Italy Trumps Brexit

Why were Austrians carrying love Trumps hate signs,,
,,,what has he got to do with their dilemma? Guess Hilly ran in wrong Nation.....just think she could have been Hitler
Do you always over project to the point of ad nausea?
I'm not the one carrying anti Trump signs in an election he has nothing to do with..........does show globalists over there dont have any better ideas than over here....and they are supposed to be the smart ones we need to emulate
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We can't stop fighting them.....

What is the worse that can happen?

Idiots like you would be rounded up. You'd be sterilized at a minimum. Possibly killed and thrown into an open grave to rot.

You might be allowed to live, if you were useful enough.

But breed? :rofl: no fucking way. You're not intelligent enough.

That is a evil post. Do you believe in Jesus? You may want to get in touch with his teachings. he wouldn't approve of such ugliness.

These people don't believe in Jesus - or anything but nihilism and power.
Are you always a cheerleader for Jesus?

Not really, I am an atheist...

But sure beats belief in death and destruction.
So I am a Jew. What steps do I need to take in order to peacefully coexist with you?
  1. Renounce nepotism. If a Jewish judge's rulings favor Jews, it's as toxic as a white judge favoring whites.
  2. Renounce hypocrisy. Don't advocate miscegenation for whites but oppose mixed marriages for Jews.
  3. Renounce treason. Don't use Jewish media power to dupe half-wit presidents into committing US armed forces to war on behalf of Israel.
  4. Renounce disloyalty. If you really can't put your country's interests above Israel's, change countries.
  5. Renounce monopolistic conglomeration. Voluntarily break up the unsustainable corporate media tyranny.
  6. Do something about Joy Behar.
Now, what can an AWESOME (American White Europe Sired Occidental Masters of Everything) do to coexist with you?
I hope France comes next! :up:
The EU is fucking finished.....trump,destroyed the progressives here.....Brexit returned sovereignty to England.....

It must really suck to be a liberal today....:lol:

They did win the Austrian presidency election... even bigger defeat as the muslims will be arriving in droves and stoning their gays.

Although in Austria the president has no power to speak of.

In this case, the Austrians, were not as sharp as the Italians! :dunno: ;)

They have a history of producing some really bad leaders.

Poor brainwashed lemming....
I hope France comes next! :up:
The EU is fucking finished.....trump,destroyed the progressives here.....Brexit returned sovereignty to England.....

It must really suck to be a liberal today....:lol:

They did win the Austrian presidency election... even bigger defeat as the muslims will be arriving in droves and stoning their gays.

Although in Austria the president has no power to speak of.

In this case, the Austrians, were not as sharp as the Italians! :dunno: ;)

They have a history of producing some really bad leaders.

Poor brainwashed lemming....

Yeah, Hitler was such a great leader! What were I saying!
I hope France comes next! :up:
The EU is fucking finished.....trump,destroyed the progressives here.....Brexit returned sovereignty to England.....

It must really suck to be a liberal today....:lol:

It has always sucked to be a Liberal.

Kind of like being a Democrat nowadays that is a minority party and think you are somehow relevant.
Get used to it. From now on Dems will be like the crazy old aunt at Christmas always muttering about how FDR ruined the Grange, except twenty years from now our elderly Dem friends will be in the corner drooling on their bibs and periodically muttering "Hillary won the popular vote, damnit, she won! Arghh!! [eyes ablaze, the head snaps up sending an arc of drool across the table] AND WISCONSIN CHEATED!"
The EU is fucking finished.....trump,destroyed the progressives here.....Brexit returned sovereignty to England.....

It must really suck to be a liberal today....:lol:

They did win the Austrian presidency election... even bigger defeat as the muslims will be arriving in droves and stoning their gays.

Although in Austria the president has no power to speak of.

In this case, the Austrians, were not as sharp as the Italians! :dunno: ;)

They have a history of producing some really bad leaders.

Poor brainwashed lemming....

Yeah, Hitler was such a great leader! What were I saying!
Very good. Now you are getting it. To be born ignorant is one thing. To REMAIN ignorant is another. Try educating yourself.
Italy, New Zealand: prime-ministers resign in shock within hours - Renzi,Key for dummies
Two reasons for this script, released Dec 4:

1. Action implied by Illuminati religion's first commandment.
This is what created the "New Zealand's prime minister John Key resigns" script.

2. Parallel scripts. This is why the script was extended to "same day as Italy's prime minister Renzi".
Note: To get parallel scripts all you need is to get the OTHER parallel script that also includes the act "Renzi resigns".
It had this timing: "Italia referendum to transfer more powers to prime-minister Renzi the same day as Austria might get the first far-right president in Europe since Hitler, Hofer", an illuminati joke where same day was also Dec 4, 2016.

New Zealand: prime-minister resigns in shock announcement - explained
The Illuminati Grand Master created these headlines less than 3 weeks earlier.
Why? Reduced to one keyword: it starts with [K _ _ K _ _ X _ ], a word that comes together with the word that "coincidentally" replaces "shock" in some of the "Renzi resigns" headlines, and where:
- all missing characters of the SAME type;
- X, unlike the two Ks, is not literally meant but rather stands for another char, this time from the OTHER type.

Parallel scripts: contrast FROM THE START with REPACKAGED: Renzi/Hofer v Renzi/Key
"New Zealand prime minister John Key resigns" was not created as a parallel script.
On the other hand "Italy's prime-minister Renzi resigns" is an act included from the start in what was meant as a parallel script also from the start.
The Illuminati Grand Master decided that New Zealand's prime minister had to resign as recently as mid-November 2016, already at a time where the "Renzi/Hofer, Dec 4, 2016" alias "Hitler, 2 August 1934" script was unfolding.
In other words: Renzi/Key became a parallel script by simply extending the "John Key resigns" script with "... the same day as Matteo Renzi".

New Zealand: prime-minister resigns in shock announcement
New Zealand Prime Minister John Key resigns in shock announcement

"Elections" repeated, in the "world of repetition":
Dec 4, 2016 - Italia referendum to transfer more powers to the prime-minister": same day as "Austria: first far-right president in Europe since Hitler:
What is this illuminati joke about? Answer: the day in 1934 when Germany's chancellor Hitler became "Fuehrer des III Reiches".
IV Reich, led by Adolf Hitler's great nephew: Austria Hofer president, Italy Renzi more powers: 1934 Hitler joke

Commandments: Illuminati v Bible: The one and only literal parallelism:
The first commandment of the illuminati religion implies for believers a parallelism to what one of the Bible's ten commandments implies for jews and christians.
"Coincidence": in both cases the source for this implication is their first commandment.
The parallelism, obviously only apparent, appears if the implied commandment is stated using the CREATOR word.
In reality and as in other any other comparison of the same type, it's the opposite. All it takes is to precise the CREATOR with either satan (by illuminati religion's believers) or by God (by bible believers).
Illuminati Religion: Key difference to ALL previous satanic cults

All in Blog
Parallel and reversed Illuminati script: : Italy, New Zealand: shock resignations of prime-ministers within hours: Renzi / Key for dummies
Italy, New Zealand: prime-ministers resign in shock within hours - Renzi,Key for dummies
Two reasons for this script, released Dec 4:

1. Action implied by Illuminati religion's first commandment.
This is what created the "New Zealand's prime minister John Key resigns" script.

2. Parallel scripts. This is why the script was extended to "same day as Italy's prime minister Renzi".
Note: To get parallel scripts all you need is to get the OTHER parallel script that also includes the act "Renzi resigns".
It had this timing: "Italia referendum to transfer more powers to prime-minister Renzi the same day as Austria might get the first far-right president in Europe since Hitler, Hofer", an illuminati joke where same day was also Dec 4, 2016.

New Zealand: prime-minister resigns in shock announcement - explained
The Illuminati Grand Master created these headlines less than 3 weeks earlier.
Why? Reduced to one keyword: it starts with [K _ _ K _ _ X _ ], a word that comes together with the word that "coincidentally" replaces "shock" in some of the "Renzi resigns" headlines, and where:
- all missing characters of the SAME type;
- X, unlike the two Ks, is not literally meant but rather stands for another char, this time from the OTHER type.

Parallel scripts: contrast FROM THE START with REPACKAGED: Renzi/Hofer v Renzi/Key
"New Zealand prime minister John Key resigns" was not created as a parallel script.
On the other hand "Italy's prime-minister Renzi resigns" is an act included from the start in what was meant as a parallel script also from the start.
The Illuminati Grand Master decided that New Zealand's prime minister had to resign as recently as mid-November 2016, already at a time where the "Renzi/Hofer, Dec 4, 2016" alias "Hitler, 2 August 1934" script was unfolding.
In other words: Renzi/Key became a parallel script by simply extending the "John Key resigns" script with "... the same day as Matteo Renzi".

New Zealand: prime-minister resigns in shock announcement
New Zealand Prime Minister John Key resigns in shock announcement

"Elections" repeated, in the "world of repetition":
Dec 4, 2016 - Italia referendum to transfer more powers to the prime-minister": same day as "Austria: first far-right president in Europe since Hitler:
What is this illuminati joke about? Answer: the day in 1934 when Germany's chancellor Hitler became "Fuehrer des III Reiches".
IV Reich, led by Adolf Hitler's great nephew: Austria Hofer president, Italy Renzi more powers: 1934 Hitler joke

Commandments: Illuminati v Bible: The one and only literal parallelism:
The first commandment of the illuminati religion implies for believers a parallelism to what one of the Bible's ten commandments implies for jews and christians.
"Coincidence": in both cases the source for this implication is their first commandment.
The parallelism, obviously only apparent, appears if the implied commandment is stated using the CREATOR word.
In reality and as in other any other comparison of the same type, it's the opposite. All it takes is to precise the CREATOR with either satan (by illuminati religion's believers) or by God (by bible believers).
Illuminati Religion: Key difference to ALL previous satanic cults

All in Blog
Parallel and reversed Illuminati script: : Italy, New Zealand: shock resignations of prime-ministers within hours: Renzi / Key for dummies
Well, that's cleared that up.
Italy, New Zealand: prime-ministers resign in shock within hours - Renzi,Key for dummies
Two reasons for this script, released Dec 4:

1. Action implied by Illuminati religion's first commandment.
This is what created the "New Zealand's prime minister John Key resigns" script.

2. Parallel scripts. This is why the script was extended to "same day as Italy's prime minister Renzi".
Note: To get parallel scripts all you need is to get the OTHER parallel script that also includes the act "Renzi resigns".
It had this timing: "Italia referendum to transfer more powers to prime-minister Renzi the same day as Austria might get the first far-right president in Europe since Hitler, Hofer", an illuminati joke where same day was also Dec 4, 2016.

New Zealand: prime-minister resigns in shock announcement - explained
The Illuminati Grand Master created these headlines less than 3 weeks earlier.
Why? Reduced to one keyword: it starts with [K _ _ K _ _ X _ ], a word that comes together with the word that "coincidentally" replaces "shock" in some of the "Renzi resigns" headlines, and where:
- all missing characters of the SAME type;
- X, unlike the two Ks, is not literally meant but rather stands for another char, this time from the OTHER type.

Parallel scripts: contrast FROM THE START with REPACKAGED: Renzi/Hofer v Renzi/Key
"New Zealand prime minister John Key resigns" was not created as a parallel script.
On the other hand "Italy's prime-minister Renzi resigns" is an act included from the start in what was meant as a parallel script also from the start.
The Illuminati Grand Master decided that New Zealand's prime minister had to resign as recently as mid-November 2016, already at a time where the "Renzi/Hofer, Dec 4, 2016" alias "Hitler, 2 August 1934" script was unfolding.
In other words: Renzi/Key became a parallel script by simply extending the "John Key resigns" script with "... the same day as Matteo Renzi".

New Zealand: prime-minister resigns in shock announcement
New Zealand Prime Minister John Key resigns in shock announcement

"Elections" repeated, in the "world of repetition":
Dec 4, 2016 - Italia referendum to transfer more powers to the prime-minister": same day as "Austria: first far-right president in Europe since Hitler:
What is this illuminati joke about? Answer: the day in 1934 when Germany's chancellor Hitler became "Fuehrer des III Reiches".
IV Reich, led by Adolf Hitler's great nephew: Austria Hofer president, Italy Renzi more powers: 1934 Hitler joke

Commandments: Illuminati v Bible: The one and only literal parallelism:
The first commandment of the illuminati religion implies for believers a parallelism to what one of the Bible's ten commandments implies for jews and christians.
"Coincidence": in both cases the source for this implication is their first commandment.
The parallelism, obviously only apparent, appears if the implied commandment is stated using the CREATOR word.
In reality and as in other any other comparison of the same type, it's the opposite. All it takes is to precise the CREATOR with either satan (by illuminati religion's believers) or by God (by bible believers).
Illuminati Religion: Key difference to ALL previous satanic cults

All in Blog
Parallel and reversed Illuminati script: : Italy, New Zealand: shock resignations of prime-ministers within hours: Renzi / Key for dummies


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