It’s Beyond Elder Abuse Now

Dementia patients are highly dependent on caregivers....or handlers

Joe Biden's caregivers and handlers are his abusers though. He does actually need to be removed from Society now at this point and instead put into a home that has non-sinister caregivers and handlers who will care for him and give him the correct medication until he leaves the planet.

The situation is that anyone with half a brain should be aware that Joe Biden is NOT the Leftists aka Communists Candidate for President, the actual Candidate IS Kamala Harris and IF they had ANY DECENCY they would just remove Biden and get Harris to pick her VP Running Mate and then run a normal campaign....BUT they are NOT DECENT or NORMAL.

Are you an expert on dementia? What is your educational and career background? If you are not an expert, and unwilling to provide a resume that you are, your post is not substantive and is another political hit job by someone supporting Donald Trump.

If you are an expert on dementia, or have an advanced degree in psychology, you would be questioning The President's mental acuity. Behaviors by Trump which have been questioned for the past three years.
"I carry with me---I don't have it...gave it to my staff. I carry with me, in my pocket, I have that around? Anyone...where's my staff?...I gave it away, anyway...I carry a schedule in my pocket."

Disgusting how they’re humiliating and abusing him.

The demented facial expressions of this NEARLY DEAD Pro-Commie bastard just get MORE STUPID every day:


Also NEVER trust ANYONE with a crooked smile, he never USED to have this weird mouth situation, so what is it has he had strokes or what? Are his PIN POINT pupils the result of some Anti-Stroke meds they have him on? Biden needs to be FORCED to take a drug test. The Trump Campaign should have hired ME to run it, I so would have ALREADY destroyed Biden AND Harris, literally I would have OPERATED TOTALLY from the SEWER and gone from Day One SCORCHED EARTH on BOTH of them.



Joe Biden from about 10 years ago, NO CROOKED MOUTH:

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And the far right cons continue to used the exposed Breitbart. View attachment 386909

Hey Jake Troll I already pointed out the links for The New York Times, Yahoo News, The Washington Post and The Boston Globe that are INCLUDED in the Breitbart Articles. Hopefully it will be sooner rather than later now when you are removed from this forum forever.
The Left requires they live in denial of reality.
Dementia patients are highly dependent on caregivers....or handlers

Joe Biden's caregivers and handlers are his abusers though. He does actually need to be removed from Society now at this point and instead put into a home that has non-sinister caregivers and handlers who will care for him and give him the correct medication until he leaves the planet.

The situation is that anyone with half a brain should be aware that Joe Biden is NOT the Leftists aka Communists Candidate for President, the actual Candidate IS Kamala Harris and IF they had ANY DECENCY they would just remove Biden and get Harris to pick her VP Running Mate and then run a normal campaign....BUT they are NOT DECENT or NORMAL.

Are you an expert on dementia? What is your educational and career background? If you are not an expert, and unwilling to provide a resume that you are, your post is not substantive and is another political hit job by someone supporting Donald Trump.

If you are an expert on dementia, or have an advanced degree in psychology, you would be questioning The President's mental acuity. Behaviors by Trump which have been questioned for the past three years.
Just 5 more years to go!
It sadly reminds me of my deceased grandmother.
She lived to be 82 I think it was. She was sharp as a tack till about 5 years before she died. At first it was loss of words, that lead to getting confused and forgetting what she was saying, in the middle of saying it.
Within a couple years she could no longer remember basic things. Like one day I walked into my parents house to pick my kids up after work, she was there. She knew that my two kids were mine, but asked me when am I going to get married. I will never forget that. I was struck by the fact that somehow in her mind she knew I had children, but the dots that obviously connected that to being married was gone.
Joe looks and acts like my grandmother did within a year of losing it altogether.
Dementia patients are highly dependent on caregivers....or handlers

Joe Biden's caregivers and handlers are his abusers though. He does actually need to be removed from Society now at this point and instead put into a home that has non-sinister caregivers and handlers who will care for him and give him the correct medication until he leaves the planet.

The situation is that anyone with half a brain should be aware that Joe Biden is NOT the Leftists aka Communists Candidate for President, the actual Candidate IS Kamala Harris and IF they had ANY DECENCY they would just remove Biden and get Harris to pick her VP Running Mate and then run a normal campaign....BUT they are NOT DECENT or NORMAL.

Are you an expert on dementia? What is your educational and career background? If you are not an expert, and unwilling to provide a resume that you are, your post is not substantive and is another political hit job by someone supporting Donald Trump.

If you are an expert on dementia, or have an advanced degree in psychology, you would be questioning The President's mental acuity. Behaviors by Trump which have been questioned for the past three years.ze
People like Weather and Lucy are motivated to protect the obvious facts of Trump's failures, Covid19 response being one of his greatest failures, and his obvious decline in faculties mental and physical. He, and his sycophants, have so obviously failed this great country and her citizens.
"I carry with me---I don't have it...gave it to my staff. I carry with me, in my pocket, I have that around? Anyone...where's my staff?...I gave it away, anyway...I carry a schedule in my pocket."

Disgusting how they’re humiliating and abusing him.

His staff is also not helping him when they make him say or allow him to keep bringing up stuff that was already done or addressed by this administration. It makes him seem like what planet has he been living on, this is common knowledge stuff. His speech is always claiming that he'll do what's already being done or has been done, and he does these speeches in places following the itinerary of Trumps visits. Why doesn't he just mail it in, stay home and say "ditto" to everything, because this is plagiarism taken to a whole other level. *L*
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. . . or he is going to lose so bad
We can only hope. This is not a good situation. To be honest, I really dont care about this man. I care about the COUNTRY. Dont let the Dems cheat their way into the White House. For once Republicans, put up a damn fight. Learn something from your president!
. . . or he is going to lose so bad
We can only hope. This is not a good situation. To be honest, I really dont care about this man. I care about the COUNTRY. Dont let the Dems cheat their way into the White House. For once Republicans, put up a damn fight. Learn something from your president!
We have learned from Trump, and that is why he must be defeated.
That the Trump people are trying to make out Biden, who is much much sharper mentally than Trump, as some basket case demonstrates just how much in panic mode is the right.
Dementia patients are highly dependent on caregivers....or handlers

Joe Biden's caregivers and handlers are his abusers though. He does actually need to be removed from Society now at this point and instead put into a home that has non-sinister caregivers and handlers who will care for him and give him the correct medication until he leaves the planet.

The situation is that anyone with half a brain should be aware that Joe Biden is NOT the Leftists aka Communists Candidate for President, the actual Candidate IS Kamala Harris and IF they had ANY DECENCY they would just remove Biden and get Harris to pick her VP Running Mate and then run a normal campaign....BUT they are NOT DECENT or NORMAL.

Are you an expert on dementia? What is your educational and career background? If you are not an expert, and unwilling to provide a resume that you are, your post is not substantive and is another political hit job by someone supporting Donald Trump.

If you are an expert on dementia, or have an advanced degree in psychology, you would be questioning The President's mental acuity. Behaviors by Trump which have been questioned for the past three years.

RC called Joe at 3...0....0.....3.....0. When the chime went off Fingers checked the microwave.

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