Its a good day to be a Democrat

We can't ignore wrongdoing by the gov't, no matter what party is in charge.

Having said that, these recent scandals are being ginned up by the President's opponents because the Dow hit record highs over the last week, the economy is continuing to recover, and we now learn that the deficit will clock in this year at just over $600 billion, which is almost a third of what it was just 5 years ago.

On Benghazi, we know that Hillary Clinton warned in 2011 and in 2012 that House Republican budget cuts to outposts all over the world would affect national security. They cut security funding overseas by $133 million in 2011 and by over twice that amount in 2012, which eventually saw the deaths of 4 Americans in Libya.

Benghazi is not a real scandal. It's simply an invented one in order to distract us from more important work that must be done.

The IRS scandal is nowhere near as grave as many previous IRS scandals throughout history. In this instance, the wrongdoers will be fired and the Inspector's General report tells us that the White House was not encouraging or ordering the IRS to do what they did.

When someone leaked information about the CIA to the Associated Press, Republicans demanded that Obama show toughness and use the full force of the gov't to investigate.

Well, his administration did just that, and if it pisses them off that the lead investigator got the phone records of roughly 100 journalists, than Republicans should have said something when their guy made that lawful 10 years ago.

Representative Issa is a hypocrite. He voted against the Media Shield Law, but now he pretends like he's one of the good guys. What a silly bitch he is.

Republicans these days are such a mess that they're basically punching themselves in the face and then running to the public in the hopes that we'll believe their story that somebody else did it to them.
So you're a lying leftist, bent on retaliation against the Constitution-supporting Republican Party, hiding all the wrong on the left, and magnifying the things you dislike about Republicans into a faux-scandal.

Come clean. You're not a centrist.
We can't ignore wrongdoing by the gov't, no matter what party is in charge.

Having said that, these recent scandals are being ginned up by the President's opponents because the Dow hit record highs over the last week, the economy is continuing to recover, and we now learn that the deficit will clock in this year at just over $600 billion, which is almost a third of what it was just 5 years ago.

On Benghazi, we know that Hillary Clinton warned in 2011 and in 2012 that House Republican budget cuts to outposts all over the world would affect national security. They cut security funding overseas by $133 million in 2011 and by over twice that amount in 2012, which eventually saw the deaths of 4 Americans in Libya.

Benghazi is not a real scandal. It's simply an invented one in order to distract us from more important work that must be done.

The IRS scandal is nowhere near as grave as many previous IRS scandals throughout history. In this instance, the wrongdoers will be fired and the Inspector's General report tells us that the White House was not encouraging or ordering the IRS to do what they did.

When someone leaked information about the CIA to the Associated Press, Republicans demanded that Obama show toughness and use the full force of the gov't to investigate.

Well, his administration did just that, and if it pisses them off that the lead investigator got the phone records of roughly 100 journalists, than Republicans should have said something when their guy made that lawful 10 years ago.

Representative Issa is a hypocrite. He voted against the Media Shield Law, but now he pretends like he's one of the good guys. What a silly bitch he is.

Republicans these days are such a mess that they're basically punching themselves in the face and then running to the public in the hopes that we'll believe their story that somebody else did it to them.

Actually, this admin is fully engulfed in coverups, scandal, corruption, deceit and the sewage is all bubbling up to the surface.
There's corrupt and dishonest scumbag, Inspector Clouseau of Conngress Issa

searches in vain for something to use against the Obama administration, once again, President Obama and Eric Holder have acted to the letter of the law.

Even though Boehner says he wants to see someone go to jail and McConnell drones on and on, one lie after the other in his pathetic attempt to gain traction with the potters, as the president said, There's no THERE there. We all watched the Rs lies and most people recognize for just that.

They searched Solyndra, Fast and Furious, Benghazi, IRS and AP and every single time, it comes out that the Obama admin acted to the absolute letter of the law.

Meanwhile, what the Rs won't discuss is that, thanks to Obama, our deficit is below $one trillion dollars (in spite if the Rs obstruction) and, thanks to Obama, every single month sees jobs in the plus column (in spite of the Rs filibustering against new jobs).

Even though the R has fux to help with their lies, the American people just are not dumb enough to fall for yet another fake scandal.

Knowing that they're being lied to won't stop the nutter rw's but that's okay. Those who are more interesting in truth and facts know -

Its a damn good day to be a Democrat. :tongue:

it's a great day to be a democrat

did your welfare check arrive?
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Isn't this the same thing the left did to Bush?

Oh yeah, forgot when the shrub admin targeted orgs like Greenpeace.

That IS what you meant, right?


It's perfectly reasonable to scrutinize existing non-profits that are engaging in political activity, as was the case with Crossroads GPS, and Club for Growth. All were allowed to keep operating.

The IRS prevented many conservative non-profits from even getting started for an entire election cycle while rubber-stamping liberal groups. That's the issue here.
We can't ignore wrongdoing by the gov't, no matter what party is in charge.

Having said that, these recent scandals are being ginned up by the President's opponents because the Dow hit record highs over the last week, the economy is continuing to recover, and we now learn that the deficit will clock in this year at just over $600 billion, which is almost a third of what it was just 5 years ago.

On Benghazi, we know that Hillary Clinton warned in 2011 and in 2012 that House Republican budget cuts to outposts all over the world would affect national security. They cut security funding overseas by $133 million in 2011 and by over twice that amount in 2012, which eventually saw the deaths of 4 Americans in Libya.

Benghazi is not a real scandal. It's simply an invented one in order to distract us from more important work that must be done.

The IRS scandal is nowhere near as grave as many previous IRS scandals throughout history. In this instance, the wrongdoers will be fired and the Inspector's General report tells us that the White House was not encouraging or ordering the IRS to do what they did.

When someone leaked information about the CIA to the Associated Press, Republicans demanded that Obama show toughness and use the full force of the gov't to investigate.

Well, his administration did just that, and if it pisses them off that the lead investigator got the phone records of roughly 100 journalists, than Republicans should have said something when their guy made that lawful 10 years ago.

Representative Issa is a hypocrite. He voted against the Media Shield Law, but now he pretends like he's one of the good guys. What a silly bitch he is.

Republicans these days are such a mess that they're basically punching themselves in the face and then running to the public in the hopes that we'll believe their story that somebody else did it to them.

Funding cuts were found to not be a factor in security in the ARB. If funding cuts were a factor, that would have been front and center during the 2012 campaign instead of the nonsense about the video.

If any of what you said were true, Obama would have said it multiple times by now. He hasn't.

So why have the Republicans decided to put more money NOW into embassy security if it wasn't needed?

You'll have to ask them. Clearly security measures in place failed.
We can't ignore wrongdoing by the gov't, no matter what party is in charge.

Having said that, these recent scandals are being ginned up by the President's opponents because the Dow hit record highs over the last week, the economy is continuing to recover, and we now learn that the deficit will clock in this year at just over $600 billion, which is almost a third of what it was just 5 years ago.

On Benghazi, we know that Hillary Clinton warned in 2011 and in 2012 that House Republican budget cuts to outposts all over the world would affect national security. They cut security funding overseas by $133 million in 2011 and by over twice that amount in 2012, which eventually saw the deaths of 4 Americans in Libya.

Benghazi is not a real scandal. It's simply an invented one in order to distract us from more important work that must be done.

The IRS scandal is nowhere near as grave as many previous IRS scandals throughout history. In this instance, the wrongdoers will be fired and the Inspector's General report tells us that the White House was not encouraging or ordering the IRS to do what they did.

When someone leaked information about the CIA to the Associated Press, Republicans demanded that Obama show toughness and use the full force of the gov't to investigate.

Well, his administration did just that, and if it pisses them off that the lead investigator got the phone records of roughly 100 journalists, than Republicans should have said something when their guy made that lawful 10 years ago.

Representative Issa is a hypocrite. He voted against the Media Shield Law, but now he pretends like he's one of the good guys. What a silly bitch he is.

Republicans these days are such a mess that they're basically punching themselves in the face and then running to the public in the hopes that we'll believe their story that somebody else did it to them.
So you're a lying leftist, bent on retaliation against the Constitution-supporting Republican Party, hiding all the wrong on the left, and magnifying the things you dislike about Republicans into a faux-scandal.

Come clean. You're not a centrist.

I love it when true colors show :eusa_angel:
Funding cuts were found to not be a factor in security in the ARB. If funding cuts were a factor, that would have been front and center during the 2012 campaign instead of the nonsense about the video.

If any of what you said were true, Obama would have said it multiple times by now. He hasn't.

So why have the Republicans decided to put more money NOW into embassy security if it wasn't needed?

You'll have to ask them. Clearly security measures in place failed.

I can't believe she would even ask that or suggest it is for any other reason..
but she is a die hard Obama cult member
We can't ignore wrongdoing by the gov't, no matter what party is in charge.

Having said that, these recent scandals are being ginned up by the President's opponents because the Dow hit record highs over the last week, the economy is continuing to recover, and we now learn that the deficit will clock in this year at just over $600 billion, which is almost a third of what it was just 5 years ago.

On Benghazi, we know that Hillary Clinton warned in 2011 and in 2012 that House Republican budget cuts to outposts all over the world would affect national security. They cut security funding overseas by $133 million in 2011 and by over twice that amount in 2012, which eventually saw the deaths of 4 Americans in Libya.

Benghazi is not a real scandal. It's simply an invented one in order to distract us from more important work that must be done.

The IRS scandal is nowhere near as grave as many previous IRS scandals throughout history. In this instance, the wrongdoers will be fired and the Inspector's General report tells us that the White House was not encouraging or ordering the IRS to do what they did.

When someone leaked information about the CIA to the Associated Press, Republicans demanded that Obama show toughness and use the full force of the gov't to investigate.

Well, his administration did just that, and if it pisses them off that the lead investigator got the phone records of roughly 100 journalists, than Republicans should have said something when their guy made that lawful 10 years ago.

Representative Issa is a hypocrite. He voted against the Media Shield Law, but now he pretends like he's one of the good guys. What a silly bitch he is.

Republicans these days are such a mess that they're basically punching themselves in the face and then running to the public in the hopes that we'll believe their story that somebody else did it to them.

Funding cuts were found to not be a factor in security in the ARB. If funding cuts were a factor, that would have been front and center during the 2012 campaign instead of the nonsense about the video.

If any of what you said were true, Obama would have said it multiple times by now. He hasn't.

So why have the Republicans decided to put more money NOW into embassy security if it wasn't needed?

Its about time. Nothing like buying a barn door after the horses are long gone.

The Rs not only cut security funding but they don't want to hunt down those who attacked Benghazi.

I'll bet they suddenly decide to pass a bill ... Amid lots of camera time, patting themselves on the backs, they will come up with some harebrained non-plan to go after the terrorists. By that time, Obama will have droned them into dust and the rw's will all whine about it.
We can't ignore wrongdoing by the gov't, no matter what party is in charge.

Having said that, these recent scandals are being ginned up by the President's opponents because the Dow hit record highs over the last week, the economy is continuing to recover, and we now learn that the deficit will clock in this year at just over $600 billion, which is almost a third of what it was just 5 years ago.

On Benghazi, we know that Hillary Clinton warned in 2011 and in 2012 that House Republican budget cuts to outposts all over the world would affect national security. They cut security funding overseas by $133 million in 2011 and by over twice that amount in 2012, which eventually saw the deaths of 4 Americans in Libya.

Benghazi is not a real scandal. It's simply an invented one in order to distract us from more important work that must be done.

The IRS scandal is nowhere near as grave as many previous IRS scandals throughout history. In this instance, the wrongdoers will be fired and the Inspector's General report tells us that the White House was not encouraging or ordering the IRS to do what they did.

When someone leaked information about the CIA to the Associated Press, Republicans demanded that Obama show toughness and use the full force of the gov't to investigate.

Well, his administration did just that, and if it pisses them off that the lead investigator got the phone records of roughly 100 journalists, than Republicans should have said something when their guy made that lawful 10 years ago.

Representative Issa is a hypocrite. He voted against the Media Shield Law, but now he pretends like he's one of the good guys. What a silly bitch he is.

Republicans these days are such a mess that they're basically punching themselves in the face and then running to the public in the hopes that we'll believe their story that somebody else did it to them.


And, thanks to Obama, we will find out who was behind the AP shenanigans. The Rs keep lying, saying that DOJ was listening in to actual conversations. Why do they keep lying about that?

They've been lying about the IRS because Rove got away with calling his POLITICAL organization a "social" org. He's a liar, has stole enormous money and the Bush admin let him get away with it. The Rs keep blowing smoke because they know the rw's will believe anything they are told to believe.

And, why do the Rs keep lying about the other issues?

To get the rw's whipped into their normal state of hysteria.

And, you gotta hand it to them because it has been working really well. I read this board and I'm astounded at the degree of willful ignorance from the rw's.'re giving Barry credit for uncovering what happened with the AP scandal? Really? He said he learned about that from the press reports last Friday. Duh?
You've basically got two choices here, Kiddies...

One is to admit that Barack Obama is one of the more clueless Presidents we've ever had...who doesn't know much about ANYTHING that's happening in his own Administration...

The second is to admit that he's a huge liar...

Balls in your court...
Funding cuts were found to not be a factor in security in the ARB. If funding cuts were a factor, that would have been front and center during the 2012 campaign instead of the nonsense about the video.

If any of what you said were true, Obama would have said it multiple times by now. He hasn't.

So why have the Republicans decided to put more money NOW into embassy security if it wasn't needed?

Its about time. Nothing like buying a barn door after the horses are long gone.

The Rs not only cut security funding but they don't want to hunt down those who attacked Benghazi.

I'll bet they suddenly decide to pass a bill ... Amid lots of camera time, patting themselves on the backs, they will come up with some harebrained non-plan to go after the terrorists. By that time, Obama will have droned them into dust and the rw's will all whine about it.

If Barry had gotten his way they would have used a drone on the creator of that YouTube know...the guy who's REALLY responsible for everything that happened in Benghazi! :cuckoo:
even holder says the OP is full of shit:

"There can be no possible justification for such an overbroad collection of the telephone communications of the Associated Press and its reporters," he said in a strongly worded letter to Attorney General Eric Holder. "These records potentially reveal communications with confidential sources across all of the news-gathering activities undertaken by the AP during a two-month period, provide a road map to AP's news-gathering operations, and disclose information about AP's activities and operations that the government has no conceivable right to know."

Why did the Obama administration spy on the Associated Press? - The Week

yep...dudly ignoring facts yet again because his party is in hot water

looks like obama says the OP is full of meadowmuffins:

President Obama will meet with Treasury Department officials at the White House on Wednesday afternoon to discuss the ongoing investigation into Internal Revenue Service officials putting extra scrutiny on Tea Party groups' applications for tax-exempt status.

White House press secretary Jay Carney said Obama would be meeting with Treasury officials "to talk about the next steps that he hopes will be taken."

"He expects the Treasury Department and IRS to take all the necessary actions to make sure this kind of thing cannot happen again," Carney said.

Obama to meet with Treasury officials on IRS case

not a good day to be a political hack....hey duddly?

ever notice how luddly ALWAYS ignores posts that crush his threads
There's corrupt and dishonest scumbag, Inspector Clouseau of Conngress Issa

searches in vain for something to use against the Obama administration, once again, President Obama and Eric Holder have acted to the letter of the law.

Even though Boehner says he wants to see someone go to jail and McConnell drones on and on, one lie after the other in his pathetic attempt to gain traction with the potters, as the president said, There's no THERE there. We all watched the Rs lies and most people recognize for just that.

They searched Solyndra, Fast and Furious, Benghazi, IRS and AP and every single time, it comes out that the Obama admin acted to the absolute letter of the law.

Meanwhile, what the Rs won't discuss is that, thanks to Obama, our deficit is below $one trillion dollars (in spite if the Rs obstruction) and, thanks to Obama, every single month sees jobs in the plus column (in spite of the Rs filibustering against new jobs).

Even though the R has fux to help with their lies, the American people just are not dumb enough to fall for yet another fake scandal.

Knowing that they're being lied to won't stop the nutter rw's but that's okay. Those who are more interesting in truth and facts know -

Its a damn good day to be a Democrat. :tongue:

Uh no....

Ben-gotcha is nonsense and I think the majority of the people see that. The IRS and the AP phone record scandals are just that; scandals. Whether or not "Bush did it too" this is garbage. Whereas Bush left a destroyed economy for the President to deal with and his approval ratings were what, 23%???, Bush didn't cause Obama's IRS to do what it did, nor did it cause his DOJ to do what it did.

Scandals injure presidential agendas. So no, this is not a good day to be a Democrat.
I think Luddly assumes that the main stream media will have Barry's back like they usually do...and he'll ride this out.

I watch White House Press Briefings these days and I don't see the same things I saw only a few weeks ago. They are turning on this President. I think things have become SO blatantly bad that they've been shamed into doing their jobs and asking tough questions.

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