It's a False Doctrine That People Go To Heaven Immediately After Death

how can one say a majority of Christians believe in "The Rapture" when there are so many different opinions as to what it is?.....or even if it is/was/will be.......

if I believe that at the time of the second coming the believers will rise up to meet the Christ and he immediately begins the judgment, am I a "rapture believer"?.....

You can believe it, but it is not backed up by scripture.

You are always going to have differences of opinions, but you have to go to the Bible to get the truth. The fact that there is differences of opinion does not do away with it.
Vox you have ignored every question I have asked you.
Matthew disagrees with your opinion that no one has come back from the grave yet.
What do you do with this statement he told us?

I was not talking on the issue of coming back from the grave at all, you must have mixed me with somebody else.
Matthew 27:52-53
52 And the graves were opened; and many bodies of the saints which slept arose,
53 And came out of the graves after his resurrection, and went into the holy city, and appeared unto many.

And he didn't stop there. He goes on to tell us what they did, where they went, what Christ did and said, and that they all went to Heaven, together.
Unless you're meeting with Christ and getting your information first hand, then when you say "Jesus said", or not, you are relying on what some person is telling you Christ said. And either they are telling us the "gospel truth", or the truth is not in them.

Matthew was there, telling us what he saw and heard. It's either all true or none. If only parts of it are true, how do you know which parts of his testimony are and what parts aren't? The very same person that told you what Jesus said, saw dead people. Walking to town, with Jesus. If he is wrong about that what else is he wrong about?

And if Revelation has already occurred, I have even more questions that there should be answers to. Who was the beast and what mark was he insisting the beheaded saints take, and in what form? Tattoo or chip?
How was he able to be sure he tatted everyone in the world so that no one could buy or sell without the mark?
When did the blood rise up to the bridles of the horses gathered at Meggido,
and the most important question I have is, where is Christ? He returns at the end of Revelation. In fact, Him returning IS the Reveal. It isn't Revelations the book of prophesies, it is the Revelation, the revealing of Christ. His second coming that you refer to. Is that part symbolism, or is He actually coming, and how can you tell the difference between the two?

John even told us the exact location of His foot touching this earth again, and that it would create an earthquake, that would split the Mt. of Olives apart. It's still a mountain.
Where is the Kingdom He has set up from the throne of David?
What was the name written on His thigh?

Which 2 prophets laid dead in the street for 3 1/2 days? Enoch and Elijah, or Moses and Elijah? And how did the world watch them? There were no satellites to broadcast that event to the world wide?
When was the Roman Empire revived? It was still THE empire in 1 AD. And Israel was still under their rule in 1AD. It is specifically noted in the Bible that Israel would not be in the hands of Gentiles when the revealing of Christ takes place.

These are valid questions, and if you are right, there should be valid answers to them, and we should be able to discuss them in the spirit of peacefulness. I'd like to understand why you believe what you do, and I have questions about what you believe. And I hope we can discuss things in the spirit of love for one another, because if you believe with your heart one thing, and I believe in my heart something different, God appoints it righteous to us both. It isn't doctrine that excites Him, it is the faith in our hearts. :)

Post, you disagree also with Vox. You think Christ raised everyone in Hades. Where do you think they are right now?

Revelation describes the events of the First Century AD, some of it has a symbolic meaning but not a literal prediction. And as I said before - I do not consider Revelation to be the centerpiece of Christianity and am amazed on the idolatry around it.

on other points - you clearly mixed me with somebody else, I was not talking about Hadws at all :eek:
how can one say a majority of Christians believe in "The Rapture" when there are so many different opinions as to what it is?.....or even if it is/was/will be.......

if I believe that at the time of the second coming the believers will rise up to meet the Christ and he immediately begins the judgment, am I a "rapture believer"?.....

By the Bible, Post. We have been given indicators. Those poor Millerites that sold everything they had and waited on a rock with their pastor, ignored them.

No, the second coming and the rapture are 2 different events. But believing that Christ brought those in Hades back, does make you a believer in rapture. There have been more than one raptures in the Bible.

Judgment for what and whom? Not for those in Christ. Not the sins of those who accepted the 'gift of no sin' through Christ. They are not remembered. If you don't remember where you put your keys, can you drive? How can you be judged for your sins if no one remembers them?
Hebrews 8:12 For I will be merciful toward their iniquities, and I will remember their sins no more .”

Mercy replaced them. Memory erased them. :eusa_angel:

what happens after we die is considered in a different manner according to the branch of the Christianity you belong. .

What branch of the Christianity do I belong to?

I am very curious since I have never encountered any with which I can agree or hasn't wholeheartedly thrown me out of their mind numbing study sessions.

They don't seem to like being disturbed when they turn out the lights and start eating the brains of their students.
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There is this thing called revelation. If you take an unbiblical stance, you aren't open to God's light.

You mean like the unbiblical stance that the Bible is all that God has and ever will say to man? You sure you want to go there?:)
Vox you have ignored every question I have asked you.
Matthew disagrees with your opinion that no one has come back from the grave yet.
What do you do with this statement he told us?

I was not talking on the issue of coming back from the grave at all, you must have mixed me with somebody else.
Matthew 27:52-53
52 And the graves were opened; and many bodies of the saints which slept arose,
53 And came out of the graves after his resurrection, and went into the holy city, and appeared unto many.

And he didn't stop there. He goes on to tell us what they did, where they went, what Christ did and said, and that they all went to Heaven, together.
Unless you're meeting with Christ and getting your information first hand, then when you say "Jesus said", or not, you are relying on what some person is telling you Christ said. And either they are telling us the "gospel truth", or the truth is not in them.

Matthew was there, telling us what he saw and heard. It's either all true or none. If only parts of it are true, how do you know which parts of his testimony are and what parts aren't? The very same person that told you what Jesus said, saw dead people. Walking to town, with Jesus. If he is wrong about that what else is he wrong about?

And if Revelation has already occurred, I have even more questions that there should be answers to. Who was the beast and what mark was he insisting the beheaded saints take, and in what form? Tattoo or chip?
How was he able to be sure he tatted everyone in the world so that no one could buy or sell without the mark?
When did the blood rise up to the bridles of the horses gathered at Meggido,
and the most important question I have is, where is Christ? He returns at the end of Revelation. In fact, Him returning IS the Reveal. It isn't Revelations the book of prophesies, it is the Revelation, the revealing of Christ. His second coming that you refer to. Is that part symbolism, or is He actually coming, and how can you tell the difference between the two?

John even told us the exact location of His foot touching this earth again, and that it would create an earthquake, that would split the Mt. of Olives apart. It's still a mountain.
Where is the Kingdom He has set up from the throne of David?
What was the name written on His thigh?

Which 2 prophets laid dead in the street for 3 1/2 days? Enoch and Elijah, or Moses and Elijah? And how did the world watch them? There were no satellites to broadcast that event to the world wide?
When was the Roman Empire revived? It was still THE empire in 1 AD. And Israel was still under their rule in 1AD. It is specifically noted in the Bible that Israel would not be in the hands of Gentiles when the revealing of Christ takes place.

These are valid questions, and if you are right, there should be valid answers to them, and we should be able to discuss them in the spirit of peacefulness. I'd like to understand why you believe what you do, and I have questions about what you believe. And I hope we can discuss things in the spirit of love for one another, because if you believe with your heart one thing, and I believe in my heart something different, God appoints it righteous to us both. It isn't doctrine that excites Him, it is the faith in our hearts. :)

Post, you disagree also with Vox. You think Christ raised everyone in Hades. Where do you think they are right now?

Revelation describes the events of the First Century AD, some of it has a symbolic meaning but not a literal prediction. And as I said before - I do not consider Revelation to be the centerpiece of Christianity and am amazed on the idolatry around it.

on other points - you clearly mixed me with somebody else, I was not talking about Hadws at all :eek:

I may have. Wasn't it you who said we all remain in the grave until the second coming?

And not only is Revelation study not idolatry, But Jesus said there is a blessing attached to our understanding it. There is more written about the end times than any other time in the Bible It details the return of our Lord, a pretty key component in the life of Christ.
If Christ was revealed in 1 AD, but no one saw Him, then was his return to earth symbolic? He's not actually coming back? He'll never actually touch down on the Mt. of Olives? Or set up His kingdom on David's throne?
And how do you glean the symbolic references from the actual ones in Revelation?

And Post:
Where are all of those that you think Christ brought back from Hades now?
You can believe it, but it is not backed up by scripture.

well, actually, it's the one thing that the scriptures specifically states WILL happen....the part in question is whether Jesus is going to turn around and go home when they meet him......
No, the second coming and the rapture are 2 different events. But believing that Christ brought those in Hades back, does make you a believer in rapture. There have been more than one raptures in the Bible.

Judgment for what and whom? Not for those in Christ. Not the sins of those who accepted the 'gift of no sin' through Christ. They are not remembered. If you don't remember where you put your keys, can you drive? How can you be judged for your sins if no one remembers them?

then here's the kicker......if I pay no attention to the issue of raptures, but simply believe in Christ as savior, I still end up in heaven......and I haven't had to waste any energy worrying about which rapture I believe in......I consider that a plus.....
You can believe it, but it is not backed up by scripture.

well, actually, it's the one thing that the scriptures specifically states WILL happen....the part in question is whether Jesus is going to turn around and go home when they meet him......

Please quote the scripture that says judgment will take place right after the rapture. You are saying that there won't be a 1000 year reign....because that happens after the tribulation..and the tribulation happens after the rapture....and the 2nd coming happens after the 1000 year reign.

Revelations 20:
“1 And I saw an angel come down from heaven, having the key of the bottomless pit and a great chain in his hand. 2 And he laid hold on the dragon, that old serpent, which is the Devil, and Satan, and bound him a thousand years, 3 And cast him into the bottomless pit, and shut him up, and set a seal upon him, that he should deceive the nations no more, till the thousand years should be fulfilled: and after that he must be loosed a little season. 4 And I saw thrones, and they sat upon them, and judgment was given unto them: and I saw the souls of them that were beheaded for the witness of Jesus, and for the word of God, and which had not worshipped the beast, neither his image, neither had received his mark upon their foreheads, or in their hands; and they lived and reigned with Christ a thousand years. 5 But the rest of the dead lived not again until the thousand years were finished.

No, the second coming and the rapture are 2 different events. But believing that Christ brought those in Hades back, does make you a believer in rapture. There have been more than one raptures in the Bible.

Judgment for what and whom? Not for those in Christ. Not the sins of those who accepted the 'gift of no sin' through Christ. They are not remembered. If you don't remember where you put your keys, can you drive? How can you be judged for your sins if no one remembers them?

then here's the kicker......if I pay no attention to the issue of raptures, but simply believe in Christ as savior, I still end up in heaven......and I haven't had to waste any energy worrying about which rapture I believe in......I consider that a plus.....

But, you are assuming that some of us are wasting energy worrying about the rapture...when all we're doing is just letting you know whats in the Bible.
It is my opinion that unless you teach through the Bible, you will miss a lot of things.

I'm fairly certain I won't miss the Second Coming.......

If anyone thinks that Jesus was an edible triune God that diddled a virgin and became a man and is going to float down from the sky one day, they missed the first coming and are bound to miss the second one....

When Jesus appeared the first time he said that he came down from heaven but everyone including unbelievers knows that he was born into a family like everyone else.

Seriously, how could he possibly return or come down from heaven in any other way?
I may have. Wasn't it you who said we all remain in the grave until the second coming?
No, it was not me. I actually believe quite the opposite :)
And not only is Revelation study not idolatry, But Jesus said there is a blessing attached to our understanding it. There is more written about the end times than any other time in the Bible It details the return of our Lord, a pretty key component in the life of Christ.

The book of Revelation was written much later than when Jesus Christ was amongst the people.

It looks like for some people that book and especially one Chapter are the centerpiece of everything, where it is just a part of Apostle's writings.
it is symbolic and in no way futuristic. The ones who put Revelation on a pedestal like a lot are doing - are sinning in idolatry as that is just a symbolic depiction of some events in the early Church and maybe, just maybe a symbolic depiction of some of the problems humanity may encounter in the future.
But splitting the hair into 4 in order to calculate when, where and how - is ridiculous.

If Christ was revealed in 1 AD, but no one saw Him, then was his return to earth symbolic? He's not actually coming back? He'll never actually touch down on the Mt. of Olives? Or set up His kingdom on David's throne?
And how do you glean the symbolic references from the actual ones in Revelation?

what the heck are you talking about? Christ LIVED as a man in the First century AD, was tortured and crucified for the Redemption of humankind and then resurrected in 3 days circa 33 AD - how much more do you need for Him to REVEAL Himself? :eek:

what happens after we die is considered in a different manner according to the branch of the Christianity you belong. .

What branch of the Christianity do I belong to?

I am very curious since I have never encountered any with which I can agree or hasn't wholeheartedly thrown me out of their mind numbing study sessions.

They don't seem to like being disturbed when they turn out the lights and start eating the brains of their students.

I don't know where do you belong to.

Since you are clearly objecting the Trinity and that goes against the words of Our Savior, you do not look like you belong to either of the main 3 branches of Christianity - Catholicism, Orthodoxy or Protestantism, so you have to say yourself where do you come from.

Some of your beliefs I agree with, some - do not.
But it is not up to me to tell where do you come from - it is up to you.
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Jesus is a long haired hippy.

I kick hippies.

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