It's Gone Hot: Texas Guard Defending Border Defying SCOTUS and Biden, More Razor Wire

Once people choose to ignore the SCOTUS, we are done as a nation of laws and freedom.

There is no chance of turning back now, once that door is opened, it will never be closed, all states will just start to ignore whatever rulings they do not like.

You people need to learn to be careful what you ask for.

xiden already opened that door on student loans. He's already started buying votes with my tax money.

Well in this case, it's the guy who leads a foreign invasion, and from America's highest office no less, to undermine America's own sovereignty.

That's Treason.
Yes. Treason is selling out your country to Another Country. It’s not two dozen buffalo bills making noise with no ability to overthrow squat
And Mike Johnson and GOP RINOs just sit with their thumbs up their butts not impeaching Biden. Traitors all, US Texas patriots.

Will China plant Biden succeed in getting Texas Guard and USBP to draw on each other and plunge us into civil war? Is this what we are going to let that old peedough do?

Border Patrol must disobey Biden illegal orders to violate US Constitution and resign. Bidens orders are to not uphold Art. 4. Article 4 sec. 4 "the United States SHALL protect each [state] against invasion."

Abbott should be arrested & thrown in jail.

Fuck him & the chair he rode in on.
You mean something like these?

No, not really. Your 2nd link (which you clearly did not even open) is about the eviction moratorium put into place by Trump and extended by Biden and once SCOTUS ruled against it it was over, the admin stopped enforcing it. There was no telling SCOTUS to fuck off like you all are saying should happen now.

In your first link, SCOTUS ruled that the Higher Education Relief Opportunities for Students Act, or HEROES Act, does not authorize the administration’s student loan forgiveness plan. Thus the admin is not using the HEROES Act for student loan forgiveness.

If you want the student loan ruling to be a good comparison then Texas would have to go "fine, you can take down the wire and we will put up concrete barriers behind it instead"
Breaking news.... Texas said nope
This is so exhilarating. Finally overplayed their hand in the wrong place. The idea that Texas cannot prevent persons from other nations entering the USA through Their State is ludicrous virtue signaling and is rightly and justly being ignored and in fact more wire up is taking place right now.!!!!!
To do so you would have to ditch the entire Constitution...but that seems to be what most of you want anyhow, so why the fuck not
Representation Is a Re-Presentation of Medieval Tyranny

No matter who interprets it, the ruling class's Constitution is an elitist manifesto that has been blocking the majority's freedom from its very beginning.

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