It's going to get really ugly ..

thats ok, let her win, she wont be able to do anything for the next four years, she will be spending too much time testifying in front of congress every Tuesday through Sunday for the crimes she committed on that Monday.

With any luck.

The more infighting in the government, the less they can fuck around with our lives. The administration of either candidate is unlikely to get anything done.
thats ok, let her win, she wont be able to do anything for the next four years, she will be spending too much time testifying in front of congress every Tuesday through Sunday for the crimes she committed on that Monday.

With any luck.

The more infighting in the government, the less they can fuck around with our lives. The administration of either candidate is unlikely to get anything done.
I think that Trump would be better at the give and take game when it came to what each side wants. I suspect that in the first four years he will go along with some democrat ideas in order to get something of his passed. I also suspect that he would end up pissing off a good deal of the people that voted for him when he does it.
Hillary on the other hand is a my way or nothing, She will not negotiate with the republicans at all. She will end up shutting down the government just to get her way, just like obama and the democrats have done over the funding of obamacare. (which by the way is failing just like the republicans said it would)
Southern Connecticut here, I have seen Trump bumper stickers and signs, and some old Bernie bumper stickers on some Prius vehicles. No Crooked Hillary support of note and this is from a state that is normally controlled by democrat douchebags.

This is actually quite common. For whatever reason, Republicans are more fanatical about campaign signs.

I live in a blue state, and there were more campaign signs for Mccain and Romney when they ran. Mccain lost in a landslide and Mccain did not win in a landslide in 2012 unlike all of his followers predicted.

I believe it has to do with a signifigant crowd mentality that defines the conservative psyche, and that would be my best explanation for this phenomenon.
Don't eva doubt me...
I have the full support of the Russians behind me.

I will destroy this Nasty woman....
Believe me!!!!!

I Donald J Trump will bring this country together...
And I will win this election by numbers never before seen....

and if that doesn't happen the election was stolen....

Trump happy bigly.jpg
Does anyone else find it interesting that the liberals automatically assume that hispanics and blacks are going to vote for hillary?
Does anyone else find it interesting that the blacks and latinos can see that being put into a group and expected to act or vote a certain way based on their race is in fact racist ?

The assumption has merit from a demographic POV. The Latino and Black communities are often segregated and have some degree of cultural affinity.

Whether people deserve to be put in groups like that is another story. Personally I believe it is helpful for analysis.
what is the difference between between putting them in groups for voting purposes or for any other purpose, its equally helpful to put people into groups according to the type of crime their group will most likely commit.
When this fucking thing is over I want someone to splain just what the fuck bigly means..
No let me rephrase this....Someone better splain that to me.

Trump walking dead bigly.jpg
Lots of Hillary signs in affluent burbs and city, lots of Trump signs in more rural areas of PA. Tells you something, but I remember years ago seeing lots of Ron Paul signs in a variety of areas. Appeal is based on certain characteristics - who you hate what you dream. I have not seen a single libertarian sign this time.

PS I have seen a few Trump signs on foreign cars, that makes me laugh as does it say make Japan and Korea great, the pretensious fancy German car people would never put paper on their image. LOL
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PS I have seen a few Trump signs on foreign cars, that makes me laugh as does it say make Japan and Korea great. LOL

I think it is saying someone is dealing intelligently with the economic environment created by the corrupt US government that made bad trade deals and was fucked over by "American" unions.
I think that Trump would be better at the give and take game when it came to what each side wants.

I highly doubt it. The guy is so toxic that everyone close to him or his campaign has insulted him at one point or another. His own campaign manager called him a ridiculous man baby and a loser. He wages war on anyone that does not say nice things about him, and he is bound to start flailing the moment someone slants him even slightly.

He doesn't have any real plans either , and that was abundantly clear with his "gettysburg address" which looked like he was just reciting a list that his campaign wrote for him.

I would want him to win purely for the comedic value of watching the government collapse from within.

I suspect that in the first four years he will go along with some democrat ideas in order to get something of his passed

I also suspect that he would end up pissing off a good deal of the people that voted for him when he does it.

Donald Trump is a populist. His entire political personality stems from whatever emotional rhetoric his supporter base would eat up.

Many of his supporters have opted to stop questioning altogether. For example, his proposed tariffs. In lue of the usual arguments they would be in all respects a massive tax that offloads costs to consumers, his supporters became fanatic over his anti-trade rhetoric, that would result in immediate job loss and shutting down companies.
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what is the difference between between putting them in groups for voting purposes or for any other purpose, its equally helpful to put people into groups according to the type of crime their group will most likely commit.

Yeah, so?

Is that supposed to be bad?

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