists used it; sociological historians used it; Manifest Destiy freaks used it; and sadly while your definition above applied two-plus centuries ago, the latter hubristic angle seems to be the prevailing wind among those who employ the term today -- which as you and I both noted, leads to a kind of etymological magnetic pole reversal where the power-upsetters became the power-hungry.

That's always the pitfall of using a neutral ("exceptional") word for a specific purpose --- you can technically plug in any purpose that suits the agenda at the time. To me, "Manifest Destiny" is a more specific synonym.

No the above is known as the age of enlightenment. Where the Creator gave us rights over men's laws.

The Age of Enlightenment is a time period -- named for its philosophical developments, like Liberalism.

That was exceptional at the time, no question. Throwing off the First and Second Estates in favor of the Third was -- well, revolutionary. But it's not new any more, so while it was "exceptional" then, it's not now.

What is the specific tangible reason it matters if America is "exceptional" or not?

In what way, precisely, does this status manifest?


American Exceptionalism is about when we became a new Nation that developed a uniquely American ideology, "Americanism", based on liberty, egalitarianism, individualism, republicanism, democracy and laissez-faire.
So when does this status matter? Does it mean that rules don't apply to us? That we get to invade any country that we don't like? That we can force everyone else to be like us? That we don't need to know the secret handshake?

What's the point of all this?

"This" has no point. As "THIS" is a thread designed by those animated by evil, to allow others, who are also animated by evil to weep and gnash their collective tooth around the pretense that God-given rights supersede the edicts of their failed governance

American Exceptionalism is what it is... the manifestation of a virtuous, God fearing people going about their business, peacefully and doing so prosperously, without regard to and otherwise unaffected by the chronic braying of the unexceptional, ne'r-do-well malcontent.
I don't deny the fact that exceptional people built this nation. That is without question. I'm proud of that. However, this idea that Americans of today are more exceptional than other people in this world is such non sense. Stupid, entitled, materialistic, and arrogant is what Americans are.

My god, just look at the Tea Party. There are foreigners who admire America, but when they look at the Tea Party, they just scoff or laugh. Tea baggers, in terms of intelligence, are much stupider than the average person the world over. They are also selfish, arrogant and racist. I mean this is the movement who bitches about government spending but also insists on ridiculous tax cuts. How can you respect people who don't understand the concept of revenue?

And yes, I do think there are some great Americans living today. I just don't think being American has anything to do with it.

In terms of citizens, America is not at all superior to the rest of the world. Let's stop pretending that it is.

American Exceptionalism is just another generic catch phrase that can mean whatever you want.

The word "exceptionalism" means: "the condition of being different from the norm."
Exceptionalism - Definition and More from the Free Merriam-Webster Dictionary

In my perception then the USA is exceptional because the USA is a nation made up of MORE people that are exceptional that come from countries
that don't provide the encouragement to be exceptional.
NO country in the world is made up of more people coming from other countries then the USA.
More of these people that come are exceptional people that see the USA as providing an environment more conducive to their exceptionalism!

In other words there is no real definition for American exceptionalism. Just another vague rhetorical concept.

If this has to be explained to you, it isn't worth the effort.

Thank God for that. I don't think I could sit through another one of your explanations.

You are not one those brilliant left wing know it alls who belive in a utopia and buy into the laughable notion that socialism is that utolia, are you?
I don't deny the fact that exceptional people built this nation. That is without question. I'm proud of that. However, this idea that Americans of today are more exceptional than other people in this world is such non sense. Stupid, entitled, materialistic, and arrogant is what Americans are.

My god, just look at the Tea Party. There are foreigners who admire America, but when they look at the Tea Party, they just scoff or laugh. Tea baggers, in terms of intelligence, are much stupider than the average person the world over. They are also selfish, arrogant and racist. I mean this is the movement who bitches about government spending but also insists on ridiculous tax cuts. How can you respect people who don't understand the concept of revenue?

And yes, I do think there are some great Americans living today. I just don't think being American has anything to do with it.

In terms of citizens, America is not at all superior to the rest of the world. Let's stop pretending that it is.

Americans literally are exceptional, because America is superior to the rest of the world, in every conceivable way.

What is literally NOT exceptional; such being rather pedestrian, are the Progressives who were born here in the United States, succumb to the infection of Foreign Ideas Hostile to the Principles that Define America and subsequently spend their time crying about how unexceptional they are and somehow THAT this is supposed to be relevant to Americans.

As a Moderator on this very site recently noted, this demonstrates perfectly that:

Are you that ignorant? Are you aware how sad our public education system is? It's a joke.

You got one right. Now, how many of the public teachers do you think are conservative versus liberal? Then you will have the answer to why our public education system is failing to educate our children.
The above more widely known as "Liberalism", which doesn't limit the philosophy to one place.

Yes... Liberalism, in the Classic Sense.

Meaning in the sense that "Liberal" refers to one who advocates for the Liberty of the Individual, on the basis that the individual; created by God, is by virtue of that endowment of their life, authorized by God to pursue the fulfillment of that life, bound only by the individual responsibility to not exercise their rights in such a way that restricts the means of another to exercise their own rights; where each individual is endowed with the same rights; providing that all men are created equal, through their equitable divine endowment.

Today, the antithesis of that, is 'The Liberal'; which is to say the advocate of collective liberty, provided by the strength of centralized human power, which lifts all individuals of their responsibilities... relegating all who are subjected to such; thus all 'Subjects', to equality in their status, wherein they are all equally subject to the shifting whimsy of said governance... and in the inevitable squaller intrinsic to such.

That thesis rests entirely and exclusively within Relativism and bears absolutely no kinship with America, standing as noted above, as the very antithesis and is entirely hostile to America and the principles that define it.

See how that works?




Again reader, for an American to defeat a Leftist in debate, all one need do is to recognize the two fundamental principles that assure such:

First: Find a Leftist.

Second: Get them to speak.
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The above more widely known as "Liberalism", which doesn't limit the philosophy to one place.

Yes... Liberalism, in the Classic Sense. Meaning in the sense that "Liberal" refers to one who advocates for the Liberty of the Individual, on the basis that the individual; created by God, is by virtue of that endowment of their life, authorized by God to pursue the fulfillment of that life, bound only be the individual responsibility to not exercise their rights, in such a way that restricts the means of another to exercise their own rights; where each individual is endowed with the same rights; providing that all men are created equal, through their equitable divine endowment.

Today, the antithesis of that, is 'The Liberal'; which is to say the advocate of collective liberty, provided by the strength of centralized human power, which lifts all individuals of their responsibilities... which inevitably lifts from the individual the correlating rights, effectively subjugating the individual (enslaving) the individual to the ever shifting whimsy of the said governance.

That thesis rests entirely and exclusively within Relativism and bears absolutely no kinship with America, standing as noted above, as the very antithesis and is entirely hostile to America and the principles that define it.

See how that works?

Again reader, for an American to defeat a Leftist in debate, all one need to is to recognize the two fundamental principles that assure such:

First: Find a Leftist.

Second: Get them to speak.

Poor Where_R_My_Brain_Cells. Wants to participate and all he can come up with is ad hom, shouting in bold fonts and repasting the same thing over and over hoping it will stick to the wall. Oh yeah, and Danth's Law (countdown in 5... 4... 3...)

Doesn't even know the difference between Liberal and leftist. Poor guy. :sad:
I don't deny the fact that exceptional people built this nation. That is without question. I'm proud of that. However, this idea that Americans of today are more exceptional than other people in this world is such non sense. Stupid, entitled, materialistic, and arrogant is what Americans are.

My god, just look at the Tea Party. There are foreigners who admire America, but when they look at the Tea Party, they just scoff or laugh. Tea baggers, in terms of intelligence, are much stupider than the average person the world over. They are also selfish, arrogant and racist. I mean this is the movement who bitches about government spending but also insists on ridiculous tax cuts. How can you respect people who don't understand the concept of revenue?

And yes, I do think there are some great Americans living today. I just don't think being American has anything to do with it.

In terms of citizens, America is not at all superior to the rest of the world. Let's stop pretending that it is.

Americans literally are exceptional, because America is superior to the rest of the world, in every conceivable way.

What is literally NOT exceptional; such being rather pedestrian, are the Progressives who were born here in the United States, succumb to the infection of Foreign Ideas Hostile to the Principles that Define America and subsequently spend their time crying about how unexceptional they are and somehow THAT this is supposed to be relevant to Americans.

As a Moderator on this very site recently noted, this demonstrates perfectly that:

Are you that ignorant? Are you aware how sad our public education system is? It's a joke.

You got one right. Now, how many of the public teachers do you think are conservative versus liberal? Then you will have the answer to why our public education system is failing to educate our children.

Well said... such is the nature of evil.

Evil trots in, suckers the ignorant, then when the inevitable chaos, calamity and catastrophe is realized, it returns with a smile, blames the consequences of itself on YOU and offers to help you fix... (Repeat until ruin is established, then rinse the remains down the drain, into history.)
It's probably cool for a self-loathing liberal earthworm to believe itself to be unexceptional but projecting that belief onto other Americans? Worthy of being trod underfoot, that little worm.

But only that particular one as good earthworms eat shit and turn it into fertile soil.
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It's probably for a self-loathing liberal earthworm to believe itself to be unexceptional but projecting that belief onto other Americans? Worthy of being trod underfoot, that little worm.

See what I mean about elitist hubris, Peach?
That's my inference of what the term means contemporarily-- and the Henrys and Where_R_My_Keyses keep confirming it.

Not so vague after all. :thup:
The above more widely known as "Liberalism", which doesn't limit the philosophy to one place.

Yes... Liberalism, in the Classic Sense. Meaning in the sense that "Liberal" refers to one who advocates for the Liberty of the Individual, on the basis that the individual; created by God, is by virtue of that endowment of their life, authorized by God to pursue the fulfillment of that life, bound only be the individual responsibility to not exercise their rights, in such a way that restricts the means of another to exercise their own rights; where each individual is endowed with the same rights; providing that all men are created equal, through their equitable divine endowment.

Today, the antithesis of that, is 'The Liberal'; which is to say the advocate of collective liberty, provided by the strength of centralized human power, which lifts all individuals of their responsibilities... which inevitably lifts from the individual the correlating rights, effectively subjugating the individual (enslaving) the individual to the ever shifting whimsy of the said governance.

That thesis rests entirely and exclusively within Relativism and bears absolutely no kinship with America, standing as noted above, as the very antithesis and is entirely hostile to America and the principles that define it.

See how that works?

Again reader, for an American to defeat a Leftist in debate, all one need to is to recognize the two fundamental principles that assure such:

First: Find a Leftist.

Second: Get them to speak.

Poor Where_R_My_Brain_Cells. Wants to participate and all he can come up with is ad hom, shouting in bold fonts and repasting the same thing over and over hoping it will stick to the wall. Oh yeah, and Danth's Law (countdown in 5... 4... 3...)

Doesn't even know the difference between Liberal and leftist. Poor guy. :sad:

Ahhh... Now isn't that PRECIOUS?

A concession, without presenting so much as a contest!

The Reader should recognize that is the milestone that they will have realized, when such happens to you.

The demon can't face you, because it knows that it cannot manifest itself in the light you represent, therefore it relegates itself to the impotence of tossing feckless little pebbles from the shadow.

Now you're probably saying to yourself: "I bet that feels good!"


You can rest assured: it does.

But, you can do it too.

The Key to defeating a Leftist in Debate is to first: CHOOSE to BE an American. This is wholly distinct from simply sliding down a birth canal on US Soil. All that buys one is that one is a US Citizen. No great point of pride in that. "I was born on THIS DIRT!" WOO HOO! So what?

To BE an American is a choice. The Choice to recognize, respect, defend and adhere TO the principles that DEFINE: America.

Then, once you've done everything necessary to get there... to defeat a Leftist in debate, requires only the adherence to two fundamental elements:

1- Find a Leftist.


2- Get them to speak.
The above more widely known as "Liberalism", which doesn't limit the philosophy to one place.

Yes... Liberalism, in the Classic Sense.

Meaning in the sense that "Liberal" refers to one who advocates for the Liberty of the Individual, on the basis that the individual; created by God, is by virtue of that endowment of their life, authorized by God to pursue the fulfillment of that life, bound only by the individual responsibility to not exercise their rights in such a way that restricts the means of another to exercise their own rights; where each individual is endowed with the same rights; providing that all men are created equal, through their equitable divine endowment.

Today, the antithesis of that, is 'The Liberal'; which is to say the advocate of collective liberty, provided by the strength of centralized human power, which lifts all individuals of their responsibilities... relegating all who are subjected to such; thus all 'Subjects', to equality in their status, wherein they are all equally subject to the shifting whimsy of said governance... and in the inevitable squaller intrinsic to such.

That thesis rests entirely and exclusively within Relativism and bears absolutely no kinship with America, standing as noted above, as the very antithesis and is entirely hostile to America and the principles that define it.

See how that works?




Again reader, for an American to defeat a Leftist in debate, all one need do is to recognize the two fundamental principles that assure such:

First: Find a Leftist.

Second: Get them to speak.

Pogo said that not me.
Something got messed up when you posted. :)
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