It's All About The Bullsh#t

The delegate rules, as I understand it, varies by state. But at the convention, the delegates have to vote in the first vote for the candidate the people voted for. Often one vote doesn't decide the matter.

This is not the case. Some states do not have all their delegates committed, like Pennsylvania, and some have none of them committed.

And we have not had to go past the first ballot since before World War 2.
Thanks for clearing that up. Explain to me then, what Cruz is doing wrong by trying to get delegate votes.
Is going back on your word a 'wrong thing' to you? IF it is then the answer is obvious, if not, then there is no point in discussing this further.
A realist would recognize that it's not over yet. That some people are still hoping their preferred candidate can win, seems pretty reasonable to me.

But to suspend ones campaign while still secretly trying to gain delegates is a dirty underhanded thing to do and it fits the Cruz track record of deceit, sleight of hand and lies that he has engaged in since the Iowa primary.

What is amazing is that any sane person would want such a slimeball in the Oval Office regardless of his ideology.
What's he's doing is hardly a secret. The delegate thing is the way the rules are set up. It doesn't make since to call anybody slime for playing by the rules.
I say Cruz is slime 'since' he is saying one thing but doing something else entirely.

Apparently that is AOK in your view.
Give me an example of him saying he would do one thing then did something else entirely and I'll comment. Meanwhile, I simply don't automatically call someone, anyone, slime just because I don't agree with him.

He said he is suspending his campaign and is still fighting for delegates, thus still campaigning.
OK. He is slime because "suspend" apparently means working delegates rather than speaking to American voters. I'll buy that. It's not that difficult to believe that people running for office play word games. I'm old enough to have figured out that public servants are not uniformly honest. I never said Cruz was different. I only said he is a conservative. I prefer conservative slime to progressive slime or huuge question mark slime.
The delegate rules, as I understand it, varies by state. But at the convention, the delegates have to vote in the first vote for the candidate the people voted for. Often one vote doesn't decide the matter.

This is not the case. Some states do not have all their delegates committed, like Pennsylvania, and some have none of them committed.

And we have not had to go past the first ballot since before World War 2.
Thanks for clearing that up. Explain to me then, what Cruz is doing wrong by trying to get delegate votes.
Is going back on your word a 'wrong thing' to you? IF it is then the answer is obvious, if not, then there is no point in discussing this further.
Wrong to follow the rules. Here I thought I'd been clear and concise. Oh well. Good-bye then.
Retard. You brought up race, not me.

Definition of HISPANIC
Full Definition of Hispanic
  1. 1: of or relating to the people, speech, or culture of Spain or of Spain and Portugal

  2. 2: of, relating to, or being a person of Latin American descent living in the United States;especially : one of Cuban, Mexican, or Puerto Rican origin

like hell I did ... quote me Goober.
Read the definition, Gomer. Why did you bring it up? Are you saying you are too stupid to understand your own words then?
Just when I think Dork Furry threads can't get any stupider along comes you.
So lets talk about your being a racist. Why do you invoke color as a reason to be president? Or gender? Can you not see the bigotry in that?
I invoked neither. I was asking you why the GOP supporters wouldn't support a Hispanic, they had at least two somewhat credible Hispanic candidates. The GOP tries to pander to Hispanics but Hispanics don't buy it. Why do you suppose that is?
How does the GOP pander to Hispanics and how is it not pandering to nominate one because they are Hispanic?

Goddamn you are dense.

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