It's All About The Bullsh#t

like hell I did ... quote me Goober.
Read the definition, Gomer. Why did you bring it up? Are you saying you are too stupid to understand your own words then?
Just when I think Dork Furry threads can't get any stupider along comes you.
So lets talk about your being a racist. Why do you invoke color as a reason to be president? Or gender? Can you not see the bigotry in that?
I invoked neither. I was asking you why the GOP supporters wouldn't support a Hispanic, they had at least two somewhat credible Hispanic candidates. The GOP tries to pander to Hispanics but Hispanics don't buy it. Why do you suppose that is?
Because a majority of voters (Republican) don't vote based on color, race, gender, creed. They vote for the best person. Had Trump been from the Planet X, practiced the religion of Zelda and was gray they'd vote for him.
Cannot agree more! This is about winning and nothing else. 8 years of Dem control Rep want that win.
like hell I did ... quote me Goober.
Read the definition, Gomer. Why did you bring it up? Are you saying you are too stupid to understand your own words then?
Just when I think Dork Furry threads can't get any stupider along comes you.
So lets talk about your being a racist. Why do you invoke color as a reason to be president? Or gender? Can you not see the bigotry in that?
I invoked neither. I was asking you why the GOP supporters wouldn't support a Hispanic, they had at least two somewhat credible Hispanic candidates. The GOP tries to pander to Hispanics but Hispanics don't buy it. Why do you suppose that is?
The voters WANT Trump. Cruz was running a strong second so he DID represent the Hispanics.

How did your Hispanic do? Oh you did not have one.
How did your Negro do? Oh you did not have one.
How did your person from India do? Oh you did not have one?

Seems YOUR tent lacks a few things.

It maybe understandable that no Democrat challenged Obama for primary, but the fact that only one credible person emerged to challenge Hillary - big time loser to Obama in 2008 - testifies to the cowardice or perhaps the terminal stupidity of Democrats.

And, come to think of it, that credible challenger to Hillary is not even a Democrat but a fence-sitter so-called Independent.
Cruz just returned to the Senate:

"It is a division Mr. Cruz helped create, by pressing congressional Republicans to defy party leaders and their colleagues to shut down the government and repeatedly hold up basic legislation, giving him the distinction of being the least popular member of one of the world’s most exclusive clubs.

But outside the noise and theatrics of the campaign, Mr. Cruz also finds himself at a potential turning point in his Senate career, both as a returning failed presidential candidate and as an unpopular firebrand who has been most comfortable as a thorn, rather than partner, to other Republicans"

He has many fences to mend before he can even tread water with his contemporaries. However, stranger things have happened.
Ted Cruz may have just turned himself into the next McCain.
A realist would recognize that it's not over yet. That some people are still hoping their preferred candidate can win, seems pretty reasonable to me.

But to suspend ones campaign while still secretly trying to gain delegates is a dirty underhanded thing to do and it fits the Cruz track record of deceit, sleight of hand and lies that he has engaged in since the Iowa primary.

What is amazing is that any sane person would want such a slimeball in the Oval Office regardless of his ideology.
Read the definition, Gomer. Why did you bring it up? Are you saying you are too stupid to understand your own words then?
Just when I think Dork Furry threads can't get any stupider along comes you.
So lets talk about your being a racist. Why do you invoke color as a reason to be president? Or gender? Can you not see the bigotry in that?
I invoked neither. I was asking you why the GOP supporters wouldn't support a Hispanic, they had at least two somewhat credible Hispanic candidates. The GOP tries to pander to Hispanics but Hispanics don't buy it. Why do you suppose that is?
Because a majority of voters (Republican) don't vote based on color, race, gender, creed. They vote for the best person. Had Trump been from the Planet X, practiced the religion of Zelda and was gray they'd vote for him.
Far to many people from BOTH sides refuse to face the fact a majority of Americans are fed up with the parties. But you ask a Trump/Sanders supporter and its the first words out of their mouth.

Bernie and Donald AGREE on trade. So its not all a party thing, its a movement.

The only movement Trump is involved in is a bowel movement.
like hell I did ... quote me Goober.
Read the definition, Gomer. Why did you bring it up? Are you saying you are too stupid to understand your own words then?
Just when I think Dork Furry threads can't get any stupider along comes you.
So lets talk about your being a racist. Why do you invoke color as a reason to be president? Or gender? Can you not see the bigotry in that?
I invoked neither. I was asking you why the GOP supporters wouldn't support a Hispanic, they had at least two somewhat credible Hispanic candidates. The GOP tries to pander to Hispanics but Hispanics don't buy it. Why do you suppose that is?
Because a majority of voters (Republican) don't vote based on color, race, gender, creed. They vote for the best person. Had Trump been from the Planet X, practiced the religion of Zelda and was gray they'd vote for him.

They vote for what they consider to be the best. Unfortunately, for them, that just means loud and annoying. Actually having a rational plan is not a consideration for them.
A realist would recognize that it's not over yet. That some people are still hoping their preferred candidate can win, seems pretty reasonable to me.

But to suspend ones campaign while still secretly trying to gain delegates is a dirty underhanded thing to do and it fits the Cruz track record of deceit, sleight of hand and lies that he has engaged in since the Iowa primary.

What is amazing is that any sane person would want such a slimeball in the Oval Office regardless of his ideology.
What's he's doing is hardly a secret. The delegate thing is the way the rules are set up. It doesn't make since to call anybody slime for playing by the rules.
A realist would recognize that it's not over yet. That some people are still hoping their preferred candidate can win, seems pretty reasonable to me.

But to suspend ones campaign while still secretly trying to gain delegates is a dirty underhanded thing to do and it fits the Cruz track record of deceit, sleight of hand and lies that he has engaged in since the Iowa primary.

What is amazing is that any sane person would want such a slimeball in the Oval Office regardless of his ideology.
What's he's doing is hardly a secret. The delegate thing is the way the rules are set up. It doesn't make since to call anybody slime for playing by the rules.
But the entire system is rigged for this. Shooting with loaded dice be it the player or the house does not change the fact that it's rigged. Nor do the morals change because of who is doing it.
A realist would recognize that it's not over yet. That some people are still hoping their preferred candidate can win, seems pretty reasonable to me.

But to suspend ones campaign while still secretly trying to gain delegates is a dirty underhanded thing to do and it fits the Cruz track record of deceit, sleight of hand and lies that he has engaged in since the Iowa primary.

What is amazing is that any sane person would want such a slimeball in the Oval Office regardless of his ideology.
What's he's doing is hardly a secret. The delegate thing is the way the rules are set up. It doesn't make since to call anybody slime for playing by the rules.
I say Cruz is slime 'since' he is saying one thing but doing something else entirely.

Apparently that is AOK in your view.
Cruz just returned to the Senate:

"It is a division Mr. Cruz helped create, by pressing congressional Republicans to defy party leaders and their colleagues to shut down the government and repeatedly hold up basic legislation, giving him the distinction of being the least popular member of one of the world’s most exclusive clubs.

But outside the noise and theatrics of the campaign, Mr. Cruz also finds himself at a potential turning point in his Senate career, both as a returning failed presidential candidate and as an unpopular firebrand who has been most comfortable as a thorn, rather than partner, to other Republicans"

He has many fences to mend before he can even tread water with his contemporaries. However, stranger things have happened.

The GOP establishment need a thorn in their side. Cruz is good at it, he doesn't give a shit if he's liked, he stands by his principles. It's why many voted for him.
A realist would recognize that it's not over yet. That some people are still hoping their preferred candidate can win, seems pretty reasonable to me.

But to suspend ones campaign while still secretly trying to gain delegates is a dirty underhanded thing to do and it fits the Cruz track record of deceit, sleight of hand and lies that he has engaged in since the Iowa primary.

What is amazing is that any sane person would want such a slimeball in the Oval Office regardless of his ideology.
What's he's doing is hardly a secret. The delegate thing is the way the rules are set up. It doesn't make since to call anybody slime for playing by the rules.
But the entire system is rigged for this. Shooting with loaded dice be it the player or the house does not change the fact that it's rigged. Nor do the morals change because of who is doing it.
The delegate rules, as I understand it, varies by state. But at the convention, the delegates have to vote in the first vote for the candidate the people voted for. Often one vote doesn't decide the matter. So. Then the delegates can vote for whoever they want- this is why Cruz is trying to get delegates to promise to vote for him.

Look, I think it's a goofy system. I'm not even sure I understand it. Still, I find it bizarre that when someone can and does figure out the system and works it, he is considered slime or immoral.

Until a new system is set up, this is the one we have. If you want Trump to win, then hope that he, like Cruz, has taken the trouble to learn the rules and has gotten some delegates to promise to vote for him if that first vote doesn't go well for him.
The delegate rules, as I understand it, varies by state. But at the convention, the delegates have to vote in the first vote for the candidate the people voted for. Often one vote doesn't decide the matter.

This is not the case. Some states do not have all their delegates committed, like Pennsylvania, and some have none of them committed.

And we have not had to go past the first ballot since before World War 2.
A realist would recognize that it's not over yet. That some people are still hoping their preferred candidate can win, seems pretty reasonable to me.

But to suspend ones campaign while still secretly trying to gain delegates is a dirty underhanded thing to do and it fits the Cruz track record of deceit, sleight of hand and lies that he has engaged in since the Iowa primary.

What is amazing is that any sane person would want such a slimeball in the Oval Office regardless of his ideology.
What's he's doing is hardly a secret. The delegate thing is the way the rules are set up. It doesn't make since to call anybody slime for playing by the rules.
I say Cruz is slime 'since' he is saying one thing but doing something else entirely.

Apparently that is AOK in your view.
Give me an example of him saying he would do one thing then did something else entirely and I'll comment. Meanwhile, I simply don't automatically call someone, anyone, slime just because I don't agree with him.
A realist would recognize that it's not over yet. That some people are still hoping their preferred candidate can win, seems pretty reasonable to me.

But to suspend ones campaign while still secretly trying to gain delegates is a dirty underhanded thing to do and it fits the Cruz track record of deceit, sleight of hand and lies that he has engaged in since the Iowa primary.

What is amazing is that any sane person would want such a slimeball in the Oval Office regardless of his ideology.
What's he's doing is hardly a secret. The delegate thing is the way the rules are set up. It doesn't make since to call anybody slime for playing by the rules.
I say Cruz is slime 'since' he is saying one thing but doing something else entirely.

Apparently that is AOK in your view.
Give me an example of him saying he would do one thing then did something else entirely and I'll comment. Meanwhile, I simply don't automatically call someone, anyone, slime just because I don't agree with him.

He said he is suspending his campaign and is still fighting for delegates, thus still campaigning.
The delegate rules, as I understand it, varies by state. But at the convention, the delegates have to vote in the first vote for the candidate the people voted for. Often one vote doesn't decide the matter.

This is not the case. Some states do not have all their delegates committed, like Pennsylvania, and some have none of them committed.

And we have not had to go past the first ballot since before World War 2.
Thanks for clearing that up. Explain to me then, what Cruz is doing wrong by trying to get delegate votes.
It's a great song. Every time I read this thread title I think of it.....

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