It’s January 23rd

So you agree we have a border crisis. Why do many on the left disagree in your opinion? Why hasn’t the new House addressed it yet?
Hell yes, I agree. You had me on ignore or something?

You would have to ask somebody on the left, but I wouldn't care. I already know I am right on this. The border situation and immigration policy and laws totally blows.

The new house can barely manage itself, with the weak leadership it has. This ain't Iron Balls, Highly Effective Nancy, running that shitshow, or anybody of near the competence. This is McCarthy, who never did it before, hasn't figured out what he is doing, or what the 16 to 19 will let him do, without firing his ass. You are about 42, and by now experienced and intelligent enough to recognize a train wreck, ungovernable, disjointed, piece of sht House with untried inexperienced, weak leadership, when you see it. The American people do not trust that crowd either. That is why they gave the Senate to the Democrats.

You're a nice guy and all, but don't wake up each morning for the next two years expecting effective governance and change from that bunch. It will be a daily disappointment. In case you haven't thought of it, up the amount of hard cold cash, you keep (not in bank accounts) for emergency. They may give us one by September if they decide to default on US debt to get their way and there is just no telling what they might do, with the leadership or lack there of, they are operating with.
They could get increased border security or change in handling of illegal immigrants caught at border if they would accept amnesty for longstanding illegal immigrants.

This is called compromise and it’s how the government used to function when we had elected officials who weren’t batshit lunatics like the Republicans elect.
The Democrats don’t believe there is a crisis hey would they agree to increased security for something that doesn’t exist? So only the Republicans elect lunatics? I see.
Hell yes, I agree. You had me on ignore or something?

You would have to ask somebody on the left, but I wouldn't care. I already know I am right on this. The border situation and immigration policy and laws totally blows.

The new house can barely manage itself, with the weak leadership it has. This ain't Iron Balls, Highly Effective Nancy, running that shitshow, or anybody of near the competence. This is McCarthy, who never did it before, hasn't figured out what he is doing, or what the 16 to 19 will let him do, without firing his ass. You are about 42, and by now experienced and intelligent enough to recognize a train wreck, ungovernable, disjointed, piece of sht House with untried inexperienced, weak leadership, when you see it. The American people do not trust that crowd either. That is why they gave the Senate to the Democrats.

You're a nice guy and all, but don't wake up each morning for the next two years expecting effective governance and change from that bunch. It will be a daily disappointment. In case you haven't thought of it, up the amount of hard cold cash, you keep (not in bank accounts) for emergency. They may give us one by September if they decide to default on US debt to get their way and there is just no telling what they might do, with the leadership or lack there of, they are operating with.
Great times ahead!
The Democrats don’t believe there is a crisis hey would they agree to increased security for something that doesn’t exist? So only the Republicans elect lunatics? I see.
I don’t think you understand the concept of compromise.

Like a lot of Republicans.
Great times ahead!
That the ticket! Show the stuff you're made of! Look forward with confidence, to the best, while quietly planning to handle the worst and move forward with confidence in your ability to persevere and advance no matter what, and then Make It Happen. Then, you won't be AzogtheDefiler but AzogtheConqueror, and your children's children will bless your name!
Agreed. You don’t think. Point is any reasonable human would see there is a border crisis. So you disagree? Compromise LOL.
Your “point” is irrelevant.

Compromise is what you do when you don’t agree on something. The fact you don’t get this is unsurprising. The modern Republican Party is a total joke and practically incapable of governing.
Your “point” is irrelevant.

Compromise is what you do when you don’t agree on something. The fact you don’t get this is unsurprising. The modern Republican Party is a total joke and practically incapable of governing.
Yeah. You sound like a true unbiased compromiser. Do you or do you not agree we have a border crisis and the new GOP led House has done zero to help since taking power?
Yeah. You sound like a true unbiased compromiser. Do you or do you not agree we have a border crisis and the new GOP led House has done zero to help since taking power?
I never claimed to be unbiased. Compromise is what you do when you have two groups who have their own biases and disagree.

The current GOP thinks compromise is evil. That’s why they won’t get anything done. Until you understand that, there’s nothing to talk about.
I never claimed to be unbiased. Compromise is what you do when you have two groups who have their own biases and disagree.

The current GOP thinks compromise is evil. That’s why they won’t get anything done. Until you understand that, there’s nothing to talk about.
You didn’t answer my question. Is there or is there not a border crisis?

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