It’s Dumb and Dangerous for Liberals to Conflate All Conservatives With MAGA

Of course claims the election was stolen are irrelevant

Declaring victory with a small percentage of the vote accounted for is moronic

Hey Republicans, I got some advice for ya

It ain’t over till it’s over
Stop basing your election strategy on early returns

When is it over for you, fascist?

When we are all in your reeducation camps?
I totally agree with this.....those on the left who demonize all Republicans and conservatives with the MAGA crowd are making a mistake..and alienating those whose support is crucial in getting rid of the MAGA/Trump/Q crowd.

More and more, liberals are attempting to cast all conservatives as enemies of democracy while simultaneously casting all of their political policies as pro-democracy. The consequences of this could be disastrous.
The most blatant example occurred during Joe Biden’s prime-time “Soul of America” speech earlier this month—a speech advertised as addressing conspiracy theories, political violence, and attempts to overthrow democracy.
In this context, Biden talked about how “MAGA forces are determined to take this country backwards,” before hastening to add, “Backwards to an America where there is no right to choose…” In one fell swoop, Biden conflated “MAGA Republicans” who deny elections and participate in insurrections with Reagan Republicans who care about the right to life of unborn babies. There is no comparison.
But it’s not just social issues that get you written out of polite society. Fiscal conservatives are also suspect. In a tweet sent on Friday, Biden wrote that “Republicans have pushed an ultra-MAGA agenda to: Threaten Social Security and Medicare…Raise taxes on working families [and] Give big corporations and billionaires tax breaks.” Axios’s Josh Kraushaar called this “Defining down ‘ultra MAGA’ and noted that “Under this standard, Liz Cheney would qualify.”

And Biden isn’t the only one guilty of this. This past week, New York magazine’s Jonathan Chait took to Twitter to remind us that during the Tea Party era, then-Rep. Ron Desantis wrote a book that Chait sees as a Rosetta Stone for decoding conservatism’s illiberal tendencies. After reading the book, Chait surmises that: “The Constitution’s role, as DeSantis sees it, is to prevent popular majorities from enacting the economic policies they want.”

Conservatives have long worried that “A democracy can only exist until the voters discover that they can vote themselves largess from the public treasury”—a line sometimes apocryphally attributed to Alexis de Tocqueville. This is very similar to what DeSantis was saying. Indeed, most of the lines that trouble Chait are standard boilerplate conservative rhetoric.

This attitude is counterproductive on multiple levels. First, of course, it’s terrible (morally and politically) to dismiss approximately half the country.
Second, instead of rising to the occasion and giving America at least one responsible, normal, or decent party, Democrats are taking political advantage of what could be considered a perilous moment.
Rather than acknowledging that reasonable people can have honest disagreements about public policy questions such as abortion (which you should ostensibly do in a democracy), Democrats are attempting to baptize and sanctify their political preferences in the holy waters of American democracy, which is (to extend the religious metaphor) unseemly and sacrilegious.
Third, this practice will likely lead to more, not less, MAGA extremists (an outcome which ought not to shock members of a party that has spent tens of millions of dollars helping to boost MAGA candidates in Republican primaries).
People who feel threatened are more likely to retreat to their tribe for protection. By creating a scenario where even “normal” non-Trump Republicans feel victimized and shamed, liberals risk making the radicalization of conservatism a self-fulfilling prophecy

I’m not sure they even see that as a problem.
No, the dumb part is conflating MAGA with "bad". :cuckoo:
I would agree with you if non-MAGA Republicans did not support stolen election fantasies, did not protect Trump, did not look the other way

That makes them complicit
There are the MAGA/pro wrestling rubes, there are those craven politicians and media whores who are enabling the scam, and then there are the Republicans who are speaking up at the cost of being attacked and outcast.

Into what percentage of the party would you say that last group falls? 1%? 2%?

The enablers are worse and more destructive than the perpetrators.
There are the MAGA/pro wrestling rubes, there are those craven politicians and media whores who are enabling the scam, and then there are the Republicans who are speaking up at the cost of being attacked and outcast.

Into what percentage of the party would you say that last group falls? 1%? 2%?

The enablers are worse and more destructive than the perpetrators.

You're entitled to your idiotic opinion.

Just don't try to make it policy.

You'll get thoroughly roasted if you do.
THAT ^^^ is complete fucking bullshit.

MAGA is not and was not EVER about that.

You lying leftards are so completely full of shit, I wonder if you actually expect anyone to believe your lying bullshit anymore.

Fuck you, lying leftard asswipe. Your bullshit propaganda won't fly in this neck of the woods.

And we don't like snake oil salesmen either. We run them out of town. With their tails between their legs, mostly. Or in tar and feathers on a rail, that's possible too.
That Nazi Potatohead told these stupid uneducated Moon Bats to hate on anybody that supported Trump and like the morons they are they did exactly what the Fuehrer told them to do.
That Nazi Potatohead told these stupid uneducated Moon Bats to hate on anybody that supported Trump and like the morons they are they did exactly what the Fuehrer told them to do.

These dumbass leftards are BRAINWASHED.

Here's reality:

J6 was about ELECTION FRAUD.

A fraud which has never been investigated, and which all Democrats everywhere AND the Deep State are trying to PREVENT from being investigated, or even discussed.

There is no other reality. If you want to call J6 an insurrection, fine. You'll get MORE fucking insurrections, and BIGGER ones, if the doubt about election integrity persists.
There are the MAGA/pro wrestling rubes, there are those craven politicians and media whores who are enabling the scam, and then there are the Republicans who are speaking up at the cost of being attacked and outcast.

Into what percentage of the party would you say that last group falls? 1%? 2%?

The enablers are worse and more destructive than the perpetrators.
Progressives weaponized MAGA. All it was, was a campaign slogan. Obama had Hope and Change. All of this was about the United States being a free and sovereign nation as opposed to what we are morphing into which a globalist government. Biden wants to bring manufacturing back by words but makes better trade deals with China the benefactor. He is a congenital liar. Newsom wants all electric vehicles in a dozen years in his state while California is reducing its energy grid. Brown outs and raising the temperature to 78 degrees in the richest state in the union. Thepeople are stupid there.

My kids love me, my wife loves me, my bosses love me, even my ex loves me. You're like the only person in the whole universe who doesn't love me.

lmao :p
If you act around those folks like you act on this forum...I highly doubt that
So you live in your own little MAGArat bubble.

OK then
See, this is where you arrogant condescending snobby elitist leftards show the world exactly how stupid you are.

There is a WIDE political spectrum and dumbass leftards only occupy a TINY part of it.

It is not true IN THE LEAST that anyone who's not a leftard must be a MAGArat. That's just dumbass leftard rhetoric and it's getting more than tiresome.

I happen to be a libertarian. I have no use for celebrities like Trump. But I'll defend him to the teeth against Stalinism and fucked up little Stalinist pigs.
See, this is where you arrogant condescending snobby elitist leftards show the world exactly how stupid you are.

There is a WIDE political spectrum and dumbass leftards only occupy a TINY part of it.

It is not true IN THE LEAST that anyone who's not a leftard must be a MAGArat. That's just dumbass leftard rhetoric and it's getting more than tiresome.

I happen to be a libertarian. I have no use for celebrities like Trump. But I'll defend him to the teeth against Stalinism and fucked up little Stalinist pigs.
No use but you’ll defend him to the death

Funny little turd you are

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