It takes 3/4 of the States to ratify an Amendment to the Constitution: The Electoral College is safe

Think of the money we'll save when only California and New York have to hold presidential elections! We could even simplify further by just letting the California legislatures function in place of the current, very costly, Congress!

/sarcastic font off
You're confusing popular vote with majority vote.

They all won the popular vote which is what those who want to do away with the EC are advocating for.

The irony of my OP seems to have gone unnoticed. I SUPPORT the EC, if for no other reason than it maintains interstate fire walls against vote fraud. Otherwise, California and New York would simply withhold reporting their vote totals until they knew how many ballots were needed to elect their preferred candidate.

Besides, electing a President by a plurality of the popular vote is an idiotic idea on its face.
You're confusing popular vote with majority vote.

They all won the popular vote which is what those who want to do away with the EC are advocating for.

The irony of my OP seems to have gone unnoticed. I SUPPORT the EC, if for no other reason than it maintains interstate fire walls against vote fraud. Otherwise, California and New York would simply withhold reporting their vote totals until they knew how many ballots were needed to elect their preferred candidate.

Besides, electing a President by a plurality of the popular vote is an idiotic idea on its face.

None of that changes the fact that you don't understand what the difference between popular vote and a majority vote.
Think of the money we'll save when only California and New York have to hold presidential elections! We could even simplify further by just letting the California legislatures function in place of the current, very costly, Congress!

/sarcastic font off
Take from someone living in California, you won't save one damn dime and you'll end up paying more.
None of that changes the fact that you don't understand what the difference between popular vote and a majority vote.

Trying to venture into triple digit IQ territory again?

Popular vote and majority vote are separate concepts, so there is no "difference" between them. However, there IS a difference between a plurality and a majority. Look it up.
Lincoln, Wilson and Clinton would never have been elected President.

Maybe it's not such a great idea after all...

Unless you want California and New York to decide every Presidential candidate, you will think it's a good idea.

It is nothing short of brilliant really.
Lincoln, Wilson and Clinton would never have been elected President.

Maybe it's not such a great idea after all...

I don't think you can assume that at all. If we didn't have the electoral college, those candidates would have run different races and different strategies.
The EC was and still is a very good idea.

Yup and that's why the FF's put it in the Constitution. They were very wise, far seeing men.

People that own human slaves are NOT wise.
They were wiser than the majority of today’s so called leaders. They were not perfect and products of the era in which lived but they created a country and a system of electing the President congressional representatives that has survived and worked well for over 200 years. I highly doubt any of the numbnuts of today can come up with something better.
Sorry bitch but I never owned another human; that would be unwise, IMO.

How about your ancestors, Brainiac? How far back do you want to go?

Why are you bringing my family into this?

Trying to breech the no family attack rule, or what?
Considering history, history beyond your mental hackery, we probably all have ancestors that owned a slave.
Stop being such a fucking pussy.

None of my family were slave owners.
My ancestors came here from Scotland & Germany, were poor, and had no potential to own other humans.

Happy now?

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