It’s January 23rd

Where is the second link, showing somebody laughing at the Republican attempt to even deny key experienced Democrats to even have voice on key committees?
I am only 68 but do not remember a move like this in the past or remember the founding fathers assert this as the way this democratically elected representative republic was supposed to work. Are the Republican afraid to even have experienced members of the opposing party even representing now? Political hard ball or political cowardice and last ditch attempt at one party rule without opposition voice?
Fuck the DemonCraps!
You're's not the same...there was no reason to keep Jordan and Banks off the Committee other than Democrats being afraid that they would introduce testimony that would disrupt "the narrative".

This was your statement:

"Are the Republican afraid to even have experienced members of the opposing party even representing now?"

Apply that to the J6 Committee.

There are actually legitimate reasons to remove Swalwell and Schiff. You know it, I know it.

And the precedent was set by Pelosi.

Moving the goalpost to Jupiter changes nothing.

What goes comes around.

Infomercials don't have balance.
So you want another round of J6 investigations under new management? Sounds fine to me. Go ahead.
The time for you to have a genuine principled issue was when Pelosi did it.

But attempting to take the moral high ground now when SUDDENLY you have an "principled" issue...go pound sand.

There are genuine reasons to exclude Schiff and Swalwell.

If the Democrats had not have excluded the minorities chosen picks, you might have a leg to stand on.

But you don't.

Never ... ever seat Schiff or Swalwell.

We don't want to normalize lying and libeling a sitting president under the guise of confidential briefing materials...and we don't seat the consorts of Chinese spies on the Intelligence Committee...because we have common sense.
Can you post the financial aid that was assigned to EACH state.
You seem to know, you just claimed that ^^^^^^^.
Now back it up with some actual data.

Weird, you NEVER do, you ALWAYS just make lame fake claims.
Can you be different this time and post some data?
I'll work on that. You tell me exactly how the 47 billion to the Ukraine was used.
That infrastructure money was just financial aid to pension strapped Blue states. Nothing but a bail out of crime and corruption at the highest state levels.
Now, how about that data on your claim.
it's just another nothing burger.
Surprise me and post data to support your claim.
As opposed to compromised scumbags that sleep with Chinese whores like Swalwell? Or perhaps fools like Schiff who knowingly pushed through a phony impeachment? You folks are too much, without double standards you'd have none. Wow.
Kind avoiding everything about MTG after the OP brought her into the conversation, eh? Well, I guess there is really no defense of her, at that.
Trump had experience being President...why didn't you support him?
What are you talking about? He was never on a house or Senate committee in his life.
What are you talking about? He was never on a house or Senate committee in his life.
You said the reason Schiff should be seated on the Intelligence Comittee was because he had experience.

Using that logic, you should have supported Trump's presidential re-election...because he had experience as President.

You said the reason Schiff should be seated on the Intelligence Comittee was because he had experience.

Using that logic, you should have supported Trump's presidential re-election...because he had experience as President.

Failed experience does not get points in my book, but again, trump is not the topic.
Failed experience does not get points in my book, but again, trump is not the topic.
Then experience is not actually a qualifier for you.

Kinda defeats your argument, doesn't it?

Other than lying, what is Schiff a success at?

There are consequences...he doesn't get a seat on the Intelligence Committee.
Kind avoiding everything about MTG after the OP brought her into the conversation, eh? Well, I guess there is really no defense of her, at that.
All kinds of defense for MTG. She is not intimidated by other politicians or the media. That is why she bothers you.
All kinds of defense for MTG. She is not intimidated by other politicians or the media. That is why she bothers you.
No. She bothers me as she is nuts and in a position to effect the house or maybe should have said further infest the house with her crackpot way of thinking.
Of course we have Potatohead's irrational thinking which is allowing million of Illegals to flood into the country, has destroyed American energy independence, stole an election, attempted a coup against Trump, destroyed the military, raised taxes, screwed up the withdrawal from Afghanistan and has given the county declining family income and massive inflation and that is a whole lot worse, don't you think?
No, I don't think that.

What I do think is that you need to be tested for rabies quickly!
No. It is Washington, DC. Judging performance starts on Day 1. In this case, Day 1 through 7 were absolutely hilarious. :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:

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