It’s Beyond Elder Abuse Now

And the far right cons continue to used the exposed Breitbart. View attachment 386909

Hey Jake Troll I already pointed out the links for The New York Times, Yahoo News, The Washington Post and The Boston Globe that are INCLUDED in the Breitbart Articles. Hopefully it will be sooner rather than later now when you are removed from this forum forever.
You are describing yourself, of course, Lucy. So I will place you where you belong.

Both sides use ageist attacks unmercifully. I am comfortable with Biden's mental state, whereas not so much with Trump's.

No I am describing you.

Biden has NO mental state anymore, Biden has hardly ANY brain cells anymore, his Advanced Dementia has killed most of his brain cells.
This guy is never going to be able to go one on one with Trump in these upcoming debates.
The only way he can compete with Don in the debates, is the MSM gives him the questions in advance and do their best to protect him during the debates. This all seems likely to occur.
Do not underestimate anything. Progs are the masters of guilting.
"I carry with me---I don't have it...gave it to my staff. I carry with me, in my pocket, I have that around? Anyone...where's my staff?...I gave it away, anyway...I carry a schedule in my pocket."

Disgusting how they’re humiliating and abusing him.

If I didn't dislike Biden as a person, I would feel sorry for him.
The amount of ageism in this thread is disgusting. Biden has a life long stuttering problem that he has to work at to prevent. I've talked with stutters before and sometime it can take them several minutes to just complete a sentence. Speaking problems does not mean a person is not sharp mentally. Both George H.W. Bush and George W. Bush had huge speaking problems. George W. Bush even joked that he mangled the English language.

Finally, I'm willing to bet if I put each and everyone of you under the spotlight for speaking or debating and recorded everything you said for days, weeks and months on end, we would see the same gaffes. I'm sure many of you would have a dear in the headlights look if we shoved you in front the world media to speak to millions of people.

Joe Biden is just fine, and the gotcha youtube videos are irrelevant and prove nothing.

Joe Biden is your next President, and will likely be in office until January 2029.

Remember that 10% of the U.S. Senate is older than Joe Biden and Donald Trump is chronologically just 4 years younger, but his real age is likely 10 years older than Biden given that he is obese and unable to run, while Biden can run, do push ups, and is normal weight.

You keep on spewing that.... nobody is buying it

Biden's mind is going, going, going.......

You're going to have to buy yourself because Biden is your next President. No doubt about it.
Can Biden overcome the stuttering by typing instead? Then everyone could see just how fast he really is, even with a possible medicated dementia.

I doubt your a doctor and even if you are, you can't diagnose dementia on a person from watching them on T.V. in your basement.
Its obvious they can no longer conceal it.

What I find telling is Harris has now opted the same totally scripted strategy and no unauthorized questions... They are in shear panic mode. They obviously think they can skate to the election without Biden or answering tough questions if they hide..

No they are not in any panic mode, they are counting on stealing the election via the Mail-In Ballot vote harvesting, they are VERY open about The Plan now, you know literally in public stating that on the NIGHT The Donald will win in a Landslide BUT in the WEEKS and MONTHS ahead this will be reversed when they have sorted all the Mail-In Ballots and then it will how Election Night was in THEIR term a "Red Mirage" and then by mid-January 2021 it will be declared by ONLY Democrat Governors and ONLY Democrat Activist Judges that Joe Biden now has reversed The Donald's Landslide into a Biden/Harris Landslide.

This is why they are so FANATICAL about getting POTENTIALLY 70% of America to vote ONLY by Mail-In Ballot so they can harvest perhaps more than 100 MILLIONS in votes.
IF that happens it will cause a civil war... These peole have no clue what it is they are trying to do.. This will tear the US into pieces.. Maybe that was the plan all along... IF so these people are Traitors to the US Constitution and need to be dealt with as such..

One section of their plan is to get in a few States that The Donald might win but have Democrat Governors to get those Democrat Governors to REFUSE to certify their results and so you could have a situation in the Electoral College of 269-269 and then drag it ALL through the Courts, where they will have Democrat Activist Judges siding with them and then drag the whole thing out until what would be Inauguration Day 2021.

Then at Midday on January 20 2021 you would have NO Elected President OR Elected Vice President and they say under the US Constitution in that situation the Next In Line would have to be De Facto President and the Next In Line is The Speaker of The House of Representatives and that would STILL be Nancy Pelosi, because there is NO WAY that the Republicans are going to retake The House because the Democrats already have a large margin, the Republicans in November are NOT going to overturn that margin and so on January 20 2021 you COULD have De Facto President Nancy Pelosi, not sure who the Vice President would be, does she pick her own in that scenario or what happens I'm not sure.

That wouldn't be the case if republicans flip the house.

Its obvious they can no longer conceal it.

What I find telling is Harris has now opted the same totally scripted strategy and no unauthorized questions... They are in shear panic mode. They obviously think they can skate to the election without Biden or answering tough questions if they hide..

No they are not in any panic mode, they are counting on stealing the election via the Mail-In Ballot vote harvesting, they are VERY open about The Plan now, you know literally in public stating that on the NIGHT The Donald will win in a Landslide BUT in the WEEKS and MONTHS ahead this will be reversed when they have sorted all the Mail-In Ballots and then it will how Election Night was in THEIR term a "Red Mirage" and then by mid-January 2021 it will be declared by ONLY Democrat Governors and ONLY Democrat Activist Judges that Joe Biden now has reversed The Donald's Landslide into a Biden/Harris Landslide.

This is why they are so FANATICAL about getting POTENTIALLY 70% of America to vote ONLY by Mail-In Ballot so they can harvest perhaps more than 100 MILLIONS in votes.
IF that happens it will cause a civil war... These peole have no clue what it is they are trying to do.. This will tear the US into pieces.. Maybe that was the plan all along... IF so these people are Traitors to the US Constitution and need to be dealt with as such..

One section of their plan is to get in a few States that The Donald might win but have Democrat Governors to get those Democrat Governors to REFUSE to certify their results and so you could have a situation in the Electoral College of 269-269 and then drag it ALL through the Courts, where they will have Democrat Activist Judges siding with them and then drag the whole thing out until what would be Inauguration Day 2021.

Then at Midday on January 20 2021 you would have NO Elected President OR Elected Vice President and they say under the US Constitution in that situation the Next In Line would have to be De Facto President and the Next In Line is The Speaker of The House of Representatives and that would STILL be Nancy Pelosi, because there is NO WAY that the Republicans are going to retake The House because the Democrats already have a large margin, the Republicans in November are NOT going to overturn that margin and so on January 20 2021 you COULD have De Facto President Nancy Pelosi, not sure who the Vice President would be, does she pick her own in that scenario or what happens I'm not sure.

That wouldn't be the case if republicans flip the house.


Republicans are not going to flip the house, it is not happening, they will though keep hold of The Senate.
Its obvious they can no longer conceal it.

What I find telling is Harris has now opted the same totally scripted strategy and no unauthorized questions... They are in shear panic mode. They obviously think they can skate to the election without Biden or answering tough questions if they hide..

No they are not in any panic mode, they are counting on stealing the election via the Mail-In Ballot vote harvesting, they are VERY open about The Plan now, you know literally in public stating that on the NIGHT The Donald will win in a Landslide BUT in the WEEKS and MONTHS ahead this will be reversed when they have sorted all the Mail-In Ballots and then it will how Election Night was in THEIR term a "Red Mirage" and then by mid-January 2021 it will be declared by ONLY Democrat Governors and ONLY Democrat Activist Judges that Joe Biden now has reversed The Donald's Landslide into a Biden/Harris Landslide.

This is why they are so FANATICAL about getting POTENTIALLY 70% of America to vote ONLY by Mail-In Ballot so they can harvest perhaps more than 100 MILLIONS in votes.
IF that happens it will cause a civil war... These peole have no clue what it is they are trying to do.. This will tear the US into pieces.. Maybe that was the plan all along... IF so these people are Traitors to the US Constitution and need to be dealt with as such..

One section of their plan is to get in a few States that The Donald might win but have Democrat Governors to get those Democrat Governors to REFUSE to certify their results and so you could have a situation in the Electoral College of 269-269 and then drag it ALL through the Courts, where they will have Democrat Activist Judges siding with them and then drag the whole thing out until what would be Inauguration Day 2021.

Then at Midday on January 20 2021 you would have NO Elected President OR Elected Vice President and they say under the US Constitution in that situation the Next In Line would have to be De Facto President and the Next In Line is The Speaker of The House of Representatives and that would STILL be Nancy Pelosi, because there is NO WAY that the Republicans are going to retake The House because the Democrats already have a large margin, the Republicans in November are NOT going to overturn that margin and so on January 20 2021 you COULD have De Facto President Nancy Pelosi, not sure who the Vice President would be, does she pick her own in that scenario or what happens I'm not sure.

That wouldn't be the case if republicans flip the house.


Republicans are not going to flip the house, it is not happening, they will though keep hold of The Senate.

If the riots continue, don't bet on it. Normal folks are getting tired of that shit.

Another circle jerk of jerks assessing the mental stability of Joe Biden. It seems the USMB has become much like Facebook, but the Russians and Trump supporters can get by without paying for character assassinations and pretentious psychological diagnosis.

Even one jerk attacked Jill Biden with a morbid disgusting post.
Its obvious they can no longer conceal it.

What I find telling is Harris has now opted the same totally scripted strategy and no unauthorized questions... They are in shear panic mode. They obviously think they can skate to the election without Biden or answering tough questions if they hide..

No they are not in any panic mode, they are counting on stealing the election via the Mail-In Ballot vote harvesting, they are VERY open about The Plan now, you know literally in public stating that on the NIGHT The Donald will win in a Landslide BUT in the WEEKS and MONTHS ahead this will be reversed when they have sorted all the Mail-In Ballots and then it will how Election Night was in THEIR term a "Red Mirage" and then by mid-January 2021 it will be declared by ONLY Democrat Governors and ONLY Democrat Activist Judges that Joe Biden now has reversed The Donald's Landslide into a Biden/Harris Landslide.

This is why they are so FANATICAL about getting POTENTIALLY 70% of America to vote ONLY by Mail-In Ballot so they can harvest perhaps more than 100 MILLIONS in votes.
IF that happens it will cause a civil war... These peole have no clue what it is they are trying to do.. This will tear the US into pieces.. Maybe that was the plan all along... IF so these people are Traitors to the US Constitution and need to be dealt with as such..

One section of their plan is to get in a few States that The Donald might win but have Democrat Governors to get those Democrat Governors to REFUSE to certify their results and so you could have a situation in the Electoral College of 269-269 and then drag it ALL through the Courts, where they will have Democrat Activist Judges siding with them and then drag the whole thing out until what would be Inauguration Day 2021.

Then at Midday on January 20 2021 you would have NO Elected President OR Elected Vice President and they say under the US Constitution in that situation the Next In Line would have to be De Facto President and the Next In Line is The Speaker of The House of Representatives and that would STILL be Nancy Pelosi, because there is NO WAY that the Republicans are going to retake The House because the Democrats already have a large margin, the Republicans in November are NOT going to overturn that margin and so on January 20 2021 you COULD have De Facto President Nancy Pelosi, not sure who the Vice President would be, does she pick her own in that scenario or what happens I'm not sure.

That wouldn't be the case if republicans flip the house.


Republicans are not going to flip the house, it is not happening, they will though keep hold of The Senate.

If the riots continue, don't bet on it. Normal folks are getting tired of that shit.


I am attempting to be realistic, the Democrats have more than a 30 seat majority in The House, it is very unlikely regardless even of the riots that such a large majority can be overturned, there are just not enough Open Seats or Seats where the Democrats are literally just hanging on by a thread in the polls.
Its obvious they can no longer conceal it.

What I find telling is Harris has now opted the same totally scripted strategy and no unauthorized questions... They are in shear panic mode. They obviously think they can skate to the election without Biden or answering tough questions if they hide..

No they are not in any panic mode, they are counting on stealing the election via the Mail-In Ballot vote harvesting, they are VERY open about The Plan now, you know literally in public stating that on the NIGHT The Donald will win in a Landslide BUT in the WEEKS and MONTHS ahead this will be reversed when they have sorted all the Mail-In Ballots and then it will how Election Night was in THEIR term a "Red Mirage" and then by mid-January 2021 it will be declared by ONLY Democrat Governors and ONLY Democrat Activist Judges that Joe Biden now has reversed The Donald's Landslide into a Biden/Harris Landslide.

This is why they are so FANATICAL about getting POTENTIALLY 70% of America to vote ONLY by Mail-In Ballot so they can harvest perhaps more than 100 MILLIONS in votes.
IF that happens it will cause a civil war... These peole have no clue what it is they are trying to do.. This will tear the US into pieces.. Maybe that was the plan all along... IF so these people are Traitors to the US Constitution and need to be dealt with as such..

One section of their plan is to get in a few States that The Donald might win but have Democrat Governors to get those Democrat Governors to REFUSE to certify their results and so you could have a situation in the Electoral College of 269-269 and then drag it ALL through the Courts, where they will have Democrat Activist Judges siding with them and then drag the whole thing out until what would be Inauguration Day 2021.

Then at Midday on January 20 2021 you would have NO Elected President OR Elected Vice President and they say under the US Constitution in that situation the Next In Line would have to be De Facto President and the Next In Line is The Speaker of The House of Representatives and that would STILL be Nancy Pelosi, because there is NO WAY that the Republicans are going to retake The House because the Democrats already have a large margin, the Republicans in November are NOT going to overturn that margin and so on January 20 2021 you COULD have De Facto President Nancy Pelosi, not sure who the Vice President would be, does she pick her own in that scenario or what happens I'm not sure.

That wouldn't be the case if republicans flip the house.


Republicans are not going to flip the house, it is not happening, they will though keep hold of The Senate.

If the riots continue, don't bet on it. Normal folks are getting tired of that shit.


I am attempting to be realistic, the Democrats have more than a 30 seat majority in The House, it is very unlikely regardless even of the riots that such a large majority can be overturned, there are just not enough Open Seats or Seats where the Democrats are literally just hanging on by a thread in the polls.

It's not unprecedented for a party to pick up 30 seats of 435 in a presidential election year. Especially with the crap the commies are pushing this year.


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