It’s Dumb and Dangerous for Liberals to Conflate All Conservatives With MAGA

This is a lie.

‘MAGA’ has always been about fear, misinformation, and lies; about racism, bigotry, and hate; about dividing the American people.

‘MAGA’ has always been about white grievance politics and racist replacement theory.

America was great when President Obama left office – the notion that America had to be made ‘great again’ was a lie.
This one ^^^ has to be a paid DNC shill.

No one says stuff like that unless they're getting paid for it
In eight years in office Obama played 333 rounds of golf.
Cost: $114 million.

In four years in office Trump played 298 rounds of golf.
Cost $151 million.

You mean like covid-19?
No, just flooding in Louisiana that killed 18 people, that republicans whined about, while Obama was on vacation.

Then post them.

Yeah, political "posturing", claiming to be a conservative, when your anything but.
Ok, so what am I all great and knowing one ? Tell me what I am if not a conservative voting citizen that will never vote for a Democrat, and will never support Democrat policies.
It started out as a campaign slogan and turned into a cult
Yes, it started out as a campaign slogan but people on the left ridiculed and criticized it from the very beginning, even before there was any perceived cult.

People on the left immediately conflated and misinterpreted it as a desire to go back to a time before womens’ and civil rights. This was not the idea behind MAGA at all. And it still isn’t.

MAGA might be an unrealistic idea given the way the world has changed economically and technologically but it was never what Democrats claimed it was.
Hispanics becoming Republican.

Embrace that change, chump.
Hopefully, but as long as the Democrat's keep breaking into the Treasury, and handing out free stuff for vote's, then who knows how anyone thinking that they are being given a leg up for free will vote. We have got to stop the Democrat's from robbing the Treasury in the name of all their bull crap.
MAGA might be an unrealistic idea given the way the world has changed economically and technologically but it was never what Democrats claimed it was.
MAGA was never an ideal
It is a cult of worship for Trump

Whatever lie he tells, they repeat it blindly
Whatever Trumps enemy …is an enemy of MAGA
MAGA was never an ideal
It is a cult of worship for Trump

Whatever lie he tells, they repeat it blindly
Whatever Trumps enemy …is an enemy of MAGA
10s of millions out of work due to H1-Bs, off-shoring and trespassers and you post this bullshit.
Yes, it started out as a campaign slogan but people on the left ridiculed and criticized it from the very beginning, even before there was any perceived cult.

People on the left immediately conflated and misinterpreted it as a desire to go back to a time before womens’ and civil rights. This was not the idea behind MAGA at all. And it still isn’t.

MAGA might be an unrealistic idea given the way the world has changed economically and technologically but it was never what Democrats claimed it was.
You have got to understand that the reason why all of it has gone on.... It's because of what has taken place over the last decade or 3 in America. THINK.

What's new, and what's being guarded like fort Knox in all the new that's come about ? Challenge any of it, and the left is ready for civil war. Donald Trump was their biggest villain because he represented the character's that they hate (not white supremacists, that was just smoke and mirrors), and so he was to be destroyed at all cost for the example they needed. They're trying to destroy the Republican/conservative party, and they figured that Trump was just dumb enough to their games that they could place him upon the alter in hopes to sacrifice him as the strongest representative of the movement in hopes to take it all down. Have they succeeded ?
It is, but you deplorable pussies will bend over and take it anyway because despite your talk and your guns you're all a bunch of cosplayers and those guns are just for show. 😄

You pointing to black people dying isn't sincere. You don't care about black people dying, you're too stupid to ever convince me that you do so your word means shit to me. Yes, I want you defeated and I'm glad you soft, Soy Boy cucks are content enough in your cosplay fantasy world as it happens.


Whatever you pussy. I'm also not wrong. You're being demographically replaced and you cucks have no real plan to deal with it so what the fuck do I have to worry or negotiate with you for? You'll soon be irrelevant.
Triggered... LOL
MAGA was never an ideal
It is a cult of worship for Trump

You’re contradicting yourself. You just said it started as a campaign slogan and then turned into a cult.
Whatever lie he tells, they repeat it blindly
Whatever Trumps enemy …is an enemy of MAGA

You’re talking about the behavior of Trump and his supporters, not the idea or vision behind MAGA.

MAGA was about bringing America back to the forefront of manufacturing, technological and industrial innovation and military primacy, among other things.

The idea never included making minorities second class citizens again or taking away civil rights or keeping women barefoot and pregnant, as was erroneously illustrated in an Occupy Democrats video that came out at the time.

Whatever you may think of their current behavior, Democrats have had MAGA wrong from the very beginning.

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