It's Getting More And More Difficult

Cohen is looking like a bigger and bigger slime ball by the moment. Rudy can be an asset one day and a train wreck the next. Trump is pissing people off all over the planet. The revolving door at the White House should probably be oiled frequently before someone really gets hurt. It's a circus. It's probably best not to look directly at it.

Does most of the country give two shits about most of that? Nope. Despite what partisans and pundits and politicos want to think, most folks really don't.

Economic numbers look good and they appear to be improving. People are working. Wages are increasing. The crazy fat kid in North Korea is, at least for now, being a good boy. The situation in and with Iran is simply impossible to call right now.

The November polls are tightening, and all the attacks and insults coming from the "news" networks and late night teevee shows appear not to be having their desired effect.

Neither party should be doing a happy dance yet. But the Democrats still quite haven't quite figured out that being repulsive isn't necessarily a winning strategy.

I don't see this huge wave happening for the dems. Thye'll make gains in the house but may actually lose 3-6 seats in the senate. R's are just as worthless, however. Trumps numbers are continuing to rise as unemployment goes lower. The economy ultimately decides mid terms and presidencies.
The prices of everything is rising, except wages. The few bucks the median income is taking home is being eaten up.
It is all fake....

It is the deep state and the jews(big bankers) attempting to steal our country out from under us for globalism! They're making up a whole bunch of fake shit in order to fool you.

The Jews?

Maybe I want to far on that but the reality still stands that the globalist want to destroy Trump for standing up for America.

But he's not standing up for "America", he's standing up for "rich America"
Cohen is looking like a bigger and bigger slime ball by the moment. Rudy can be an asset one day and a train wreck the next. Trump is pissing people off all over the planet. The revolving door at the White House should probably be oiled frequently before someone really gets hurt. It's a circus. It's probably best not to look directly at it.

Does most of the country give two shits about most of that? Nope. Despite what partisans and pundits and politicos want to think, most folks really don't.

Economic numbers look good and they appear to be improving. People are working. Wages are increasing. The crazy fat kid in North Korea is, at least for now, being a good boy. The situation in and with Iran is simply impossible to call right now.

The November polls are tightening, and all the attacks and insults coming from the "news" networks and late night teevee shows appear not to be having their desired effect.

Neither party should be doing a happy dance yet. But the Democrats still quite haven't quite figured out that being repulsive isn't necessarily a winning strategy.

I don't see this huge wave happening for the dems. Thye'll make gains in the house but may actually lose 3-6 seats in the senate. R's are just as worthless, however. Trumps numbers are continuing to rise as unemployment goes lower. The economy ultimately decides mid terms and presidencies.
Yeah, it's getting interesting. I'm still thinking the Dems take the House, but I'm definitely less sure.
Cohen is looking like a bigger and bigger slime ball by the moment. Rudy can be an asset one day and a train wreck the next. Trump is pissing people off all over the planet. The revolving door at the White House should probably be oiled frequently before someone really gets hurt. It's a circus. It's probably best not to look directly at it.

Does most of the country give two shits about most of that? Nope. Despite what partisans and pundits and politicos want to think, most folks really don't.

Economic numbers look good and they appear to be improving. People are working. Wages are increasing. The crazy fat kid in North Korea is, at least for now, being a good boy. The situation in and with Iran is simply impossible to call right now.

The November polls are tightening, and all the attacks and insults coming from the "news" networks and late night teevee shows appear not to be having their desired effect.

Neither party should be doing a happy dance yet. But the Democrats still quite haven't quite figured out that being repulsive isn't necessarily a winning strategy.

I don't see this huge wave happening for the dems. Thye'll make gains in the house but may actually lose 3-6 seats in the senate. R's are just as worthless, however. Trumps numbers are continuing to rise as unemployment goes lower. The economy ultimately decides mid terms and presidencies.
Yeah, it's getting interesting. I'm still thinking the Dems take the House, but I'm definitely less sure.

Generic polls have Democrats dropping like a rock, the great blue wave has turned into a ripple on a pond and the Tuesday election showed Democrats weren't much interested in voting for Democrat consistent failure and zero legislative success.

The 24/7 hate Trump .. it just isn't working out and it's just annoying.

CNN poll: Democrats' 2018 advantage is nearly gone - CNNPolitics
Cohen is looking like a bigger and bigger slime ball by the moment. Rudy can be an asset one day and a train wreck the next. Trump is pissing people off all over the planet. The revolving door at the White House should probably be oiled frequently before someone really gets hurt. It's a circus. It's probably best not to look directly at it.

Does most of the country give two shits about most of that? Nope. Despite what partisans and pundits and politicos want to think, most folks really don't.

Economic numbers look good and they appear to be improving. People are working. Wages are increasing. The crazy fat kid in North Korea is, at least for now, being a good boy. The situation in and with Iran is simply impossible to call right now.

The November polls are tightening, and all the attacks and insults coming from the "news" networks and late night teevee shows appear not to be having their desired effect.

Neither party should be doing a happy dance yet. But the Democrats still quite haven't quite figured out that being repulsive isn't necessarily a winning strategy.

I don't see this huge wave happening for the dems. Thye'll make gains in the house but may actually lose 3-6 seats in the senate. R's are just as worthless, however. Trumps numbers are continuing to rise as unemployment goes lower. The economy ultimately decides mid terms and presidencies.
Yeah, it's getting interesting. I'm still thinking the Dems take the House, but I'm definitely less sure.

I don't think they ever had it. There never was this massive blue wave. Sure, flip 10, 15seats, that happens to both parties when the other isn't in power.

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