It’s Dumb and Dangerous for Liberals to Conflate All Conservatives With MAGA

Lol. You have no idea about my political ideology. You constantly speak about things in which you have absolutely zero knowledge about. Painfully stupid is your fucking birthright, magaturd.
I do not care about your political ideology. If you back the fascists in power you are one of them. Again,/ your stupidity is front and center.
That is irrelevant and bears nothing impacting the statistical anomaly I sited. Six swing states, everyone of them having a disruption, and everyone of them going for Biden. That raises questions.
Of course claims the election was stolen are irrelevant

Declaring victory with a small percentage of the vote accounted for is moronic

Hey Republicans, I got some advice for ya

It ain’t over till it’s over
Stop basing your election strategy on early returns
That was in the past. Do you think you can change the past? Someone as stupid as you probably does.
I didn't ask you to change the past, I asked if you could condemn slavery and stop making stupid suggestions like talking about "taking us back to our founding principles". 😂
Slavery accounted for the vast majority of wealth created in America you historically illiterate moron. 😄
Slavery accounted for the vast majority of the wealth of the COLONIES. The colonies were only allowed to trade raw materials for finished products with England. That was a losing proposition for the colonies. Industry was responsible for the vast majority of the wealth of the United States. Where American bult products could and were traded all over the world as well as being sold to our burgeoning population IN THE NORTH AND WEST. Most immigrants after the War of 1812 went into the Northern and Western cities because that's where the demand for labor and the money was. The South was still trading raw cotton and tobacco products to England for profits to support the plantations. Little of that money moved north of the Mason-Dixon line.
Only seven slaves and everybody was doing it.... look how these depraved mutants can't even condem slavery. So sad. 😄
I categorically condemn slavery TODAY. That's one reason I'm against illegal immigration. I refuse to hold people accountable to today's standards who lived in an age with different standards. In a hundred years most people will condemn you for your attitudes because they are different from theirs.
Slavery accounted for the vast majority of the wealth of the COLONIES. The colonies were only allowed to trade raw materials for finished products with England. That was a losing proposition for the colonies. Industry was responsible for the vast majority of the wealth of the United States. Where American bult products could and were traded all over the world as well as being sold to our burgeoning population IN THE NORTH AND WEST. Most immigrants after the War of 1812 went into the Northern and Western cities because that's where the demand for labor and the money was. The South was still trading raw cotton and tobacco products to England for profits to support the plantations. Little of that money moved north of the Mason-Dixon line.
You are historically ignorant. The textiles that were manufactured in Northern states were made almost exclusively from products picked by slaves in the South. Read a book you moron.
I didn't ask you to change the past, I asked if you could condemn slavery and stop making stupid suggestions like talking about "taking us back to our founding principles". 😂
I cannot condemn something I can do nothing about. The past belongs to God.
Of course claims the election was stolen are irrelevant

Declaring victory with a small percentage of the vote accounted for is moronic

Hey Republicans, I got some advice for ya

It ain’t over till it’s over
Stop basing your election strategy on early returns
Like FOX did with AZ? And the massive fraud is still very relevant and will be in every election from now on until our elections have integrity again.
I categorically condemn slavery TODAY. That's one reason I'm against illegal immigration. I refuse to hold people accountable to today's standards who lived in an age with different standards. In a hundred years most people will condemn you for your attitudes because they are different from theirs.
Some people in future might very well have different standards than me and condemn me for the standards I hold today but time won't because time doesn't have standards you fucking idiot, people do. You're hiding behind time because you're a fucking coward.
I cannot condemn something I can do nothing about. The past belongs to God.
More cowardly arguments from the country's cucks. No doubt there's tons of examples of you condemning Democrats in the first half of last century for their support of the KKK, rightfully, I might ad. So why are you cowards and cucks unwilling to do the same to the Founders?
You are historically ignorant. The textiles that were manufactured in Northern states were made almost exclusively from products picked by slaves in the South. Read a book you moron.
Textiles were not being manufactured in the colonies on a commercial basis. Maybe YOU should read some history. The colonies were forbidden by British law to trade with any country except Britain. The only textile manufacturing in the North was settlers using spinning jennies and hand looms to make their own clothing because they couldn't afford commercial textiles.
Textiles were not being manufactured in the colonies on a commercial basis. Maybe YOU should read some history. The colonies were forbidden by British law to trade with any country except Britain. The only textile manufacturing in the North was settlers using spinning jennies and hand looms to make their own clothing because they couldn't afford commercial textiles.
I'm talking about America you fucking moron. It's easy to sus that out because I mention Northern and Southern States. Jesus fucking christ these boys are dumb.
Some people in future might very well have different standards than me and condemn me for the standards I hold today but time won't because time doesn't have standards you fucking idiot, people do. You're hiding behind time because you're a fucking coward.
No, I have OBJECTIVE standards, not SUBJECTIVE ones like you have. I hold people to the standards of their time. I can deplore their actions while still recognizing that they believed them moral and correct. I can deplore the ancient Mediterranean civilization that sacrificed babies to Baal, or the Romans for their mass sacrifices of Christians and other slaves, or any of the societies of that time that ALL held slaves without condemning them because their actions were wrong by modern standards.
Have you ever asked your parents why they immigrated from Jamaica to the USA if the USA is so horrible? After all, there can't be any racism there since it's 92.1 percent black.

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