It really needs to be said that Trump’s use of the insult “Pocohauntas” is more...

The fact she used 1/1024th of alleged Native American Blood to get preferential minority treatment was beyond childish

It's also beyond belief, since no such thing transpired.
Not that that's of any import in make-it-up-as-you-go mythology land...

...stupid and childish than it is offensive. I think if I was Native American, I wouldn’t be offended - I would just find it pathetic as I do now. Can you be more childish than this? He sounds like a 7th grader. It’s too petty and lame to dignify it as being offensive lol.

I mean I know Trump supporters don’t give a shit about the feelings of Native Americans, but it’s very telling if they find it funny or clever. I guess that’s the mentality we are stuck with when it comes to the GOP these days.

Trump Uses ‘Pocahontas’ Slur While Telling Jewish Voters That Warren Will Take ‘Your Wealth Away’

If you were truly Native American, you would be saying fuck all of Anglo culture!

You don't know any real Indians, do you?
...stupid and childish than it is offensive. I think if I was Native American, I wouldn’t be offended - I would just find it pathetic as I do now. Can you be more childish than this? He sounds like a 7th grader. It’s too petty and lame to dignify it as being offensive lol.

I mean I know Trump supporters don’t give a shit about the feelings of Native Americans, but it’s very telling if they find it funny or clever. I guess that’s the mentality we are stuck with when it comes to the GOP these days.

Trump Uses ‘Pocahontas’ Slur While Telling Jewish Voters That Warren Will Take ‘Your Wealth Away’

I've never given it any thought or consideration. I do not have an opinion on it.

I do wonder about why you think it is worth a thread.
...stupid and childish than it is offensive. I think if I was Native American, I wouldn’t be offended - I would just find it pathetic as I do now. Can you be more childish than this? He sounds like a 7th grader. It’s too petty and lame to dignify it as being offensive lol.

I mean I know Trump supporters don’t give a shit about the feelings of Native Americans, but it’s very telling if they find it funny or clever. I guess that’s the mentality we are stuck with when it comes to the GOP these days.

Trump Uses ‘Pocahontas’ Slur While Telling Jewish Voters That Warren Will Take ‘Your Wealth Away’
It is hilarious. Every time he calls her Pocahontas it highlights the fact that she is a fair skinned blonde haired blue eyed woman who claimed to be an injun to get hired at major university.

It's fucking hilarious that they fell for it. Dems are fucking idiots.

There's got to be a good Nazisploitation film in there somewhere.
...stupid and childish than it is offensive. I think if I was Native American, I wouldn’t be offended - I would just find it pathetic as I do now. Can you be more childish than this? He sounds like a 7th grader. It’s too petty and lame to dignify it as being offensive lol.

I mean I know Trump supporters don’t give a shit about the feelings of Native Americans, but it’s very telling if they find it funny or clever. I guess that’s the mentality we are stuck with when it comes to the GOP these days.

Trump Uses ‘Pocahontas’ Slur While Telling Jewish Voters That Warren Will Take ‘Your Wealth Away’
I agree! He should call her Liawatha.
Don lost a bet publicly, he has to be shielded from reality.

In case any lefties here are planning to perpetuate this fake news, review this:

Lefties seem to require the media to filter and format news for them instead of just looking at what really did happen. There is no merit to what the media "claims" Trump said, what matters is what Trump really did say. Lefties need to learn how to seek out the truth on their own, instead of waiting for the media to present it in a partisan package. Below is a video of what Trump really did say, not what the media has edited for lefty eyes.

Look at what Trump says at 1 minute mark in the video. He says: "let's say I'm debating Pocahontas..." This is where he sets a hypothetical setting for some point in the future. Also, note that he is not addressing her, he is talking about her to his crowd.

Now, look at the 1:25 mark in the video. "and in the middle of the debate,..." Here, he is describing the proposed time in the hypothetical debate where he would "toss her a kit". Note that this is only a hypothetical debate that has not occurred, and that he has not made any commitments to Pocahontas. He has only joked with his rally crowd about what he might do in a hypothetical debate in the future.

...stupid and childish than it is offensive. I think if I was Native American, I wouldn’t be offended - I would just find it pathetic as I do now. Can you be more childish than this? He sounds like a 7th grader. It’s too petty and lame to dignify it as being offensive lol.

I mean I know Trump supporters don’t give a shit about the feelings of Native Americans, but it’s very telling if they find it funny or clever. I guess that’s the mentality we are stuck with when it comes to the GOP these days.

Trump Uses ‘Pocahontas’ Slur While Telling Jewish Voters That Warren Will Take ‘Your Wealth Away’
I agree! He should call her Liawatha.
Whatever dude.
...stupid and childish than it is offensive. I think if I was Native American, I wouldn’t be offended - I would just find it pathetic as I do now. Can you be more childish than this? He sounds like a 7th grader. It’s too petty and lame to dignify it as being offensive lol.

I mean I know Trump supporters don’t give a shit about the feelings of Native Americans, but it’s very telling if they find it funny or clever. I guess that’s the mentality we are stuck with when it comes to the GOP these days.

Trump Uses ‘Pocahontas’ Slur While Telling Jewish Voters That Warren Will Take ‘Your Wealth Away’
I agree! He should call her Liawatha.
Princess Spreading Bull!
...stupid and childish than it is offensive. I think if I was Native American, I wouldn’t be offended - I would just find it pathetic as I do now. Can you be more childish than this? He sounds like a 7th grader. It’s too petty and lame to dignify it as being offensive lol.

I mean I know Trump supporters don’t give a shit about the feelings of Native Americans, but it’s very telling if they find it funny or clever. I guess that’s the mentality we are stuck with when it comes to the GOP these days.

Trump Uses ‘Pocahontas’ Slur While Telling Jewish Voters That Warren Will Take ‘Your Wealth Away’
--------------------------------- you are correct , I don't give a ZHIT Billy .
...stupid and childish than it is offensive. I think if I was Native American, I wouldn’t be offended - I would just find it pathetic as I do now. Can you be more childish than this? He sounds like a 7th grader. It’s too petty and lame to dignify it as being offensive lol.

I mean I know Trump supporters don’t give a shit about the feelings of Native Americans, but it’s very telling if they find it funny or clever. I guess that’s the mentality we are stuck with when it comes to the GOP these days.

Trump Uses ‘Pocahontas’ Slur While Telling Jewish Voters That Warren Will Take ‘Your Wealth Away’
Case in point of the wussification of America. Shut the fuck up and man up. OMG.
...stupid and childish than it is offensive. I think if I was Native American, I wouldn’t be offended - I would just find it pathetic as I do now. Can you be more childish than this? He sounds like a 7th grader. It’s too petty and lame to dignify it as being offensive lol.

I mean I know Trump supporters don’t give a shit about the feelings of Native Americans, but it’s very telling if they find it funny or clever. I guess that’s the mentality we are stuck with when it comes to the GOP these days.

Trump Uses ‘Pocahontas’ Slur While Telling Jewish Voters That Warren Will Take ‘Your Wealth Away’
Case in point of the wussification of America. Shut the fuck up and man up. OMG.
Lol you’re such an idiot. I already told you I wasn’t offended by it. I’m just pointing out how retarded Trump is when it comes to burns.
...stupid and childish than it is offensive. I think if I was Native American, I wouldn’t be offended - I would just find it pathetic as I do now. Can you be more childish than this? He sounds like a 7th grader. It’s too petty and lame to dignify it as being offensive lol.

I mean I know Trump supporters don’t give a shit about the feelings of Native Americans, but it’s very telling if they find it funny or clever. I guess that’s the mentality we are stuck with when it comes to the GOP these days.

Trump Uses ‘Pocahontas’ Slur While Telling Jewish Voters That Warren Will Take ‘Your Wealth Away’
Case in point of the wussification of America. Shut the fuck up and man up. OMG.
Lol you’re such an idiot. I already told you I wasn’t offended by it. I’m just pointing out how retarded Trump is when it comes to burns.
Childish? Seriously? Will you man up and put your big boy pants on? Did the Peloton commercial offend you too? You were offended enough to make a pathetic thread about it. Sad.
...stupid and childish than it is offensive. I think if I was Native American, I wouldn’t be offended - I would just find it pathetic as I do now. Can you be more childish than this? He sounds like a 7th grader. It’s too petty and lame to dignify it as being offensive lol.

I mean I know Trump supporters don’t give a shit about the feelings of Native Americans, but it’s very telling if they find it funny or clever. I guess that’s the mentality we are stuck with when it comes to the GOP these days.

Trump Uses ‘Pocahontas’ Slur While Telling Jewish Voters That Warren Will Take ‘Your Wealth Away’
Case in point of the wussification of America. Shut the fuck up and man up. OMG.
Lol you’re such an idiot. I already told you I wasn’t offended by it. I’m just pointing out how retarded Trump is when it comes to burns.
Childish? Seriously? Will you man up and put your big boy pants on? Did the Peloton commercial offend you too? You were offended enough to make a pathetic thread about it. Sad.
Lol yeah you desperately want this to be about me being offended even though it’s obvious that isn’t the case. Trump could call her a c*** for all I care. He’s just too stupid to come up an insult having any adult sophistication to it.
...stupid and childish than it is offensive. I think if I was Native American, I wouldn’t be offended - I would just find it pathetic as I do now. Can you be more childish than this? He sounds like a 7th grader. It’s too petty and lame to dignify it as being offensive lol.

I mean I know Trump supporters don’t give a shit about the feelings of Native Americans, but it’s very telling if they find it funny or clever. I guess that’s the mentality we are stuck with when it comes to the GOP these days.

Trump Uses ‘Pocahontas’ Slur While Telling Jewish Voters That Warren Will Take ‘Your Wealth Away’
Case in point of the wussification of America. Shut the fuck up and man up. OMG.
Lol you’re such an idiot. I already told you I wasn’t offended by it. I’m just pointing out how retarded Trump is when it comes to burns.
Childish? Seriously? Will you man up and put your big boy pants on? Did the Peloton commercial offend you too? You were offended enough to make a pathetic thread about it. Sad.
Lol yeah you desperately want this to be about me being offended even though it’s obvious that isn’t the case. Trump could call her a c*** for all I care. He’s just too stupid to come up an insult having any adult sophistication to it.
The insult was supposed to be basic. Just like build the wall is basic. He is trying to appeal to the basic voter. You’re a sensitive little Leftist. Just admit it. You constantly post threads such as this illustrating your wussiness
...stupid and childish than it is offensive. I think if I was Native American, I wouldn’t be offended - I would just find it pathetic as I do now. Can you be more childish than this? He sounds like a 7th grader. It’s too petty and lame to dignify it as being offensive lol.

I mean I know Trump supporters don’t give a shit about the feelings of Native Americans, but it’s very telling if they find it funny or clever. I guess that’s the mentality we are stuck with when it comes to the GOP these days.

Trump Uses ‘Pocahontas’ Slur While Telling Jewish Voters That Warren Will Take ‘Your Wealth Away’
Case in point of the wussification of America. Shut the fuck up and man up. OMG.
Lol you’re such an idiot. I already told you I wasn’t offended by it. I’m just pointing out how retarded Trump is when it comes to burns.
Childish? Seriously? Will you man up and put your big boy pants on? Did the Peloton commercial offend you too? You were offended enough to make a pathetic thread about it. Sad.
Lol yeah you desperately want this to be about me being offended even though it’s obvious that isn’t the case. Trump could call her a c*** for all I care. He’s just too stupid to come up an insult having any adult sophistication to it.
The insult was supposed to be basic. Just like build the wall is basic. He is trying to appeal to the basic voter. You’re a sensitive little Leftist. Just admit it. You constantly post threads such as this illustrating your wussiness
Appeal to the most basic voter? Lol yeah I am definitely with you on that. Who cares if the wall is a stupid idea that won’t actually deter illegal immigration on any significant level? The voters understand it! Finally! Thank god for Trump!
Case in point of the wussification of America. Shut the fuck up and man up. OMG.
Lol you’re such an idiot. I already told you I wasn’t offended by it. I’m just pointing out how retarded Trump is when it comes to burns.
Childish? Seriously? Will you man up and put your big boy pants on? Did the Peloton commercial offend you too? You were offended enough to make a pathetic thread about it. Sad.
Lol yeah you desperately want this to be about me being offended even though it’s obvious that isn’t the case. Trump could call her a c*** for all I care. He’s just too stupid to come up an insult having any adult sophistication to it.
The insult was supposed to be basic. Just like build the wall is basic. He is trying to appeal to the basic voter. You’re a sensitive little Leftist. Just admit it. You constantly post threads such as this illustrating your wussiness
Appeal to the most basic voter? Lol yeah I am definitely with you on that. Who cares if the wall is a stupid idea that won’t actually deter illegal immigration on any significant level? The voters understand it! Finally! Thank god for Trump!
Are you throwing another temper tantrum? Like I said, wussification of America. You’re case in point. Probably could not fight your way out of a paper bag.

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