It's Getting More And More Difficult


Diamond Member
Jul 15, 2016

It's getting more and more difficult for conservatives' denial to keep up with the overwhelming number of articles reporting the rapidly growing number of acts of corruption by the idiot trump and his swamp rats.

During the few days Giuliani has been a part of the idiot trump's legal team, he has repeatedly put his foot in the idiot trump's mouth.

Michael Cohen's problems are making the idiot trump's problems snowball.

The idiot trump's violating of the Iran nuclear agreement has drawn only criticism from U.S. allies, and will cost many Boeing workers their jobs. (Not to mention Boeing's profits.) The total fallout (no pun intended) is yet to be realized from this major flub by the idiot trump.

And the Mueller probe continues with little hope the idiot trump can come away unscathed.

The list is long of the corruption in the idiot trump's administration, which has already come to light, and that list has only begun.

Including links to such articles has become unnecessary, as they dominate headlines in all but those websites and noise outlets designed fuel conservatives' denial.

Reliable sources are also having difficulty keeping abreast with the rapidly growing evidence of scandals and corruption.

This OP can only lead to more conservative denial, as they have little else open to them other than shouting, “FAKE NEWS” and stammering, “but, but, but Hillary.”

It is all fake....

It is the deep state and big bankers attempting to steal our country out from under us for globalism! They're making up a whole bunch of fake shit in order to fool you.
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Cohen is looking like a bigger and bigger slime ball by the moment. Rudy can be an asset one day and a train wreck the next. Trump is pissing people off all over the planet. The revolving door at the White House should probably be oiled frequently before someone really gets hurt. It's a circus. It's probably best not to look directly at it.

Does most of the country give two shits about most of that? Nope. Despite what partisans and pundits and politicos want to think, most folks really don't.

Economic numbers look good and they appear to be improving. People are working. Wages are increasing. The crazy fat kid in North Korea is, at least for now, being a good boy. The situation in and with Iran is simply impossible to call right now.

The November polls are tightening, and all the attacks and insults coming from the "news" networks and late night teevee shows appear not to be having their desired effect.

Neither party should be doing a happy dance yet. But the Democrats still quite haven't quite figured out that being repulsive isn't necessarily a winning strategy.
It is all fake....

It is the deep state and the jews(big bankers) attempting to steal our country out from under us for globalism! They're making up a whole bunch of fake shit in order to fool you.

More POTUS apologist denialism.
It is all fake....

It is the deep state and the jews(big bankers) attempting to steal our country out from under us for globalism! They're making up a whole bunch of fake shit in order to fool you.

It is all fake....

It is the deep state and the jews(big bankers) attempting to steal our country out from under us for globalism! They're making up a whole bunch of fake shit in order to fool you.

The Jews?
John McCain is perhaps one of the best representatives for the Left.....

John McCain -
The “disturbing” nature of the allegations against Trump prompted his action, McCain writes.

QUOTE - John McCain
“I had no idea which if any were true,” the senator writes. “I could not independently verify any of it, and so I did what any American who cares about our nation’s security should have done.”

So not only is he a staunch Leftist calling himself a Republican (lies), he makes a commitment to smear the name of a man for whom he has no clue and no evidence if he did anything wrong at all.

THIS is how the Left rolls.

Bunch of complete, asinine imbeciles.
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Anti-Trump douchebags seem particularly protective of ZOG... Is The Swamp actually ZOG?
It is all fake....

It is the deep state and the jews(big bankers) attempting to steal our country out from under us for globalism! They're making up a whole bunch of fake shit in order to fool you.

The Jews?

Maybe I want to far on that but the reality still stands that the globalist want to destroy Trump for standing up for America.
Or, it could be that lots of folks believe the results of Trump's policies and positions predict bad things and problems for the future. You know, it is not very hard to predict that lowering air and water pollution standards will allow industry to make immediate profits from lowering regulations, but cause long lasting problems a few years down the road. So, a company will save money by being able to pour pollution into the air and water, but someone is going to have to pay for increased medical cost when the health effects come to bare. Unfortunately, it will be the most vulnerable, young children and seniors who pay the highest price. They will be permanently disabled or die, costing society huge sums of money as they do.
Or, it could be that lots of folks believe the results of Trump's policies and positions predict bad things and problems for the future. You know, it is not very hard to predict that lowering air and water pollution standards will allow industry to make immediate profits from lowering regulations, but cause long lasting problems a few years down the road. So, a company will save money by being able to pour pollution into the air and water, but someone is going to have to pay for increased medical cost when the health effects come to bare. Unfortunately, it will be the most vulnerable, young children and seniors who pay the highest price. They will be permanently disabled or die, costing society huge sums of money as they do.

You make it sound as if the USA is the world's greatest polluter. News Flash....NOT TRUE.

Ever heard of the phrase "Regulation Nation" ?


Because of it, China has been able to economically catch up to the USA and is on a fast track to catch up militarily. What do you propose to do about the Billions of pollutants and millions of metric tons of toxic waste China (and India) are dumping into the Earth daily? The USA is already in Regulatory propose the Death Sentence? There MUST BE SOME ROOM for economic growth.

You should be spending your energy trying to convince China & India to do more.
That's where the REAL threat is coming from.

It's getting more and more difficult for conservatives' denial to keep up with the overwhelming number of articles reporting the rapidly growing number of acts of corruption by the idiot trump and his swamp rats.

During the few days Giuliani has been a part of the idiot trump's legal team, he has repeatedly put his foot in the idiot trump's mouth.

Michael Cohen's problems are making the idiot trump's problems snowball.

The idiot trump's violating of the Iran nuclear agreement has drawn only criticism from U.S. allies, and will cost many Boeing workers their jobs. (Not to mention Boeing's profits.) The total fallout (no pun intended) is yet to be realized from this major flub by the idiot trump.

And the Mueller probe continues with little hope the idiot trump can come away unscathed.

The list is long of the corruption in the idiot trump's administration, which has already come to light, and that list has only begun.

Including links to such articles has become unnecessary, as they dominate headlines in all but those websites and noise outlets designed fuel conservatives' denial.

Reliable sources are also having difficulty keeping abreast with the rapidly growing evidence of scandals and corruption.

This OP can only lead to more conservative denial, as they have little else open to them other than shouting, “FAKE NEWS” and stammering, “but, but, but Hillary.”

/----/ They are all fake news. Nothing burgers. Libtards in the MSM crank them out non stop to try and drive Trumps approvals down. The reports just repeat whatever the Anti Trumpers tell them. But it's not working.
Ben Rhodes from Obama’s national security apparatus made the comment that your average journalist today is 27. They don’t know anything; they believe everything we tell ’em. It was a snap. It was right out of the page of Jonathan Gruber, who was the architect of Obamacare, who after it was signed into law, ran around the country bragging about how easy it was to lie to the American people about it because the American people are essentially ignoramuses.
Or, it could be that lots of folks believe the results of Trump's policies and positions predict bad things and problems for the future. You know, it is not very hard to predict that lowering air and water pollution standards will allow industry to make immediate profits from lowering regulations, but cause long lasting problems a few years down the road. So, a company will save money by being able to pour pollution into the air and water, but someone is going to have to pay for increased medical cost when the health effects come to bare. Unfortunately, it will be the most vulnerable, young children and seniors who pay the highest price. They will be permanently disabled or die, costing society huge sums of money as they do.

You make it sound as if the USA is the world's greatest polluter. News Flash....NOT TRUE.

Ever heard of the phrase "Regulation Nation" ?


Because of it, China has been able to economically catch up to the USA and is on a fast track to catch up militarily. What do you propose to do about the Billions of pollutants and millions of metric tons of toxic waste China (and India) are dumping into the Earth daily? The USA is already in Regulatory propose the Death Sentence? There MUST BE SOME ROOM for economic growth.

You should be spending your energy trying to convince China & India to do more.
That's where the REAL threat is coming from.
You will have to convince folks that the coal fired electric facility a few miles down wind of where they live or the chemical plants a few miles upstream from where they get their drinking water does not pose a threat. Blaming India and China for worldwide problems will not work when the immediate and obvious dangers are right in front of them.

A ...BUT WHAT ABOUT... deflection and excuse will not work when parents see their kids or kids see their parents suffering due to corporate profits.

It's getting more and more difficult for conservatives' denial to keep up with the overwhelming number of articles reporting the rapidly growing number of acts of corruption by the idiot trump and his swamp rats.

During the few days Giuliani has been a part of the idiot trump's legal team, he has repeatedly put his foot in the idiot trump's mouth.

Michael Cohen's problems are making the idiot trump's problems snowball.

The idiot trump's violating of the Iran nuclear agreement has drawn only criticism from U.S. allies, and will cost many Boeing workers their jobs. (Not to mention Boeing's profits.) The total fallout (no pun intended) is yet to be realized from this major flub by the idiot trump.

And the Mueller probe continues with little hope the idiot trump can come away unscathed.

The list is long of the corruption in the idiot trump's administration, which has already come to light, and that list has only begun.

Including links to such articles has become unnecessary, as they dominate headlines in all but those websites and noise outlets designed fuel conservatives' denial.

Reliable sources are also having difficulty keeping abreast with the rapidly growing evidence of scandals and corruption.

This OP can only lead to more conservative denial, as they have little else open to them other than shouting, “FAKE NEWS” and stammering, “but, but, but Hillary.”


Written like a true Fake News Liberal ....


It's getting more and more difficult for conservatives' denial to keep up with the overwhelming number of articles reporting the rapidly growing number of acts of corruption by the idiot trump and his swamp rats.

During the few days Giuliani has been a part of the idiot trump's legal team, he has repeatedly put his foot in the idiot trump's mouth.

Michael Cohen's problems are making the idiot trump's problems snowball.

The idiot trump's violating of the Iran nuclear agreement has drawn only criticism from U.S. allies, and will cost many Boeing workers their jobs. (Not to mention Boeing's profits.) The total fallout (no pun intended) is yet to be realized from this major flub by the idiot trump.

And the Mueller probe continues with little hope the idiot trump can come away unscathed.

The list is long of the corruption in the idiot trump's administration, which has already come to light, and that list has only begun.

Including links to such articles has become unnecessary, as they dominate headlines in all but those websites and noise outlets designed fuel conservatives' denial.

Reliable sources are also having difficulty keeping abreast with the rapidly growing evidence of scandals and corruption.

This OP can only lead to more conservative denial, as they have little else open to them other than shouting, “FAKE NEWS” and stammering, “but, but, but Hillary.”


Dan Curran, a spokesman for Boeing, told us in a statement that the company expects the effect on jobs from the policy reversal to be “minimal,” if there’s any at all:
Cohen is looking like a bigger and bigger slime ball by the moment. Rudy can be an asset one day and a train wreck the next. Trump is pissing people off all over the planet. The revolving door at the White House should probably be oiled frequently before someone really gets hurt. It's a circus. It's probably best not to look directly at it.

Does most of the country give two shits about most of that? Nope. Despite what partisans and pundits and politicos want to think, most folks really don't.

Economic numbers look good and they appear to be improving. People are working. Wages are increasing. The crazy fat kid in North Korea is, at least for now, being a good boy. The situation in and with Iran is simply impossible to call right now.

The November polls are tightening, and all the attacks and insults coming from the "news" networks and late night teevee shows appear not to be having their desired effect.

Neither party should be doing a happy dance yet. But the Democrats still quite haven't quite figured out that being repulsive isn't necessarily a winning strategy.
Cohen is the slime ball Trump used to get him out of trouble

Why should anyone be surpised if his slime ball activities extended beyond Trump

Mueller will have a field day with this guy

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