It’s Dumb and Dangerous for Liberals to Conflate All Conservatives With MAGA

One incident doesn't address the millions that are coming here to replace you you moron. 😄 You didn't address shit, you just showed us how much a cosplayer you are that you think that one death means something in the face of your shrinking demographics.

As I said, it was a response to your point about us all being co-players despite our guns. I posted it right after your point.

Are you going to address that, or keep trying to change the subject so you don't have to admit you are wrong?

Your concern is whats fake.

And again, we see that you have no concern about it. You are more concerned about talking shit on me, than voicing any concern about the black people dying. That was my point.

I was not claiming some stupid ass, " i feel your pain" or some such shit. Again, your are pretending to be stupid so that you can avoid addressing my counter point.

Funny how you don't seem to hear the majority of black voices who think this is a racist country and that the Republican Party is particularity racist.

I have heard some blacks talk about that. Not as many as I have heard express concern about the people they love dying.

Funny how real blacks I know, seem to care more about black people, while you, a black guy online, seems more concerned about attacking white people.

It's not fantasy that you are being demographically replaced. That's very much real. 😁

And we you say, "you" you mean all white people. But you don't have the balls to say it clearly. Cause you need white people to help you.

You imagining fear does nothing to address your real problem which is demographic replacement. In fact that's just you escaping into your little cosplay safe space fantasy because you can't stop reality.

But it does. Cause people reading this, can see what a hate filled monster you are, and that is important information for them to have, as they decide whether they want to be on your side, or mine.
As I said, it was a response to your point about us all being co-players despite our guns. I posted it right after your point.
You all are cosplayers and it's more and more evident in the way you're trying to live vicariously through Kyle Rittenhouse. 😄 You haven't shot anyone and your still sitting on your ass as your being demographically replaced.
Are you going to address that, or keep trying to change the subject so you don't have to admit you are wrong?
Are you ever going address the fact that one shooting isn't going to change your bleak demographic outlook? According to the last census the number of white people in the country actual shrank. More of you cuck whites died than were born. You're going to need a hell of a lot more Kyle's to turn that tide and your going to have to get a bit more proactive than waiting for one to try and hit you with a skate board or throw a dangerous plastic bag at you.
And again, we see that you have no concern about it. You are more concerned about talking shit on me, than voicing any concern about the black people dying. That was my point.
Why would to a piece of shit like you who's words and opinions I don't take seriously? 😄
I was not claiming some stupid ass, " i feel your pain" or some such shit. Again, your are pretending to be stupid so that you can avoid addressing my counter point.
You have no counter point. Black people are dying isn't a counter point to anything its your hilarious version of "look! Squirrel." 😄
I have heard some blacks talk about that. Not as many as I have heard express concern about the people they love dying.
I don't believe any black people have spoken to you about their loved ones dying but I do enjoy you coming here like a good and servile white to pretend that you care. You put yourself in that leash and it why no one has to take you clowns seriously. You're still pretending.
Funny how real blacks I know, seem to care more about black people, while you, a black guy online, seems more concerned about attacking white people.
Ohhh, you know real blacks do you. Do you want a cookie? 😄
And we you say, "you" you mean all white people. But you don't have the balls to say it clearly. Cause you need white people to help you.
You are helping by being a servile little cuck boy. 😁
But it does. Cause people reading this, can see what a hate filled monster you are, and that is important information for them to have, as they decide whether they want to be on your side, or mine.

You are so confused by your own cosplaying that you think my words here are going to move the needle anywhere.
You all are cosplayers and it's more and more evident in the way you're trying to live vicariously through Kyle Rittenhouse. 😄 You haven't shot anyone and your still sitting on your ass as your being demographically replaced.

Pointing out an example that proves you wrong, is not "living vicariously".

Are you ever going address the fact that one shooting isn't going to change your bleak demographic outlook? According to the last census the number of white people in the country actual shrank. More of you cuck whites died than were born. You're going to need a hell of a lot more Kyle's to turn that tide and your going to have to get a bit more proactive than waiting for one to try and hit you with a skate board or throw a dangerous plastic bag at you.

Tell me again how you just hate "wacist whites". lol. YOu hate all whites, but you are too cowardly to be honest. Because you fear us.

Why would to a piece of shit like you who's words and opinions I don't take seriously? 😄

Because your people dying should be important to you, adn loom large in your mind and be something you want to respond to, when it comes up in discussion.

But, your reactions clearly show that it doesn't matter to you.

You have no counter point. Black people are dying isn't a counter point to anything its your hilarious version of "look! Squirrel." 😄

Your lack of concern about it, is relevant to your political positions and motives.

I don't believe any black people have spoken to you about their loved ones dying but I do enjoy you coming here like a good and servile white to pretend that you care. You put yourself in that leash and it why no one has to take you clowns seriously. You're still pretending.

There is nothing "servile" about caring about my fellow Americans dying. I still recall when that one girls mother called me, looking for her, because she was missing. I had to tell her she was not at work and that was all I knew about it. I'm not pretending to be traumatized by it or any such bullshit, but it was sad. And yes, the girl was dead, though we did not learn that until the body was found, days later.

That you think that caring about someone out side your race, a form of weakness though, does speak to my point about you hating all whites, and not just "wacist whites".

Ohhh, you know real blacks do you. Do you want a cookie? 😄
Nope. Just mentioned it in passing. You are the one acting like it means something.

You are helping by being a servile little cuck boy. 😁

You talk real tough online.


You are so confused by your own cosplaying that you think my words here are going to move the needle anywhere.

The truth has power. And seeing the hate you so clearly present, is a truth that many people, need to see. To show them that evil does exist and needs to be fought against.
The Socially Liberal RINOs don’t want to be conflated with the Conservatives
The Socially Liberal RINOs don’t want to be conflated with the Conservatives

True. THey stupidly think that they can appeach the Left and work with them long term. As sort of a pretend oppostion, creating the illusion of a democratic process.

When really, they just get eaten last.
To be a conservative these days is to be called a RINO

Plenty of people being fast and sloppy with terms or slurs. Far moe on your side then ours, but even so, yes.

Some conservatives, real conservatives have been dicks. Just because you are a Free Trader, and thsu oppose Trump, doesn't mean you have to side with teh vile dems or support their stupid race baiting.
Pointing out an example that proves you wrong, is not "living vicariously".
You didn't prove anything wrong. You cosplayers talk about your guns and how tough you are but you aren't going to do anything to stop your demographic replacement. You aren't going to do anything to stop us from taking your country from you. Kyle Rittenhouse didn't shoot anyone in the war against white replacement, that's not what that shooting was about. 😄
Tell me again how you just hate "wacist whites". lol. YOu hate all whites, but you are too cowardly to be honest. Because you fear us.
I don't. 😄 I can see for my own eyes you letting your country get taken from you.
Because your people dying should be important to you, adn loom large in your mind and be something you want to respond to, when it comes up in discussion.
Not in my discussions with you it isn't. Are you really going to be this thirsty in public and beg me to take you seriously. 😄 That's embarrassing.
But, your reactions clearly show that it doesn't matter to you.
My reactions should make it clear your opinion doesn't matter to me. 😄
Your lack of concern about it, is relevant to your political positions and motives.
You're irrelevant.
There is nothing "servile" about caring about my fellow Americans dying. I still recall when that one girls mother called me, looking for her, because she was missing. I had to tell her she was not at work and that was all I knew about it. I'm not pretending to be traumatized by it or any such bullshit, but it was sad. And yes, the girl was dead, though we did not learn that until the body was found, days later.
Bend over more little bitch. 😄
That you think that caring about someone out side your race, a form of weakness though, does speak to my point about you hating all whites, and not just "wacist whites".
Racists pretending to care is a sign of weakness for sure. It's telling that projecting weakness is more preferable than your honest racism.
Nope. Just mentioned it in passing. You are the one acting like it means something.

You talk real tough online.

The truth has power. And seeing the hate you so clearly present, is a truth that many people, need to see. To show them that evil does exist and needs to be fought against.
What is knowing this "truth" going to do to prevent your replacement?
You didn't prove anything wrong. You cosplayers talk about your guns and how tough you are but you aren't going to do anything to stop your demographic replacement. You aren't going to do anything to stop us from taking your country from you. Kyle Rittenhouse didn't shoot anyone in the war against white replacement, that's not what that shooting was about. 😄

Nice moving the bar. You lost this point and you can't admit it. That is you being weak.

I don't. 😄 I can see for my own eyes you letting your country get taken from you.

Not in my discussions with you it isn't. Are you really going to be this thirsty in public and beg me to take you seriously. 😄 That's embarrassing.

My reactions should make it clear your opinion doesn't matter to me. 😄

I never asked for my opinion to matter. My point was about the lives of yoru supposedly fellow blacks. That you keep pretending to not get that, is, again, cowardice on your part.

You're irrelevant.

Bend over more little bitch. 😄

Racists pretending to care is a sign of weakness for sure. It's telling that projecting weakness is more preferable than your honest racism.

Caring about your fellow man, is not weakness. That you think it is, is you showing the kind of person you are.

What is knowing this "truth" going to do to prevent your replacement?

Moment you lose the white libs, or even disgust enough of your supposedly fellow minorities, shit can turn on you fast. Which is why you are so afraid.
You mean terms like groomer and pedo and commie and socialist and marxist and nazi?

Like that?

Yes. Such terms, such people are real, but we should be careful about it.

Hey, you have people talking about how public education is socialism, they are clearly socialists pushing socialism. Calling that person a socialist, is completely called for.
Nice moving the bar. You lost this point and you can't admit it. That is you being weak.
My point was always about you little cuck boys having no real answer to your demographic replacement. 😄 You're the one who randomly brought up the Rittenhouse shooting.
I never asked for my opinion to matter. My point was about the lives of yoru supposedly fellow blacks. That you keep pretending to not get that, is, again, cowardice on your part.
I don't care about your point. 😄 I think you're full of shit. You're obviously desperate for me to take you seriously though.
Caring about your fellow man, is not weakness. That you think it is, is you showing the kind of person you are.

It's exactly that messaging that is conquering you cuck whites and here you are a leading by example how easy it is to push your population around. The message that caring about different people being strength is just like the message that diversity is strength and its one that will conquer all you cuck whites who hate gays and minorities and seek to minimize their voices. You yourself can't help but push the propaganda that their voices should be heard. We've done so well with our propaganda that you have to pretend to want their voices heard even as you desperately want to minimize them. In essence we've moved you on to battle ground where you're fighting yourselves. 😄
Moment you lose the white libs, or even disgust enough of your supposedly fellow minorities, shit can turn on you fast. Which is why you are so afraid.
I'm not losing white libs, you're losing white people in that your party is old and dying and you're not making enough pure whites to keep up. 😄
I totally agree with this.....those on the left who demonize all Republicans and conservatives with the MAGA crowd are making a mistake..and alienating those whose support is crucial in getting rid of the MAGA/Trump/Q crowd.

More and more, liberals are attempting to cast all conservatives as enemies of democracy while simultaneously casting all of their political policies as pro-democracy. The consequences of this could be disastrous.
The most blatant example occurred during Joe Biden’s prime-time “Soul of America” speech earlier this month—a speech advertised as addressing conspiracy theories, political violence, and attempts to overthrow democracy.
In this context, Biden talked about how “MAGA forces are determined to take this country backwards,” before hastening to add, “Backwards to an America where there is no right to choose…” In one fell swoop, Biden conflated “MAGA Republicans” who deny elections and participate in insurrections with Reagan Republicans who care about the right to life of unborn babies. There is no comparison.
But it’s not just social issues that get you written out of polite society. Fiscal conservatives are also suspect. In a tweet sent on Friday, Biden wrote that “Republicans have pushed an ultra-MAGA agenda to: Threaten Social Security and Medicare…Raise taxes on working families [and] Give big corporations and billionaires tax breaks.” Axios’s Josh Kraushaar called this “Defining down ‘ultra MAGA’ and noted that “Under this standard, Liz Cheney would qualify.”

And Biden isn’t the only one guilty of this. This past week, New York magazine’s Jonathan Chait took to Twitter to remind us that during the Tea Party era, then-Rep. Ron Desantis wrote a book that Chait sees as a Rosetta Stone for decoding conservatism’s illiberal tendencies. After reading the book, Chait surmises that: “The Constitution’s role, as DeSantis sees it, is to prevent popular majorities from enacting the economic policies they want.”

Conservatives have long worried that “A democracy can only exist until the voters discover that they can vote themselves largess from the public treasury”—a line sometimes apocryphally attributed to Alexis de Tocqueville. This is very similar to what DeSantis was saying. Indeed, most of the lines that trouble Chait are standard boilerplate conservative rhetoric.

This attitude is counterproductive on multiple levels. First, of course, it’s terrible (morally and politically) to dismiss approximately half the country.
Second, instead of rising to the occasion and giving America at least one responsible, normal, or decent party, Democrats are taking political advantage of what could be considered a perilous moment.
Rather than acknowledging that reasonable people can have honest disagreements about public policy questions such as abortion (which you should ostensibly do in a democracy), Democrats are attempting to baptize and sanctify their political preferences in the holy waters of American democracy, which is (to extend the religious metaphor) unseemly and sacrilegious.
Third, this practice will likely lead to more, not less, MAGA extremists (an outcome which ought not to shock members of a party that has spent tens of millions of dollars helping to boost MAGA candidates in Republican primaries).
People who feel threatened are more likely to retreat to their tribe for protection. By creating a scenario where even “normal” non-Trump Republicans feel victimized and shamed, liberals risk making the radicalization of conservatism a self-fulfilling prophecy

I’m not sure they even see that as a problem.
I am a liberal; and I support all conservatives against MAGA mother-fuckers!
Progressives weaponized MAGA.
This is a lie.

‘MAGA’ has always been about fear, misinformation, and lies; about racism, bigotry, and hate; about dividing the American people.

‘MAGA’ has always been about white grievance politics and racist replacement theory.

America was great when President Obama left office – the notion that America had to be made ‘great again’ was a lie.
And which side is using those terms??

Those ones? Mine. Yours? lol. EVERYTHING else, every ist or phobe term has been weaponized, if not MASS WEAPON OF DESTRUCTION-IZED by your side.

Let me ask you, it's been two posts in a row, and you didn't call me wacist. Let me ask you, how badly does it hurt, holding that in?

My point was always about you little cuck boys having no real answer to your demographic replacement. 😄 You're the one who randomly brought up the Rittenhouse shooting.

No, you made a clear point about us not being dangerous, despite our weapons. And I addressed it and now you are moving the bar.

I don't care about your point. 😄 I think you're full of shit. You're obviously desperate for me to take you seriously though.

No, I'm not. It is interesting that you openly boast about not caring about discussion points, on a discussion forum.


It's exactly that messaging that is conquering you cuck whites and here you are a leading by example how easy it is to push your population around. The message that caring about different people being strength is just like the message that diversity is strength and its one that will conquer all you cuck whites who hate gays and minorities and seek to minimize their voices. You yourself can't help but push the propaganda that their voices should be heard. We've done so well with our propaganda that you have to pretend to want their voices heard even as you desperately want to minimize them. In essence we've moved you on to battle ground where you're fighting yourselves. 😄

Err, having some concerns about my fellow citiznes, is part of being a human being, not a result of your lefty propaganda.

That you think it is, once again, shows what a soulless hate monster you are.

I'm not losing white libs, you're losing white people in that your party is old and dying and you're not making enough pure whites to keep up. 😄

Yet, you are still holding to your silly and transparent lie.
To be an actual conservative these days is to belong to a very tiny minority – if one exists at all.

The Free Traders haver lost the debate and have not been able to come up with a new paradigm.

The Paleoconservatives, don't have a strong voice.

Trump's movement could easily morph into a nice paleoconservitive movement, once he is retired.
No, you made a clear point about us not being dangerous, despite our weapons. And I addressed it and now you are moving the bar.
You're not dangerous. You're little cucks. You aren't Rittenhouse and both him and you are going to do nothing that will prevent your displacement. 😄
No, I'm not. It is interesting that you openly boast about not caring about discussion points, on a discussion forum.
I don't care about discussing feelings on a debate board. You keep wanting to discuss how you pretend to feel about black people or how you think I feel about black people and neither one of those is an interesting topic to me. You're feelings, especially your feelings about my feelings are don't mean shit because you can make up any feeling you want and dismiss anything you want. I rather discuss facts. It's a fact you're being demographically replaced. It doesn't matter how either one of us feels about that, it's actually happening. Do you have a plan to combat it? A real one?
Err, having some concerns about my fellow citiznes, is part of being a human being, not a result of your lefty propaganda.
Then you should listen to black and minority voices rather than trying to speak for them.
That you think it is, once again, shows what a soulless hate monster you are.
My hate for white racists like yourself is not something decent society is going to care about.
Yet, you are still holding to your silly and transparent lie.
And you're still avoiding unfortunate truths.

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