It’s Dumb and Dangerous for Liberals to Conflate All Conservatives With MAGA

Because you seem to think those opinions don't exist, in the usual Trumpian denial of reality.
I know they exist. Doesn't mean they're worth anything.

You don't seem to get it. The more the Derp State fucktards try to gaslight us, with their authority fallacies and all the rest, the more resolute the opposition will become.
I totally agree with this.....those on the left who demonize all Republicans and conservatives with the MAGA crowd are making a mistake..and alienating those whose support is crucial in getting rid of the MAGA/Trump/Q crowd.

More and more, liberals are attempting to cast all conservatives as enemies of democracy while simultaneously casting all of their political policies as pro-democracy. The consequences of this could be disastrous.
The most blatant example occurred during Joe Biden’s prime-time “Soul of America” speech earlier this month—a speech advertised as addressing conspiracy theories, political violence, and attempts to overthrow democracy.
In this context, Biden talked about how “MAGA forces are determined to take this country backwards,” before hastening to add, “Backwards to an America where there is no right to choose…” In one fell swoop, Biden conflated “MAGA Republicans” who deny elections and participate in insurrections with Reagan Republicans who care about the right to life of unborn babies. There is no comparison.
But it’s not just social issues that get you written out of polite society. Fiscal conservatives are also suspect. In a tweet sent on Friday, Biden wrote that “Republicans have pushed an ultra-MAGA agenda to: Threaten Social Security and Medicare…Raise taxes on working families [and] Give big corporations and billionaires tax breaks.” Axios’s Josh Kraushaar called this “Defining down ‘ultra MAGA’ and noted that “Under this standard, Liz Cheney would qualify.”

And Biden isn’t the only one guilty of this. This past week, New York magazine’s Jonathan Chait took to Twitter to remind us that during the Tea Party era, then-Rep. Ron Desantis wrote a book that Chait sees as a Rosetta Stone for decoding conservatism’s illiberal tendencies. After reading the book, Chait surmises that: “The Constitution’s role, as DeSantis sees it, is to prevent popular majorities from enacting the economic policies they want.”

Conservatives have long worried that “A democracy can only exist until the voters discover that they can vote themselves largess from the public treasury”—a line sometimes apocryphally attributed to Alexis de Tocqueville. This is very similar to what DeSantis was saying. Indeed, most of the lines that trouble Chait are standard boilerplate conservative rhetoric.

This attitude is counterproductive on multiple levels. First, of course, it’s terrible (morally and politically) to dismiss approximately half the country.
Second, instead of rising to the occasion and giving America at least one responsible, normal, or decent party, Democrats are taking political advantage of what could be considered a perilous moment.
Rather than acknowledging that reasonable people can have honest disagreements about public policy questions such as abortion (which you should ostensibly do in a democracy), Democrats are attempting to baptize and sanctify their political preferences in the holy waters of American democracy, which is (to extend the religious metaphor) unseemly and sacrilegious.
Third, this practice will likely lead to more, not less, MAGA extremists (an outcome which ought not to shock members of a party that has spent tens of millions of dollars helping to boost MAGA candidates in Republican primaries).
People who feel threatened are more likely to retreat to their tribe for protection. By creating a scenario where even “normal” non-Trump Republicans feel victimized and shamed, liberals risk making the radicalization of conservatism a self-fulfilling prophecy

I’m not sure they even see that as a problem.

Said it before, I will say it again. My postings here--go back and look--prove it.

The FBI Mar-A-Lago raid sent me right back into the Trump camp, and Biden's Red Scare Speech only solidified that for me. Before that, I thought and sincerely hoped Trump's time had come and gone. I was hard DeSantis.

The liberals are creating enemies where there were none--even among Independents. This is a good warning. Many will not care.
The more the Derp State fucktards try to gaslight us, with their authority fallacies and all the rest, the more resolute the opposition will become.
Lol. Until the resistance battle flag is seen once more on the bloody field...

Well, it's not only his opinion...

daylight More and more, the president voices contempt for the voting process. Imagine what he'd do if re-elected...
Here are 9 ways our democracy has been eroded: Trump speaks repeatedly with Putin, without allowing notes or transcriptions of meetings, or calls. Think about that. He wants no records of his...
Trumpism is destroying democracy in the US, according to a former aide to Mike Pence. Olivia Troye told MSNBC that Republican attempts to oust Trump's critics were a "horrifying and scary...
4 May 2021Trump decreed in a statement Monday, literally reversing the facts about last November's free and fair election that he lost. Cheney may well be sacrificing her own political career as one of the...
The Trumpists who stormed Congress, ironically, may have made it impossible for Trump's plan to go according to plan. They went too far — or they didn't go far enough. They didn't intimidate Pence into going along with the plan. They drew too much attention to the idea that democracy could fall. The nation's eyes suddenly opened up.
Donald Trump May Destroy the GOP Before He Can Wreck Democracy As the forever-embattled former president hits the campaign trail, Republicans fret that he might end...
At hand is a plot to destroy American democracy from within. Its organizers have infiltrated the highest echelons of state and...
'Democracy Is Done' If Trump Wins White House In 2024, Fiona Hill, a former top analyst on the National Security Council, presented a chilling warning about Donald Trump in a Politico interview Friday: If Trump "makes a successful return to the presidency in 2024, democracy's done .".
It is most definitely opinion to assume that democracy is done if Trump gets elected.

Besides, Trump never did anything worse than Biden has done as far as executive overreach. The lockdowns were a disaster for the country and foisting “vaccines” on the populace via employers was, if not unconstitutional, unethical.

I would rather have a decisive and active egomaniac in the White House than a scatterbrain with the constitution of a squirming slug who only does what the wormtongues whispering in his ear tell him to do.
Maybe whatever goathole shitstain backwater crap pile you were born in.

Grow a brain you clueless bunghole.

What fake history are you trying to sell you uneducated fuckwit? The Founders were slavers who didn't think white women or white commoners should be allowed to vote.
81 million paper ballots with no legally required chain of custody.
It's not evidence in a trial you moron.
No, Americas lost. We got that arrogant fascist clown Joe in office now instead. It has been ONE BIG CONSTANT COLOSSAL LOSS ever since for everyone but DC politicians supporting Marxism.

Feel free to cry about it if it makes you feel better.
That might actually matter if this were a British democracy, asshole. Popular vote only counts at the STATE level, pinhead.
The popular vote does also count how popular you are with the people you fucking moron and Republicans haven't won a majority of them since 2004. 😁
Must be why people are leaving blue states and the DNC in droves while begging Joe never to run again. View attachment 694552
If you had bother to read the latest census it does say Black Americans have migrated out of areas like D.C. and Chicago and have headed to cities in Southern Republican States like Texas. San Antonio, Houston, Dallas and Fort Worth all saw there share of the Black population increase. Not sure us coming to take Texas from you and turn it blue is something you'll see as a good thing, but go ahead and keep celebrating you Simp. 😄
So scared you would trade anything just to be saved from the mean old democrats.
Keep thinking that... Most Democrat's couldn't hold a light for me, otherwise they don't qualify to hold a light for me. It appears that you are one of those democrat's. After thousands's of post on this forum by Democrat's, we see and read daily who the scared one's truly are. It's the Democrat's without a doubt. Now go tell your dog to come hold that light for me, because he's probably got more sense than you do.
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I totally agree with this.....those on the left who demonize all Republicans and conservatives with the MAGA crowd are making a mistake..and alienating those whose support is crucial in getting rid of the MAGA/Trump/Q crowd.

More and more, liberals are attempting to cast all conservatives as enemies of democracy while simultaneously casting all of their political policies as pro-democracy. The consequences of this could be disastrous.
The most blatant example occurred during Joe Biden’s prime-time “Soul of America” speech earlier this month—a speech advertised as addressing conspiracy theories, political violence, and attempts to overthrow democracy.
In this context, Biden talked about how “MAGA forces are determined to take this country backwards,” before hastening to add, “Backwards to an America where there is no right to choose…” In one fell swoop, Biden conflated “MAGA Republicans” who deny elections and participate in insurrections with Reagan Republicans who care about the right to life of unborn babies. There is no comparison.
But it’s not just social issues that get you written out of polite society. Fiscal conservatives are also suspect. In a tweet sent on Friday, Biden wrote that “Republicans have pushed an ultra-MAGA agenda to: Threaten Social Security and Medicare…Raise taxes on working families [and] Give big corporations and billionaires tax breaks.” Axios’s Josh Kraushaar called this “Defining down ‘ultra MAGA’ and noted that “Under this standard, Liz Cheney would qualify.”

And Biden isn’t the only one guilty of this. This past week, New York magazine’s Jonathan Chait took to Twitter to remind us that during the Tea Party era, then-Rep. Ron Desantis wrote a book that Chait sees as a Rosetta Stone for decoding conservatism’s illiberal tendencies. After reading the book, Chait surmises that: “The Constitution’s role, as DeSantis sees it, is to prevent popular majorities from enacting the economic policies they want.”

Conservatives have long worried that “A democracy can only exist until the voters discover that they can vote themselves largess from the public treasury”—a line sometimes apocryphally attributed to Alexis de Tocqueville. This is very similar to what DeSantis was saying. Indeed, most of the lines that trouble Chait are standard boilerplate conservative rhetoric.

This attitude is counterproductive on multiple levels. First, of course, it’s terrible (morally and politically) to dismiss approximately half the country.
Second, instead of rising to the occasion and giving America at least one responsible, normal, or decent party, Democrats are taking political advantage of what could be considered a perilous moment.
Rather than acknowledging that reasonable people can have honest disagreements about public policy questions such as abortion (which you should ostensibly do in a democracy), Democrats are attempting to baptize and sanctify their political preferences in the holy waters of American democracy, which is (to extend the religious metaphor) unseemly and sacrilegious.
Third, this practice will likely lead to more, not less, MAGA extremists (an outcome which ought not to shock members of a party that has spent tens of millions of dollars helping to boost MAGA candidates in Republican primaries).
People who feel threatened are more likely to retreat to their tribe for protection. By creating a scenario where even “normal” non-Trump Republicans feel victimized and shamed, liberals risk making the radicalization of conservatism a self-fulfilling prophecy

I’m not sure they even see that as a problem.
Make America Great Again you oppose this why?
OK, Curried Crap, whatever you think.
Funny how they want to cherry pick on slavery, but in reality slavery back then was something American's were brainwashed via the elite wealthy business class who were protecting their wealth generation and their financial interest, otherwise convincing the lower to middle class that it was a normal thing in the world of business when it came to the slave's.

Now the elite are at it again, except this time they're targeting the kids mind's with their evilness.
Funny how they want to cherry pick on slavery, but in reality slavery back then was something American's were brainwashed via the elite wealthy business class who were protecting their wealth generation and their financial interest, otherwise convincing the lower to middle class that it was a normal thing in the world of business when it came to the slave's.
Now the elite are at it again, except this time they're targeting the kids mind's with their evilness.

That Sir is at least 60 IQ points over GoatCrap's head.
Agree that Biden was legitimately elected
QuinnipiacMay 26, 202164%96%25%62%
CNNSept. 25, 202163%97%21%64%
UMASS AmherstDec. 28, 202158%91%21%54%
Washington Post/UMDJan. 2, 202269%94%39%72%
Economist/YouGovJun. 1, 202260%90%25%57%

There is no real difference between maga-republicans and republicans. . Trump’s policies and efforts were solid conservative positions.
Spending $151 million and golfing for almost a year ( 306 days) of his presidential term is 'conservative"?
Adding $8 trillion to the US debt is "conservative"?
Funny how they want to cherry pick on slavery, but in reality slavery back then was something American's were brainwashed via the elite wealthy business class who were protecting their wealth generation and their financial interest, otherwise convincing the lower to middle class that it was a normal thing in the world of business when it came to the slave's.

Now the elite are at it again, except this time they're targeting the kids mind's with their evilness.
Slavery was a business model who's end goals were profit. What's the profit motive in targeting kids minds with evilness? 😄 Maybe stop looking for demons and boogiemen and join the rest of us in the real world.
Only stupid uneducated Moon Bats think there is something wrong with Making America Great Again.

Of course these are the traitorous turds that want America to be a Socialist shithole so we know they are not exactly the best and the brightest.
Only stupid, uneducated MAGA tards believe that bumper sticker of a lie.
Then think the orange grifter was going to do it.........................he didn't.

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