It’s January 23rd

And the GOP led House has not accomplished anything. Well done folks. Meanwhile the Democrats are unified and laughing in your face.

Ok, so nothing has changed. . . . The GOP is still filled with cowards and the left is as pernicious and destructive as ever.
But not sure what the democrats have to laugh about. . The joke is clearly on them.
And the GOP led House has not accomplished anything. Well done folks. Meanwhile the Democrats are unified and laughing in your face.

Where is the second link, showing somebody laughing at the Republican attempt to even deny key experienced Democrats to even have voice on key committees?
I am only 68 but do not remember a move like this in the past or remember the founding fathers assert this as the way this democratically elected representative republic was supposed to work. Are the Republican afraid to even have experienced members of the opposing party even representing now? Political hard ball or political cowardice and last ditch attempt at one party rule without opposition voice?
Where is the second link, showing somebody laughing at the Republican attempt to even deny key experienced Democrats to even have voice on key committees?
I am only 68 but do not remember a move like this in the past or remember the founding fathers assert this as the way this democratically elected representative republic was supposed to work. Are the Republican afraid to even have experienced members of the opposing party even representing now? Political hard ball or political cowardice and last ditch attempt at one party rule without opposition voice?
Dems threw MTG out of committees
Dems threw MTG out of committees
You think nut balls who believe in Jewish Israeli space lazers setting fires in California or kiddy prostitution rings run by opposition out of the basement of pizza parlor that doesn't have a basement was a bridge too far? Greene who thinks the Parkland shooting, which killed which killed 17 students and staff at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida, was a hoax? Greene, a Sandy Hook hoax supporter, "liked" claims Sandy Hook was staged also says, 9/11 “was done by our own government? She is not exactly the voice of rational thinking, is she?
I forget. Which committee was she chairman of, but suddenly unfit to even have a seat on?
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Ok, so nothing has changed. . . . The GOP is still filled with cowards and the left is as pernicious and destructive as ever.
But not sure what the democrats have to laugh about. . The joke is clearly on them.
The Enabler Party
And the GOP led House has not accomplished anything. Well done folks. Meanwhile the Democrats are unified and laughing in your face.

Have some patience.
The Republicans are waiting for their best guy to type up the plan.

You think nut balls who believe in Jewish Israeli space lazers setting fires in California or kiddy prostitution rings run by opposition out of the basement of pizza parlor that don't have basements was a bridge to far? Greene who thinks the Parkland shooting, which killed which killed 17 students and staff at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida, was a hoax? Greene, a Sandy Hook hoax supporter, "liked" claims Sandy Hook was staged also says, 9/11 “was done by our own government? She is not exactly the voice of rational thinking, is she?
I forget. Which committee was she chairman of, but suddenly unfit to even have a seat on?
Of course we have Potatohead's irrational thinking which is allowing million of Illegals to flood into the country, has destroyed American energy independence, stole an election, attempted a coup against Trump, destroyed the military, raised taxes, screwed up the withdrawal from Afghanistan and has given the county declining family income and massive inflation and that is a whole lot worse, don't you think?

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