It’s Dumb and Dangerous for Liberals to Conflate All Conservatives With MAGA

All you people needed to do, was to join with the majority of Americans that wanted transparency and a trial that would see all sides represented, but noooooo you and other's went crazy when the challenge's came. All anyone could think is that you all were hiding something, so it will never be settled now. Deal with it.
You got no trial because your claims were baseless

There is no reason for courts to entertain your fantasies
It settled you little bitch. Biden is your President. 😁
Not my president boy... Not today, tomorrow and/or never. Why don't you try using intellectual language instead of your neanderthal babbling when you talk to other's here ? Ohh that's right, first one has to be educated and raised right before joining the level's needed to succeed in such regard in life. Good luck on your journey, but so far so ignorant is the person that you are or have become. It's ok though.
Only stupid uneducated Moon Bats think there is something wrong with Making America Great Again.

Of course these are the traitorous turds that want America to be a Socialist shithole so we know they are not exactly the best and the brightest.
The problem is that the liberals don’t think that America was EVER great. So any attempt to make it great AGAIN is a existential threat to their core belief system.
Questioning an Election where there were six (6) swing states where Trump was leading. Almost every state had some some sort of disruption late in the day and every one of those swing states went to Biden.

What are the odds of all of those events happening? Think about it statistically and not politically.
You are wasting your time on that one, but have fun anyway.
Questioning an Election where there were six (6) swing states where Trump was leading. Almost every state had some some sort of disruption late in the day and every one of those swing states went to Biden.

What are the odds of all of those events happening? Think about it statistically and not politically.

Trump was leading until he wasn’t

Trump front loaded the election by demanding in person votes and having Republicans block early counting of mail in votes

He then declared victory
Boy, you only quote Malcolm when you think it serves you. 😄 Malcolm X also said "Show me a capitalist and I'll show you a bloodsucker." I guess you agree with that too because Malcolm said it. 😄
He wasn't right about everything, but he was damned sure right about liberal leftist. Deal with it.
Meaningless when slavery in the 1770s was both a common and accepted business practice all around the world including in Africa, but the democraps took it to a new level when they perfected their KKK, no doubt where you get your lineage from.
I'm a Black and Asian first generation American who's parent immigrated here in the 80s so highly unlikely. The people who are of their lineage are easy to spot, they call themselves the Sons and Daughters of the Confederacy and the tend to be white Republicans today.
Not my president boy... Not today, tomorrow and/or never. Why don't you try using intellectual language instead of your neanderthal babbling when you talk to other's here ? Ohh that's right, first one has to be educated and raised right before joining the level's needed to succeed in such regard in life. Good luck on your journey, but so far so ignorant is the person that you are or have become. It's ok though.
Biden is our President
Maybe whatever goathole shitstain backwater crap pile you were born in.

Grow a brain you clueless bunghole.

81 million paper ballots with no legally required chain of custody.

No, Americas lost. We got that arrogant fascist clown Joe in office now instead. It has been ONE BIG CONSTANT COLOSSAL LOSS ever since for everyone but DC politicians supporting Marxism.

That might actually matter if this were a British democracy, asshole. Popular vote only counts at the STATE level, pinhead.

Must be why people are leaving blue states and the DNC in droves while begging Joe never to run again. View attachment 694552
He’s from Jamaica which was actually based upon slavery, sexism and elitism. Slavery was important in some parts of the Colonies and a far smaller part of the United States, it was critical in all parts of Jamaica. Why do you think the Jamaican population is 92.1 percent black? It’s because almost the only whites there are the descendants of the slave owners.
He wasn't right about everything, but he was damned sure right about liberal leftist. Deal with it.
He was right, you just don't seem to understand his message. White moderate Democrats like Biden and Pelosi are only useful when we can bend them to our will because their natural predilection is to work with Republicans to sell America out to corporations. He was arguing for black and brown people to take power instead of asking white people to start acting right. Now back then Malcolm was arguing to do so violently. I think a better way is to take over the Democratic party and the country, demographically which is what is currently happening. We won't see great strides made until Republicans are minimized politically and socially and white moderates are an ineffectual minority.
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He’s from Jamaica which was actually based upon slavery, sexism and elitism. Slavery was important in some parts of the Colonies and a far smaller part of the United States, it was critical in all parts of Jamaica. Why do you think the Jamaican population is 92.1 percent black? It’s because almost the only whites there are the descendants of the slave owners.
Slavery accounted for the vast majority of wealth created in America you historically illiterate moron. 😄
Trump was leading until he wasn’t

Trump front loaded the election by demanding in person votes and having Republicans block early counting of mail in votes

He then declared victory
That is irrelevant and bears nothing impacting the statistical anomaly I sited. Six swing states, everyone of them having a disruption, and everyone of them going for Biden. That raises questions.
Also, not for nothing, but there is no inherent contradiction between being a conservative and believing that we should Make America Great Again. We have always been a great nation. We used to aspire to greatness and higher heights.

That became kind of passé. It was even frowned upon. But the criticism was bullshit. There is, in fact, not a damn thing wrong with aspiring to make us all that we can be. Indeed, that has always been the ultimate goal of American conservatism.

Why the hell shouldn't we aspire to be ever greater?
What are magaturds doing to inspire greatness? Behaving just like do-nothing loudmouth Karens? Your entire political ideology is a bumper sticker.
The principles this country were founded on were slavery, sexism and elitism. Read a history book you embarrassing fuckwit. 😄

81 million voters felt otherwise. 81 million voters thought Trump was a disgrace to the country and needed to fuck on off. You lose. You haven't had a president win the majority of votes from actual people since 2004. You're a minority and a growing one. Get used to it. 😁

:auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:
You picked
View attachment 694697
You picked twenty one out of the four hundred and forty elected delegates to the Continential Congress. Way to go to slant your figures. Franklin, for example, owned SEVEN slaves over twenty years. When one of the two slaves that accompanied Franklin to London on a business trip escaped, Franklin made no effort to have him recaptured. Slavery was legal and not considered immoral by a large percentage of the colonial population at the time.
You picked

You picked twenty one out of the four hundred and forty elected delegates to the Continential Congress. Way to go to slant your figures. Franklin, for example, owned SEVEN slaves over twenty years. When one of the two slaves that accompanied Franklin to London on a business trip escaped, Franklin made no effort to have him recaptured. Slavery was legal and not considered immoral by a large percentage of the colonial population at the time.
Only seven slaves and everybody was doing it.... look how these depraved mutants can't even condem slavery. So sad. 😄

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