It’s Dumb and Dangerous for Liberals to Conflate All Conservatives With MAGA

Progressives weaponized MAGA. All it was, was a campaign slogan. Obama had Hope and Change. All of this was about the United States being a free and sovereign nation as opposed to what we are morphing into which a globalist government. Biden wants to bring manufacturing back by words but makes better trade deals with China the benefactor. He is a congenital liar. Newsom wants all electric vehicles in a dozen years in his state while California is reducing its energy grid. Brown outs and raising the temperature to 78 degrees in the richest state in the union. Thepeople are stupid there.
It started out as a campaign slogan and turned into a cult
It started out as a campaign slogan and turned into a cult
You moron libtards are the ones in a cult. Me of your new baseless talking points is to accuse others of the very thing about which you’re guilty.
You moron libtards are the ones in a cult. Me of your new baseless talking points is to accuse others of the very thing about which you’re guilty.
Not me…you!

Good comeback
On a third grade playground
No one has to make a case to you for change you little bitch. Change is our right to seek, regardless how you Soy Boys feel about it.

Normally part of "seeking policy change", is making a case for it to be a change for the better.
That's the point I am trying to make. whether I happen to support social change or not makes no difference. Change in a free society is going to happen. No one controls it and no one can stop it. The best you can do is adapt. Even closed off dictatorships fail in shaping what people think in ways that preserves the status quo.

Dude. You called me and millions of people racist, because we oppose the change. I've asked you a really simple question. Do you support the change.

You're repeated refused to answer.

I got your point. I'm tyring to discuss it. But you are stonewalling on a point you claim "makes no difference".

I ask you one more time, and then I will be done with your stonewalling.

Not when you're little bitches who we have no need to negotiate with. 😄

I understand. YOu see us as your enemy, and you know that the change is for the worst for us.

You want the change for that very reason, becuase you are hate us to the point that pointing out that your own people are dying, means nothing to you.

You are a sociopathic, racist hater.
I understand. YOu see us as your enemy, and you know that the change is for the worst for us.
It is, but you deplorable pussies will bend over and take it anyway because despite your talk and your guns you're all a bunch of cosplayers and those guns are just for show. 😄
You want the change for that very reason, becuase you are hate us to the point that pointing out that your own people are dying, means nothing to you.
You pointing to black people dying isn't sincere. You don't care about black people dying, you're too stupid to ever convince me that you do so your word means shit to me. Yes, I want you defeated and I'm glad you soft, Soy Boy cucks are content enough in your cosplay fantasy world as it happens.
You are a sociopathic, racist hater.

Whatever you pussy. I'm also not wrong. You're being demographically replaced and you cucks have no real plan to deal with it so what the fuck do I have to worry or negotiate with you for? You'll soon be irrelevant.
It is, but you deplorable pussies will bend over and take it anyway because despite your talk and your guns you're all a bunch of cosplayers and those guns are just for show. 😄

Tell it to Joseph Rosenbaum.

You pointing to black people dying isn't sincere. You don't care about black people dying, you're too stupid to ever convince me that you do so your word means shit to me. Yes, I want you defeated and I'm glad you soft, Soy Boy cucks are content enough in your cosplay fantasy world as it happens.

Your belief that I don't care when black people die is noted and dismissed. The point is, that YOU don't care.

You are a sociopathic monster consumed by racist hate.


Whatever you pussy. I'm also not wrong. You're being demographically replaced and you cucks have no real plan to deal with it so what the fuck do I have to worry or negotiate with you for? You'll soon be irrelevant.

Yet, you don't have the balls to be honest about your racist hate. You talk shit about it being "againsnt racists whites" or some such shit.

When clearly you hate all whites. Yet you are afraid to tell that truth. Because you are afraid taht without the political support of white libs, that we will take action against you and yours.

Your whole destiny rests on keeping the weakest and stupidiest and faggotest whites, on your side.

I totally agree with this.....those on the left who demonize all Republicans and conservatives with the MAGA crowd are making a mistake..and alienating those whose support is crucial in getting rid of the MAGA/Trump/Q crowd.

More and more, liberals are attempting to cast all conservatives as enemies of democracy while simultaneously casting all of their political policies as pro-democracy. The consequences of this could be disastrous.
The most blatant example occurred during Joe Biden’s prime-time “Soul of America” speech earlier this month—a speech advertised as addressing conspiracy theories, political violence, and attempts to overthrow democracy.
In this context, Biden talked about how “MAGA forces are determined to take this country backwards,” before hastening to add, “Backwards to an America where there is no right to choose…” In one fell swoop, Biden conflated “MAGA Republicans” who deny elections and participate in insurrections with Reagan Republicans who care about the right to life of unborn babies. There is no comparison.
But it’s not just social issues that get you written out of polite society. Fiscal conservatives are also suspect. In a tweet sent on Friday, Biden wrote that “Republicans have pushed an ultra-MAGA agenda to: Threaten Social Security and Medicare…Raise taxes on working families [and] Give big corporations and billionaires tax breaks.” Axios’s Josh Kraushaar called this “Defining down ‘ultra MAGA’ and noted that “Under this standard, Liz Cheney would qualify.”

And Biden isn’t the only one guilty of this. This past week, New York magazine’s Jonathan Chait took to Twitter to remind us that during the Tea Party era, then-Rep. Ron Desantis wrote a book that Chait sees as a Rosetta Stone for decoding conservatism’s illiberal tendencies. After reading the book, Chait surmises that: “The Constitution’s role, as DeSantis sees it, is to prevent popular majorities from enacting the economic policies they want.”

Conservatives have long worried that “A democracy can only exist until the voters discover that they can vote themselves largess from the public treasury”—a line sometimes apocryphally attributed to Alexis de Tocqueville. This is very similar to what DeSantis was saying. Indeed, most of the lines that trouble Chait are standard boilerplate conservative rhetoric.

This attitude is counterproductive on multiple levels. First, of course, it’s terrible (morally and politically) to dismiss approximately half the country.
Second, instead of rising to the occasion and giving America at least one responsible, normal, or decent party, Democrats are taking political advantage of what could be considered a perilous moment.
Rather than acknowledging that reasonable people can have honest disagreements about public policy questions such as abortion (which you should ostensibly do in a democracy), Democrats are attempting to baptize and sanctify their political preferences in the holy waters of American democracy, which is (to extend the religious metaphor) unseemly and sacrilegious.
Third, this practice will likely lead to more, not less, MAGA extremists (an outcome which ought not to shock members of a party that has spent tens of millions of dollars helping to boost MAGA candidates in Republican primaries).
People who feel threatened are more likely to retreat to their tribe for protection. By creating a scenario where even “normal” non-Trump Republicans feel victimized and shamed, liberals risk making the radicalization of conservatism a self-fulfilling prophecy

I’m not sure they even see that as a problem.
What’s dumb and dangerous is ‘MAGA.’
Not me…you!

Good comeback
On a third grade playground
Truth hurts apparently.

Hey, libtard: If you’re throwing rocks and happen to falsely claim that some other person is the one throwing rocks, the proper response is “not me; you.”

Admit you’re in the libtard cult and then move along, Leftwhiner.
Tell it to Joseph Rosenbaum.
Tell what to Joseph Rosenbaum? 😄
You're always on some cosplayer shit. His death doesn't address the millions of brown immigrants that pour into this country every year or the American citizens they give birth to who are going to demographically replace you. Get real you moron. 😂
Your belief that I don't care when black people die is noted and dismissed. The point is, that YOU don't care.
No, I don't care about your silly and hilarious claims other than to note what a coward you and cuckpatriots are to have to pretend. Living your life forced to pretend is something I love to see from you ocean of cucks. 😂
You are a sociopathic monster consumed by racist hate.
Awww. Poor baby. 🥺
Yet, you don't have the balls to be honest about your racist hate. You talk shit about it being "againsnt racists whites" or some such shit.
I'm more than honest about my hate for white racists and their deplorable mutant culture. 😄
When clearly you hate all whites. Yet you are afraid to tell that truth. Because you are afraid taht without the political support of white libs, that we will take action against you and yours.
Only in your cuck fantasies do I have anything to be afraid of. Your demographic replacement is proceeding as planned. 😄
Your whole destiny rests on keeping the weakest and stupidiest and faggotest whites, on your side.
Without a change of course your demographic displacement is certain. It's you that needs to force a change of course and Soy Boys and Cosplayers like you have no real strategy to force that change.
I'm winning. Pussy. 😁
Truth hurts apparently.

Hey, libtard: If you’re throwing rocks and happen to falsely claim that some other person is the one throwing rocks, the proper response is “not me; you.”

Admit you’re in the libtard cult and then move along, Leftwhiner.
I know you are….but what am I?
See, I can play too
Tell what to Joseph Rosenbaum? 😄
You're always on some cosplayer shit. His death doesn't address the millions of brown immigrants that pour into this country every year or the American citizens they give birth to who are going to demographically replace you. Get real you moron. 😂

It addresses your about all of us supposedly being harmless co-players despite our guns.

It proved that your claim was wrong.

No, I don't care about your silly and hilarious claims other than to note what a coward you and cuckpatriots are to have to pretend. Living your life forced to pretend is something I love to see from you ocean of cucks. 😂

My claims? If you are really a black man living in America, you know that my discussions about how black people are dying is real.

I hear black people talk about it, all the time, and how unhappy they are with it. Funny that you think I am lying about it.

Kind of supports the idea that you are just a faggoty white fantasist.

Awww. Poor baby. 🥺

I'm more than honest about my hate for white racists and their deplorable mutant culture. 😄

Sure you are...

Only in your cuck fantasies do I have anything to be afraid of. Your demographic replacement is proceeding as planned. 😄

Without a change of course your demographic displacement is certain. It's you that needs to force a change of course and Soy Boys and Cosplayers like you have no real strategy to force that change.

I'm winning. Pussy. 😁

But, clearly you are afraid. Or else you would not be lying about your hate of all white people.
It addresses your about all of us supposedly being harmless co-players despite our guns.

It proved that your claim was wrong.
One incident doesn't address the millions that are coming here to replace you you moron. 😄 You didn't address shit, you just showed us how much a cosplayer you are that you think that one death means something in the face of your shrinking demographics.
My claims? If you are really a black man living in America, you know that my discussions about how black people are dying is real.
Your concern is whats fake.
I hear black people talk about it, all the time, and how unhappy they are with it. Funny that you think I am lying about it.
Funny how you don't seem to hear the majority of black voices who think this is a racist country and that the Republican Party is particularity racist.
Kind of supports the idea that you are just a faggoty white fantasist.
It's not fantasy that you are being demographically replaced. That's very much real. 😁
Sure you are...

But, clearly you are afraid. Or else you would not be lying about your hate of all white people.
You imagining fear does nothing to address your real problem which is demographic replacement. In fact that's just you escaping into your little cosplay safe space fantasy because you can't stop reality.

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