It's Gone Hot: Texas Guard Defending Border Defying SCOTUS and Biden, More Razor Wire

This is just another unpopular decision from SCOTUS.

This is much more than an unpopular opinion. It's a very, very big deal.

This asshole is undermining the very sovereignty of our country.

He's literally undermining one of the most fundamental pieces of the very fabric of our Republic here. And he's doing it in broad daylight, no less. He demonstrates no regard whatsoever for Article 4 sec. 4 or his oath to protect it.

He's literally thumbing his pointy little nose at it.

What he's doing is Treasonous by definition.
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SCOTUS is not God.
Weewee on the People

And the Constitution is not the Bible, though those who are brainwashed to support its elitist supremacy treat it the same way the Fundamentalists treat their own Higher Power screed. As with the Christofascists sects, each bossy group claims it has the right interpretation. That has gotten us nowhere, just like the supreme laws have frustrated our national drive from the beginning. Yet Constitution-bangers claim it is responsible for all we have achieved.
Once people choose to ignore the SCOTUS, we are done as a nation of laws and freedom.

There is no chance of turning back now, once that door is opened, it will never be closed, all states will just start to ignore whatever rulings they do not like.

You people need to learn to be careful what you ask for.
You mean like forgiving student loans after a ruling?
Abbott should be arrested & thrown in jail.

Fuck him & the chair he rode in on.
And Mike Johnson and GOP RINOs just sit with their thumbs up their butts not impeaching Biden. Traitors all, US Texas patriots.

Will China plant Biden succeed in getting Texas Guard and USBP to draw on each other and plunge us into civil war? Is this what we are going to let that old peedough do?

Border Patrol must disobey Biden illegal orders to violate US Constitution and resign. Bidens orders are to not uphold Art. 4. Article 4 sec. 4 "the United States SHALL protect each [state] against invasion."

Kirk is not at the border. He is safely at home like Tucker and all your other cocksucker talking heads.

Trump did the same thing. He called for a march on the Capitol Building, then went home like the fat fuck he is.
He's avoiding that like the plague

You're fckn stupid. Go away left loon
Not at all. These loan forgiveness are based on programs passed by Congress written explicitly to cancel student loan debt.

These programs have nothing to do with the prior SCOTUS case.

For example, someone working in public sector after 10 years gets their balance cancelled.

You should listen to me. Im better informed than you.
One could drown in bullshit.
Texas actions are effective.

This is about raising public awareness and resentment - loudly and clearly.

No one expects another civil war, and the Texas national guard isn't going to resist federal forces.

Its about making the country aware by showing the problems Biden created, generating awareness by sharing the problems.

And guess what? Its working.
They've made a habit of that and it undermines the entire system of checks and balances.
Congress turned over the control of currency to the private bank/fed in 1913, and in 2001 delegated war powers to the executive branch, and is ceding foreign policy to the UN. They have no function anymore except as spokespeople for the corporate deciders. Well, that and getting rich on misfortune.
No, not really. Your 2nd link (which you clearly did not even open)

Sorry smartass, if you bothered to read my link (which you clearly did not) you would have read this:

His reversal came after senior administration officials had said for a week that such a move would be fruitless and perhaps unlawful as a result of a Supreme Court ruling in June.
One striking part of Biden’s announcement was his candor that the policy might well be illegal.

He told the SC to go fuck themselves. Repeatedly.

But you're not whining when your guy does that. Funny that.

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