It's a False Doctrine That People Go To Heaven Immediately After Death

But, you are assuming that some of us are wasting energy worrying about the rapture...when all we're doing is just letting you know whats in the Bible.

you should spend that energy telling people how to avoid being left here when Jesus returns.....
You are saying that there won't be a 1000 year reign....

more accurately, I'm saying I don't care if there's a thousand year reign.....because I won't be here.....I'll be in heaven where I belong.....

Well, no, according to the Bible, if you are a believer, you will be with him. Nobody goes to Heaven until the end of time....after the rapture, after the 1000 year reign, after Armageddon, and after Judgment day.

His Word says, "Blessed and holy is he that hath part in the first resurrection (The Rapture): On such the second death hath no power, but they shall be priests of God and of Christ, and shall reign with Him a thousand years." (Rev.20:6) Jesus also promised to His faithful ones, "He that overcometh, and keepeth My works unto the End, to him will I give power over the nations: And he shall rule them with a rod of iron." (Rev.2:26,27)
and if Jesus disagrees with you will you tell him to go away?.....

Did you have a personal chat with Him where he told you that?

????....why would Jesus tell me a question?..........

You don't make any sense. You asked me that if Jesus disagrees with me, will I tell him to go away?

Why would he disagree with what I'm quoting from the Bible? That's why I asked you if he had spoken to you and told you something different than what is in the Bible.
But, you are assuming that some of us are wasting energy worrying about the rapture...when all we're doing is just letting you know whats in the Bible.

you should spend that energy telling people how to avoid being left here when Jesus returns.....

But I do...what makes you think that I don't? You seem to have some toxicity to your responses....why are you angry?
Did you have a personal chat with Him where he told you that?

????....why would Jesus tell me a question?..........

You don't make any sense. You asked me that if Jesus disagrees with me, will I tell him to go away?

Why would he disagree with what I'm quoting from the Bible? That's why I asked you if he had spoken to you and told you something different than what is in the Bible.

I think my statement makes sense.....I asked you a was not a asked if Jesus told me that......why would Jesus tell me a question to ask you?.....

let me rephrase the question......if you find out your interpretation of the Bible is wrong are you going to argue with God about it or just go along anyway?.......
But, you are assuming that some of us are wasting energy worrying about the rapture...when all we're doing is just letting you know whats in the Bible.

you should spend that energy telling people how to avoid being left here when Jesus returns.....

But I do...what makes you think that I don't? You seem to have some toxicity to your responses....why are you angry?

not anger.......more of a moral indignation.....Christians weren't charged to serve God by arguing about millenialism.....
Always amuses me how eager to argue the validity of one religion over another, one aspect of doctrine over another people are when they can't even prove G-d even exists. Seems like without being able to do that, everything else falls to insignificance.
Homer Simpson makes an excellent point, "What if we chose the wrong religion, and every time we go to hurch we're making G-d madder and madder?" :)
always amuses me how eager to argue the validity of one religion over another, one aspect of doctrine over another people are when they can't even prove g-d even exists. Seems like without being able to do that, everything else falls to insignificance.

we have all creation as proof of god!!!! What kind of fool needs more proof???
always amuses me how eager to argue the validity of one religion over another, one aspect of doctrine over another people are when they can't even prove g-d even exists. Seems like without being able to do that, everything else falls to insignificance.

we have all creation as proof of god!!!! What kind of fool needs more proof???

We again?

How many of you are there?

Anyway I bet the possibility that God exists would be easier for unbelievers to consider if so many believers such as yourself weren't such assholes.
Always amuses me how eager to argue the validity of one religion over another, one aspect of doctrine over another people are when they can't even prove G-d even exists. Seems like without being able to do that, everything else falls to insignificance.

if that's a problem for YOU - YOU deal with that.

for everybody else here there is no need for that proof.
When Christ died He went to Abraham's Bosom which was referred to as Paradise, to collect those who favored God, and He spoke to the souls in Hades. There was a deep chasm that separated the two areas so no one could cross from one place to the other, but they could speak to one another. Those souls that had died without favoring God were all in one place. The bodies of those souls in Hades still remain buried to this day.
The souls of those in Paradise were reunited with the bodies that they inhabited on earth and were rendered immortal, just as Christ retains His immortal body. They returned with Him to earth and then ascended with Him to Heaven.
Those in Paradise were unable to ascend to Heaven until Christ paid for their sins, and broke through the barrier of death. He descended to gather them and bring them back with Him.

Those souls who have died in Christ since Christ's work on the cross go straight up to Heaven. There is no need for a temporary shelter. There is coming a time when those souls will be reunited with their bodies also and will return with Christ at His second coming.
For instance, John saw the souls of those that will be martyred during the tribulation in Heaven, because there is no longer a need to wait until our sins are forgiven as Abraham, David and the others had to do.

The earth will give up it's dead, those in Hades, at the time of the White Throne Judgment.

If Hades was a grave there would be no way for those in Hades to have spoken to Abraham or listened to Christ.
Here is a description of both places:

Paradise is no longer necessary. Hades is.
If Hades was a grave Christ would not have been able to address them as the grave is a singular place. Christ spoke to the spirits which is plural.

If you belonged to Christ while you were here on earth, your last breath here is your first breath in Heaven.

Paul said of believers, that to be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord. The Lord is sitting to the right of God in Heaven. :eusa_angel:

IR, please understand that I am not intentionally arguing semantics with you...just merely voicing my own opinions based on my own teachings and interpretations
I would like to address the portion I bolded further;
What of "those dead in Christ will rise first"?
Rise from where, if not the pit/grave?

And to the second statement I bolded;
That was explained to me as your "breath of life", not your eternal soul, returning to the One that gave it to you.


Hi Horty. :smiliehug:
There is no reason to believe that the coming rapture will be any different than the one that happened before. When Christ was on the cross, there was an earthquake and about 10,000 graves opened. Those were the graves that held the bodies of the souls in Abraham's Bosom. Those were the dead in God. Those bodies were reunited with the souls that were about to return with Christ. Before the event occurred, the bodies and souls were in two separate locations.
When the time comes, the graves of those who are dead in Christ will open and in 11/100th of a second the bodies of the dead, and their souls that have been waiting in heaven will be reunited.
Those that are alive in Christ when it happens will also be taken up and their bodies glorified at the same time. < That is the only difference between the first event and the one that's coming. The reason for the reunion is that we will need those bodies to come back to earth with Christ to rule and reign.

The spirit that we refer to as the breath of life returns to our Father at the time of our demise. It is that God breathed spirit that turned Adam from a mannequin to a living being, and returned to God when Adam died. It is that spirit that Jesus sent back to His Father to complete the death requirement for our sin. It is not our soul. It is how one can have an out of body experience (our soul separating from our body) and still live to talk about it. Because the breath of life didn't leave their body.

When it does, the body ceases to function, and the soul steps right out of it to continue it's journey. Where is contingent upon a life lived for Christ or not.
Those in the "or not" category whose souls are confined to Hades, are the ones referred to when "the earth gives up her dead" for trial at the White Throne Judgment, after the millennial reign of Christ and those that lived for Christ.
I hope that's not to confusing. :eusa_angel:

Only quoting so this will be the newest in my CP
I want to read and research some of this interesting commentary
????....why would Jesus tell me a question?..........

You don't make any sense. You asked me that if Jesus disagrees with me, will I tell him to go away?

Why would he disagree with what I'm quoting from the Bible? That's why I asked you if he had spoken to you and told you something different than what is in the Bible.

I think my statement makes sense.....I asked you a was not a asked if Jesus told me that......why would Jesus tell me a question to ask you?.....

let me rephrase the question......if you find out your interpretation of the Bible is wrong are you going to argue with God about it or just go along anyway?.......

If I find out that my interpretation of the Bible is wrong, then I will suffer the consequence, just like everyone else who has their own interpretation. I don't know that there will be reason to argue with God, because some of the things that are "questionable" are not the things that will keep you out of heaven.

It is hardly possible for anyone to misinterpret the requirements for going to heaven...

"For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him, should not perish but have everlasting life"

Believe that Jesus is the Son of God.....then make Him Lord of your's not that difficult.
you should spend that energy telling people how to avoid being left here when Jesus returns.....

But I do...what makes you think that I don't? You seem to have some toxicity to your responses....why are you angry?

not anger.......more of a moral indignation.....Christians weren't charged to serve God by arguing about millenialism.....

You are the only one that is arguing....we are just telling you what the Bible indicates, if that causes you pain or indignation, you're the one with the problem.
Always amuses me how eager to argue the validity of one religion over another, one aspect of doctrine over another people are when they can't even prove G-d even exists. Seems like without being able to do that, everything else falls to insignificance.

Nobody is arguing....except the one that gets indignant because he thinks others are sitting around worrying about something he doesn't consider important....and has assumed that the rest of us pin our salvation on that one issue.

we are just discussing our views based on what the Bible says. Yes, there are plenty of misinterpretations, but mostly about things that don't matter.

I only have to prove to myself that God exists, and I have already....the rest can do so on their can't prove that he doesn't exist, and that is definitely your choice, too.

A blind mind can't see the stars, but that doesn't mean they're not there.
Always amuses me how eager to argue the validity of one religion over another, one aspect of doctrine over another people are when they can't even prove G-d even exists. Seems like without being able to do that, everything else falls to insignificance.

The Israelites had proof of God's existence and what happened? Some chose not to listen They decided not to honor the sabbath. They got involved in idolatry. God's existence caused competing religions.

I spoke to God today. He exists.

In the end, we'll pay for knowing God but we will be saved from wrath by believing in Him.
Or hell for that matter.

You guys do realize that don't you?

I'm here watching the service live and it's just one false doctrine after the other.

Christiandom as it's today is in a state of confusion.

Who told you that, Obama?
Stop being silly.

Scripture states that His reward is with Him when he comes again.

What does that tell you?

Furthermore, Scripture states that the living know they will die, but the dead know nothing.

From the dust we came and from the dust we will return.

We don't get a prize immediately after death and become "angels" looking down on earth. Or looking up from hell while we burn.

It doesn't work like that. That is a false doctrine perpetuated by Satan and the Roman Catholic Church, who even went as far as invented a place called "purgatory."
(No offence to Roman Catholics on here)

If it does, please provide me the Scripture that backs that up.

I can provide the Scripture to back up what I'm saying.

"We don't get a prize immediately after death and become "angels" looking down on earth. Or looking up from hell while we burn."

No one becomes an angel that's true. Angels existed with G-d before Genesis 1 (infered anyway since angellic creation isn't mentioned anywhere in official Canon texts, but they were mention during the creation of Man " our image..." et al.

However, in Jewish tradition we do go to 'heaven' upon death. Numerous accounts both in Tanach (OT) and related texts like Talmud and Zohar mention this fact.

Christianity is so mixed up now with Judaism, Catholicism, Protestantism, and smaller denominations, what they believe depends a lot on who you're talking to. :)

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