It really bugs me the rightwing thinks Americans are "exceptional"

I don't deny the fact that exceptional people built this nation. That is without question. I'm proud of that. However, this idea that Americans of today are more exceptional than other people in this world is such non sense. Stupid, entitled, materialistic, and arrogant is what Americans are.

My god, just look at the Tea Party. There are foreigners who admire America, but when they look at the Tea Party, they just scoff or laugh. Tea baggers, in terms of intelligence, are much stupider than the average person the world over. They are also selfish, arrogant and racist. I mean this is the movement who bitches about government spending but also insists on ridiculous tax cuts. How can you respect people who don't understand the concept of revenue?

And yes, I do think there are some great Americans living today. I just don't think being American has anything to do with it.

In terms of citizens, America is not at all superior to the rest of the world. Let's stop pretending that it is.

Or this billy

Or this billy

Or this billy
A democrat no less
I feel like the idea of America's exceptionalism is inextricable for many people, largely conservatives, from patriotism. It's not really about America being objectively the best, it's about pride in your country. It's just rooting for your team. "Seahawks are the best!" "America is an exceptional nation!" You see it less with liberals, because for many reasons we reject what we think of as jingoism.

Then again, its not just politics that influences these things. I'm from a family of Atlanta Falcons fans, so my own team-rooting has always been more...cautiously optimistic. :lol:
You do make a decent point, but I still think many tea baggers have that superiority complex about our citizens.

Thats no surprise....if they're comparing themselves to you.
Liberalism is what has dumbed down America.

Don't kid yourself, Brotch. :slap:

Foreigners today look to America for the riches that Liberals offer. Free everything just for the taking.

Tea baggers aren't selfish arrogant or racist. just because Liberal nut cases such as yourself declare it so...

America is for people who love freedom and democracy and who are willing to work and sacrifice for said same.

Not for people who wish to languish at the Liberal's teat.

Or Obama's cock.

Liberalism is what invented America.

Fixed it for ya bruh. :beer:
No actually America had to become strong before liberalism started to destroy it.

Liberalism created America; that's the fact.

OK, OK, that's not quite accurate, I know. It's intentionally colloquialized. Lemme fix it so it's technically correct:
Liberalism created the United States of America. The rest of the two continents, their mileage may vary.
Yes, the rest of the world still sees us as exceptional.
We pay to support most if them
That's bullshit. Many foreigners think we are turds and that isn't because they are envious.

Why on Earth would I give a rats ass what some pissant from another country thinks?

Americans by and large ARE exceptional... of course, there are the yous of the world... but you are the not the norm.
I don't deny the fact that exceptional people built this nation. That is without question. I'm proud of that. However, this idea that Americans of today are more exceptional than other people in this world is such non sense. Stupid, entitled, materialistic, and arrogant is what Americans are.

My god, just look at the Tea Party. There are foreigners who admire America, but when they look at the Tea Party, they just scoff or laugh. Tea baggers, in terms of intelligence, are much stupider than the average person the world over. They are also selfish, arrogant and racist. I mean this is the movement who bitches about government spending but also insists on ridiculous tax cuts. How can you respect people who don't understand the concept of revenue?

And yes, I do think there are some great Americans living today. I just don't think being American has anything to do with it.

In terms of citizens, America is not at all superior to the rest of the world. Let's stop pretending that it is.

Americans educated at what the far-right calls "liberal" school ARE exceptional.

Like Barack Obama.
Fidel Castro is exceptional too and in about the same way.
Bigoted rants against Americans who choose to be members of the Tea Party do not enhance the flawed argument that alleges America is not exceptional. Actually it's the insane bigotry and latent anti-Americanism of the American left that causes other countries to scoff.
Liberalism is what has dumbed down America.

Don't kid yourself, Brotch. :slap:

Foreigners today look to America for the riches that Liberals offer. Free everything just for the taking.

Tea baggers aren't selfish arrogant or racist. just because Liberal nut cases such as yourself declare it so...

America is for people who love freedom and democracy and who are willing to work and sacrifice for said same.

Not for people who wish to languish at the Liberal's teat.

Or Obama's cock.

Liberalism is what invented America.

Fixed it for ya bruh. :beer:
No actually America had to become strong before liberalism started to destroy it.

Liberalism created America; that's the fact.

OK, OK, that's not quite accurate, I know. It's intentionally colloquialized. Lemme fix it so it's technically correct:
Liberalism created the United States of America. The rest of the two continents, their mileage may vary.

Far left propaganda at it's worst..

Yeah I am sure the Indians just loved all that "Liberalism"...
Liberalism is what has dumbed down America.

Don't kid yourself, Brotch. :slap:

Foreigners today look to America for the riches that Liberals offer. Free everything just for the taking.

Tea baggers aren't selfish arrogant or racist. just because Liberal nut cases such as yourself declare it so...

America is for people who love freedom and democracy and who are willing to work and sacrifice for said same.

Not for people who wish to languish at the Liberal's teat.

Or Obama's cock.

Liberalism is what invented America.

Fixed it for ya bruh. :beer:
No actually America had to become strong before liberalism started to destroy it.

Liberalism created America; that's the fact.

OK, OK, that's not quite accurate, I know. It's intentionally colloquialized. Lemme fix it so it's technically correct:
Liberalism created the United States of America. The rest of the two continents, their mileage may vary.

Far left propaganda at it's worst..

Yeah I am sure the Indians just loved all that "Liberalism"...

Didn't you know? When the Pilgrims arrived the Indians took them immediately to the local welfare office!!!
Its is phoney that even idiots repeat it. Thats fine and all, but when you believe America is really #1...then the brainwashing is strong
I don't deny the fact that exceptional people built this nation. That is without question. I'm proud of that. However, this idea that Americans of today are more exceptional than other people in this world is such non sense. Stupid, entitled, materialistic, and arrogant is what Americans are.

My god, just look at the Tea Party. There are foreigners who admire America, but when they look at the Tea Party, they just scoff or laugh. Tea baggers, in terms of intelligence, are much stupider than the average person the world over. They are also selfish, arrogant and racist. I mean this is the movement who bitches about government spending but also insists on ridiculous tax cuts. How can you respect people who don't understand the concept of revenue?

And yes, I do think there are some great Americans living today. I just don't think being American has anything to do with it.

In terms of citizens, America is not at all superior to the rest of the world. Let's stop pretending that it is.

Americans literally are exceptional, because America is superior to the rest of the world, in every conceivable way.

Let Egotism Ring...


Things to Do Today:
1. Fish out dollar bill;
2. Check fine print to see if it really says E Numero Uno Unum
Liberalism is what has dumbed down America.

Oh boy, this again

I am glad you are using a conservative (image of JFK) in your sig now, shows that there may be hope for this far left drone..

:rofl: ^^ Revisionists never sleep. Now they want to hostile-takeover JFK.

Diga me hombre -- if JFK was a "conservative" what was Nixon?

And see thee far left wants to deny history!

JFK was a Conservative based on the far left meaning of that word

Also showing that keywords like have zero meaning in the far left data banks..

And you ( a far left drone) just proved my comments!
I don't deny the fact that exceptional people built this nation. That is without question. I'm proud of that. However, this idea that Americans of today are more exceptional than other people in this world is such non sense. Stupid, entitled, materialistic, and arrogant is what Americans are.

My god, just look at the Tea Party. There are foreigners who admire America, but when they look at the Tea Party, they just scoff or laugh. Tea baggers, in terms of intelligence, are much stupider than the average person the world over. They are also selfish, arrogant and racist. I mean this is the movement who bitches about government spending but also insists on ridiculous tax cuts. How can you respect people who don't understand the concept of revenue?

And yes, I do think there are some great Americans living today. I just don't think being American has anything to do with it.

In terms of citizens, America is not at all superior to the rest of the world. Let's stop pretending that it is.

Americans literally are exceptional, because America is superior to the rest of the world, in every conceivable way.

Let Egotism Ring...


Oh the irony impaired far left drones and their comments..

I mean seriously do they not understand irony?
Its is phoney that even idiots repeat it. Thats fine and all, but when you believe America is really #1...then the brainwashing is strong

This from a far left drone!

Ok what country is exceptional to the far left drones?

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