It Was a Set-Up: Recent J6 Footage Shows Capitol Police May Have Incited Riot – Fired on Massive Trump Crowd Without Warning

So the argument this month is that the police shot some pepper balls so the MAGAs were forced to break in, steal Pelosi's computer, try to beat a bunch of cops to death, and smear (CENSORED) all over the walls?

Is that really the winning play you want to go with?
So the argument this month is that the police shot some pepper balls so the MAGAs were forced to break in, steal Pelosi's computer, try to beat a bunch of cops to death, and smear (CENSORED) all over the walls?

Is that really the winning play you want to go with?
What cops were beaten?
What cops were beaten?
The government and the complicit media have repeatedly shown us chaotic scenes and blamed Trump supporters for the violence. We have NEVER had an opportunity to review everything in context until now. I believe the DC police acting on Nancy Pelosi's orders instigated the violence or a handful of government operatives like Ray Epps provoked things?

I don't know all the details and I tend to be cautious in accepting Gateway Pundit's version of facts as they get it right sometimes and other times not so much.

But I do believe with all my heart the Democrats absolutely wanted a riot or anything they could promote that would discredit the peaceful protesters that day. And I am not at all convinced that they did not engineer one.
No matter how many threads you morons post lies in it wont undo the attempt to overthrow the government via stupid hicks. Next time use something more powerful than bumpkin power.

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