It’s Dumb and Dangerous for Liberals to Conflate All Conservatives With MAGA

Conservatives ‘question’ the election with lies about the election being ‘stolen,’ lies about ‘fraud,’ and lies about President Biden not being the legitimate president.

Those lies are part of the right’s campaign to destroy America’s democracy.
Sure, libtard.

You have the credibility of a wingless gnat
I totally agree with this.....those on the left who demonize all Republicans and conservatives with the MAGA crowd are making a mistake..and alienating those whose support is crucial in getting rid of the MAGA/Trump/Q crowd.

More and more, liberals are attempting to cast all conservatives as enemies of democracy while simultaneously casting all of their political policies as pro-democracy. The consequences of this could be disastrous.
The most blatant example occurred during Joe Biden’s prime-time “Soul of America” speech earlier this month—a speech advertised as addressing conspiracy theories, political violence, and attempts to overthrow democracy.
In this context, Biden talked about how “MAGA forces are determined to take this country backwards,” before hastening to add, “Backwards to an America where there is no right to choose…” In one fell swoop, Biden conflated “MAGA Republicans” who deny elections and participate in insurrections with Reagan Republicans who care about the right to life of unborn babies. There is no comparison.
But it’s not just social issues that get you written out of polite society. Fiscal conservatives are also suspect. In a tweet sent on Friday, Biden wrote that “Republicans have pushed an ultra-MAGA agenda to: Threaten Social Security and Medicare…Raise taxes on working families [and] Give big corporations and billionaires tax breaks.” Axios’s Josh Kraushaar called this “Defining down ‘ultra MAGA’ and noted that “Under this standard, Liz Cheney would qualify.”

And Biden isn’t the only one guilty of this. This past week, New York magazine’s Jonathan Chait took to Twitter to remind us that during the Tea Party era, then-Rep. Ron Desantis wrote a book that Chait sees as a Rosetta Stone for decoding conservatism’s illiberal tendencies. After reading the book, Chait surmises that: “The Constitution’s role, as DeSantis sees it, is to prevent popular majorities from enacting the economic policies they want.”

Conservatives have long worried that “A democracy can only exist until the voters discover that they can vote themselves largess from the public treasury”—a line sometimes apocryphally attributed to Alexis de Tocqueville. This is very similar to what DeSantis was saying. Indeed, most of the lines that trouble Chait are standard boilerplate conservative rhetoric.

This attitude is counterproductive on multiple levels. First, of course, it’s terrible (morally and politically) to dismiss approximately half the country.
Second, instead of rising to the occasion and giving America at least one responsible, normal, or decent party, Democrats are taking political advantage of what could be considered a perilous moment.
Rather than acknowledging that reasonable people can have honest disagreements about public policy questions such as abortion (which you should ostensibly do in a democracy), Democrats are attempting to baptize and sanctify their political preferences in the holy waters of American democracy, which is (to extend the religious metaphor) unseemly and sacrilegious.
Third, this practice will likely lead to more, not less, MAGA extremists (an outcome which ought not to shock members of a party that has spent tens of millions of dollars helping to boost MAGA candidates in Republican primaries).
People who feel threatened are more likely to retreat to their tribe for protection. By creating a scenario where even “normal” non-Trump Republicans feel victimized and shamed, liberals risk making the radicalization of conservatism a self-fulfilling prophecy

I’m not sure they even see that as a problem.
There isn’t much difference between MAGA and RINO. Just some repugs that have strayed a red **** hair from Trump orthodoxy. By the same token, all liberals are lumped in with any and all fringe movements like BLM, Antifa, Occupy Wall Street, lgbtqrstuvwxyz…
Having lost five states he won in 2016 and losing the popular vote by seven million, there is no statistical probability that Trump won
Those were the swing states. How can each state have the late votes go in favor of Biden and each state had disruption stop and start? The correlation and probability outcome is what I question. You people questioned chads and voter oppression against Blacks from heavily Democrat districts in 2000 and faulty Diebold machines in 2004. Questioning significant statistical anomalies does not make one an insurrectionist or threat to the US.
Those were the swing states. How can each state have the late votes go in favor of Biden and each state had disruption stop and start? The correlation and probability outcome is what I question. You people questioned chads and voter oppression against Blacks from heavily Democrat districts in 2000 and faulty Diebold machines in 2004. Questioning significant statistical anomalies does not make one an insurrectionist or threat to the US.
The filing accuses the WEC and its members of violating the federal Help America Vote Act by its contracted use of Electronic Registration Information Center. The WEC has the duty to review such complaints.

The legal team reported, “The federal law requires that the Wisconsin Elections Commission and its officials, by itself and by themselves, respectively, maintain and implement WisVote, the state’s voter information database. Instead, in violation of the federal Help America Vote Act, the Wisconsin Election Commission has contracted with Electronic Registration Information Center, Inc. to maintain and implement WisVote. The complaint contends that this illegal delegation of this government function to an outside entity has enabled the potential rigging of Wisconsin’s federal elections towards particular federal candidates – something that is illegal under the Help America Vote Act.”

Another example of our elections having 0 integrity, like the award winning liar you replied to.
There isn’t much difference between MAGA and RINO. Just some repugs that have strayed a red **** hair from Trump orthodoxy. By the same token, all liberals are lumped in with any and all fringe movements like BLM, Antifa, Occupy Wall Street, lgbtqrstuvwxyz…
The Democratic National Committee funded both BLM and AntiFa.

That's a fact.

Provable in a court of law.
Those were the swing states. How can each state have the late votes go in favor of Biden and each state had disruption stop and start? The correlation and probability outcome is what I question. You people questioned chads and voter oppression against Blacks from heavily Democrat districts in 2000 and faulty Diebold machines in 2004. Questioning significant statistical anomalies does not make one an insurrectionist or threat to the US.
Were you in a coma on election night?
Did you hear any commentary?

Every network told you the early vote would go for Trump and that absentee ballots would swing for Biden. They also reported that urban areas would be reporting later.

Republicans vote in person, Democrats use mail in ballots
Takes longer to count urban votes, there are more of them
Were you in a coma on election night?
Did you hear any commentary?

Every network told you the early vote would go for Trump and that absentee ballots would swing for Biden. They also reported that urban areas would be reporting later.

Republicans vote in person, Democrats use mail in ballots
Takes longer to count urban votes, there are more of them
If all Democrats voted by mail, then there would not be the bullshit stink raised by Democrats in Georgia about voters standing in long lines for hours upon hours and being denied food and water.
What's hypocritical about it? Do you know what that word means you moron?

So no, you don't know what hypocrite means.... 😄

That's why the Democratic party is America's most diverse party.... because they're racist.... 😄

White wing logic is so adorable.
A little bit over your head with this one eh ? I'll say it again, if you support the Democrat party, and then use the language that you use against them, then you are a stone cold hypocrite. You can't support them, and then work against them dummy. That's trying to play it both ways, and they'll spew you out.. lol .. Then again maybe they won't, but they'll dam sure use you. lol
Lol. I can tell you've never seen a clip of one of his rallies.
No, I haven’t. But what do his rallies have to do with Democrat overreaction that resembles religious fervor?

I don’t necessarily want or expect Trump to be elected again but Christ, people act like he’s the Devil incarnate.
What are magaturds doing to inspire greatness? Behaving just like do-nothing loudmouth Karens? Your entire political ideology is a bumper sticker.
That’s amusing coming from a troll, like you, who can’t articulate why the modern American liberal political ideology makes even the first tiny bit of sense.

I recognize that all who believe in the notion of MAGA are categorized by infantile twats such as Tina’s MAGAturds. But that is a completely meaningless term. Like most of what you write and post: it is devoid of any intellectual content.
That’s amusing coming from a troll, like you, who can’t articulate why the modern American liberal political ideology makes even the first tiny bit of sense.

I recognize that all who believe in the notion of MAGA are categorized by infantile twats such as Tina’s MAGAturds. But that is a completely meaningless term. Like most of what you write and post: it is devoid of any intellectual content.
How much did Obama spend, and how much golfing did he do,
In eight years in office Obama played 333 rounds of golf.
Cost: $114 million.

In four years in office Trump played 298 rounds of golf.
Cost $151 million.
and wasn't he on the golf course when some serious stuff went down around the world involving this NATION?
You mean like covid-19?
No, just flooding in Louisiana that killed 18 people, that republicans whined about, while Obama was on vacation.
Seems I remember thing's.
Then post them.
Cherry picking always comes back to bite, because all it usually becomes is political posturing trying to shame each other out of office when in reality they all got skeleton's.
Yeah, political "posturing", claiming to be a conservative, when your anything but.
Meanwhile Chicagoins keep on dying, and inner cities
Wow, when were they weren't dying?
Did Trump stop it?
and our manufacturing base keeps on dying,
Well, Trump did put tariffs on China, costing the US taxpayer millions, just on bailing out farmers was $48 billion.
Instead of finding a new market, Trump signs a $200 billion trade INCREASE with China.
prices keep on rising,
Yes, they do.
The US isn't immune from a global issue.
trillions keep on mounting, Biden keeps on lying, and the market keeps on falling, 401s emptying, energy crisis keeps on mounting, cultural rot on the fast track, the world in disorder, our military weakening, and people like you keep on defending the indefensible.
Same doom and gloom, every time a democrat is in office.
Republicans were spouting the same shit when Obama was president, then Trump gets installed as president and nothing changed.
You mean like YES WE CAN? What did that even mean?
The beginning of returning the country to prosperity, which Obama did after Bush's fiasco.
Heal the nation, which he didn't, thanks' to the future MAGA cult the tea party.
Social change is a constant. Trying to stand against it has always been a losing battle. Those of us who can easily adapt to changing times and new social trends do not feel your fear. Since so much social change over our lifetimes has involved race why are you so dumbfounded over charges of racism when white men still stand in so many doorways shaking their heads? You have lost nothing by another man getting the same as you and yet the right always lines up behind continuing inequality.

Hispanics becoming Republican.

Embrace that change, chump.

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