It's going to get really ugly ..

Isn't it racist to assume that they are all going to vote Democrat just because of their ethnic background?
Yeah, so you guys keep saying...and yet....the polls show otherwise ;)
Provided they are legal citizens then I welcome their vote, regardless of selection. They as with all of us will receive our just reward.
As for the prior comment I thought the Hag was already the crook in chief and we were just going through the motion.
Does anyone else find it interesting that the liberals automatically assume that hispanics and blacks are going to vote for hillary?
Does anyone else find it interesting that the blacks and latinos can see that being put into a group and expected to act or vote a certain way based on their race is in fact racist ?

And those assumptions kinda prove demorats are racists. The minorities will vote demorat because they will be taken care of with food stamps etc. They can't conceive of a minority being able to make it on his own.
I don't think that is the reason. I believe the democrats have minorities believing that whitey is out to get them at every turn. The white man is so racist that if you vote republican slavery will come back. It's an absolute joke, white people dont care about your race 95% of the time. I say 95% because yeah racism still exists. But I'll tell you this, the left is the new KKK. You can take that to the bank. There is a lot of hatred there and the hatred is towards whites. The hatred comes from a sick fantasy perception that the dems have created over the last 3 decades. It's sad.

"the left is the new KKK." .. KKK, slavery, oppression and Jim Crow laws >>>> all Democratic Party


Fact: The 14th Amendment, giving full citizenship to freed slaves, passed in 1868 with 94% Republican support and 0% Democrat support in congress. The 15th Amendment, giving freed slaves the right to vote, passed in 1870 with 100% Republican support and 0% Democrat support in congress.

Regardless of what has happened since then, shouldn't we be grateful to the Republicans for these Amendments to the Constitution? And shouldn't we remember which party stood for freedom and which party fiercely opposed it?

Fact: The Ku Klux Klan was originally and primarily an arm of the Southern Democratic Party. Its mission was to terrorize freed slaves and "ni**er-loving" (their words) Republicans who sympathized with them.

Why is this fact conveniently omitted in so many popular histories and depictions of the KKK, including PBS documentaries? Had the KKK been founded by Republicans, that fact would no doubt be repeated constantly on those shows.

A Short History of Democrats, Republicans, and Racism
Thank you for your correction. Let me clarify though, if the original KKK went after African Americans the new KKK is down with violence and persecution of whites.
20 million early votes are in, and ready to go on the books .. FBI can sell those new emails to Donnie and he can wipe his ass with them.
You hang on to that thought if it makes you feel better.
Romney by a landslide Bripat...

Romney by a landslide

If anybody who told you that 4 years ago, and is telling you Trump will win....

Don't fall for it this time
Does anyone else find it interesting that the liberals automatically assume that hispanics and blacks are going to vote for hillary?
Does anyone else find it interesting that the blacks and latinos can see that being put into a group and expected to act or vote a certain way based on their race is in fact racist ?

And those assumptions kinda prove demorats are racists. The minorities will vote demorat because they will be taken care of with food stamps etc. They can't conceive of a minority being able to make it on his own.
I don't think that is the reason. I believe the democrats have minorities believing that whitey is out to get them at every turn. The white man is so racist that if you vote republican slavery will come back. It's an absolute joke, white people dont care about your race 95% of the time. I say 95% because yeah racism still exists. But I'll tell you this, the left is the new KKK. You can take that to the bank. There is a lot of hatred there and the hatred is towards whites. The hatred comes from a sick fantasy perception that the dems have created over the last 3 decades. It's sad.

"the left is the new KKK." .. KKK, slavery, oppression and Jim Crow laws >>>> all Democratic Party


Fact: The 14th Amendment, giving full citizenship to freed slaves, passed in 1868 with 94% Republican support and 0% Democrat support in congress. The 15th Amendment, giving freed slaves the right to vote, passed in 1870 with 100% Republican support and 0% Democrat support in congress.

Regardless of what has happened since then, shouldn't we be grateful to the Republicans for these Amendments to the Constitution? And shouldn't we remember which party stood for freedom and which party fiercely opposed it?

Fact: The Ku Klux Klan was originally and primarily an arm of the Southern Democratic Party. Its mission was to terrorize freed slaves and "ni**er-loving" (their words) Republicans who sympathized with them.

Why is this fact conveniently omitted in so many popular histories and depictions of the KKK, including PBS documentaries? Had the KKK been founded by Republicans, that fact would no doubt be repeated constantly on those shows.

A Short History of Democrats, Republicans, and Racism
Thank you for your correction. Let me clarify though, if the original KKK went after African Americans the new KKK is down with violence and persecution of whites.

Welcome to the USMB Slave2the$... pleased to meet you.. :thup:
20 million early votes are in, and ready to go on the books .. FBI can sell those new emails to Donnie and he can wipe his ass with them.

pretty much like everything else RW's run their mouth and pound their chest about, the new FBI emails will get blown straight up their poop chute...

Just like liberals to assume that all those votes are for their candidate. I wonder when the minorities are going to realize that white liberals are just taking them for a ride and nothing is getting better for them. I am thinking that will happe in 2016.
20 million early votes are in, and ready to go on the books .. FBI can sell those new emails to Donnie and he can wipe his ass with them.

pretty much like everything else RW's run their mouth and pound their chest about, the new FBI emails will get blown straight up their poop chute...

Just like liberals to assume that all those votes are for their candidate. I wonder when the minorities are going to realize that white liberals are just taking them for a ride and nothing is getting better for them. I am thinking that will happe in 2016.

I'd like to think so, but it seems unlikely. We'll see I guess.

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