It’s Dumb and Dangerous for Liberals to Conflate All Conservatives With MAGA

You’re contradicting yourself. You just said it started as a campaign slogan and then turned into a cult.

You’re talking about the behavior of Trump and his supporters, not the idea or vision behind MAGA.

MAGA was about bringing America back to the forefront of manufacturing, technological and industrial innovation and military primacy, among other things.

The idea never included making minorities second class citizens again or taking away civil rights or keeping women barefoot and pregnant, as was erroneously illustrated in an Occupy Democrats video that came out at the time.

Whatever you may think of their current behavior, Democrats have had MAGA wrong from the very beginning.
RWer is a scumbag.
You mean terms like groomer and pedo and commie and socialist and marxist and nazi?

Like that?
Are they fact's or fiction
You’re contradicting yourself. You just said it started as a campaign slogan and then turned into a cult.

You’re talking about the behavior of Trump and his supporters, not the idea or vision behind MAGA.

MAGA was about bringing America back to the forefront of manufacturing, technological and industrial innovation and military primacy, among other things.

The idea never included making minorities second class citizens again or taking away civil rights or keeping women barefoot and pregnant, as was erroneously illustrated in an Occupy Democrats video that came out at the time.

Whatever you may think of their current behavior, Democrats have had MAGA wrong from the very beginning.
Yep, so what were they protecting ?? Everything was smoke screens and deflections, but what was the real meat and potatoes on the plate that was being covered up by the napkin's being thrown over it ?
Are they fact's or fiction

Yep, so what were they protecting ?? Everything was smoke screens and deflections, but what was the real meat and potatoes on the plate that was being covered up by the napkin's being thrown over it ?
I don’t know what was being covered up or ignored, I just know that the criticism of MAGA took a predictable bent: RACISM!!!

The word has lost all meaning and the crusade against racism has become a parody and caricature of itself.
Ok, so what am I all great and knowing one ? Tell me what I am if not a conservative voting citizen that will never vote for a Democrat, and will never support Democrat policies.
A republican.

Fiscal conservatism is the economic philosophy of prudence in government spending and debt.

THAT has been in every republican candidate's platform, campaign and talking points, since Reagan.
Reducing or eliminating the US deficit and debt.
Not one, has followed through.
Instead, most republicans have increased both.

There is no single set of policies regarded as conservative because the meaning of conservatism depends on what is considered traditional in a given place and time. Conservative thought has varied considerably as it has adapted itself to existing traditions and national cultures.
For example, some conservatives advocate for greater economic intervention, while others advocate for a more laissez faire free-market economic system.
You are mistakem. If they suport stolen election fantasies, they are MAGA. Those fantasies are one of the main defining charactoristics of a MAGA.
Did you forget how the Democrats kept telling us that Trump stole the election and he was a Russian spy? It's amazing how they keep insulting the intelligence of every day Americans. Plus they think people can't remember the four years of wall to wall coverage of the collusion hoax.
It has everything to do with the fact that MAGA means Employ US Citizens, which you are against because you're a selfish scumbag.
The Bring Jobs Home Act (S. 2569) is a bill that would amend the Internal Revenue Code to grant business taxpayers a tax credit for up to 20% of insourcing expenses incurred for eliminating a business located outside the United States and relocating it within the United States, and deny a tax deduction for outsourcing expenses incurred in relocating a U.S. business outside the United States.

Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) accused the Democrats of only being interested in politics and not in actually encouraging companies to stay in the United States.
McConnell pointed to reducing corporate tax rates as a step that would keep businesses in the United States.

According to McConnell, the bill is "designed for campaign rhetoric and failure - not to create jobs here in the U.S.

Under current law, companies can deduct the cost of moving people and equipment overseas from their taxes. S. 3364 would have eliminated that deduction, and created a new 20 percent tax credit for all costs associated with moving overseas jobs back to America.

President Xi of China, and I, are working together to give massive Chinese phone company, ZTE, a way to get back into business, fast. Too many jobs in China lost. Commerce Department has been instructed to get it done!

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump)May 13, 2018

Too many jobs in China LOST?
A republican.

Fiscal conservatism is the economic philosophy of prudence in government spending and debt.

THAT has been in every republican candidate's platform, campaign and talking points, since Reagan.
Reducing or eliminating the US deficit and debt.
Not one, has followed through.
Instead, most republicans have increased both.

There is no single set of policies regarded as conservative because the meaning of conservatism depends on what is considered traditional in a given place and time. Conservative thought has varied considerably as it has adapted itself to existing traditions and national cultures.
For example, some conservatives advocate for greater economic intervention, while others advocate for a more laissez faire free-market economic system.
There are few liberals and conservatives anymore, only right and left. The left has turned on real liberals and the right has turned on conservatives.
Did you forget how the Democrats kept telling us that Trump stole the election and he was a Russian spy? It's amazing how they keep insulting the intelligence of every day Americans. Plus they think people can't remember the four years of wall to wall coverage of the collusion hoax.
I certainly don't remember an insurrectionist mob attacking congress in an attempt to overthrow an election. Did trump's detractors build a gallows and storm the capitol chanting "HANG MKE PENCE!!" ? What about all those fake electoral college electors they tried to use in a scam to steal the election? Nope. MAGAs are a whole different level than those disgusted with the trump presidency, and it's fair to point out MAGAs treasonous behavior.
I certainly don't remember an insurrectionist mob attacking congress in an attempt to overthrow an election. Did trump's detractors build a gallows and storm the capitol chanting "HANG MKE PENCE!!" ? What about all those fake electoral college electors they tried to use in a scam to steal the election? Nope. MAGAs are a whole different level than those disgusted with the trump presidency, and it's fair to point out MAGAs treasonous behavior.
In this thread, they're trying to equate the Dems' complaints in 2016 with what the GQP has done since 2020.

In another thread, they're trying to equate street riots with the Insurrection.

In another thread, they're trying to equate subpoenas with raids.

This is what their media pours into their heads 24/7/365, so it's the best they can come up with.
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I certainly don't remember an insurrectionist mob attacking congress in an attempt to overthrow an election. Did trump's detractors build a gallows and storm the capitol chanting "HANG MKE PENCE!!" ? What about all those fake electoral college electors they tried to use in a scam to steal the election? Nope. MAGAs are a whole different level than those disgusted with the trump presidency, and it's fair to point out MAGAs treasonous behavior.

Tucker had a woman on last night who was awakened by the FBI at her door. They were there on an "anonymous tip" that she was just THERE at the rally on J6.

Of course she wasn't, and they knew that. They're just acting as Biden's Henchmen. Just intimidation.

You okay with that? You love the idea that your Demented Basement Dummy is doing everything you imagined Trump would do?
In this thread, they're trying to equate the Dems' complaints in 2016 with what the GQP has done since 2020.

In another thread, they're trying to equate street riots with the Insurrection.

This is what their media pours into their heads 24/7/365, so it's the best they can come up with.

The street riots were worse, because more cops were injured and more businesses destroyed.

Now go suck your thumb about it Mac.
In this thread, they're trying to equate the Dems' complaints in 2016 with what the GQP has done since 2020.

In another thread, they're trying to equate street riots with the Insurrection.

In another thread, they're trying to equate subpoenas with raids.

This is what their media pours into their heads 24/7/365, so it's the best they can come up with.
Doesn't matter. They don't expect to convince anyone anyway. All they want to do is keep the MAGAs stirred up, and we all know how stupid and easily fooled they are.
Doesn't matter. They don't expect to convince anyone anyway. All they want to do is keep the MAGAs stirred up, and we all know how stupid and easily fooled they are.

Is it okay for the FBI to work on "anonymous tips" against Trump supporters?

Are you okay if the FBI/DOJ is weaponized as a political tool? This is not a hypothetical question. This is happening.
If this goes south, the blood will be on the hands of craven GQP politicians and MAGA media for so badly manipulating these people.

How does it feel to be insane? Serious question. Is it disturbing? Or kinda freeing?

Do you know something is off, or are you so far gone you are wholly unaware?
If this goes south, the blood will be on the hands of craven GQP politicians and MAGA media for so badly manipulating these people.

Note to Board Members:

The Poster Previous Known as Mac now thinks a weaponized FBI/DOJ is cool and peaceful, law-abiding citizens are to be blamed if "thing go south".

He might be CALLED Mac but I don't know what he is since Trump broke his brain. And his soul.
Tucker had a woman on last night who was awakened by the FBI at her door. They were there on an "anonymous tip" that she was just THERE at the rally on J6.

Of course she wasn't, and they knew that. They're just acting as Biden's Henchmen. Just intimidation.

You okay with that? You love the idea that your Demented Basement Dummy is doing everything you imagined Trump would do?
So tucker thinks the FBI is picking random people to harrass for no particular reason? That sounds about like most of the silly bullshit tucker usually spouts. If nothing else, tucker is consistently full of shit.
If this goes south, the blood will be on the hands of craven GQP politicians and MAGA media for so badly manipulating these people.
You could be right, but for now, the shit is all down the backs of their legs where they crapped themselved.
So tucker thinks the FBI is picking random people to harrass for no particular reason? That sounds about like most of the silly bullshit tucker usually spouts. If nothing else, tucker is consistently full of shit.

You all for it? This cool for you? Let us know. When we get power, maybe we'll weaponize the FBI to turn up with guns on the doorsteps of Biden voters. You like?


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