Italy Trumps Brexit

I really thought France would be the next domino.

But now with the Euro falling to near-parity with the US Dollar, it looks like Italy may soon opt out of the "common currency" and that'll be the end of the experiment in globalist world domination plans!

The Italian banks are on the brink of doom.......they crafted the bullshit italy reforms.....and the people just told them and the EU to fuck off!!!!

Freedom is awesome.....
They have a history of producing some really bad leaders.


Who'd have guessed Adolph was Italian!

Who would have guessed that you have no brain? (Answer: everyone)

I am talking about AUSTRIA.
I hope France comes next! :up:
The EU is fucking finished.....trump,destroyed the progressives here.....Brexit returned sovereignty to England.....

It must really suck to be a liberal today....:lol:

Read history before the EU. Economic blocs stop wars as everyone is tied into each others interest...You don't want to destroy the other when that other nation is part of your interest.

the EU is trying to become a supranational government - one that will be highly bureaucratic and that won't be democratic. Europeans have nothing to gain and everything to lose by giving up their sovereignty to this massive boondoggle. The EU is entirely responsible for the recent wave of Muslim immigrants - and few Europeans support that.

Europeans are starting to wake up.
I hope France comes next! :up:
The EU is fucking finished.....trump,destroyed the progressives here.....Brexit returned sovereignty to England.....

It must really suck to be a liberal today....:lol:

Read history before the EU. Economic blocs stop wars as everyone is tied into each others interest...You don't want to destroy the other when that other nation is part of your interest.

the EU is trying to become a supranational government - one that will be highly bureaucratic and that won't be democratic. Europeans have nothing to gain and everything to lose by giving up their sovereignty to this massive boondoggle. The EU is entirely responsible for the recent wave of Muslim immigrants - and few Europeans support that.

Europeans are starting to wake up.

Super-national MARXIST government ran by gender justice warriors. This is outlined right on their agenda.

We can have international trade without such demonic entity.
Renzi announces resignation after heavy referendum defeat

Finally some good news today! The Jew got its way in Austria for a mostly formal and powerless position but we won in Italy! This should being 5 star movement to power hopefully! Great news! This POS Renzi was allowing the flooding of Italy with non white invaders...good riddance!
And Mussolini allowed the flood of Italians into North Africa, good thing they got rid of him also...
Fuck you liberals.....get the hell out of our way as we collapse your world.....

Euro Falls After Italians Reject Constitutional Overhaul

You do realize that the 3rd world muslims are a lot better at destroying things than we are?
It's a Conservative thing...whichever part of the world they come from.
Yep....we hate you matter what you call yourselves....
Haha...projection as a zinger...very clever.

"No, you're the're the puppet"
The "Progressive Left:" is on the run across the globe.
We can't stop fighting them.....

What is the worse that can happen?

Idiots like you would be rounded up. You'd be sterilized at a minimum. Possibly killed and thrown into an open grave to rot.

You might be allowed to live, if you were useful enough.

But breed? :rofl: no fucking way. You're not intelligent enough.
The "Progressive Left:" is on the run across the globe.
We can't stop fighting them.....

What is the worse that can happen?

Idiots like you would be rounded up. You'd be sterilized at a minimum. Possibly killed and thrown into an open grave to rot.

You might be allowed to live, if you were useful enough.

But breed? :rofl: no fucking way. You're not intelligent enough.

That is a evil post. Do you believe in Jesus? You may want to get in touch with his teachings. he wouldn't approve of such ugliness.
The "Progressive Left:" is on the run across the globe.
We can't stop fighting them.....

What is the worse that can happen?

Idiots like you would be rounded up. You'd be sterilized at a minimum. Possibly killed and thrown into an open grave to rot.

You might be allowed to live, if you were useful enough.

But breed? :rofl: no fucking way. You're not intelligent enough.

That is a evil post. Do you believe in Jesus? You may want to get in touch with his teachings. he wouldn't approve of such ugliness.

The "Progressive Left:" is on the run across the globe.
We can't stop fighting them.....

What is the worse that can happen?

Idiots like you would be rounded up. You'd be sterilized at a minimum. Possibly killed and thrown into an open grave to rot.

You might be allowed to live, if you were useful enough.

But breed? :rofl: no fucking way. You're not intelligent enough.

That is a evil post. Do you believe in Jesus? You may want to get in touch with his teachings. he wouldn't approve of such ugliness.

These people don't believe in Jesus - or anything but nihilism and power.
Why were Austrians carrying love Trumps hate signs,,
,,,what has he got to do with their dilemma? Guess Hilly ran in wrong Nation.....just think she could have been Hitler
The "Progressive Left:" is on the run across the globe.
We can't stop fighting them.....

What is the worse that can happen?

Idiots like you would be rounded up. You'd be sterilized at a minimum. Possibly killed and thrown into an open grave to rot.

You might be allowed to live, if you were useful enough.

But breed? :rofl: no fucking way. You're not intelligent enough.

That is a evil post. Do you believe in Jesus? You may want to get in touch with his teachings. he wouldn't approve of such ugliness.

These people don't believe in Jesus - or anything but nihilism and power.
Are you always a cheerleader for Jesus?

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