It's begun! Bud Light Banned in Bars

Looks like America has found a line in the sand.

And it's so easy to do, just don't buy their swill.....Market share is a real thing in that business.

Now while I don't suspect A-B will have to sell their Clydesdales for slaughter horses it will serve as a shot across the bow for them and other companies.

Enough is enough, shit isn't funny anymore.
The decline of America is typified by the marketing approach of A-B: from the most touching ad paying homage to those murdered by Islamic terrorists to some weird gay guy dressed up like a woman.
When you said you weren’t. That was easy.
I said to quote me. Do you know quote means? Try again, retard.

Quote where I tried to prove it please.

(This is the part where you run off or run your mouth without answering the question)
Some blame has to go to the people in advertising. They decided that other companies must also push diversity.
So you can’t quote where I tried to prove it. That’s what I thought.

Looks like you’ve confirmed that you’re a lying sack of shit. Are you done embarrassing yourself? Probably not.

Lying sacks of shit call themselves females when they are not.

Glad I could clear that up tranny.
Sometimes companies take it on themselves to discuss issues they create in marketing, and they usually fall flat on their face when they do. This caused more conservative angst in 2019.


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