It’s Dumb and Dangerous for Liberals to Conflate All Conservatives With MAGA

I said racist because MAGA is primarily a panicked reaction to demographic and ideological shifts in this country that threaten the long-held electoral supremacy of white people.
You are totally, completely full of shit.

If you believe that, then you ARE brainwashed. You've been reading too much DU.

There is not even ONE IOTA of truth in what you just said. It is pure paranoid fear mongering from your hosts at the DNC.

What a laughable little bunch of fucktards your masters are.

This is why they're being booted from office. Because they spread these abject lies through the media and the good little partisan lemmings actually believe them.

Let me help you understand where rightie priorities are. We care about our families. Those close to us. Our friends. Our neighbors. Our neighborhoods. We take care of them. We protect them. We keep them clean and safe. We pay for our law enforcement, to help us do that

We don't give a FLYING fuck about demographic shifts. We barely even know what they are. You start talking demographic shifts to a rightie and they'll jump on you for your open borders bullshit - not because they dislike brown people, but because they dislike terrorists. And fentanyl.

The left better get real. Quickly. We'll give them a time out to think about it
Start spelling RACISM correctly or fuck off. If you don't want to be thought of as a racist it's pretty simple. Quit ridiculing the people who have a serious problem with all the real provable white supremacists that seem to be Trump's most devoted followers and none of you seem to have a problem with. Until the right tells these people to take a hike in no uncertain terms you will just have to endure guilt by association.
Let me ask you this occupy-wall-street, do you actually think that through force and policy that you can eliminate everyone that's scary to you in this country ??? Why don't you all just lean upon the law's that were carved out to protect all Americans equally, instead of embarking on this constant race war thinking that you and other's think is coming or being pushed up by those who are racist dreamers that hope for a land that will be occupied by a master race be it American black's, Latino's, Chinese, European or other ???

Are not the law's of this land enough, and if not then why not ?? Are the law's being ignored or forgotten in hopes for this alledged race war take over that cometh ??
Being personally offended by how the world runs is stupid. No one is forcing you to do a goddamned thing.
Just an observer, no offense taken. But your cursing is an indication that you are the one offended.
Let me ask you this occupy-wall-street, do you actually think that through force and policy that you can eliminate everyone that's scary to you in this country ??? Why don't you all just lean upon the law's that were carved out to protect all Americans equally, instead of embarking on this constant race war thinking that you and other's think is coming or being pushed up by those who are racist dreamers that hope for a land that will be occupied by a master race be it American black's, Latino's, Chinese, European or other ???

Are not the law's of this land enough, and if not then why not ?? Are the law's being ignored or forgotten in hopes for this alledged race war take over that cometh ??
You are using apostrophe S all wrong. It is used only to assign possession of an adjective such as "Republican's stupidity" or "Trump's criminality". It is not used to make a noun plural. As for your other horse shit the the laws, police and economy of this country are rigged against the poor. Pity black people are the only ones who know this.
Social change is a constant. Trying to stand against it has always been a losing battle. Those of us who can easily adapt to changing times and new social trends do not feel your fear. Since so much social change over our lifetimes has involved race why are you so dumbfounded over charges of racism when white men still stand in so many doorways shaking their heads? You have lost nothing by another man getting the same as you and yet the right always lines up behind continuing inequality.

I said nothing of "Fear". I oppose the change, I asked if you support it.

Do you support the change(s) in question?
W.S. are an insignificant fringe, numbering in teh tens of thousands. THey are not Trump's "most devoted followers".

You've admitted that hte demographic shift is causing a real political and ideological change in this soceity.

The case for htat change was never made. Instead people lied and said that there would be no change, and when the change became obviously true, people started crying RACISM, instead of explaining why the change was for the good, in their opinon.

Even if you were to offer to make the case, it wouldn't be enough, because our society is moving forward based on a change that was sold on lies and is being defending with... the Race Card.

Do you like the ideological changes it is causing? Or support them?
No one has to make a case to you for change you little bitch. Change is our right to seek, regardless how you Soy Boys feel about it.
"Get rid of"?

You want to clarify what you mean by that?
I'll tell you....He's one of the jail Trump voters crowd in here....My other thread was stifled by Frau Coyote, but many of the Woke Comm's in here would love nothing more to arm their corrupted law enforcement with voter roles and start jailing their political opponents.
I said nothing of "Fear". I oppose the change, I asked if you support it.

Do you support the change(s) in question?
That's the point I am trying to make. whether I happen to support social change or not makes no difference. Change in a free society is going to happen. No one controls it and no one can stop it. The best you can do is adapt. Even closed off dictatorships fail in shaping what people think in ways that preserves the status quo.
Only stupid uneducated Moon Bats think there is something wrong with Making America Great Again.

Of course these are the traitorous turds that want America to be a Socialist shithole so we know they are not exactly the best and the brightest.
‘MAGA’ was about making America racist again, it as about making America hateful again, it was about making America for whites only again.

‘MAGA’ was about white grievance politics and racist replacement theory; it was about promoting bigotry, racism, and anti-immigrant nativism.

‘MAGA’ was about a reactionary agenda determined to return America to an idealized past that never existed – a past far from ideal for Americans of color and immigrants.
Is that your list? One man? If Kinzinger was for all the issues you say he was, then maybe he should have supported the one person who brought all those issues front and center for the GOP to finally start really DOING something about then!

Joe Biden is proof positive that no one elects anyone based on PERSONALITY.

They voted for who they were told he was, not who he really is. I am not a Rumpist but Joe is a raging angry, nasty human.
Lol. Until the resistance battle flag is seen once more on the bloody field...


That's not something you'll want, You'll lose.
I would agree with you if non-MAGA Republicans did not support stolen election fantasies, did not protect Trump, did not look the other way

That makes them complicit
Questioning an Election is not supporting stolen election theories. Based on your own logic, you should not be supporting Democrats given their reaction to the elections of 2000, 2004, and 2016.
Questioning an Election is not supporting stolen election theories. Based on your own logic, you should not be supporting Democrats given their reaction to the elections of 2000, 2004, and 2016.

It is when you can’t provide any actual proof of your bizarre claims

Trump lost Bigly in 2020, it was not even close
He lost five states he had won in 2016
There is no basis for a “stolen election”
‘MAGA’ was about making America racist again, it as about making America hateful again, it was about making America for whites only again.

‘MAGA’ was about white grievance politics and racist replacement theory; it was about promoting bigotry, racism, and anti-immigrant nativism.

‘MAGA’ was about a reactionary agenda determined to return America to an idealized past that never existed – a past far from ideal for Americans of color and immigrants.

With you stupid hatefilled Moon Bats every fucking thing in the world is racist. Even making America a better place to live with energy independence, a secure border, higher family income, lower taxes and a strong military.

Trump lowered the unemployment rates for Blacks and Browns and increased family income and that is more than The Worthless Negro or this Potatohead clown has done.

MAGA means returning to a more prosperous America instead of allowing this country to be turned into a Socialist shithole and you asshole Libtards can't stand it.
‘MAGA’ was about a reactionary agenda determined to return America to an idealized past that never existed – a past far from ideal for Americans of color and immigrants.
THAT ^^^ is complete fucking bullshit.

MAGA is not and was not EVER about that.

You lying leftards are so completely full of shit, I wonder if you actually expect anyone to believe your lying bullshit anymore.

Fuck you, lying leftard asswipe. Your bullshit propaganda won't fly in this neck of the woods.

And we don't like snake oil salesmen either. We run them out of town. With their tails between their legs, mostly. Or in tar and feathers on a rail, that's possible too.

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