It really needs to be said that Trump’s use of the insult “Pocohauntas” is more...

...stupid and childish than it is offensive. I think if I was Native American, I wouldn’t be offended - I would just find it pathetic as I do now. Can you be more childish than this? He sounds like a 7th grader. It’s too petty and lame to dignify it as being offensive lol.

I mean I know Trump supporters don’t give a shit about the feelings of Native Americans, but it’s very telling if they find it funny or clever. I guess that’s the mentality we are stuck with when it comes to the GOP these days.

Trump Uses ‘Pocahontas’ Slur While Telling Jewish Voters That Warren Will Take ‘Your Wealth Away’
What's offensive is a white politician pretending to be a Native American and denying an authentic Native American a position in academia. Typical leftist ignoring the real problem.
...stupid and childish than it is offensive. I think if I was Native American, I wouldn’t be offended - I would just find it pathetic as I do now. Can you be more childish than this? He sounds like a 7th grader. It’s too petty and lame to dignify it as being offensive lol.

I mean I know Trump supporters don’t give a shit about the feelings of Native Americans, but it’s very telling if they find it funny or clever. I guess that’s the mentality we are stuck with when it comes to the GOP these days.

Trump Uses ‘Pocahontas’ Slur While Telling Jewish Voters That Warren Will Take ‘Your Wealth Away’

The fact she used 1/1024th of alleged Native American Blood to get preferential minority treatment was beyond childish.... and it made a mockery of minority entitlement. Not defending Trump as much as I am calling out the hypocrisy of ignoring the mockery on her. The Left expects US to honor minority affirmative action programs and totally ignores the buffoonery here makes calling out Trump as childish pathetic. Only the Left will take this seriously. It’s a mockery.

It’s what they do to control thought. Her gaining jobs and promotions by claiming to be an Indian is they rush to silence anyone who points it out.
And after all her bragging and chest beating she is now running from the claim she made. But not owning up to the lie. She, in true Orwellian fashion , like the Stalinist she is, has scrubbed her claims from all her personal and public media as if they never existed. She says she “made mistakes” and is now pushing legislation to benefit reservations in an attempt to curry favor. And a complicit media lets it rest...except for when they attack Trump for the truth.
It was Trump who was right all along wasn’t it?
The fact she used 1/1024th of alleged Native American Blood to get preferential minority treatment was beyond childish

It's also beyond belief, since no such thing transpired.
Not that that's of any import in make-it-up-as-you-go mythology land...
...stupid and childish than it is offensive. I think if I was Native American, I wouldn’t be offended - I would just find it pathetic as I do now. Can you be more childish than this? He sounds like a 7th grader. It’s too petty and lame to dignify it as being offensive lol.

I mean I know Trump supporters don’t give a shit about the feelings of Native Americans, but it’s very telling if they find it funny or clever. I guess that’s the mentality we are stuck with when it comes to the GOP these days.

Trump Uses ‘Pocahontas’ Slur While Telling Jewish Voters That Warren Will Take ‘Your Wealth Away’
The nickname is PERFECT. I call her FAUXCAHONTAS, which is actually more accurate and funnier.
She lied and claimed to be an Indian. .


Ms. Warren faced criticism last year after she released the results of a DNA test that provided evidence she had a Native American ancestor. After entering the presidential race, she apologized for the DNA test and for identifying herself as Native American during her career as a law professor.

Elizabeth Warren Apologizes at Native American Forum: ‘I Have Listened and I Have Learned’
She lied and claimed to be an Indian. .


Ms. Warren faced criticism last year after she released the results of a DNA test that provided evidence she had a Native American ancestor. After entering the presidential race, she apologized for the DNA test and for identifying herself as Native American during her career as a law professor.

Elizabeth Warren Apologizes at Native American Forum: ‘I Have Listened and I Have Learned’

----- And?
...stupid and childish than it is offensive. I think if I was Native American, I wouldn’t be offended - I would just find it pathetic as I do now. Can you be more childish than this? He sounds like a 7th grader. It’s too petty and lame to dignify it as being offensive lol.

I mean I know Trump supporters don’t give a shit about the feelings of Native Americans, but it’s very telling if they find it funny or clever. I guess that’s the mentality we are stuck with when it comes to the GOP these days.

Trump Uses ‘Pocahontas’ Slur While Telling Jewish Voters That Warren Will Take ‘Your Wealth Away’
It is pathetic. You should know by now that Donnie is an asshole.

That said, do you get equally upset when his opponents slander him with insults? Is there anyone in politics treated as badly as Donnie? Sure, he brings much of it on himself.
Trump got the "Pocahontas" thing from Rush, of course.

This separate universe is the Borg. One mind, one world.
This is how the Democrats became such a ridiculous spectacle. They are given a free ride and so the ignorant rise to the top where they can really embarrass themselves. Pocahontas Warren, Biden calling people fat and old and fondling children, Booker calling himself Spartacus, Jackson Lee asking about Apollo visits to Mars...Pelosi with her facial tics proclaiming how Catholic she is, Hank Johnson worries Guam will tip over.
They all are protected and insulated by the press and so you get these shit ignorant people who make ridiculous claims and no end to fantastical theories about Russians and excuses for losing. Keep propping up the ignorant for the sake of ideology and quotas. None of them would last a week under the pressure and scrutiny Trump endures.
It’s why he will keep taking them to school through 2025.
She lied and claimed to be an Indian. .


Ms. Warren faced criticism last year after she released the results of a DNA test that provided evidence she had a Native American ancestor. After entering the presidential race, she apologized for the DNA test and for identifying herself as Native American during her career as a law professor.

Elizabeth Warren Apologizes at Native American Forum: ‘I Have Listened and I Have Learned’

Ahhh the good old apology tour. But I think she owes Donald Trump an apology as well. He was right about her false claims all along. She should admit to that and she can keep the wealth she stole by pretending to be a minority in order to gain preferential employment. (While she attacks billionaires for “not earning their Keep”)

“Donald you were right. I was lying and getting away with it until your very effective methods made my lie untenable”
She lied and claimed to be an Indian. .


Ms. Warren faced criticism last year after she released the results of a DNA test that provided evidence she had a Native American ancestor. After entering the presidential race, she apologized for the DNA test and for identifying herself as Native American during her career as a law professor.

Elizabeth Warren Apologizes at Native American Forum: ‘I Have Listened and I Have Learned’

----- And?

Yep,'re dumber than dirt.
...stupid and childish than it is offensive. I think if I was Native American, I wouldn’t be offended - I would just find it pathetic as I do now. Can you be more childish than this? He sounds like a 7th grader. It’s too petty and lame to dignify it as being offensive lol.

I mean I know Trump supporters don’t give a shit about the feelings of Native Americans, but it’s very telling if they find it funny or clever. I guess that’s the mentality we are stuck with when it comes to the GOP these days.

Trump Uses ‘Pocahontas’ Slur While Telling Jewish Voters That Warren Will Take ‘Your Wealth Away’

Trump call Elizabeth Warren Fake Pocahontas because of her tale about how she had Native American Blood.

As proven she does not have enough for it to matter and should just own it and say her family was wrong but alas you will focus on Trump stupidity.

Warren is falling, so she is no longer a factor and neither is Sanders.

Your choice will be a Demented Biden or Mayor Pete, so who will be you choice?
She lied and claimed to be an Indian. She got called on it. And yes she (and you) now wish it would go away She even scrubbed her twitter clean of her claims and deleted her fake DNA test (1024th lol).
Cry some more but it’s not going away until she goes away. High cheekbones and all.
lol dude I don’t give a shit. I agree it was stupid she said it but oh well. Trump says retarded things on a daily basis that you conveniently ignore. The point here is how stupid the insult is.
The insult is funny, topical, relevant. It keeps minds focused on her dishonest life while making us laugh. As such it isn’t surprising the push to bury it.
More than that it was her who doubled down over and over and implied that Trump was lying rather than she. She hoped to ride it out while the press shushed President Trump.
Let her twist in the wind. And learn once and for all that the media doesn’t control our President.
What you think of Warren is irrelevant to the point. You can dislike her all you want. I don’t care. You’re just a moron if you think this insult is at all clever lol
The media is STILL defending her and in doing so exposing the entire liberal elite class hypocrisy about the matter. In their rush to excuse her and remove it from play they inadvertently confess what *really* matters to them...and it isn’t the feelings of Indians.
(Note:that even sincerity isn’t required)

But Warren doesn't need to convince Trump and his ardent backers about the sincerity of her apology to the Native American community and her commitment to them going forward. She only need to convince wavering Democrats that she will be able to withstand the withering attacks Trump will lob her way on that seeming political weakness.”
Why Elizabeth Warren's second attempt to solve her Native American problem is smart - CNNPolitics

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