Italy refuses to accept dual loyalty Italian Jew turned Israeli as ambassador.

America first?

Look out the window your'e living in that harry potter novel. What the fuck do you think he means when Trump says America First? lol

Trump is Volemort?

And the majority of the American public are his followers? I don't follow where you're going here

I'm pretty sure Zionists are voldemort and his followers. Ethnocentrism doesn't wear well

Some irony in a Zionist calling trump fucking voldemort when they support ethnic cleansing and denial of basic rights to people who are born and die under their sovereignty.

I'm trying to figure out what fantasy novel you are inhabiting with your talk of "mudbloods". Sounds to me like you are one of the self-endowed genetic elites.
Mud Bloods....Mud Bloods...I see lots of Mud Bloods!


Or View attachment 74612

might have been a better choice
The Mud Blood on the right.
I'm an American, and my family was British educated.

The older ones have British accents.

They to a man speak better English than your family.

How many Indian doctors do you know that speak with an accent worse than a NY Jews? lol

edit - damn i keep forgetting you're never here, lol
Hey look all accents are funny, but the Indian accent in particular has to be the funniest.

Bro a Jewish accent is the most satirized in this country, and you people have been living here generations.

The indian accent has no comedic value

Bernie Sanders? lol

That nasally voice almost all Jews have

Not to many funny comics who can pull of the southerner or Appalachian accent

Plenty of comics who can pull of a Jewish grandmother though

I take it you've never listened to Jeff Foxworthy and his peers eh?

Clearly Roudys parents didnt care enough for him to do that

You've been listening to Roudy?

This is getting weirder and weirder....

Oh he told me he was an American and spoke 5 languages, pretty obvious what his back story is there

No American speaks 5 languages without being forced to learn them, lolll

You scared Roudy away, he was upset about you wanted to burn him, he won't recognize the true lord

He was very angry at you, he told me
I gotta tell you Hoss, your memes in this thread have been killers!
Lots of Indians in the US with dual citizenship. So you have mud blood, congrats.

A grand total of 0 of them would die for the right to keep their dual citizenship

Hordes of Jews would take the rope to die in protest
What are you talking about? Most Jews do not hold dual citizenship. I certainly don't.

Relative to the native born populace?

At least 1 in 5 have israeli citizenship

I've didn't grow up with anyone who wasn't an immigrant who had dual citizenship

The thing about Israel is most American Jews didn't leave Israel to begin with.

Indians left India. Germans left Germany. They aren't going to pay a price to hold citizenship of a country they left, lol

OK then, sounds like you've had your medication and are a tad confused about this whole citizenship thing.

Although far be it for me to comment on anyone else's grammars ;--)

And just for giggles, what exactly was the problem with this ambassador ? So what if he's a dual citizen

Well an ambassador is generally a puff post given to donors. I don't think it generally matters

But having 20 of them in our congress?

Getting national security briefs? I don't know if Ginsberg and Breyer are dual citizens but Breyer sure acts like it.

And it's so out of hand an Israeli PM speaks in our congress? A nation of 5 million talking to us like their opinion matters?

That's why it's a problem

OK yeah, might need to reduce your medication

I understand if your having trouble with the dosage. Even the best shrinks bare basically just guessing.

But do go on about this "puff post" thing, and how that somehow relates to this particular appointment. Or whatever nonsense about the "20 of them in congress" thing.

I'm super curious about how a white supremacist, Indian, hindu, Muslim, native wherever dreamed up the Jooooooo hatred from
True to form, has a list of Jews in govt.

List of Jews?

The government is large and I have no desire to make a list, if you don't know the SCOTUS justices well....never mind forgot you're a foreigner

Can tell by the name and the position 99% of the time.

Like thinks we should give a fuck what Israelis think about our Iran deal, lollll


And how does this relate to the issue of a dual citizen being appointed to the ambassadors position ?
There we go, a guy with Indian, Muslim, Hindu, Brahman background calling me a foreigner. Hilarious.
Where in hell did this mongrel spring from, I wonder?

Go home to the trailer pinky, take your arthritis pills
Whose sock are you? You ain't a bit funny.
He's funny just being himself.

He wants to see you burn when his lord comes, lol

He is not your friend

Very strange how Jews are willing to even talk to Evangelicals

There's burning involved in the appointment of an ambassador ? And what does friendship have to do with it ? So whats an ambassadors appointment got to do with evangelicals ?

Do you actually have a single clue what this thread is supposed to be about
Where in hell did this mongrel spring from, I wonder?

Go home to the trailer pinky, take your arthritis pills
Whose sock are you? You ain't a bit funny.
He's funny just being himself.

He wants to see you burn when his lord comes, lol

He is not your friend

Very strange how Jews are willing to even talk to Evangelicals

There's burning involved in the appointment of an ambassador ? And what does friendship have to do with it ? So whats an ambassadors appointment got to do with evangelicals ?

Do you actually have a single clue what this thread is supposed to be about
I don't think Allah gifted Juicy Tutti Fruitt with a rational mind.
Accents are utterly fascinating...when we returned to the states, I was forced to take "speech therapy" classes to get rid of my accent. :(

Clearly Roudys parents didnt care enough for him to do that

You've been listening to Roudy?

This is getting weirder and weirder....

Oh he told me he was an American and spoke 5 languages, pretty obvious what his back story is there

No American speaks 5 languages without being forced to learn them, lolll

You think?

Depends on where you have lived...language is cultural richness. And fluency in more than one - wealth.

It's not going to bring you much cultural richness unless it's spanish if you're living in the western hemisphere

There are only two major languages here.

What do you imagine "major" to mean?
A grand total of 0 of them would die for the right to keep their dual citizenship

Hordes of Jews would take the rope to die in protest
What are you talking about? Most Jews do not hold dual citizenship. I certainly don't.

Relative to the native born populace?

At least 1 in 5 have israeli citizenship

I've didn't grow up with anyone who wasn't an immigrant who had dual citizenship

The thing about Israel is most American Jews didn't leave Israel to begin with.

Indians left India. Germans left Germany. They aren't going to pay a price to hold citizenship of a country they left, lol

OK then, sounds like you've had your medication and are a tad confused about this whole citizenship thing.

Although far be it for me to comment on anyone else's grammars ;--)

And just for giggles, what exactly was the problem with this ambassador ? So what if he's a dual citizen

Well an ambassador is generally a puff post given to donors. I don't think it generally matters

But having 20 of them in our congress?

Getting national security briefs? I don't know if Ginsberg and Breyer are dual citizens but Breyer sure acts like it.

And it's so out of hand an Israeli PM speaks in our congress? A nation of 5 million talking to us like their opinion matters?

That's why it's a problem

OK yeah, might need to reduce your medication

I understand if your having trouble with the dosage. Even the best shrinks bare basically just guessing.

But do go on about this "puff post" thing, and how that somehow relates to this particular appointment. Or whatever nonsense about the "20 of them in congress" thing.

I'm super curious about how a white supremacist, Indian, hindu, Muslim, native wherever dreamed up the Jooooooo hatred from

That's it then? Don't take the guy seriously?
Go home to the trailer pinky, take your arthritis pills
Whose sock are you? You ain't a bit funny.
He's funny just being himself.

He wants to see you burn when his lord comes, lol

He is not your friend

Very strange how Jews are willing to even talk to Evangelicals

There's burning involved in the appointment of an ambassador ? And what does friendship have to do with it ? So whats an ambassadors appointment got to do with evangelicals ?

Do you actually have a single clue what this thread is supposed to be about
I don't think Allah gifted Juicy Tutti Fruitt with a rational mind.

Doesn't look like it does it. Kinda looks like someone left the door to the computer room unlocked.

Although I am curious whats up with Italy is all up in arms over with this dual citizen thing
What are you talking about? Most Jews do not hold dual citizenship. I certainly don't.

Relative to the native born populace?

At least 1 in 5 have israeli citizenship

I've didn't grow up with anyone who wasn't an immigrant who had dual citizenship

The thing about Israel is most American Jews didn't leave Israel to begin with.

Indians left India. Germans left Germany. They aren't going to pay a price to hold citizenship of a country they left, lol

OK then, sounds like you've had your medication and are a tad confused about this whole citizenship thing.

Although far be it for me to comment on anyone else's grammars ;--)

And just for giggles, what exactly was the problem with this ambassador ? So what if he's a dual citizen

Well an ambassador is generally a puff post given to donors. I don't think it generally matters

But having 20 of them in our congress?

Getting national security briefs? I don't know if Ginsberg and Breyer are dual citizens but Breyer sure acts like it.

And it's so out of hand an Israeli PM speaks in our congress? A nation of 5 million talking to us like their opinion matters?

That's why it's a problem

OK yeah, might need to reduce your medication

I understand if your having trouble with the dosage. Even the best shrinks bare basically just guessing.

But do go on about this "puff post" thing, and how that somehow relates to this particular appointment. Or whatever nonsense about the "20 of them in congress" thing.

I'm super curious about how a white supremacist, Indian, hindu, Muslim, native wherever dreamed up the Jooooooo hatred from

That's it then? Don't take the guy seriously?

Seems kinda like a medication issue, And no, the incoherence level is a tad to high to even bother trying to figure out what thats all about.

I suppose I should go back and reread the thread and see if I could figure out where he went off the beam, but I don't really have time.

So what is Italy all upset about ? Whats the big deal with dual citizenship ?
Whose sock are you? You ain't a bit funny.
He's funny just being himself.

He wants to see you burn when his lord comes, lol

He is not your friend

Very strange how Jews are willing to even talk to Evangelicals

There's burning involved in the appointment of an ambassador ? And what does friendship have to do with it ? So whats an ambassadors appointment got to do with evangelicals ?

Do you actually have a single clue what this thread is supposed to be about
I don't think Allah gifted Juicy Tutti Fruitt with a rational mind.

Doesn't look like it does it. Kinda looks like someone left the door to the computer room unlocked.

Although I am curious whats up with Italy is all up in arms over with this dual citizen thing
Not sure what happened there, maybe he was dropped on his head during his family's migration to the US. Hopefully he's a legal immigrant.

I wonder if the Mud Blood dual citizen can refer me to a good Indian restaurant. I love lamb saag.
I adore Indian food...mmmmmmm
Why do the stingy bastsrds charge for the bread?! I get very upset. All restaurants, even Persian and Arab restaurants bring you bread without charging you. Don't they understand that when people enter a restaurant, they need their dose of carbohydrate immediately and without having to pay for it?!

Maybe the Mud Blood the good American dual citizen can create a "no charge for bread" campaign. Will look good on his college application.
Why do the stingy bastsrds charge for the bread?! I get very upset. All restaurants, even Persian and Arab restaurants bring you bread without charging you. Don't they understand that when people enter a restaurant, they need their dose of carbohydrate immediately and without having to pay for it?!

Maybe the Mud Blood the good American can create a "no charge for bread" campaign. Will look good on his college application.

The bread is the best part ....I always get an extra order to take home :D
I like dipping the bread in the lamb saag or chicken masala. But Persians bring you the same heated tanoor bread as much as you want and they don't charge you. They also bring mint leaves and feta cheese for you to stay busy getting fat while they bring you even more fattening food.
I like dipping the bread in the lamb saag or chicken masala. But Persians bring you the same heated tanoor bread as much as you want and they don't charge you. They also bring mint leaves and feta cheese for you to stay busy getting fat while they bring you even more fattening food.
There is a Persian restaurant where my mother lives - I love going there. They have a wonderful soup, Osh, which I get every time. It's a one-woman enterprise and she specializes in Persian "comfort food".
I like dipping the bread in the lamb saag or chicken masala. But Persians bring you the same heated tanoor bread as much as you want and they don't charge you. They also bring mint leaves and feta cheese for you to stay busy getting fat while they bring you even more fattening food.
There is a Persian restaurant where my mother lives - I love going there. They have a wonderful soup, Osh, which I get every time. It's a one-woman enterprise and she specializes in Persian "comfort food".
Those are the best. Persians have a dish similar to lamb saag it's called Gormeh Sabzi, but it isn't as spicy. The reason these cuisines are so similar is because ancient Persia used to include India.
I wonder when juicy tutti fruitti is going to come back from the Friday mosque sermon. Looks like the imam is giving a long speech about those dual citizen mud blood Jews.

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