It's Amateur Hour in the White House


Gold Member
Jan 9, 2020
Yes, it's Amateur Hour in the White House!
How long the “Obama Loving Liberals” just sit by and let the Obama, Biden, and Chuck Schumer, and the rest of those Mental Midgets, take the country down the drain. How long will any of their supporters just stand by and see their life's savings go down the toilet and still say "give him a chance"? How long are they going to say "I want his policies to do well? How long are they going to NOT question his decisions, only because he is a democrat? How long are we going to take this Crap!
It should be very clear to anyone with half a brain by now that this INEPT Delusional, Story Teller, Biden is not and NEVER WILL BE ready for this job and THAT HE IS IN WAY OVER HIS HEAD. Apparently the entire administration lacks the sufficient Skills, Knowledge, and Experience, needed. But the DNC went on and on nominating the most Incompetent Administration that we have ever seen. And it is ruining our country, In fact it has already sent us to Was all over the Glob. But I think that we are starting to see the beginning of the end of the love affair with Biden’s Mentor Barrack Obama
ALL you liberal-Progressives that have your noses up Obama's behind, need to step back, and breath some fresh air…..and put down that Kool-Aid. That you have been drinking for all these years! Those of you that are able to read and differentiate..need to study something besides Obama-laced Progressive websites. And just take a look at those Obama/Biden sites, they are full of Socialist ideas and Trump bashing cartoons to no end.
Obama himself admits it in his own writings, his Wife's writings back it up, as well as the multitude of unscrupulous supporters that have funneled and laundered money throughout his campaign. If you truly care about your future, and the future of your children, or this country…you'll step back, and evaluate Obama's, and Moochells ideas and proposals and see that they are nothing short of poison for the economy of this country. Obama ran up the tab. And Biden continues his destruction of America. , But Trump is the one that kept us safe. Biden’s Reckless Spending, and stepping on the Spending, Gas, Prices, and the prices at the Supermarket,and running up the debt exponentially, apologizing to our enemies, and taking away your rights,, from Free Speech, to Our Constitutional Rights.
It is already too late to start crying about the programs, and the idiotic policies his beliefs, his decisions, and wild spending actions. The country is already so deep in dept that I don't know how we are ever going to get out of this mess. It's already too late to wish that the Obama Presidency should have fail miserably, he already has. Let's see how much longer the Liberal media is going to stand by the bull-shit, with Obama’s “Mentor Joe Biden and his Crime Family! It's going to be very enlightening to see when the Elite Liberals start questioning Obama decisions when half of their wealth is gone, and our Country is being Flushed down the Toilet. . Is MOOCHELLE going to take us down the same path?
Well now that we have had our Troops attacked in Jordon, the writing is on the Wall. Will Biden just say "DON'T" again?
Yes, it's Amateur Hour in the White House!
How long the “Obama Loving Liberals” just sit by and let the Obama, Biden, and Chuck Schumer, and the rest of those Mental Midgets, take the country down the drain. How long will any of their supporters just stand by and see their life's savings go down the toilet and still say "give him a chance"? How long are they going to say "I want his policies to do well? How long are they going to NOT question his decisions, only because he is a democrat? How long are we going to take this Crap!
It should be very clear to anyone with half a brain by now that this INEPT Delusional, Story Teller, Biden is not and NEVER WILL BE ready for this job and THAT HE IS IN WAY OVER HIS HEAD. Apparently the entire administration lacks the sufficient Skills, Knowledge, and Experience, needed. But the DNC went on and on nominating the most Incompetent Administration that we have ever seen. And it is ruining our country, In fact it has already sent us to Was all over the Glob. But I think that we are starting to see the beginning of the end of the love affair with Biden’s Mentor Barrack Obama
ALL you liberal-Progressives that have your noses up Obama's behind, need to step back, and breath some fresh air…..and put down that Kool-Aid. That you have been drinking for all these years! Those of you that are able to read and differentiate..need to study something besides Obama-laced Progressive websites. And just take a look at those Obama/Biden sites, they are full of Socialist ideas and Trump bashing cartoons to no end.
Obama himself admits it in his own writings, his Wife's writings back it up, as well as the multitude of unscrupulous supporters that have funneled and laundered money throughout his campaign. If you truly care about your future, and the future of your children, or this country…you'll step back, and evaluate Obama's, and Moochells ideas and proposals and see that they are nothing short of poison for the economy of this country. Obama ran up the tab. And Biden continues his destruction of America. , But Trump is the one that kept us safe. Biden’s Reckless Spending, and stepping on the Spending, Gas, Prices, and the prices at the Supermarket,and running up the debt exponentially, apologizing to our enemies, and taking away your rights,, from Free Speech, to Our Constitutional Rights.
It is already too late to start crying about the programs, and the idiotic policies his beliefs, his decisions, and wild spending actions. The country is already so deep in dept that I don't know how we are ever going to get out of this mess. It's already too late to wish that the Obama Presidency should have fail miserably, he already has. Let's see how much longer the Liberal media is going to stand by the bull-shit, with Obama’s “Mentor Joe Biden and his Crime Family! It's going to be very enlightening to see when the Elite Liberals start questioning Obama decisions when half of their wealth is gone, and our Country is being Flushed down the Toilet. . Is MOOCHELLE going to take us down the same path?
Well now that we have had our Troops attacked in Jordon, the writing is on the Wall. Will Biden just say "DON'T" again?

Pedo Joe didn't say "pretty please" or "mother may I?"
Yes, it's Amateur Hour in the White House!
How long the “Obama Loving Liberals” just sit by and let the Obama, Biden, and Chuck Schumer, and the rest of those Mental Midgets, take the country down the drain. How long will any of their supporters just stand by and see their life's savings go down the toilet and still say "give him a chance"? How long are they going to say "I want his policies to do well? How long are they going to NOT question his decisions, only because he is a democrat? How long are we going to take this Crap!
It should be very clear to anyone with half a brain by now that this INEPT Delusional, Story Teller, Biden is not and NEVER WILL BE ready for this job and THAT HE IS IN WAY OVER HIS HEAD. Apparently the entire administration lacks the sufficient Skills, Knowledge, and Experience, needed. But the DNC went on and on nominating the most Incompetent Administration that we have ever seen. And it is ruining our country, In fact it has already sent us to Was all over the Glob. But I think that we are starting to see the beginning of the end of the love affair with Biden’s Mentor Barrack Obama
ALL you liberal-Progressives that have your noses up Obama's behind, need to step back, and breath some fresh air…..and put down that Kool-Aid. That you have been drinking for all these years! Those of you that are able to read and differentiate..need to study something besides Obama-laced Progressive websites. And just take a look at those Obama/Biden sites, they are full of Socialist ideas and Trump bashing cartoons to no end.
Obama himself admits it in his own writings, his Wife's writings back it up, as well as the multitude of unscrupulous supporters that have funneled and laundered money throughout his campaign. If you truly care about your future, and the future of your children, or this country…you'll step back, and evaluate Obama's, and Moochells ideas and proposals and see that they are nothing short of poison for the economy of this country. Obama ran up the tab. And Biden continues his destruction of America. , But Trump is the one that kept us safe. Biden’s Reckless Spending, and stepping on the Spending, Gas, Prices, and the prices at the Supermarket,and running up the debt exponentially, apologizing to our enemies, and taking away your rights,, from Free Speech, to Our Constitutional Rights.
It is already too late to start crying about the programs, and the idiotic policies his beliefs, his decisions, and wild spending actions. The country is already so deep in dept that I don't know how we are ever going to get out of this mess. It's already too late to wish that the Obama Presidency should have fail miserably, he already has. Let's see how much longer the Liberal media is going to stand by the bull-shit, with Obama’s “Mentor Joe Biden and his Crime Family! It's going to be very enlightening to see when the Elite Liberals start questioning Obama decisions when half of their wealth is gone, and our Country is being Flushed down the Toilet. . Is MOOCHELLE going to take us down the same path?
Well now that we have had our Troops attacked in Jordon, the writing is on the Wall. Will Biden just say "DON'T" again?
Biden just said he's doing all he can do.
Yeah, let's bring back the good old days!

Juveniles tend to vote for other juveniles.

And that is what we have here. Another dimocrap administration screwing everything up. No competence at all.

Pure College Sophmore thinking.

At least the Administration of the Bastard Son of Frank Marshall Davis was run like a Faculty Lounge. Now, the dimocrap party has let the Sophomores in the women's sororities take over.

This isn't going to end well.
Juveniles tend to vote for other juveniles.

And that is what we have here. Another dimocrap administration screwing everything up. No competence at all.

Pure College Sophmore thinking.

At least the Administration of the Bastard Son of Frank Marshall Davis was run like a Faculty Lounge. Now, the dimocrap party has let the Sophomores in the women's sororities take over.

This isn't going to end well.
The competent ones are doing the most serious damage.
The competent ones are doing the most serious damage.
They're not that smart.

Our enemies are doing the damage. The dimocraps are sitting by, watching them and getting paid-off in the process.

Wonder how much the Cartels are funneling to dimocrap scum right now? You KNOW they are. plato o plomo
Yes, it's Amateur Hour in the White House!
How long the “Obama Loving Liberals” just sit by and let the Obama, Biden, and Chuck Schumer, and the rest of those Mental Midgets, take the country down the drain. How long will any of their supporters just stand by and see their life's savings go down the toilet and still say "give him a chance"? How long are they going to say "I want his policies to do well? How long are they going to NOT question his decisions, only because he is a democrat? How long are we going to take this Crap!
It should be very clear to anyone with half a brain by now that this INEPT Delusional, Story Teller, Biden is not and NEVER WILL BE ready for this job and THAT HE IS IN WAY OVER HIS HEAD. Apparently the entire administration lacks the sufficient Skills, Knowledge, and Experience, needed. But the DNC went on and on nominating the most Incompetent Administration that we have ever seen. And it is ruining our country, In fact it has already sent us to Was all over the Glob. But I think that we are starting to see the beginning of the end of the love affair with Biden’s Mentor Barrack Obama
ALL you liberal-Progressives that have your noses up Obama's behind, need to step back, and breath some fresh air…..and put down that Kool-Aid. That you have been drinking for all these years! Those of you that are able to read and differentiate..need to study something besides Obama-laced Progressive websites. And just take a look at those Obama/Biden sites, they are full of Socialist ideas and Trump bashing cartoons to no end.
Obama himself admits it in his own writings, his Wife's writings back it up, as well as the multitude of unscrupulous supporters that have funneled and laundered money throughout his campaign. If you truly care about your future, and the future of your children, or this country…you'll step back, and evaluate Obama's, and Moochells ideas and proposals and see that they are nothing short of poison for the economy of this country. Obama ran up the tab. And Biden continues his destruction of America. , But Trump is the one that kept us safe. Biden’s Reckless Spending, and stepping on the Spending, Gas, Prices, and the prices at the Supermarket,and running up the debt exponentially, apologizing to our enemies, and taking away your rights,, from Free Speech, to Our Constitutional Rights.
It is already too late to start crying about the programs, and the idiotic policies his beliefs, his decisions, and wild spending actions. The country is already so deep in dept that I don't know how we are ever going to get out of this mess. It's already too late to wish that the Obama Presidency should have fail miserably, he already has. Let's see how much longer the Liberal media is going to stand by the bull-shit, with Obama’s “Mentor Joe Biden and his Crime Family! It's going to be very enlightening to see when the Elite Liberals start questioning Obama decisions when half of their wealth is gone, and our Country is being Flushed down the Toilet. . Is MOOCHELLE going to take us down the same path?
Well now that we have had our Troops attacked in Jordon, the writing is on the Wall. Will Biden just say "DON'T" again?

So many lies, so little time
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