It's Day One


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2011
On day one of the Trump Administration, we will ask Congress to immediately deliver a full repeal of Obamacare.

However, it is not enough to simply repeal this terrible legislation. We will work with Congress to make sure we have a series of reforms ready for implementation that follow free market principles and that will restore economic freedom and certainty to everyone in this country. By following free market principles and working together to create sound public policy that will broaden healthcare access, make healthcare more affordable and improve the quality of the care available to all Americans.

Healthcare Reform
ObamaCare was enacted on March 23, 2010. For decades prior to that, the Democrats telegraphed what they would do if given a chance.

Not once has the GOP put a comprehensive health care reform plan on the table.

Not. Once.

I've been asking since 2010, "Repeal Obamacare...AND THEN WHAT!?!?!"

No answer.

They've had all this time to come up with an alternative plan, instead of just being whiny, complaining bitches.

Anyone can attack the other guy's plan. It takes real balls to put a comprehensive plan on the table and defend it.

The utterly spineless "Republicans" have been too cowardly to do so. The psuedocon tards have been too cowardly to do so.

I've outlined many, many times on this forum what we should do.

Let's see if Trump can get the ball rolling. He said he has a "beautiful" plan. I think he's full of shit. I think he is waiting for Paul Ryan to give him one.
ObamaCare was enacted on March 23, 2010. For decades prior to that, the Democrats telegraphed what they would do if given a chance.

Not once has the GOP put a comprehensive health care reform plan on the table.

Not. Once.

I've been asking since 2010, "Repeal Obamacare...AND THEN WHAT!?!?!"

No answer.

They've had all this time to come up with an alternative plan, instead of just being whiny, complaining bitches.

Anyone can attack the other guy's plan. It takes real balls to put a comprehensive plan on the table and defend it.

The utterly spineless "Republicans" have been too cowardly to do so. The psuedocon tards have been too cowardly to do so.

I've outlined many, many times on this forum what we should do.

Let's see if Trump can get the ball rolling. He said he has a "beautiful" plan. I think he's full of shit. I think he is waiting for Paul Ryan to give him one.
You mean the plan 44 vetoed?
ObamaCare was enacted on March 23, 2010. For decades prior to that, the Democrats telegraphed what they would do if given a chance.

Not once has the GOP put a comprehensive health care reform plan on the table.

Not. Once.

I've been asking since 2010, "Repeal Obamacare...AND THEN WHAT!?!?!"

No answer.

They've had all this time to come up with an alternative plan, instead of just being whiny, complaining bitches.

Anyone can attack the other guy's plan. It takes real balls to put a comprehensive plan on the table and defend it.

The utterly spineless "Republicans" have been too cowardly to do so. The psuedocon tards have been too cowardly to do so.

I've outlined many, many times on this forum what we should do.

Let's see if Trump can get the ball rolling. He said he has a "beautiful" plan. I think he's full of shit. I think he is waiting for Paul Ryan to give him one.
You mean the plan 44 vetoed?
The only "plan" the GOP ever came up with was the repeal of ObamaCare. 60 times.

No replacement.
ObamaCare was enacted on March 23, 2010. For decades prior to that, the Democrats telegraphed what they would do if given a chance.

Not once has the GOP put a comprehensive health care reform plan on the table.

Not. Once.

I've been asking since 2010, "Repeal Obamacare...AND THEN WHAT!?!?!"

No answer.

They've had all this time to come up with an alternative plan, instead of just being whiny, complaining bitches.

Anyone can attack the other guy's plan. It takes real balls to put a comprehensive plan on the table and defend it.

The utterly spineless "Republicans" have been too cowardly to do so. The psuedocon tards have been too cowardly to do so.

I've outlined many, many times on this forum what we should do.

Let's see if Trump can get the ball rolling. He said he has a "beautiful" plan. I think he's full of shit. I think he is waiting for Paul Ryan to give him one.
You mean the plan 44 vetoed?
The only "plan" the GOP ever came up with was the repeal of ObamaCare. 60 times.

No replacement.
Yes, the one 44 vetoed?
ObamaCare was enacted on March 23, 2010. For decades prior to that, the Democrats telegraphed what they would do if given a chance.

Not once has the GOP put a comprehensive health care reform plan on the table.

Not. Once.

I've been asking since 2010, "Repeal Obamacare...AND THEN WHAT!?!?!"

No answer.

They've had all this time to come up with an alternative plan, instead of just being whiny, complaining bitches.

Anyone can attack the other guy's plan. It takes real balls to put a comprehensive plan on the table and defend it.

The utterly spineless "Republicans" have been too cowardly to do so. The psuedocon tards have been too cowardly to do so.

I've outlined many, many times on this forum what we should do.

Let's see if Trump can get the ball rolling. He said he has a "beautiful" plan. I think he's full of shit. I think he is waiting for Paul Ryan to give him one.
You mean the plan 44 vetoed?
The only "plan" the GOP ever came up with was the repeal of ObamaCare. 60 times.

No replacement.
Yes, the one 44 vetoed?
Hey dumbshit. That was not a replacement. It was a bill to repeal all of the taxes and fees in ObamaCare.

Not. A. Replacement.

I don't see anything about people with pre-existing conditions. The gop's past position was to require insurers accept workers with pre-existing conditions when they switch jobs, but that didn't work because so many people with pre-existing conditions do not seamlessly move from one job to another with continuous employment (they get sick or laid off). And I don't see anything about how people with pre-existing conditions can AFFORD to buy their own coverage without requiring all people buy insurance, which reduces the per enrollee cost for insurers, and govt subsidies for paying premiums.

Block granting Medicaid to states will reduce overall program costs if states are freed from having to provide so many services. Of course that has consequences for people with disabilities and those needing nursing homes. But that seems to be the overall approach.

And for people without employer sponsored it is ... as predicted. "You stupid focks in Penn who voted for this guy are fucked." You now get no govt help beyond paying for insurance on your own, but now you can deduct it ... assuming you make enough to pay taxes in the first place.
Why do you have to replace central planning you don't like with central planning of your own?

Do you worship legislation?
I didn't see anything about keeping kids in school on parents plans to age 26. That's important to me, and I thought the gop accepted that, but as you said the gop still has no plan.

Basically, there were two different approaches. The dems expanded on Medicare. Medicare lists all treatments people get for everything, and lists what it pays providers for each. That is one way to control costs.

The other way is to tell the HC industry "this is how much you get to treat each person, so make it work."
Why do you have to replace central planning you don't like with central planning of your own?

Do you worship legislation?
Health care costs have been outpacing inflation and GDP for DECADES.

In all that time, the GOP decided to do NOTHING.

Oh, wait. They did add a new $1 trillion government medical entitlement program in 2003 to buy senior votes to win the 2004 election. And they didn't arrange for any means to pay for this new program, so they just tossed it onto the national debt pile.

So that's what the GOP did the last time it controlled the White House and the Congress.

This is how I know all that howling they did over ObamaCare was just theater for the brainless rube herd, of which you are obviously a member.
Because politicians and bureaucrats can make you health care decisions better than you can!
Still no plan, I see.

Any tard, as you are proving, can attack the other guy's plan. It takes actual intelligence to come up with a solution, and actual courage to defend it.

You are lacking both.
ObamaCare was enacted on March 23, 2010. For decades prior to that, the Democrats telegraphed what they would do if given a chance.

Not once has the GOP put a comprehensive health care reform plan on the table.

Not. Once.

I've been asking since 2010, "Repeal Obamacare...AND THEN WHAT!?!?!"

No answer.

They've had all this time to come up with an alternative plan, instead of just being whiny, complaining bitches.

Anyone can attack the other guy's plan. It takes real balls to put a comprehensive plan on the table and defend it.

The utterly spineless "Republicans" have been too cowardly to do so. The psuedocon tards have been too cowardly to do so.

I've outlined many, many times on this forum what we should do.

Let's see if Trump can get the ball rolling. He said he has a "beautiful" plan. I think he's full of shit. I think he is waiting for Paul Ryan to give him one.
You mean the plan 44 vetoed?
The only "plan" the GOP ever came up with was the repeal of ObamaCare. 60 times.

No replacement.
Yes, the one 44 vetoed?
Hey dumbshit. That was not a replacement. It was a bill to repeal all of the taxes and fees in ObamaCare.

Not. A. Replacement.

Yes, bill that repealed Obamacare......
Why do you have to replace central planning you don't like with central planning of your own?

Do you worship legislation?
Health care costs have been outpacing inflation and GDP for DECADES.

In all that time, the GOP decided to do NOTHING.

Oh, wait. They did add a new $1 trillion government medical entitlement program in 2003 to buy senior votes to win the 2004 election. And they didn't arrange for any means to pay for this new program, so they just tossed it onto the national debt pile.

So that's what the GOP did the last time it controlled the White House and the Congress.

This is how I know all that howling they did over ObamaCare was just theater for the brainless rube herd, of which you are obviously a member.
Health care costs have been outpacing inflation (caused by government) BECAUSE of government meddling, like Medicare D, not in spite of it.

But I guess only ignorant rubes can recognize that when you put more and more layers of interlopers between the customer and the provider of any service, costs are going to rise as a matter of course.

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