It really bugs me the rightwing thinks Americans are "exceptional"

Liberalism created America; that's the fact.

OK, OK, that's not quite accurate, I know. It's intentionally colloquialized. Lemme fix it so it's technically correct:
Liberalism created the United States of America. The rest of the two continents, their mileage may vary.
Lefties love that lie. The same Constitution that must be living and breathing because it doesn't afford enough government oversight was created by 'liberals'. The same founders that were slave owners were 'liberals'. The same founders with successful capitalist businesses were 'liberals'.

That's funny but far from accurate. The colonials were very successful and the crown realized they were letting too much slip through their hands. They tightened the grip and imposed more and more taxes and fees, like big government types do today. The founders rebelled against the crown but they did so because they wanted to enjoy what they had going.

So even if you were to consider them liberals simply because they rebelled it would be wildly out of place with any liberalism of today.
Liberalism is what has dumbed down America.

Don't kid yourself, Brotch. :slap:

Foreigners today look to America for the riches that Liberals offer. Free everything just for the taking.

Tea baggers aren't selfish arrogant or racist. just because Liberal nut cases such as yourself declare it so...

America is for people who love freedom and democracy and who are willing to work and sacrifice for said same.

Not for people who wish to languish at the Liberal's teat.

Or Obama's cock.

Liberalism is what invented America.

Fixed it for ya bruh. :beer:
No actually America had to become strong before liberalism started to destroy it.

Liberalism created America; that's the fact.

OK, OK, that's not quite accurate, I know. It's intentionally colloquialized. Lemme fix it so it's technically correct:
Liberalism created the United States of America. The rest of the two continents, their mileage may vary.
what created America Pogo was a whole bunch of Colonists who had enough of the British treating them like shit......and that included the very conservative to the most liberal of them...remember John Hancock and John Adams were not on board with Sam Adams and Co. in the beginning......
Bottom line from me is

The conservatives and liberals created the greatest country on earth, thank you so much leaders

Thank you To the women who saved us

And to the men who went to war for us, and Died for our freedom , that we have today, love you, I will never forget


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I don't deny the fact that exceptional people built this nation. That is without question. I'm proud of that. However, this idea that Americans of today are more exceptional than other people in this world is such non sense. Stupid, entitled, materialistic, and arrogant is what Americans are.

My god, just look at the Tea Party. There are foreigners who admire America, but when they look at the Tea Party, they just scoff or laugh. Tea baggers, in terms of intelligence, are much stupider than the average person the world over. They are also selfish, arrogant and racist. I mean this is the movement who bitches about government spending but also insists on ridiculous tax cuts. How can you respect people who don't understand the concept of revenue?

And yes, I do think there are some great Americans living today. I just don't think being American has anything to do with it.

In terms of citizens, America is not at all superior to the rest of the world. Let's stop pretending that it is.

Americans literally are exceptional, because America is superior to the rest of the world, in every conceivable way.

What is literally NOT exceptional; such being rather pedestrian, are the Progressives who were born here in the United States, succumb to the infection of Foreign Ideas Hostile to the Principles that Define America and subsequently spend their time crying about how unexceptional they are and somehow THAT this is supposed to be relevant to Americans.

As a Moderator on this very site recently noted, this demonstrates perfectly that:

Its is phoney that even idiots repeat it. Thats fine and all, but when you believe America is really #1...then the brainwashing is strong

This from a far left drone!

Ok what country is exceptional...
None, but many are better than the US.

Do you live here? And if so why?

Most of the mouthier progs on this site are British or other variations of the wholly unexceptional 'Euro-peon' humanist. They have absolutely no kinship with the principles that define America, which of course are what makes America and, the adherents to those principles: Americans... exceptional.
Liberalism is what has dumbed down America.

Don't kid yourself, Brotch. :slap:

Foreigners today look to America for the riches that Liberals offer. Free everything just for the taking.

Tea baggers aren't selfish arrogant or racist. just because Liberal nut cases such as yourself declare it so...

America is for people who love freedom and democracy and who are willing to work and sacrifice for said same.

Not for people who wish to languish at the Liberal's teat.

Or Obama's cock.

Liberalism is what invented America.

Fixed it for ya bruh. :beer:
No actually America had to become strong before liberalism started to destroy it.

Liberalism created America; that's the fact.

OK, OK, that's not quite accurate, I know. It's intentionally colloquialized. Lemme fix it so it's technically correct:
Liberalism created the United States of America. The rest of the two continents, their mileage may vary.
what created America Pogo was a whole bunch of Colonists who had enough of the British treating them like shit......and that included the very conservative to the most liberal of them...remember John Hancock and John Adams were not on board with Sam Adams and Co. in the beginning......

The entire idea of governing derived from The People, as opposed to the subserviance under the Church/Nobility/Royalty that had held sway before then, indeed the very root idea that "all men are created equal" (even if that had to be refined in practice) --- is the very essence of Liberalism. It's literally the stuff we're made of.
The only truly exceptional folks are Bolsheviks, peasants, union workers, and occutards.

For the People !!!
I don't deny the fact that exceptional people built this nation. That is without question. I'm proud of that. However, this idea that Americans of today are more exceptional than other people in this world is such non sense. Stupid, entitled, materialistic, and arrogant is what Americans are.

My god, just look at the Tea Party. There are foreigners who admire America, but when they look at the Tea Party, they just scoff or laugh. Tea baggers, in terms of intelligence, are much stupider than the average person the world over. They are also selfish, arrogant and racist. I mean this is the movement who bitches about government spending but also insists on ridiculous tax cuts. How can you respect people who don't understand the concept of revenue?

And yes, I do think there are some great Americans living today. I just don't think being American has anything to do with it.

In terms of citizens, America is not at all superior to the rest of the world. Let's stop pretending that it is.

Americans literally are exceptional, because America is superior to the rest of the world, in every conceivable way.

Let Egotism Ring...


Things to Do Today:
1. Fish out dollar bill;
2. Check fine print to see if it really does say E Numero Uno Unum

Wtf dood, didn't we just do this?
Wassamatta? Did it sting?
Its is phoney that even idiots repeat it. Thats fine and all, but when you believe America is really #1...then the brainwashing is strong

This from a far left drone!

Ok what country is exceptional...
None, but many are better than the US.

Do you live here? And if so why?

Most of the mouthier progs on this site are British or other variations of the wholly unexceptional 'Euro-peon' humanist. They have absolutely no kinship with the principles that define America, which of course are what makes America and, the adherents to those principles: Americans... exceptional.

Americans are human. And the idea is that the humans -- collectively -- run the show. That's the whole point.

Are you, like, new here?
Its is phoney that even idiots repeat it. Thats fine and all, but when you believe America is really #1...then the brainwashing is strong

This from a far left drone!

Ok what country is exceptional...
None, but many are better than the US.

Do you live here? And if so why?

Most of the mouthier progs on this site are British or other variations of the wholly unexceptional 'Euro-peon' humanist. They have absolutely no kinship with the principles that define America, which of course are what makes America and, the adherents to those principles: Americans... exceptional.

Which again leads to the question.
Why do they live here if it sucks so bad? I mean if these people are euro weenies that think their homeland is so great why did they leave?

It reminds me of the yankees that move down here to Texas and do nothing but complain about it.
These people find out rather quickly that Texans REALLY dont like them bashing their state....lets hope Americans can do the same to liberals.
Its is phoney that even idiots repeat it. Thats fine and all, but when you believe America is really #1...then the brainwashing is strong

This from a far left drone!

Ok what country is exceptional...
None, but many are better than the US.

Do you live here? And if so why?

Most of the mouthier progs on this site are British or other variations of the wholly unexceptional 'Euro-peon' humanist. They have absolutely no kinship with the principles that define America, which of course are what makes America and, the adherents to those principles: Americans... exceptional.

Americans are human. And the idea is that the humans -- collectively -- run the show. That's the whole point.

Are you, like, new here?

Not according to the far left and their drones..

If that were the case then the racist far left drones would finally have to quit obsessing about race..
I love being an American because were the best of the best in every thing we have every nationally here and we share ideas and get along for the most part
It really bugs me the rightwing thinks Americans are "exceptional"

That's because you don't want to go to the effort it takes to be exceptional..
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the very root idea that "all men are created equal" (even if that had to be refined in practice) --- is the very essence of Liberalism. It's literally the stuff we're made of.
And by God, you're going to keep them equal, no matter how hard some of them try to be exceptional instead.

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