It’s January 23rd

As I said, they've only been in office about two weeks. So, what happens when they get rid of Mayorkas? Biden appoints another Mayorkas and the dem senate approves and we're right back where we started from.
It shows negligence at the border and impact the 2024 election if people are paying attention
And the GOP led House has not accomplished anything. Well done folks. Meanwhile the Democrats are unified and laughing in your face.

They have Biden back tracking on his no negotiations claim on the debt ceiling.
Biden is hemorrhaging stolen classified documents, which the repo's will investigate, the dems are in panic mode. I heard today, that there could be hundreds, maybe thousands of classified documents from Biden's 50 year career.
Your article, so McCarthy plays Pelosi's move 'back at ya' like she did with the J6 charade and Jim Jordan and a couple other picks, were tossed from the committee......this will be fun.
They have Biden back tracking on his no negotiations claim on the debt ceiling.
Biden is hemorrhaging stolen classified documents, which the repo's will investigate, the dems are in panic mode. I heard today, that there could be hundreds, maybe thousands of classified documents from Biden's 50 year career.
Your article, so McCarthy plays Pelosi's move 'back at ya' like she did with the J6 charade and Jim Jordan and a couple other picks, were tossed from the committee......this will be fun.
Why hasn’t Mayorkas been impeached yet?
Why hasn’t Mayorkas been impeached yet?
They 're preparing to schedule hearings. Just think, if Mayorkas would be impeached, then it goes to the Senate.
Americans don't like what's happening to the border and the country. Just think of any of the Senators on both sides of the aisle up for reelection in 2024. Do they want to be linked to voting against a conviction? 33 seats are up for grabs, 23 are for dems
It will be fun to watch.
They 're preparing to schedule hearings. Just think, if Mayorkas would be impeached, then it goes to the Senate.
Americans don't like what's happening to the border and the country. Just think of any of the Senators on both sides of the aisle up for reelection in 2024. Do they want to be linked to voting against a conviction? 33 seats are up for grabs, 23 are for dems
It will be fun to watch.
I want the hearing and all the facts out in the open. People have a right to know how he let the country and our border agents down.
Do you think Swalwell who slept with a Chinese spy, Omar who said “some people did something” and wants the end of Israel, Schiff who lied multiple times about Trump and Russia and Ukraine should be on committees? The bar is set pretty low.
Maybe, but they seated Santos, so they will pretty much accept anybody, if they have an "R" by their name will take them into their hearts and welcome them to the club.
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What's crazier.....believing in space lasers and hoaxes or believing a man can be a woman by proclamation?
They all rate way up there in "Crazy Land". There are a lot of strange people with crazy theories and fantasies, not based too close to reality. I don't think it's too good, any being in positions of responsibility.
For good reason. She’s “space lazer” Krazy
The Prog voters who attack Jewish people in Prog city neighborhoods are the real enemies of Jews. And what is crazy is that Jewish people keep voting for it.
The Prog voters who attack Jewish people in Prog city neighborhoods are the real enemies of Jews. And what is crazy is that Jewish people keep voting for it.
WOW, the meme is that democrats keep blacks on the plantation, and jews in the getto.
Stalemate is a good thing for the middle class. ;)

Given that the American middle class is shrinking because of Republican policies, with more people falling back into poverty than are rising into wealth, a stalemate will just continue the Republican destruction of the working and middle classes to benefit the wealthy, that began under Reagan.
Maybe, but they seated Santos, so they will pretty my accept anybody, and if they have an "R" by their name will take them into their hearts and welcome them to the club.
On some no name committee. I am OK with the ones I listed sitting on no name committees.
Very orginal talking point you forgot the Hitler/Nazi comparsion it seems your dementia is catching up with Bidens.
She is probably just referring to the Bush Jr crash and the Trump crash in this century. I don't think she would have held it back if she thought Nazis were involved.
She is probably just referring to the Bush Jr crash and the Trump crash in this century. I don't think she would have held it back if she thought Nazis were involved.
Would that be the Bush crash that was cuased in large part due to bipartisan legislation that was passed in the Clinton Presidency that had banks giving out home loans to people who never should have gotten them? The Trump crash is that the one that was due to the shutting down of the economy because of covid which was the result of following the advice of the so called experts namely one Doctor Anthony Fauci? Which also was supported by both sides.
Would that be the Bush crash that was cuased in large part due to bipartisan legislation that was passed in the Clinton Presidency that had banks giving out home loans to people who never should have gotten them? The Trump crash is that the one that was due to the shutting down of the economy because of covid which was the result of following the advice of the so called experts namely one Doctor Anthony Fauci? Which also was supported by both sides.
No matter the cause, neither President prevented the crashes, so they get the credit. The president always owns the economy and nobody ever forgets who was in charge if it goes down the tubes, no matter the rationalizations.
Do you think Swalwell who slept with a Chinese spy, Omar who said “some people did something” and wants the end of Israel, Schiff who lied multiple times about Trump and Russia and Ukraine should be on committees? The bar is set pretty low.

Except that none of the things you claim has any real basis in fact, and completely ignores the fact that most of the Republicans on the Judiciary Committee and the "Weaponization of Oversight Committee" are all under federal investigation, and if they're not, they should be.

Swalwell's "relationship" with a Chinese spy ended the moment the FBI told him that she was a Russian spy. That entire story is a nothing burger, and certainly pales next to takes of Jared and his relationship with MBS, for which he was paid $2 billion by the Saudi's.

0r the known relationship between Paul Manafort and the guy in the middle of the senior FBI agent/Russian spy scandal. Or Rudy Guiliani and all those Russian spies he hangs out with. The guys who gave him "Hunter's Laptop".

As for Schiff, only in your dreams did he lie during the Trump impeachment.

Republicans now have their own Obstruction of Justice Committee with half their members being part of the January 6th Insurrection. Jordan refused to testify, under subpoena, to the January 6th Committee. Jordan should be prosecuted for failing to report student sexual abuse, in addition to January 6th.

How many people are going to take ANY of Jim Jordan's investigations seriously. He shouldn't even be chair of the committee, because he's not a lawyer and clearly can't stop breaking it. Good luck with those subpoenas, Jim.

Matt Gaetz has been caught dating underage girls. MTG has threatened other members of the House. Paul Gosar's family begged people not to vote for him. All of them asked Donald Trump for pardons.

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