It really needs to be said that Trump’s use of the insult “Pocohauntas” is more...

...stupid and childish than it is offensive. I think if I was Native American, I wouldn’t be offended - I would just find it pathetic as I do now. Can you be more childish than this? He sounds like a 7th grader. It’s too petty and lame to dignify it as being offensive lol.

I mean I know Trump supporters don’t give a shit about the feelings of Native Americans, but it’s very telling if they find it funny or clever. I guess that’s the mentality we are stuck with when it comes to the GOP these days.

Trump Uses ‘Pocahontas’ Slur While Telling Jewish Voters That Warren Will Take ‘Your Wealth Away’
Trump fighting back offends you a lot doesn’t it
She lied and claimed to be an Indian. .




I think if I was Native American, I wouldn’t be offended - I would just find it pathetic as I do now.

Native Americans ARE offended. They are offended that Fauxcahauntus falsely claimed to be Native American and thus preventing authentic Native Americans from filling those positions she stole.
If Indians don’t like it they can go back to their country!
She lied and claimed to be an Indian. She got called on it. And yes she (and you) now wish it would go away She even scrubbed her twitter clean of her claims and deleted her fake DNA test (1024th lol).
Cry some more but it’s not going away until she goes away. High cheekbones and all.
lol dude I don’t give a shit. I agree it was stupid she said it but oh well. Trump says retarded things on a daily basis that you conveniently ignore. The point here is how stupid the insult is.
The insult is funny, topical, relevant. It keeps minds focused on her dishonest life while making us laugh. As such it isn’t surprising the push to bury it.
More than that it was her who doubled down over and over and implied that Trump was lying rather than she. She hoped to ride it out while the press shushed President Trump.
Let her twist in the wind. And learn once and for all that the media doesn’t control our President.
What you think of Warren is irrelevant to the point. You can dislike her all you want. I don’t care. You’re just a moron if you think this insult is at all clever lol

It was clever enough to force her to retract wasn’t it? And it’s clever enough to stick in your craw now. She will never be President but she will be Pocahontas forever.
I think if I was Native American, I wouldn’t be offended - I would just find it pathetic as I do now.

Native Americans ARE offended. They are offended that Fauxcahauntus falsely claimed to be Native American and thus preventing authentic Native Americans from filling those positions she stole.

Again, as noted to the previous liar ------ there were no such "stolen positions". That has not changed in the last five minutes.

Oh poster please.


Anyone can write anything they like in a Googly Image. Doesn't make it magically come to life, dickhead.

How in the fuck did you get old enough to reach a computer keyboard without figuring this out?
You got to love irony the left for years has trashed, insulted, demeaned, and villified anyone they didn't like or agree with and now try and take some kind of morale high ground when they get what they dish out. The left loved it when they were the one's dishing it out and the right just smiled and took it those days are over now you get what you give.
lol dude I don’t give a shit. I agree it was stupid she said it but oh well. Trump says retarded things on a daily basis that you conveniently ignore. The point here is how stupid the insult is.

Whoa, you're desperately trivializing a major character flaw of a Presidential Candidate.

She didn't lie about it by saying it once or twice.

SHE LIVED the lie for most of her life! She used it to gain positions to which she wasn't entitled, she used it to gain favor in jobs. Her whole time at Harvard, Harvard publicized her as being among their "women of color".


Oh poster please.


Anyone can write anything they like in a Googly Image. Doesn't make it magically come to life, dickhead.

How in the fuck did you get old enough to reach a computer keyboard without figuring this out?
There's no alleged direct quote in that meme, Goober....Settle down and have a shot of firewater.

BTW, can just anyone with a law degree from fucking Rutgers get a teaching position at Haahhvahd?
Yeah, Don is all about darkies.

Yeah, about that!

Worst Racist Ever: Blacks Outperform Whites – Minorities, Non-College Grads, Blue-Collar Workers See Greatest Gains in Trump’s Historic Economy
by Jim Hoft December 7, 2019

The Trump economy continues with arguably the best economy in US history.
Job numbers released today through the end of November show an increase of another 266,000 jobs! And the unemployment rate remains at historic lows of 3.5%!
The White House continues to report that this economy could arguably be the best all time… because it is.

Worst Racist Ever: Blacks Outperform Whites - Minorities, Non-College Grads, Blue-Collar Workers See Greatest Gains in Trump's Historic Economy
...stupid and childish than it is offensive. I think if I was Native American, I wouldn’t be offended - I would just find it pathetic as I do now. Can you be more childish than this? He sounds like a 7th grader. It’s too petty and lame to dignify it as being offensive lol.

I mean I know Trump supporters don’t give a shit about the feelings of Native Americans, but it’s very telling if they find it funny or clever. I guess that’s the mentality we are stuck with when it comes to the GOP these days.

Trump Uses ‘Pocahontas’ Slur While Telling Jewish Voters That Warren Will Take ‘Your Wealth Away’
Trump fighting back offends you a lot doesn’t it
Lol yeah that’s it. His Twitter toddler tantrums are outrageous!
She lied and claimed to be an Indian. .





Sheesh. So in that application she was claiming to be 100% it looks like. What gall. Not to mention she has spent her life riding the “I’m a woman “ gravy train already.
These are the sorriest people ever and I maintain that they get these types because of a slavish media.
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Folks, it just doesn't get any phonier and insulting than this...

“Hold on a second I’m going to get me a beer” LOL
When the media helps them pretend to be just “regular folks” they are so tone deaf because they play it to their own internal caricatures of normal Americans...who they despise.

Remember when John Kerry, anti-gunner, bought a brand new, ridiculously cartoonish Elmer Fudd looking hunting outfit, lined up the cameras, and burst into a store yelling “is this where I get me a hunting license”?

“Hold on a second I’m going to get me a beer”? About as convincing as videos of Betamale O’Rourke changing a tire. They live in a world of make believe.
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And her husband happened to walk in which gave her the opportunity to thank him “for being here”. LOL that’s what reglar common folk do I suppose. Guzzle beer and run into their spouses by accident in their own homes and thank him for being there.
Liberals are the dumbest people on earth with no embarrassment gene apparently.
What a cringeworthy video.

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